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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 61 KB, 576x757, engineer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4498432 No.4498432 [Reply] [Original]

Which field of engineering will get me the best salary?

>> No.4498435


>> No.4498441

Any particular reason why?

>> No.4498443
File: 38 KB, 604x443, FAGGS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4498446
File: 25 KB, 300x417, GayPrideFlagRaising.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4498452


>> No.4498455

Bitch, study whatever the fuck you like.

But in my country at least, Engineering physicists and Aeronautical engineers get the highest starter salary.

>> No.4498459


>> No.4498464
File: 191 KB, 800x1045, 1332074883842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the best field of engineering in terms of what you do?

>> No.4498465

Whichever one you get, you won't get paid shit until you get your P.E.

THAT'S when you start raking in the cash. Just because of that little stamp you are awarded.

>> No.4498468
File: 463 KB, 450x185, Obama makes it rain.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Civil. Gubmint's practically giving money away these days.

>> No.4498469

>implying men like sucking cock

>> No.4498474

In regards to OP's pic: I knew an Army Engineer that fought in the Pacific Theater in WWII. Dude went on afterwards to get his Ph.D. and work at Westinghouse. Really awesome cool old dude that told me a lot of stories.

I kinda miss that old guy. He was really neat.

>> No.4498476
File: 19 KB, 363x480, untitled (8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying government hasn't always given away money

Have you like under a rock for the past 100 years?

>> No.4498480

I will probably end up doing Mechatronic engineering, but it concerns me that I don't know a lot about career paths from it. I've also noticed Mechatronics is never meantioned in those salary comparison charts.

>> No.4498482
File: 41 KB, 700x459, 1281127180417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Misses the old man who used to touch him as a child

Sure is engineering in here

>> No.4498495
File: 23 KB, 318x400, Andrew Jackson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100 years is not "always."

>> No.4498511

mechatronic engineering is typically mechanical engineering with a focus on systems.

>> No.4498516

So, I've been away for a while, is engineering the new biology?
As in, "I hate engineering because all these other posts hate engineering!"

>> No.4498520
File: 119 KB, 500x330, Dethklok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But, do you really want to revert to the ideas of 100years ago? I guess we kinda already are right?

No Unions, No women's rights! Great job america! I can't wait until we abolish the minimum wage and allow children to work 12 hours days! Then we can deregulate everything and all become sick off food and water! Awesome!

I sure hope we get more republicans in office, I wanna see how much we can screw ourselves over! Yah!

>> No.4498522

just one or two faggots that home in on engineering threads and shit them up.

i'm pretty sure that the faggot in this thread is the same one who always posts all the shitty gay engineer jokes in joke threads.

>> No.4498526

From what I've gathered petroleum engineering seems to be the best, yeah?

>> No.4498528

If you mean "engineering is the easy popular major" that requires little skill or thought, then yes!

>> No.4498531


If you want to have an obsolete degree in 20 years sure.

>> No.4498536

These memes really are too much for you

>> No.4498540

>My degree is so much harder and useful because I'm a sophomore in Physics!
I heard Starbucks is hiring.

>> No.4498547

It's been probably a year or more since I've been on here.

>> No.4498563

Alright so OP here. If I follow my heart and do mechatronics, should I do a double degree in another subject? If so which one? Chemical engineering would be cool and I'm good at chemistry, but should I be aiming for a more 'social' degree like management? I am ideally aiming to be in a job where I manage a design team or manage other engineers like a boss.

Also, how relevant is a mechatronic engineer to mining? Where I live there is a large coal industry, and I have been awarded with a mining scholarship already etc. From what they told me it seems like someone with a mechatronics degree could manage both the mechanical and electrical equipment. What do you think the 'best' (high wage, interesting, practical etc) job is that I could get with a mecha degree, inside or outside the mining industry? Sifting through google to find such broad information can be a bit cumbersome, so I was hoping you'd be able to give me some pointers here /sci/.

>> No.4498572

Engineering is NOT science. The closest to an engineering board we have right now is >>>/diy/

>> No.4498585

Biology is the new engineering afaik.

>> No.4498592

If you're good and you go to a top five program, electrical will get you rich. On the other hand, don't bother doing EE at a 2nd or 3rd tier school. You won't learn enough and you'll up doing grunt work for real engineers.

Be warned though, it is easily the hardest engineering discipline.

>> No.4498593

>define: engineering

>­ The branch of science and technology concerned with the design, building, and use of engines, machines, and structures.

>> No.4498594

If you want to be a manager, get an mba or engineering management degree

>> No.4498597

>Be warned though, it is easily the hardest engineering discipline.
coming from someone in EE i bet.

>> No.4498599

Doing engineering for money? You might as well just work as a welder instead. You'll make more money.

>> No.4498603

That's a pretty broad stroke, learning FEA and CFD is more challenging than say circuit design or power line design. On the other hand, RF definatley earns the name black magic.

>> No.4498611

Pretty sure engineering physics is harder.

>> No.4498613

the hilarious part is that this is true.

a welding or metal working job will pay more than the majority of entry level engineering jobs.

>> No.4498618

>>4498599 work as a welder instead
Yup. Which is why I pointed out above that you won't start making anything worth writing home about until you earn your P.E. Then and only then will your schooling pay off.

>> No.4498622

What's a P.E?
And that's odd, engineers definitely make more in Europe. America, what are you doing?

>> No.4498634

P.E. stands for "Professional Engineer". It's your license to practice your profession. It takes years of study under another P.E. after you graduate to even be able to sit for the test.

>> No.4498637

I see, thanks for clarifying. Odd, don't have that here I don't think.

>> No.4498642

Yeah, if you're not a Civ or a large project manager; PE is not really mandatory.

>> No.4498648

>>4498637 don't have P.E.'s here
You have to. Or at least some form of it. In every state and territory in the US, they are called P.E.'s, other nations may call it something else though. Still, if your nation doesn't, and if you have pimply-faced 21 year-olds straight out of college signing off on engineering blue-prints just because they have a Bachelor's degree, no wonder the rest of the world is even worse shape than America right now.

>> No.4498658

>no wonder the rest of the world is even worse shape than America right now.
Free education, much better economy, less poverty, free healthcare, you can¨'t get sued over coffee being too hot at McD.
Are you serious?

And like in other jobs you don't give tasks person X is unqualified to do, you give them to someone who is qualified.

>> No.4498665

>Free education
>free healthcare
it's free if you're poor and/or don't pay taxes, otherwise it's far from free.

now your retardation and blatant trolling aside, every country has some sort of licensure for engineers. just because you aren't aware of it in your country doesn't mean that it doesn't exist.

>> No.4498672

>it's free if you're poor and/or don't pay taxes, otherwise it's far from free.
Yeah, that would be too good to be true, right? Well, it is awfully true in more than one country.

>> No.4498677

yes, i'm sure some countries figured out how to magically generate money without making your currency more worthless than zimbabwe dollars and are using it to offer free education and healthcare.

for your sake i sincerely hope you are still underage, because people like you shouldn't be allowed to vote.