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4482780 No.4482780 [Reply] [Original]

What would happen if a black hole collided with an anti-matter black hole?

>> No.4482782

Something no mere mortal can concieve..

>> No.4482785


>> No.4482786

Does it even matter what form of energy a black hole has consumed to acquire its mass? Wouldn't a black hole that accreted from normal matter be identical to a black hole accreted from anti-matter?

>> No.4482807

>anti-matter black hole

Black holes are no longer made of baryonic matter. "antimatter" black hole is a paradox.

The atoms are torn apart, probably past the quarks, so charge doesn't matter at all. Antimatter is just reverse-charged matter, but there's no charge involved in a black hole because all the matter occupies a single point.

>> No.4482805

dark matters

>> No.4482810

Am I right /sci/? Wouldn't absolutely nothing happen? Afterall, energy is energy.

>> No.4482811

We'd need a quantum gravity model for a real answer, but current thought is that matter and antimatter black holes would be indistinguishable. If they were to collide, the result would be a bigger black hole.

>> No.4482818

"Antimatter black hole" is not a paradox. It's a black hole which was formed with and has collected antimatter as its main source of mass.

>> No.4482819

>there's no charge involved in a black hole because all the matter occupies a single point.
Scientific American said a black hole could be, for lack of a better word, destroyed by feeding it a large amount of like charges. The article said that the repulsion of the like charges could overcome the influence of gravity.

>> No.4482823

Well if you define an anti-matter black hole as a black hole simply formed from anti-matter then he is saying that an anti-matter black hole is identical to a matter black hole because the particles are torn down to their most basic parts.

>> No.4482830

what would happen if a black hole made of lava crashed into a black hole made out of water?

but seriously, black holes tear matter apart, so there's no difference between normal and anti anymore

>> No.4482843

I know that.

>> No.4482845

what about the spin of the particles? Does that become nullfied?

>> No.4482847

Just checking. :P

>> No.4482857
File: 27 KB, 551x549, conspiracy-keanu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if antimatter black holes are white holes,
and we just didn't know about it?

>> No.4482862

Black holes scramble quantum states.

Also, may I ask why everyone is always so curious about spin?

>> No.4482868

Idiocy aside, what is a white hole exactly? From the little I've heard for pop-sci documentaries it sounds like "lol, what if black holes were actually holes, and what if the other end of a hole was like a black hole, but not a black hole... like... a white hole, man!".

>> No.4482874

>Black holes scramble quantum states.
I can't take that statement seriously unless you give some details. What in the world do you mean by "scramble"? They destroy the particles information?

>> No.4482877

It is the exit hole from a hypothetical wormhole.

>> No.4482880

This was a recent a complex question, and it hasn't been resolved completely. But Hawking conceded a bet on it, and decided that black holes don't destroy the information that falls into them. But it's still "scrambled" in a sense when it comes back out as radiation.


>> No.4482884

Without a quantum theory of gravity that is not true, as far as we know GR has no limit so the black hole could not be "destroyed".

>> No.4482886

Oh dear /sci/. Ok so despite what some people want you to believe charge is a conserved property of black holes. If a BH "formed" by antimatter met one formed by matter they would form a a single BH with surface area slightly greater than the sum of the first two, and with zero net charge (assuming they were equally and oppositely charged initially). Linear and angular momentum of the holes would also be conserved in the collision.

>> No.4482887

>exit of a wormhole
That doesn't fit my idea of what a wormhole is. There shouldn't be a direction to a wormhole such that things only enter in one end and only exit the other. It's just alternate path through space.

>> No.4482895
File: 39 KB, 400x456, 1326440402527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying a black hole is composed by matter

>> No.4482901

Perhaps "scramble" was a poor choice of words. How about this alternative answer.
>The particle as we know it ceases to exist but the "information" of its state is saved as fluctuations on the Black Hole's surface.

If I'm wrong about the information being "saved as fluctuations on the Black Hole's surface" then just replace that portion of the answer with "saved as the radiation the black hole emits".

>> No.4482904
File: 17 KB, 256x352, link3vj4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying that you have any idea what this could lead to.

>> No.4482930

GR is an odd shorthand version of gravity.

Perhaps the original singuarlity wouldn't be affected, but the increasing charge of the black hole would eventually keep like charges from entering the singularity.

Then again, once past the event horizon fields wouldn't be able to propagate out away from the singularity, so the charges pass the event horizon wouldn't be able to affect particles even the slightest distance further away from the singularity.

My intuition isn't very good at this. :\

>> No.4482936

No, I think Batman was right in his implication that a black hole is not composed of matter, though he did express that point rather dickishly.

>> No.4482952

GR is short for general relativity.
Anything inside a black hole can not wove out or even stay still, everything moves towards the singularity. There is a quantum theory of electromagnetism so it has a limit at small scales, gravity does not.

>> No.4482986

>A Journey into a Black Hole
Very interesting explanation of what it's like to enter a black hole.

>> No.4482988

Implying it's even possible to "enter" a black hole

>> No.4482993

This thread has been pretty good. Please don't ruin it with pointless trolling.

>> No.4484162


>> No.4484176

Holy crap all this undergraduate bullshit about black holes and singularities.

1. The singularity is a mathematical construct for mathematical modeling of black holes;
2. black holes are nothing more than dead stars with surface gravity so high light can't escape; they are essentially planets made of radioactive material left from dead stars

You retards successfully ate all the shit that science fiction created about black holes. You are all legally retarded.

>> No.4484190


>> No.4484194

Would rage again.

>> No.4484223

I'm not genius, but from what I've read, if wormholes exist and black holes are the entrance that nothing can exit from, white holes are the exits that nothing can enter.

>> No.4484250

anti-matter black holes can't exist, because they would attract matter, and it would cancel anti-matter out.

inb4: but what if...


we actually that is answered easily by that being squared takes more energy and energy seeks the way... well fuck that just stop these stupid questions.

Also google for the nutjobs that ask this kind of crap.

>> No.4484256


>> No.4484262

Black holes are formed by enough energy to warp space and time so severely that those conditions occur.

matter and antimatter are both energy, so when they combine the energy does not annihilate it only transforms, but it would still be contained in the black hole as none of it can escape.

So it would just result in a larger black hole.

>> No.4484268
File: 490 KB, 449x401, Girls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying annihilation born photons could escape the black hole
>implying photons don't exhibit a gravitational field

>> No.4484292

>implying a bunch of college dropouts who think they're hot shit know the answer.

>> No.4484904

no-hair theorem... there's no distinction. even with spin foam/string models, it's just a typical merge event.

>> No.4484910

>implying all super-massive black holes weren't caused by the matter/anti-matter collisions at the beginning of the universe.

>> No.4485021

>from what I've read
You read the wrong stuff.
Black holes are not entrances or exits.
They are a piece of space so warped it literally turns back in on itself, cutting it off from the rest of space-time.
You can't go in, and you can't get out.

If you tried to get in, you'd be turned into pure physical 'information' upon hitting the event horizon, because you cease to exist in any other way to the universe's perspective.

If you tried to get out, you would end up reenacting a Twilight Zone episode as you walk away from the house only to end up walking back to it, and going sideways does the same thing, except you just don't get further or closer to the house.

You exist in space, and space is what the black hole has warped.
You can't get in or out even with Culture technology; that's how fucking broken black holes are.

>tl;dr nerf singularities plz

>> No.4485035

I could count on two hands the number of people on /sci/ who are in college/university.