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4433799 No.4433799 [Reply] [Original]

I can't find the steps of how to find the value of X. Please help me.

I know the answer because I used Wolphram alfa, but it didn't show me the steps, will you help me? Thanks in advance.

>> No.4433822


e^(5/x) + e^x = e^10

then take log of both sides

5/x + x = 10

you should be able to solve this

>> No.4433824



e^(5/x) + e^x = e^10 is actually

e^(5/x) + x = e^10

>> No.4433842


no freaken idea lol

>> No.4433877


What the fuck?

<span class="math">\displaystyle e^a*e^b = e^{a+b}[/spoiler]

<span class="math">\displaystyle \frac{5}{x}+log(x)=10[/spoiler]

<span class="math">\displaystyle e^{\frac{5}{x}+log(x)}=e^{10}[/spoiler]

<span class="math">\displaystyle e^{\frac{5}{x}}e^{log(x)}=e^{10}[/spoiler]

<span class="math">\displaystyle e^{\frac{5}{x}}x=e^{10}[/spoiler]

You would need to know how to use the Lambert-W function to proceed further.

>> No.4433890


> e^a * e^b=e^a+b

what does that have to do with anything

>> No.4433901



>e^(5/x) + e^x = e^10
>e^(5/x) + x = e^10

Find the error and know why it is linked to the exponential property I just listed and get a cookie.

>> No.4433903


He's just stating how you got there in-case you failed 10th grade maths

>> No.4433935


>>e^(5/x) + x = e^10

this is correct

there is no error here, thats how you exponentiate both sides

>> No.4433947

Don't fucking post math shit unless you know what the fuck you are talking about, and at lower levels, it should be clear when you don't know what you are talking about (now is one of those times). Exponentiation does not distribute over addition like you seem to think it does.

>> No.4433953

Underage b&.

>> No.4433955 [DELETED] 

Oh I see, so <span class="math">e^{5/x + logx}=e^{5/x} + e^{logx}[/spoiler]? That's not how math works mate.

>> No.4433956

Oh I see, so <span class="math">e^{5/x \ + \ logx}=e^{5/x} + e^{logx}[/spoiler]? That's not how math works mate.

>> No.4433957


show me a formal proof otherwise you are wrong,.


no one said those are equivalent, but when you exponentiate both sides you get the right hand side not the left hand side

>> No.4433961


no one said those are equivalent,
learn to read

>> No.4433965

Too much stupidity in this post over something as simple as exponential rules.

>> No.4433975

>show me why I am retarded and have forgotten exponential rules learned in high school

>"no one said they were equivalent"
>second and third post say they're equivalent

>> No.4433982


so you can't prove it? k fair enough you dunno what you're talkin about

second post was corrected in the third

>e^(5/x) + e^x = e^10 is actually

>e^(5/x) + x = e^10

they aren't equivalent, the first one is wrong and "is actually e^(5/x) + x = e^10 is actually"

see if you learn to read? things would work out better
come back to me when you can prove your highschool mistakes are actual math

>> No.4433993

Than do Newton's iteration infinite times.

>> No.4433994

ITT: derps who can't take two seconds to think through what they are saying.

1 + 1 = 2
1^(1 + 1) = 1^2
1 = 1

1 + 1 = 2
1^1 + 1^1 = 1^2
1 + 1 = 1
2 != 1

>> No.4434041


sure is highschooler in here

e^x doesn't behave like that


y = x
dy/dx = 1

y= e^x
dy/dx = e^x

dy/dx =/= 1.....

e^x is special.

>> No.4434053

If you aren't in high school, then I feel sorry for you. e^x is indeed special, but what you said makes absolutely no sense. It does not break any rules. What you just said makes absolutely no sense.

>> No.4435339

Just bumping this thread because I need it as an example of weak understanding of algebraic concepts for another thread. :)

>> No.4435362

You cannot isolate x since the equation involves a trascendent operator (log) summed to some algebraic form of x. You can only obtain approximated solutions using numerical methods.

>> No.4435372

This thread fills every once of me with fear and rage.

The equation is transcendental, there is no algebraic way to solve it, except through approximation. Alternatively, you could solve it by graphing it and finding the intersection of the graphs.

>> No.4435403


> This thread fills every once of me with fear and rage.
How many times, again?

>> No.4435468


Typos are serious buisness.

>> No.4435476

Like how I hit the i before the n in business.