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4441561 No.4441561 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw we are just millions of millions atoms moving (electrons) randomly

Life clearly has no meaning. Why do we live ? Why ?

>> No.4441626

It's fun to live.

>> No.4441629


>> No.4441635

And this, I realize I may not have free will in the general sense, but hey...if my future is predetermined, then I see no reason for it not to be determined as awesome. Maybe i'm meant to be great and do great things. Next time you can't get the courage to do something, just think about the fact that maybe you're destined to do it and it can't happen any other way.

>> No.4441638
File: 93 KB, 576x576, act like it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reproduction is your purpose, just think how unrobust our bodies are, we evolved sentience to overcome a rather shitty gene carry device that no longer improves through evolution.

>> No.4441642
File: 351 KB, 1366x768, 133075951335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asshatery aside, we continue to live for the inherent beauty of everything that is and the hope of understanding why it exists.

>> No.4441641

>Life clearly has no meaning.
Not so.
Whatever meaning or purpose you apply to something is decided by you, or by other humans.
The meaning to your own life can be whatever you decide it to be.

>> No.4441665

>life has no meaning

LOL always with the fucking Christians of the heart, singing their woes and lost lullabies into the corpse of God who once raped their imbecilic assholes with "meaning".

As if the beasts of the world (and what are we but a class of SUPER-BEAST?) had a need for METAPHYSICAL VALUES, as opposed to the ones given by their physiology. And by physiology we also include the vast curiosities and lusts of our minds, the desire to possess the universe in our minds or as much of it as possible.

>> No.4441681


Look another Christian imbecile who, to mock an entire state of existence PRIOR to their faggotry, seeks to act as a JESTER and pantomine a METAPHYSICAL IMPERATIVE (TO REPRODUCE) onto acts that proceeded WITHOUT THE SLIGHTEST ACKNOWLEDGEMENT FOR THAT IMPERATIVE, that were done as the result of primal drives and pleasures without regard for that imperative.

>> No.4441688

We spontaneously formed from pristine matter. I wouldn't call that live.

>> No.4441701

This. As a sentient being you live to discover the foundation physical reality is built upon.

>> No.4441730

You live to worship Allah. You know it.

>> No.4441735

worship my ass

>> No.4441739

And stop insulting.

>> No.4441747

Who's Allah?

>> No.4441750

The universe itself is sentient. It does not want to die so it created living things to invent a way to reverse entropy. That's what living things are, entities that can locally decrease entropy. the most evolved species is thus one that can decrease its entropy and its surrounding entropy for the longest time.

>> No.4441769

the god of muslim people

>> No.4441770

The fact that every action we take is caused by something which happened at the sub atomic level should be evidence that everything we do has meaning. Every decision we make has purpose and direction due to the guidance of a deterministic universe.

For life to have no meaning, things would have to happen randomly and spontaneously without the direction of reason.

>> No.4441778


To get dubs

>> No.4441782

So... I live to worship a god that isn't mine?

>> No.4441788

you chose to deny him. In muslim religion, we consider everyone to be muslim at birth. There's only people not being muslims anymore.

>> No.4441802

Oh wow hahah. You sound like an intellectual bunch.

>> No.4441804

its not like you have anything better to do

>> No.4441810

They're quite rational, too, blowing themselves up for their diety and whatnot.

>> No.4441811


>> No.4441816

OP, why does life have to have meaning in order for it to be valuable?

>> No.4441832

Knowledge Brings Fear

>> No.4441865

I'm also a scientist, so I consider myself intellectual enough to think by myself and chose what is best for me.

>> No.4441877

>I'm also a scientist
>I think by myself

>mindlessly following a faith that fails to provide empirical evidence as proof
I seriously hope you don't do this.

>> No.4441930

when was the earth created according to muslims?

>> No.4441996

Seeking science and truth of existence uses heavily the left side of the brain leaving the right side to slowly dim to a point of just turning off. It is that particular reason that people tend not to believe in creationism, as they see that existence is what it is, scientifically explained workings of organic universe. This outlook, while it can progress science and understanding of universe, can also lead to depression and even suicide, as the left brain contradicts any form of creationism therefore meaning in life. Our consciousness is capable of pondering over existence, that eventually it will ask itself "why am I here? What am I?" Because, for as long as we lived as intelligent species, science has never given us a full picture of who we are and why are we here, our consciousness allowed us to form different beliefs to help us through these situations of hopelessness. Which, of course, puts a new set of problems, as this belief in creationism can dim rationality and contradict science. There can only be one solution to this problem, and that is to balance both sides of a brain, as they were created to work with each other rather than contradict each other. The brain is capable of learning any skill that exists, including output of emotions and beliefs, and how they will effect our own, individual conscious decisions. It is possible, almost necessary to believe in something that gives meaning to life, whether or not it contradicts rationality in essence, you just have to learn to balance it out with this rationality. Perhaps the belief might even be the fact that, for being a bunch of atoms, we are quite amazing creatures capable of such complex thoughts, philosophies and civilizations, and the endless mystery of human nature might be the god we all need to be sane.

>> No.4442025 [DELETED] 

Thanks. Great post.

>> No.4442027
File: 142 KB, 489x760, albertcamus5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We live the life of a condemned man; it is for this reason we must stay our hand against ourselves. For, when man realizes that he is condemned to die and his hope is useless, he becomes truly free. And, he becomes able to appreciate life for what it truly is.

>> No.4442032
File: 100 KB, 366x500, einstein11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, great post.

>> No.4442044

Nobody really knows. The history of the arabic language is a funny one.
It's kinda "A man | flies | to the heavens | under the sun." =
"The prophet | rides | to the holy mountain | on a horse." and worse.

Concerning the age of earth/universe, you can pick between 5000 years and infintity. Take the interpretation which suits you.

>> No.4442048

There are two kinds of meaning, 1- the meaning of a designer, engineer, or creator of a creation, and 2- the purpose or utility someone else can attribute to some thing.

As there is no designer, there is no purpose of kind 1. You can have whatever purpose of kind 2 you want.

tl;dr suck it up and stop being a bitch

>> No.4442055

Most Muslims adopt a ~6000 year old Earth, moreso than Christianity. However, the view is not uniform in either culture.

If you're asking what the holy books say, then it depends on who you're asking.

>> No.4442079

4.6 billion years ago. The guy who responded to you is a retard and doesn't know shit about islam. Religion doesn't tell you anything about scientific facts. Why would God need to tell you things about science?
Religion beliefs and science are on different orders, and mixing them is a mistake.

>> No.4442089

You are doing the "No True Scotsman" fallacy.
There are plenty of self proclaimed Muslims, who most other self proclaimed Muslims accept as being Muslim, and who proclaim that the Earth is roughly 6000 years old. This is moreso true in Islam than in Christianity. This is the simple evidence, which you cannot deny, except through a "No True Scotsman".

>> No.4442103

lol I then await for the evidence of your claim in the book.
Or maybe you won't find it. Because it's not there. Let's stop this discussion, I said what I had to say unless you have sething relevant for me.

>> No.4442118

I posit as evident that denial of evolution is highly correlated with young Earth creationism.

It strikes me that you are shockingly ignorant of your own culture (if you are indeed Muslim), especially in other countries, or that you are a troll.

>> No.4442131

you are making an invalid point, since you confuse creationism with belief of a "young earth". Just give me some credit for once, I'm pretty sure I know my shit.

>> No.4442133

No such thing as random, statistics just makes things look pretty random sometimes.

We aren't just electrons, there are actually quite a few fundamental particles/forces.

Also about life and meaning, I'm not sure if life has meaning or not, but if you're troubled by it I'd suggest getting some kind of medicine for that.

>> No.4442134

I don't know who you are anon, so I cannot "give you credit" based on past experience. If you could please choose a name for this thread so in the future I can recognize you as a blind religious idiot, it would be most welcomed.

>> No.4442146

>thinking people follow mindlessly stuff
>mindlessly rejects anything that doesn't even "attack" him
Well I guess we know who's not smart here. I'm pretty happy with my life as a physicist, so think what you want.

>> No.4442151

>I'm a physicist, so I must be right about my religion and the beliefs of others.
Non sequitir, argument from authority, let's see what else ...

>I'm a physicist, and thus all of my views must be consistent with science.
People hold conflicting views all the time. You can be a good scientist in the lab and still be a faithhead in other circumstances.

>> No.4442176

you're still making me say things that I didn't write. I just described my situation, and you're interpolating.
Wah, you're kind of retarded because it's not even the first time you do that. Please show us the list of all the logical fallacies you know about. Brag about your "knowledge" of useless stuff.

>> No.4442181

So, we now agree that the rate of belief of a ~6000 year old Earth is high in Muslim cultures and societies, and higher on average than in Christian cultures and groups? Good.

>> No.4442189

no we don't.
>whinnig about inexistant logical fallacies
>makes logical fallacies
Oh the irony.