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4472905 No.4472905 [Reply] [Original]

Why do I get embarrassed? What is the evolutionary reasoning for this?

Pic unrelated

>> No.4472918

learn to think outside of evolution.

>> No.4472919

Imo it's kind of like getting scared, except more related to mating. If you get scared of something like the dark, you are more likely to stay inside and be safe, and therefore you are less likely to get killed.

If you are embarrassed of doing foolish things, then you will be less likely to do things that might turn potential mates away. Therefore, the "embarrassment gene" or whatever you want to refer to it as would propagate more frequently.

>> No.4472920

To prevent you from passing on your defective genes.

>> No.4473339

its the result of sexual selection


also google "beta male evolution"
good shit, 1st page

do you "feel" embarassed, or do you just know that you should "act" embarassed?
is there a difference? nope. enjoy your alpha male actualization.

>> No.4473344 [DELETED] 

What's the point in balding?

>> No.4473361

why bald? why hair?

more hair? more ape.
technology (clothes) made hair redundant.
use the tool, love the tool.

>> No.4473365

You're making stupid threads to ask trivial questions about evolutionary psychology, which you clearly have put zero effort into understanding, so apparently you don't get embarrassed, OP.

>> No.4473367
File: 8 KB, 225x225, sadfrog17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I stop feeling embarrassed?


>> No.4473383

kill yourself, or do science.
take notes about what precedes feelings of embarrassment.
these are triggers systematically eliminate them.

also, physical activity.
when society tells you to feel like shit you can:
1. know society is arbitrary, dont internalize their values, or
2. conform, internalize the approval of others

you should 2. because you are a weak person. good luck!

>> No.4473391

What is the evolutionary reason for foreskin?

>> No.4473393
File: 109 KB, 390x477, sadfrog18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I know the triggers, how do I eliminate the feel then?
And how do I internalize the approval of others when I never got approval of others?


>> No.4473398 [DELETED] 

Hit them with a stick with a nail in it. Worked for me.

>> No.4473420

feels better, jiz faster.
more jiz, more humans.

avoid triggers.
just run your scared fagass away from them.
or pick one and tear its asshole apart.
just incremental and dont selfpunish when the going gets tough.
good luck! (with the suicide)

>> No.4473421
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>> No.4473427

> evolutionary reasoning
> reasoning

Fuck, here we go.

>> No.4473432
File: 78 KB, 666x968, sadfrog19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do I do when going outside is already a trigger for embarrassment?
I am too scared of suicide btw.


>> No.4473438


If your genes were defective then how are you here?

>> No.4473441
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>> No.4473448

get a dog
it will force you to go outside
bitches love puppies, instant convo.

reconsider suicide, you might have a natural knack for it!

>> No.4473451 [DELETED] 

> OP has social anxiety
> OP avoids triggers
> OP becomes a hermit

>> No.4473467
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Oh god, that's terrible.

>> No.4473465
File: 65 KB, 680x736, sadfrog20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't deal with animals. I don't understand their behaviour, just like I don't understand human behaviour.

I am already some kind of hermit. It doesn't feel good.


>> No.4473470 [DELETED] 

When do you plan slitting their throats?
Or have you done so already?

>> No.4473472


you need more exposure
you need to have the motivation to conquer your fears

its fine to be afraid and uncomfortable...get exposed to it until it doesn't bother u

>> No.4473474

get yourself committed
zero rent, free food, safe environments.

whadayagotolose? your pride? niggaplease.

>> No.4473476 [DELETED] 

That's my point..it's not a good answer

>> No.4473481
File: 53 KB, 680x510, sadfrog21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know,. But how do I gain the motivation to overcome my fears?
And how do I get the exposure without negative effects for the rest of my life?

What do you mean by committed?


>> No.4473486 [DELETED] 

Do an evening class or something. Join a running club.
I wish I could take my own advice..

>> No.4473491
File: 20 KB, 638x547, sadfrog22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can an evening class help me? In the evening I become tired which makes social interaction even harder. In the morning on the other hand I am too full of fears.


>> No.4473498 [DELETED] 

It's all social interaction, a class forces you to talk with people. Plus they all have a common interest, otherwise they wouldn't be there so that would make it easier.

..& exercise will help with your lethargy.

>> No.4473501

See a psychiatrist, get some anxiolytics. If the pschiatrist doesn't work out, and you live in America, you can get aniracetam with no scrip.

Not only does aniracetam have anxiolytic effects, but it has cognitive improving effects as well.


But I stil reccommend the psychiatrist first, because he/she will be able to get you some more potent ones.

>> No.4473506
File: 18 KB, 312x247, sadfrog26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My classes don't force me to talk at all. I sit there silently and no one notices me. Then I go home, cry and post on 4chan.

I have seen more than one psychiatrist and I am taking benzos. My problems are still getting worse. Since I don't live in america, I cannot buy aniracetam.


>> No.4473508

call a helpline. tell sad stories.
ask "my options?"
are you 8?

you cant trust your intuitions man.
you gotta put yourself on a path to fail hard, fast.
tomorrow or in 2o yrs. when you wanna do this?

i recommend suicide as a callforhelp.
they will commit you and pill you.
this is best. im srs.

>> No.4473511

And nothing any of those psychsts. did helped?

>> No.4473514
File: 167 KB, 407x254, sadfrog29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where I live, there are no helplines and I am not feeling suicidal right now.
When I was a teenager and in psychiatric treatment, I was committed for announcing suicidal thoughts. They weren't able to help me.

No. My problems persist. The older I get, the stronger is my suffering.


>> No.4473515 [DELETED] 

Medication isn't always a good thing. I know of someone who has major anxiety problems. He went to the doctor, got prescribed medication, got worse, got prescribed more medication on top, & so on & so on.
He can't even go outside without getting panic attacks now.
Medication is a temporary patch but the underlying causes still exist until they're addressed.

>> No.4473517


i know that feel, im not embarrassed by talking but i always feel im saying the wrong thing..and that makes me a very quiet and awkward person.

4chan does not help with lurk more replies lol, writing is a lot easier though.

>> No.4473522

i really think you should kill yourself.

>> No.4473529
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I was told that medication is only a short time solution. Yet I still can't go outside without medication. Otherwise I have instant panic attacks. It has been nearly 10 years now.

I don't know what to say in social situations. Normally I have no problem with talking as long as it stays formal, like asking a question that has an objective answer. Small talk on the other hand is something I don't understand.


>> No.4473543


holy ineptitude. i know that feel.

i can work in a professional fashion but personal interaction is ridiculous.


maybe you need people with similar interests and long thoughtful pauses between sentences.

maybe a pipe.

>> No.4473546 [DELETED] 

How old are you & what stuff interests you?

>> No.4473552
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I am already studying what interests me. Sadly most of the people there are younger and way too social. I don't understand I don't like them.
Yes, what I need are intellectual persons. I haven't found any outside of 4chan yet.

I am 22. Most formal stuff interests me, especially science and math. That's why I'm here.


>> No.4473562


just talk to everybody that you can.. being nice is easy.


etc, etc

but what if they want moar?

you have to understand why you dont like them.

>> No.4473570
File: 135 KB, 736x721, sadfrog35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The "hey, hi" is easy. But then? What am I supposed to talk about?
Oh and why I don't like most people? Because they are non-intellectual. They are interested in what I consider irrelevant, while they lack formal education or at least don't talk about formal topics. I don't understand their behaviour and they generally seem more like aliens or animals than humans to me.


>> No.4473575

Go to bed, Sheldon.

>> No.4473583
File: 143 KB, 1000x984, sadfrog61.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I was like Sheldon. He doesn't seem to care about feels.


>> No.4473591


well media is a great starting point.

what films a person likes, music, vidya.. although asking that after hi is not the best solution.

neither is asking where they live.

sometimes hey and hi are enough to get somebody to initiate conversation with you.

patience is key to being stuck up.

>> No.4473599
File: 113 KB, 399x388, sadfrog47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's exactly the problem. I am not interested in media or similar stuff. I don't watch tv, I don't listen to music and I don't play vidya games. I simply don't care about these things. When people ask me "what is your favorite ....", I simply don't have an answer and I fear that I seem weird to them.


>> No.4473601

>won't make an effort to relate to others
>wonders why he has no friends

>> No.4473606
File: 86 KB, 528x521, sadfrog4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But how can I relate to others? Why are there no other people like me who prefer rationality over inane and void banalities?


>> No.4473607


well enjoy 4chan then.

the reason i dont communicate is because fear of god.

beat that.. robots will be robots

bicentennial man

>> No.4473613 [DELETED] 

The thing is, only you can change you. You need to get interacting no matter how excruciating it is. How much worse would it be than how you feel now?
If people take the piss, they're not worth bothering with, so walk away, take a deep breath & move on to other people.
The more you do it, the better you'll become at it.
Everyone is nervous when meeting new people, except the truly stupid.

>> No.4473619
File: 18 KB, 724x588, sadfrog12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I enjoy anything while I'm suffering?

Where (other than 4chan) can I find people that might share my way of thinking?


>> No.4473631


well if we knew that then we would not be having this conversation.

usually if you look back far enough you will find a point were you were "normal"

we dont want to get Freudian so loosen up.. i guess you have to do things you dont like..yet.
or dont understand yet.

>> No.4473632
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Comedy gold, jerry. Comedy gold!

>> No.4473637



grammer police

>> No.4473640

It's hard dragging yourself out of it but if you don't, you're just going to stay there.
You need to make an effort or nothing will change.

Just try new things, you might be surprised that you like them, if not try something else. Experience new & different things & you'll become more interesting because you'll have more to talk about.

>> No.4473645

*Grammar police.

Which technically is a fragment, and should be rewritten to include a subject.

E.g. I am the grammar police.

>> No.4473646
File: 91 KB, 777x738, sadfrog16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't find any point where I was normal. When I look back I see that I always was abnormal.
What uncomfortable activity is promising to yield the highest probability of success regarding making friends who are (under the given circumstances) optimally intellectual?

What should I try?


>> No.4473653


what do you want?

>> No.4473656

Try anything, like music, learning a language at night school, rock climbing ... anything.
It's got to be better than what you're doing now hasn't it?

>> No.4473659
File: 58 KB, 251x239, sadfrog5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to experience positive feels.

Where can I find a list of such activities?


>> No.4473673


well its clear your not telling me, so let me tell you.

usually what you think you are missing that will make you happy.. is not the thing that is missing.

im not happy without the car of my dreams.

unfortunately i love driving and dat feel so in my case the analogy is wrong.

but you get what im saying.

i know that its not the lack of car thats not to my liking.

its the lack of means to ever get the car.

disappointment is complex.

>> No.4473677
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What is it then what I'm lacking? How can I find out?


>> No.4473680


idiop you have legs

..i also already own a car

and thats the end of jedi training

>> No.4473683


>> No.4473956
File: 137 KB, 525x410, fuck it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read this thread
>realize I'm a grown ass man with no friends or plans for friday night

Just when I was on the outskirts of give a fuck, you pulled me right back in you faggot.

>> No.4473968
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I'm sorry,.


>> No.4473979
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you haven't yet hit bottom

just. let. go.

>> No.4473983


Alright nigger. You best be trolling. You are the whiniest bitch, I've ever seen.

This is no ad hominem, this is a fact. I always see this sad frog shit and every time you get advice you just talk about all the shit that won't work.

You have two options.

>Fuck your feelings, get the fuck over it. Go do the shit you want to do and stop worrying about what might happen. Instead, worry about what doesn't happen whenever you sit on your fucking computer complaining on 4chan all day long.

>Option 2: Fucking kill yourself you pathetic piece of shit.
Sure is aspies today. fuck this. i'm out.

>> No.4473998
File: 19 KB, 397x386, sadfrog14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know I'm pathetic. Your "ad hominem" is justified. I hate and despise myself more than any other person could do.
I just can't manage to follow your option 1. I cannot bring up the motivation to change anything. The fears are too strong.


>> No.4474007

It makes you conform to society. Humans got to the top of the food chain by working together, there's tons of little mechanisms built in that "penalise" you for not being part of the group or accepted by it. Next time you either try harder or try to find a different group to fit into.

Balding is a sign of maturity. In prehistoric times bald men signified wisdom. Nowadays the pursuit of eternal youth changed overall societal perceptions faster than evolution works.

Protection or whatever. Also, pleasure to have us try for sex more actively. One of the two, science isn't exactly sure which.

Any further questions?

>> No.4474195

If you can't learn to answer your own questions you'll be lost on your own.

Every single one of your hypothetical questions has very easy answers, very very easy, you're just not even trying.

How about actually trying before feeling sad about something, huh?

Also, you sound like you have autism, that's probably a huge part of your problem, autists are fucking weird and stick out like a sore thumb.