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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4460457 No.4460457 [Reply] [Original]

Show me your best integrals /sci/.

>> No.4460469 [DELETED] 

<div class="math">\int_{\int_{\int_{\int_{\int}^{\int}}^{\int_{\int}^{\int}}}^{\int_{\int_{\int}^{\int}}^{\int}}}^{\in
t_{\int_{\int}^{\int}}^{\int_{\int}^{\int}}} \int \mathrm{d} \int</div>

>> No.4460474

<span class="math">∱∳∲[/spoiler]

>> No.4460477

<span class="math"> \Gamma(z) = \displaystyle \int_0^\infty e^{-t}t^{z-1}dt [/spoiler]

>> No.4460481

<div class="math">\displaystyle\int e^{x^{2}} dx</div>

>> No.4460483

<div class="math">\displaystyle \int dx</div>

>> No.4460484

<div class="math">\int_{\int_{\int_{\int_{\int_{\int_{\int}^{\int}}^{\int_{\int}^{\int}}}^{\int_{\int_{\int}^{\int}}^{

>> No.4460485

<div class="math">\int_0^{2\pi}e^{\cos\theta}\cos(n\theta-\sin\theta)d\theta = \frac{2\pi}{n!}</div>

>> No.4460489

<div class="math">\int_0^{\infty}e^{ikx}dx</div>

>> No.4460491

Just curious, how would you go about evaluating that? That's an interesting result.

>> No.4460494


I see your integral, and I approximate it with Simpson's rule

>> No.4460496

is that half a delta function? I've only seen that over all R.

>> No.4460498

It might be something he pulled out of his ass... are those brackets all in the right places?

>> No.4460504

lets see you faggots do this
<div class="math">\int_0^\pi \log\left( 1-2\alpha \cos x + \alpha^2 \right) \mathrm{d} x</div>

>> No.4460513

What's alpha represent?

>> No.4460515
File: 25 KB, 480x360, 1311759468635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4460526

wtf, I just checked that in MATLAB - it works up to at least N = 20...

>> No.4460529

<div class="math">\int_0^{\infty}e^{ikx}dx=\pi\delta(k)+\frac{i}{k},</div>
where <span class="math">\frac{i}{k}[/spoiler] is defined in a sense of Cauchy principal value

>> No.4460531

>lol you're confused by notation you've not encountered yet
Is it a variable?

>> No.4460546

<span class="math">2\pi\ln\alpha[/spoiler]
I looked it up though, I remember seeing it on a math contest I took a year or two ago. Pretty clever ways of doing it.

>> No.4460557


is that log base ten or natural log

>> No.4460560


>> No.4460582

It's crystal clear that it is a constant.
The natural logarithm is really the only interesting one so why mention any other?

>> No.4460611


I understand why it's safe to assume that log means the natural log in higher level math, but why not just use ln?

>> No.4460668

>how would you go about evaluating that?
You extend it into the complex plane and do some complex analysis. Can't remember the details.

>> No.4460674

Oh god that sounds like a bitch.

>> No.4460677

looks like a Fourier transform of the Heaviside/step function