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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 16 KB, 1034x346, mathfagstold.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4469407 No.4469407 [Reply] [Original]

I heard a very insightful thing today from one of my superivsors at university, regarding the difference between maths and physics:

"A mathematician decides on the rules of the game, and then plays it. A physicist plays the game, trying to find out the rules."


>pic semi related

>> No.4469439


>> No.4469442

Why do people keep making edits of this image?

>> No.4469446
File: 103 KB, 500x383, 2640841226_a87796a574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4469454

Undergrad physics major detected.

>> No.4469459


Yes, that is true

>> No.4469464 [DELETED] 

I hate that picture and I hate XKcancerD.

>> No.4469467
File: 23 KB, 450x338, ohu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my field of studies is better than yours

>implying they aren't all equally useful

OP is homosex.

>> No.4469470 [DELETED] 


There is no difference between a PhD in "hard" sciences and a PhD in social sciences.

>> No.4469475

Unless it's psychology or sociology.
Then you have a PhD in Pseudoscience

>> No.4469481

>what is sociological methodology

Way to prove your incompetence when discussing this topic.

>> No.4469480

>implying that means it's less useful

This seems accurate to me. It's ok, i'm a math student so i'm allowed to say that without being careerist.

>> No.4469485


>> No.4469486

>"A mathematician decides on the rules of the game, and then plays it. A physicist plays the game, trying to find out the rules."
What a lame way of putting it. Here's a better a way:
A physicist studies our world, a mathematician studies all possible worlds.

>> No.4469489

I see your chart doesn't extend far enough to the right to take Engineers on board.

Anyway, we're far too busy having careers, making a difference and earning a fucktonne of cash.

>> No.4469494

I think the first way was better.

>> No.4469495

>Anyway, we're far too busy sucking cock
Fix'd it for you.

>> No.4469499 [DELETED] 
File: 44 KB, 340x583, le-fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is there always that one guy who has to belittle social sciences without knowing anything about them?

>> No.4469500

Actually, my undergrad was maths, though my PhD is in mathematical physics

>> No.4469501

Isn't this the paradigm on /sci/?

>> No.4469510

does a PhD in economics equate to a PhD in sociology? Economics is a lot more mathematical than sociology and still uses the same methodology.

>> No.4469512 [DELETED] 

Yes, they are all equal. PhD is PhD, no matter what subject.

>> No.4469518

All subjects in Academia are important you pleb. We're all working to further human knowledge together.

>> No.4469525


>> No.4469532

In usefulness, you're correct.

Difficulty in achievement however? That's where that statement goes out the window.

>> No.4469534

I have a question /sci/ a question so stupid that I can't make a thread about it so instead, I'll ask it in this stupid thread. How do I find a % of a %? Example
33% are threads are retarded.
15% of those threads have useful information somewhere in them. How many retarded threads have useful information? (srs)

>> No.4469536

Because they actually know about them, but think they're nonsense.

>> No.4469537


Son, you learn this when you're like 12 in europe, get on our level

>> No.4469538 [DELETED] 



>> No.4469542 [DELETED] 

>difficulty of achievement

A PhD in psychology or sociology is even harder work than a PhD in physics. I think you have no idea how hard social sciences are. You should take a course in them.

>> No.4469543


>> No.4469549

I know a girl who got a degree in sociology.

Now she's a CIA agent but tells everyone she travels around the country to teach the TSA at airports about the latest protocols and technology. She works for Lockheed Martin.

Explain that shit /sci/

>> No.4469566


>CIA agent
>Works for Lockheed Martin

Pick one

>> No.4469569

>Lockheed Martin
>Hiring sociology majors
Pick one

>> No.4469573

Ok how do I find the percent compared to original. Going back to original,
50% retarded thread
33% useful info in said retarded thread
What's the percentage of useful info in retarded thread over all threads.

>> No.4469589

>>4469486 A physicist studies our world, a mathematician studies all possible worlds.

You're using the word possible incorrectly.

>> No.4469590 [DELETED] 

You're using the word incorrectly incorrectly.

>> No.4469608

How so?