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4489260 No.4489260 [Reply] [Original]

What up /sci/ , just thought you should know - a US senate just passed an Anti-Evolution bill, forcing teachers to present creationism in an equally valued way to evolution.


Also, teachers can be reprimanded / disciplined for not presenting the arguments equally.

Teachers are going to be getting punished for not teaching lies at the same level / equally as facts.


>> No.4489263

>posts this while america is asleep

>> No.4489266


doesnt matter when I post it, just wanted to get the word out my friend.

>> No.4489273

Those murricans, they're such retards.

You guys should concentrate more on killing off your south than on starting wars in Asia. It would do the world good.

>> No.4489274


are we surprised? they already passed a "Don't say gay" bill to keep teachers from even acknowledging that homosexuality exists.

the south does not matter.

>> No.4489275

>word out to everyone who has no influence as they don't live there

>> No.4489282


Not OP here:

It doesn't matter whether the potential readers have any say in the US legislation. This is still an important issue, cause if a first world country willfully acts against scientific and cultural progress, other's should know. Wouldn't you like to know if, say, Canada suddenly passed a Free Housing and Huge Social Money for Muslims bill?

>> No.4489285


Its part of America and America's national image, surely that matters?

Just like people outside the US had no influence on SOPA....oh wait

>> No.4489298

no they didn't

american internet companies that the world uses influenced SOPA

>> No.4489299

>would i like to know about canad

no lol, are u crazy?

>> No.4489302

>Its part of America and America's national image, surely that matters?

america barely know the rest of the world exists unless it's at war with it.

>> No.4489308


Anyone with 5 brain cells will be able to tell which one is logical, and which one isn't. Nothing of value is lost, except the morons who would have believed Creationism to begin with.

>> No.4489312

biology shows us that creationist have the full complement of brain cells. so something else is going on.

>> No.4489313

>a hard science

>> No.4489317


Regarding the south, probably 90% of what you see on TV is just uninformed bullshit - at least when applied to the somewhat industrialized areas. Granted, 90-95% of the people around me are Christian...so never mind. "My people" aren't really the level of stupid painted by TV, but they are stupid nonetheless.

Don't get me wrong, northern America is pretty fucking shitty too. Hell, now that I think about it, the average person just fucking blows; it has little to do with where they are from. The locations are fine, the people are the problem.

And religion on equal footing with science...what the fuck?! Don't these people have church for that shit? Why don't we just make science illegal and redefine science as starting with the axioms of the fucking Bible? Too many people who know too little about science have too much stake in anything to do with humanity. They must be stopped.

>> No.4489318

lol so biology isnt a hard science anymore? you just went full retard anon.

>> No.4489321

>implying biology ever was a hard science

>> No.4489323

>a science

Maybe you fucks are right, but can you seriously even pretend for 5 seconds that it is a fucking science

>> No.4489325


>> No.4489326


>> No.4489334


Tennessee isn't the whole south.

And implying that one's stance on gays decides whether they matter...it seems you're a bit queer.

>> No.4489339

i'm as queer as they come

>> No.4489340


It takes more than that.

If a teacher is biased towards creationism, they will make the lesson biased as well. Then the kid doesn't get the full picture which clearly shows what's true and what's bullshit.

Also, those are kids. If you tell them about many possibilities, they won't really choose the right one following reason. They might like the magic or something.

>> No.4489345

No'one expects anything from Tennessee as it is. But I do agree this is a problem In the sense that it shows us the damage Republicans can actually incur on the educational system. Another great example of religions ability to undermine any attempt at academic ally bettering youth.

>> No.4489342

you sure aint getting a paper publish if you maintain this kind of retarded opinions


>> No.4489348
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>mfw I'm studying physics in Nashville

>> No.4489368

So, Republican genocide? It would raise the average American intellect by a good margin.

Well, then we'd need to go after the benefit-leaching liberals. And the gays, at least the flamboyant ones because honestly, they are fucking annoying. And wipe out Boston, the dirty south, Tennessee, New Jersey, and Hollywood. And everyone painfully attached to a sports team they have nothing to do with. Then depressed people, because what the fuck - they're wastes of space. OMG THIS WON'T END UNTIL THERE'S ONLY ME!!


>> No.4489383

Is this not violating the first amendment?

>Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion

This shit in Tennessee does just that.

>> No.4489386

every time some state does this the supreme court throws it out a few years later

>> No.4489390

Student: "But what about -creationist belief-"
Teacher: "That's a nice point anon. Moving on.."

I hope this is what happens.

>> No.4489392

Sometimes the Supreme court doesn't get around to prosecuting something. It can only be brought before court if someone is making the case against it. Thus we have laws still on the books in several states banning atheists from running for public office.

Also not surprising OP, Tennessee is the amongst the most backwards states in the Union. They are openly discriminatory to the LGBT community (I believe they have a law making open discussion of being gay in school settings a crime, I know that there is legal protection for bullying gays and trans people).

>> No.4489511


>> No.4489529

Sure. I think Kitzmiller vs Dover sorted it out.
So it is just up to parents to sue for a few million each and the law will change.

>> No.4489537

Hopefully Obamo will veto it

>> No.4489570


Next you'll be telling us that all engineers don't suck cock. Face it kid, you're wrong.

>> No.4489572

Goddamn the South is ass-backwards

>> No.4489729

But I am an engineer and I don't suck cock.

Exception to the rule.

>> No.4490178

Americans are so fucking stupid. I wish all American IPs could be banned from this site. It would reduce the number of shitposters to almost zero

>> No.4490407

Awesome! If I were a Tennessee teacher, I would of course give equal time to ALL creation myths. And I mean ALL several hundred of them. After all, it would be my legal obligation!

>> No.4490415

You are just an ignorant racist.
MOOT and most of the moderators are American.
Americans have the worlds best universities, the most powerful military on the planet, and a thriving economy.
They are no where near as stupid as your racist mind perceives.

>> No.4490421

I agree with this and always have. Only possible compromise to get evolution safely taught in schools.

>> No.4490426


>> No.4490483

You do not the bill does not, in any way; shape; or form, require teachers to present creationism as an alternative to evolution right?

>> No.4490490

I never thought I would see the day. American here. Time to get the fuck out of here.

>> No.4490746

There are plenty of places in America where this kind of shit would never fly. You just need to stay out of states where retards are the majority like Tennessee.

>> No.4490823

I'm from Tennessee.
>The south is ass-backwards.

That said, this is nothing new. When i was in high school biology class 20 years ago, my teacher actually said that evolution was wrong, but he had to teach it anyway because of state laws. All this bill does is formalize what fuckwit creationist loonies have been doing all along.

>> No.4490901
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well shit...
Good thing i have guns, ammunition, and money stockpiled. Who else here wants to make a colony in Australia or Africa? Africa may have a nicer environment but we would have to shoot any locals we come across. Australia is a bit more civilized however i dont think we would go unnoticed by there government for long.

Time to go. Anyone with me?

>> No.4492429

>You do not the bill does not
... but yo' mama does.

>> No.4492432

>US Senate just passed an
>Tennessee Senate

>> No.4492508

My AP Bio teacher had to do this. He was pissed about it. His solution was to hand out a worksheet—he said we could do it if we wanted. Pretty much everyone just tossed it in the trash. We spent the rest of the class doing regular work. Mr. Cohen was the best. That was in 2004 in Washington state.

>> No.4492516
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>> No.4492700
File: 484 KB, 953x541, 1305937657940.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be sad Americans. Just think about the kind of tests those kids will get for creationism...

How did human life arise according to creationism?

According to creationism, how did the universe begin?

How do we know that biblical creation is true?
>Because it says so in the bible
Why should we trust the bible?
>Because the bible is the infallible word of god.
How do we know that the bible is the infallible word of god?
>Because it says to in the bible
Why should we trust the bible?
>Because the bible is the infallible word of god.

I don't know how those kids are going to stop laughing at creationism after they're done with this.

>> No.4492722

Jesus man....
Look i'm a devout christian, in fact i hold the title of reverend, but I'm also a physics major, and even I understand that the bible has no place in a classroom.
>science is the study of observable phenomena
>creationism and the bible suggests an un-observable creator
>science is fact based
>creationism is faith based
>creationism does not contradict evolution, simply says that somebody put it in motion
>stupid christians who have no understanding think everything just *poof*ed into existence and make us all look bad when they deny proven science.

>> No.4492741

I wonder if that is real.

>> No.4492758

>bible and old testament and shit
>only record of jesus and god and the entire religion
>don't take it seriously, all just an allegory


>> No.4492765

but see thats the thing, we could debate this till the cows come home, but it no way would it be a scientific discussion, and would have no place in a classroom.
>faith based
>if it could be outright proven it wouldn't require faith

>> No.4492767

What a backwards and decaying nation.

>> No.4492772


ur a smart dude. so grow a pair and set fire to ur desert scribblings

>> No.4492776

I am often made sad that I live there. The decay of scientific pursuit in the United States is rather worrying given the population and previous scientific achievement. It seems that the religious fundies are winning because they can say that their sky man is angry with us for following science and has forsaken our economy and therefore it is the fault of scientific pursuit that things suck right now. I am not certain how often such claims are made by the fundamentalists, but it seems in line with what the few I have interacted with would actually believe.

>> No.4492788

it gives me a moral code to live by,
gives me hope when I'm struggling to push on.
it encourages me to love everybody no matter what they've done or who they are.

You know man I dont think i will, see here's the thing:
even if God doesn't exist, I'd still rather be a christian. whats the worst that can happen? I get to the end of my life look back and say to myself "God damn it i wish i hadn't helped all those people, showed love to all the people, and i wish i had just stayed depressed rather than believe in something more." Cause in the end, if there is no afterlife, if i just go quietly into the dark, I'll do it with peace this way, not scared, and with no regrets, you know?

I feel that my philosophy there has no relation to my scientific studies though, and vice versa.

science cant study God because he is immeasurable, and faith can be brought into science because faith has no basis in fact, by definition.

they are two separate entities that should never be taught in correlation to one another.
evolution is fact, a belief that something supernatural started it all, is faith.

>> No.4492791

faith cant*, sheesh i cant type tonight

>> No.4492799


watch these 2 hitchens debates. under 3 hours and your life will forever change:



>> No.4492805

This is very related to this thread, but I doubt anyone will watch it because it's pretty long.

But you should. Just ignore that there is a religious thing for the first 20 seconds.


>> No.4492811

PS you can just jump to about 6:20 if you don't care about the intro talking about his lab and who he is.

>> No.4492827

Already watched it.

>implying religious people are religious because of logical reasons and can thus be convinced that their ideas aren't logical

>> No.4492830

all ive learned so far is that i hate turek. he's citing evidenc thats proven wrong in his OPENING statements. im scared for him.

>> No.4492844
File: 133 KB, 425x522, 1332420911829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw I am a high school teacher in Tennessee and I plan on spending an entire day teaching about the World Turtle.