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File: 72 KB, 415x599, 415px-RobertLaSardo2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4445931 No.4445931 [Reply] [Original]

>Be Organic Chemistry Major
>Look like tattoo'd ex-con
>everyone thinks I'm dumb, get B's with out studying

Anyone else like this? I'm the only guy in all of my classes who doesn't look like a science major or a nerd. I don't relate well since they seem to be intimated or disinterested in talking to me.

>pic related, I have this many tattoos

>> No.4445939

Nobody is going to hire you with tattoos OP.

>> No.4445940

You're gonna make a good actor in gay porn.

>> No.4445942

Long sleeve shirt.

>> No.4445945

you posted this before. no one gives a shit about your attention whoring self being able to do well in an introductory level college class. it's about as impressive as doing well in high school.

>> No.4445947

why did i remember you from last year, holy shit

>> No.4445953

I too remember this masturbation thread

>> No.4445957

>Majoring in Organic chemistry
>Have Tattoos

OP is a meth dealer

>> No.4445968

>have tattoos

Pick one. Seriously, why would anyone do something so stupid?

>> No.4445979

I'm sure he will quiet down or fade away when he actually gets to some decent upper division chem courses.

There's a reason why you don't see overly tattoo'd chemists. I'm pretty sure there's a correlation between idiocy and how many tattoo's you own.

>> No.4445989

>Posting similar thread a year ago
>Haters hating
You spend too much time here if I offended your fragile egos.
I was actually but quit when I got on financial aid. didnt need easy money any more, got free money from the guberment
Because I like the look.

>> No.4446011

>Because I like the look
I like looking naked, but you don't see me strut in my birthday suit in the [ watering hole ]

>> No.4446009

senior physics major here. same boat, sorta. i felt that way before i really tried to connect with my classmates two years ago. took a while, but i have made good friends.

tattoos and what not won't hurt you if you present yourself professionally and don't ask like a twat. im rocking a decent research assistant position right now. no worries.

>> No.4446006

I've seen a heavily tattoo'd doctor. Intelligent people can prefer the 'tough guy' look.

>> No.4446130


>Getting Bs
>Pretending not dumb, just not trying

>> No.4446147

funny story, my ochem prof was a younger dude who had a lot of tattoos, he was a pretty cool guy. to this day he's one of my favorite teachers ever.

>> No.4446154


I actually don't think it's the fact of that tattoo's that erked me about you. I'm pretty sure it was this comment.

>everyone thinks I'm dumb, get B's with out studying

This is not a sign of a good student or researcher. I've met plenty of people that have said this during university studies and they always change majors midway or flunk out entirely. You can really tell a student that's going to make it far by how much effort they put into their studies.

>> No.4446176

>back in highschool
>play WoW TBC hardcore
>usually up to 3 a.m raidan
>barely sleep most school nights
>sometimes didn't go to school because I felt my time was better spent sleeping in next morning
>sometimes sleep during class, if not, usually red eyed as fuck
>eventually didn't really care about how I looked, hair grew shoulder length, started not shaving
>still getting 90s

>> No.4446189

>Bragging about highschool grades
Please, highschool is an absolute joke. It does a shit ton of harm when people think they can coast through college with talent like they did highschool and then get massively assraped by the course.

>> No.4446200

some can, but most fail at it. i know 2 people who are coasting trough university, chemEs, they graduate in a couple of months.

>> No.4446206

Anecdotal evidence isnt really evidence, the great majority of people fail horribly when they think they can "coast" through it.

>> No.4446224

Lazy, fat neckbeard pieces of shit like you give a bad name to people who are actually intelligent.

>> No.4446234

>Please, highschool is an absolute joke. It does a shit ton of harm
Oh, then please explain to us an alternative:
you need to outline all core topics,
practice study and learning skills,
impress upon them roles, self-direction, self-control, self-discipline and self-improvement,
all while they are going through puberty,
in a densely social environment.

You go ahead and explain to me that _high school_ is the problem here.

>> No.4446236

As do I. OP is still a faggot. Didn't he say he sold drugs last time as well?

>> No.4446238

OP, your problem likely has more to do with your social skills than your tattoos. Every first impression I've had of a classmate based off of their appearance usually went away once they demonstrated good social skills/intelligence.

I doubt anyone truly thinks you're too much of a badass to talk to.

>> No.4446248

Education isnt my area of expertise, but you dont have to be an expert to see that somethings bad, much like you dont have to be a good artist to spot shit art.

>> No.4446256

Having tattoos doesn't make you a criminal or a meathead. I hate how there are so many threads on this board of people asking for life advice because they aren't confident enough to ignore what people think and just do things their own way. That being said, everyone talking shit to the OP can go fuck themselves.

>> No.4446257

>Attend university that is ranked in top 15 chemistry graduate programs
>Be an econ major w/ chemistry minor
>Earn bonafide 100% in second semester organic chemistry
U jelly, OP?

>> No.4446263

Nice, OP.

I am in Chemical Engineering.
>Have 8 tattoos, visible ones are a star behind my ear and my Mario Mushrooms on each elbow (1up, Growth)
>The only one who is Marine bound or even has the slightest interest in the military.
> Exercising is my hobby, so is studying.
>Study every fucking day. I don't care if I already know it, I will write it down and rewrite it the day before a test.
>Be the only mixed woman. (White, Black, Native American), besides my hair I do put off a middle eastern vibe, so I've been told.
>From the ghetto of California and now in the ghetto of Pennsylvania.

Some people look at me as though I am lost. I don't care though, mistakes were made in the past, I am here today to rectify them.

To those saying it is stupid to join the military, it will help in my ultimate goal of working for the government and a military background will earn me security clearance that I would otherwise not be able to receive.

What I can say, is no matter who you are, keep on pushing through, you live this life for yourself and don't let anyone.... anyone... bring you down.

>> No.4446277

can't you not get certain gov jobs if you have any tattoos?

>> No.4446287

He's a hepatitis-addled freak who isn't interesting in any "government jobs" other than food stamps, which he can trade for meth ingredients.

>> No.4446289


Not OP and not joining the military, but I share some of your feels. I study every day (engineering major), exercise often, ride motorcycle, read poetry, and am currently self-teaching my third language. I'm surprised I didn't join the military, to be honest, but I've come to value self-discipline so much that it's alienated me from a lot of my peers.

>> No.4446292

omg gurll preach on ur lyk so inspiring wow ur story chang my lyf

>> No.4446293

Well, you ignored the much stronger issue, the one that is clearly the problem:
we have to teach youthful people.

these are people who, all their twelve years of life, have been taught mostly to play and be silly and that dependence is expected and okay.
Then, within 5-8 years, convert them to beings who are independent, self-guided, self-motivated, responsible, and see their own actions, behavior and plans in the long-term.
Even worse, recently decades society has impressed on them that they should _also_ be entertained at all times, that everything they do is magnificent, everything is about hedonism, greed, and bluster.
And we're doing this during their adolescence, puberty, and their most social behaviors are being explored.

The problem isn't that high school doesn't expect very much -- it's that we have to do it to them at a very difficult time.

The good thing about the transition past high school is that colleges vary; of course one might be too hard for some. That's why college reputations still might mean something. Not everyone admitted should graduate.

>> No.4446305


My tattoo behind my ear needs one more laser procedure before it is completely removed.

Other than that, to get a decent government job you have to be active within the community from basically the start of high school and be very professional.

Yeah, the self-discipline part of you will go a long way. Good job on the third language though; I am thinking about learning Arabic or German.

Sorry, I am used to /fit/ where there are a lot of motivation threads. I guess I was caught up in the feels.

>> No.4446312


Aerospace engineer major with sleeve tattoos who interns at Lockheed here.

I was in the Army for 10 years before I went to school and it was totally acceptable to have tattoos...That being said I prob wouldn't do it over again but I haven't had any issues so far

>> No.4446316


How old were you when you went to school?

>> No.4446336

I'm 31 and in my final semester

>> No.4446344

>mfw you're clearly retarded
>mfw you're an excellent example of how academic success barely correlates with intelligence

>> No.4446375

you're not even in chemical engineering yet. you're in a community college.

>> No.4446401

OP, if you're under 50; I have news.

Nothing that has happened in your life justifies an excess of ink.
That being an opinion; let me finish by stating I do not agree with the hiring problem and hope you find legal employment in the field of your choice.

>> No.4446410

This story never gets old.
>still bragging about a B

I really hope you're a troll

>> No.4446415

Employers ask if you have tattoos.

>> No.4446418


>attention whore gets tattoos
>attention whores on the internet

OP, from what I know about you, you kind of suck. It's little wonder you can't relate to those of us who aren't chimp-tier attention whores.

>> No.4447950
File: 9 KB, 308x264, faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying Blackman wouln't be proud of a B
>implying Blackman even passed his orgo exam