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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4457086 No.4457086 [Reply] [Original]

So I was talking to a friend and an idea came up that was absolutely fascinating to me. It was the idea of a cyclic closed universe that seemed like an open universe. It was described by putting a 2d universe on a 3d sphere. The "suppose that" was that the amount of matter existant on the outmost surface of the sphere was directly correlated to the density of matter necessary to form a black hole. As the universe continued to expand, black holes would eventually come into existence and matter would begin to fall in towards the center of the sphere. Eventually matter would become more and more sparse and less and less existent on the outmost surface of the sphere that it would come down to the last particle which according to the "suppose that" would satisfy the density requirements and form its own black hole, beginning it's fall inward to the center of the universe. At this point no more matter would exist and as such the requirement for forming a black hole would be zero, causing the universe to collapse, driving all the matter falling into the universe to a single point like a massively powered atom smasher causing the matter to annihilate into energy and restart the universe. I'm curious if such an idea could be a viable theory about the universe or not.

>> No.4457124

>As the universe continued to expand, black holes would eventually come into existence and matter would begin to fall in towards the center of the sphere.
>continued to expand
>black holes would eventually come into existence

>At this point no more matter would exist and as such the requirement for forming a black hole would be zero, causing the universe to collapse.
>no more matter would exist
>requirement for forming a black hole would be zero

Holy fuck, dude. You totally nailed this, You should submit this to the Journal of Highschool Stoner Faggots with only a Superficial Understanding of Physics (J. HiStoFagSUP). Don't forget to cite your dealer and the brand of weed you used in your theoretical research..

>> No.4457131

I'll just go ahead and take that massively sarcastic remark as a no. Given the whole thing was based on a "suppose that" and the idea here was to take the base idea of the possibility of a closed universe acting like an open one and determine if it was possible. But hey, I forgot this was still 4chan even though it was /sci/ and I was stupidly hoping for some civilized answers from a board that I thought would at least have some civility. My mistake.

>> No.4457134

Sorry, dunno.

>> No.4457171
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>> No.4457179

Oh come on. You come up with a hypothesis (what you call a "suppose that") that completely ignores basic physics. If you can't even be bothered to check the basics of your own ideas, then you shouldn't expect others to take them seriously.

Your post amounts to "hey, I had this idea, can you guys check it for me so I don't have to".

Now, unless you can explain how expansion would possibly cause the formation of black holes, I'm sticking with my original theory that you just pulled random shit out of your arse and tried to pass it off as scientific theory.