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4479288 No.4479288 [Reply] [Original]

Alright guys.

Op here from this thread:

So, after consuming 1 tab of acid at 3:00 am sunday morning, napping for two hours, taking two more tabs at 5 or 6 am, then eating 2 grams of mushrooms at noon hour roughly, I can say sofar that this is one awesome fucking sunday.

I have extreme amounts of euphoria and energy, and the sort of mental focus that I want to place this energy into something good.

What I mean is I just cleaned the living fuck out of my greasy ass apartment all the while having ideas about how to 'improve' this world (obviously my own ideas of improvement could be worse to others) in it's faulty areas.

Something words cannot describe.

I highly recommend trying acid and mushrooms combined to individuals of sound mental health (not prone to conditions like schizophrenia) who have prior experience with psychedelics.

>> No.4479293

Where are my table, graph and hypotheses?

>> No.4479312

>doing drugs
>filled me with ideas about improving the world
>gave me the energy and focus to achieve anything

>so I cleaned my apartment
>and posted on /sci/

>> No.4479321

Not yet at least. Wait 3 days, otherwise you won't get much effect. The tolerance of LSD also affects psilocybin.

>> No.4479348

Gotta start somewhere man.
Lol dude, I just fucking wish there was a machine that could express thoughts and feelings and ideas from an individuals consciousness into real life, but for now, you just have to try what I'm trying in order for me to describe it.

>> No.4479393

Oh, so if I want evidence of string theory I have to try and be a minuscule vibrating string myself? How convenient.

>> No.4479395
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>> No.4479397


You're billions of miniscule vibrating strings.

>> No.4479427

Well, I never said anything about absolutes, concrete truths, etc
All I'm getting at is that I'm having an awesome time while getting important shit done, and I think you could too.
And shit, $20 for two tabs, $10 for two grams of caps, and a whole day of bliss, I'd say it's pretty convenient.

>> No.4479492

Ohhhh, so I'm already strings? Then why don't I believe in your little "string geuss", eh? See, your logic eats itself.

How the fuck did you get two tabs for $20? Man, I need to find someone who can get me LSD (Britfag, so you probably can't help me. Plus, I think I know a guy who knows a guy).

>> No.4479514

Op here (Canadafag).
$10 a tab is standard price where I'm from.

>> No.4479517

>>1 tab of acid at 3:00 am sunday morning, napping for two hours, taking two more tabs at 5 or 6 am, then eating 2 grams of mushrooms at noon hour roughly

What are you, some kind of stupid man

Serotonergic psychedelics cause a temporary but profoundly rapid physiological tolerance. Any psychedelic ingested 3-4 hours after the original dose is essentially useless unless ingested in extremely large quantities.

>> No.4479519
File: 1.88 MB, 2048x1536, wut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you use your newfound powers to explain to me what's going on in this picture please?

>> No.4479520


I was assuming string theory is right.

>> No.4479528


>$10 for two grams of caps

What kind of incredible utopia do you live in

$35 per eighth here

>> No.4479523


stay at /b/

>> No.4479548

Actually that's not as cheap as I thought, I didn't realise CAD were £0.67; $20 is only about £13 and I think can get 2 tabs for £20.

Back to drugs, how would you rate MDMA? I know a guy for that too.
Well to be fair, I don't really understand it very well, but I do like the concept. It's very interesting.

>> No.4479561

Looks to me like several small crystals of muscovite. Some quartz crystals too.

Not sure what the big black part in the centre is, shape is wrong to be garnet, may just be a hole in the rock sample, turning it in polarised light would let you know about that.

Judging from the muscovite density and orientation i would guess this is some sort of low to medium graines meta-sedimentary rock.

>> No.4479589

holy. shit. i did not expect anything close to a valid answer. the petrology is extremely strong in you. you've pretty much hit the nail on the head. it's a thin section early on in a traverse across the scottish highlands, and is indeed load grade metapelite. my guess on the opaque (extinct in ppl) is that it's pyrite, but i'm not positive though. there was one porphyroblast of what appeared to be pyrite in the corresponding hand sample.

>> No.4479597


Clearly psychedelics have made him into an unstoppable logic-conquering machine to be reckoned with.

>> No.4479601

Good to know for later uses, thanks
I believe it can be useful for therapeutic practices to a certain extent, and that it's fun.
But I don't feel it's something people should do often.

>> No.4479613


MDMA makes me poop myself in infinite glory of other human beings and my surroundings in general.

>> No.4479621

Im not actually OP, i was just called that from a prior thread and forgot to change it when i replied here.

Yeah i studied geology for 3 years at uni, just happened to be reading this thread and was seeing if i could help.

The black thing seems to be to big to be a pyrite given the realtive temperature and pressure of the rock.

If it just stays black in xpl and normal light even when turned, its just a hole in the section.

Do you study geology in Scotland?
I did my course at the University of Glasgow.

>> No.4479640

Real op here, I wouldn't have guessed that haha.

>> No.4479663

well like i said it's low grade metapelite. i didn't think it was a hole in the sample as it seems like some of the minerals around it are reacting and curving around it. my pyrite query is because there was a porphyroblast large enough to be seen with the naked eye in the hand sample that had a metallic luster, yellow/gold coloration, and square habit. couldn't see any striations on it, but i'm fairly sure it's hardness coincided with that of pyrite (someone else tested it). i haven't yet placed all the samples in p/t space (working on ternarys now) in the petrogenetic grid we've been given to use, i'll give you an estimated absolute temperature when i do. i'll defer to your knowledge of the area though since you studied there.
i'm not in scotland, but i do study geology. one of our professors went to some sort of conference out there a while back and brought back a bunch of samples that we are now investigating for a graduate level metamorphic petrology course.

>> No.4479689

Well, now you fucked your brain chemistry, chump.
Good luck with your Alzheimers.

>> No.4479703


A link between serotonergic psychedelics and Alzheimers is laughable

u troll me

>> No.4479747

okay it's from the southern highlands group, and i believe it's in the 520-480 degrees celcius range and the 2-3 kilobar range if that makes any difference.

>> No.4479770

ah ok, guess it is a pyrite then. Is it from the dalradian complex? Thats what i had to do a huge stratigraphy lab project on. Be glad you don't study geology here, all the rocks for field mapping are in remote wet places and are completely fucked up in orientation and age.

>> No.4479808

yup, dalradian supergroup. thankfully have not had to do any huge stratigraphy projects that involved extensive field work. i study in new england so field time is limited by snow. we have limited outcrop exposure, and my field methods class was tick infested. still, this discipline is awesome and oh so much fun.

>> No.4479858

Im quietly quite impressed with myself for working that out.

>> No.4479884

i'm impressed anyone else on /sci/ was able to identify a thin section from a picture and work out what rock type it was.