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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 96 KB, 332x333, sadfrog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4431056 No.4431056 [Reply] [Original]

How to cure depression, /sci/?


>> No.4431063

>be feeling down
>drink some coffee
>listen to an awesome album
>suddenly dancing around and singing and shit

In about 4 hours i'll feel like shit again, though

>> No.4431073

eugenize yourself

>> No.4431074

caffeine & cigarettes

>> No.4431076
File: 8 KB, 225x225, sadfrog17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't drink coffee. Neither do I have any album.

How do I eugenize myself?

I don't like caffeine and cigarettes.


>> No.4431082

Then continue to be a sad piece of shit, then.

No one is going to give the attention you crave just because you act depressed

>> No.4431090


(a.k.a. a virtual hug)

Did that help, or was it just creepy?


>> No.4431097
File: 109 KB, 390x477, sadfrog18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't need to act, I'm really depressed.

Thanks. Although it was a bit creepy.


>> No.4431102

Seek help or talk to your parents, really. You have to understand we don't know you and you keep asking questions all the time and not actually helping use resolve anything

>> No.4431110

I cured mine. It wasn't from posting frogs on a fucking imageboard.

>> No.4431114

Ok. Chocolate could help. Recommend music, Maltesers and dancing while fantasising about a cute member of the opposite and possibly a bit of mild stalking of the afford one from the shadows, but not to the extent that they actually get pissed enough to take out a restraining order.

Or SSRIs. I hear they work pretty well, too. Or a Monty Python DVD (britfag here...)

Chin up mate. It won't last forever. We'll all be outta here in a few to several decades anyway...

>> No.4431119

Bugger. Meant to write adored one, not afford one. Ugh to rubbish keyboard/ typing skills and ugh.

There's another idea. Get grumpy with (your own!) typos on the Internet as a displacement activity so as not to get grumpy with self.

>> No.4431121

It's euthanize you insufferable faggot, speaking of euthanizing people...

>> No.4431125




>> No.4431130

This is not Science. This is Psychology.
I study the both, Wrong page newfag

>> No.4431132

go buy a bottle of vitamin D3, take 8000 I.U. per day. YES 8000. it will say on the bottle that this is like 10,000% your daily requirement don't worry, I do this everyday, and it cured my 15+ year depression overnight. also caffeine will burnout your dopamine system, so avoid it at all costs if you are prone to depression.


>> No.4431136
File: 78 KB, 666x968, sadfrog19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't live with my parents anymore and they can't help me. Neither can a professional. I was in psychotherapy but it failed.

How did you cure yours?

Thinking of women makes me even more depressed.
I cannot enjoy TV shows or music. My doctor told me that SSRIs wouldn't be the right medication for me.
Thanks anyway.

Where I live guns are illegal.

I never heard of vitamin D3. Gonna have to search for it.


>> No.4431139

>guns illegal

Yuropoor confirmed

>> No.4431147

Finding a purpose. Lifting weights.

I turned myself into the baddest motherfucker around.

>> No.4431155

Remove your sadfrog folder. Take a walk outside the city, avoid ponds though, sad frogs swiming there can induce your saddnes again; and stop using that four-eyed emoticon ffs.

Now seriously,
you love to be sad and depressed - you are narcissistic emo-wannabe. Fix that and don't ask how - it's up 2 your lazy self-loving self-rejected ass. Also >>>/adv/

>> No.4431165
File: 18 KB, 500x359, sadfrog6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I am europoor.

I thought about that, but I can't find the motivation.

How can I fix that without asking?
/adv/ isn't helpful. They are not as smart as /sci/.


>> No.4431167

Kill yourself. Judging from the last few posts you are a sad worthless piece of shit who will accomplish nothing.

>> No.4431171
File: 561 KB, 1200x800, sadfrog10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know. Sadly I'm even to pathetic to kill myself.


>> No.4431172

Do you go to uni everyday? what degree? are classes generally full? are there people who normally sit alone? how many girls around? do you have friends?

>> No.4431177
File: 113 KB, 399x388, sadfrog47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I go to uni everyday, studying mathematics + physics. The classes are full, but nearly nobody is alone. Especially the girls all have a lot of friends, including bf. I don't have any friends, except for some aspie who only wants me to explain the assignments to him.


>> No.4431178

smoke pot

it won't cure your depression (probably) but it'll at least improve your mood long enough to reduce the chance of suicide.

>> No.4431183
File: 219 KB, 900x620, sadfrog33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pot is illegal here and I don't want to impair my mental functions.


>> No.4431191


your mental functions are already impaired.

>> No.4431192


also it sounds as though you're making up excuses not to do anything. if the law stands between you and happiness, and you're not harming anyone else, then why should you defer to the law?

>> No.4431195
File: 25 KB, 300x300, 1329767850369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Medfag here. First you have to realize that depression is a disease like any other. You can't cure pneumonia with trying to change your mindset and neither can you cure depression.

Listen to the guy with the D3, he has done his research: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1365-2796.2008.02008.x/full

Second you should do some exercise. It cures depression on a genetic level: http://bjp.rcpsych.org/content/180/5/411.short

If that doesn't help, seek professional help with counseling and shit and remember to take your fucking meds. A 1/3 of us went through this shit, but I can speak from personal experience that you emerge stronger from this shit but you need to take it head on.

>> No.4431201
File: 161 KB, 499x373, sadfrog34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know. The depression kills my intelligence. That's why I need help quickly.

It's the laws of social interaction which don't allow me to gain happiness.

The study results you linked apply to overweight and old people. I am neither overweight nor old.
I tried professional help from psychiatrists, but it didn't work.
Thanks nonetheless.


>> No.4431203


>> No.4431207


how do you know it won't work for nonoverweight people

besides, exercising is healthy for you regardless of whether it cures you depression

>> No.4431210

Go fucking exercise and stop making excuses.
If OP is not a troll then he is an utter faggot.

>> No.4431209

Good that means you have a better starting point than those old fat fucks and you have a better chance getting out of this.

Remember even Newton had to learn how to sum and other simple things. So easy steps at the beginning.

>> No.4431212


FUCK YOU Nigger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.4431214
File: 30 KB, 680x331, sadfrog38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Curing depression is a medical and psychological issue and thus belongs on a science board.
I'm sorry that I annoy you. Please don't be mad and ignore me, if you don't like my posts.

I didn't say it won't work. Gotta try it.
As for exercising: With depression I can't find the motivation to do anything. It's a vicious cycle.

Learning mathematics is different from overcoming depression.
The latter is not something one can learn.

My depression made me an utter faggot, indeed.


>> No.4431216


It will take less motivation than you think. Remember that exercise releases endorphins that increase the likelihood of you wanting to do it again. It's a genuinely good feeling.

You only need a small amount of willpower to bootstrap yourself initially.

>> No.4431219
File: 53 KB, 396x385, sadfrog58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I gain that small amount of willpower?


>> No.4431222


your moods fluctuate right?

pick a moment when you feel relatively better than usual.

>> No.4431224
File: 752 KB, 1050x794, sadfrog50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I feel relatively better, I think I don't need to do anything against my depression.


>> No.4431234


You need to recognise that when you're happier then.

I think you know the answer here.

>> No.4431244
File: 24 KB, 399x388, sadfrog48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay. Thanks.

>> No.4431252

Willpower is an illusion, just do things without thinking about it

The less you think about an action the easier it is to go through with it

So for example if you decide to go to the gym, don't fucking think about going to the gym. Just do it one step at a time, and don't think. Grab gym shorts and a t-shirt, then walk next to the gym, then go in the gym, then do something (anything) for a while, then come home. You'll feel much better, if not for the workout, then for the confidence boost.

>> No.4431260
File: 34 KB, 256x350, SuperStock_3153-724676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that you again, frog? I've been thinking of you...

>> No.4431267


>> No.4431268

So many sad frogs around me.

I hate them all.

>> No.4431269

please upload yor folder OP

>> No.4431273

Suicide is the permanent and universal solution. Nothing will ever compare to its effectiveness.

>> No.4431275


but the problem is temporary.

>> No.4431280

You do not know that for certain.
Besides, suicide will ensure it will never come back.

>> No.4431281


But you wont be around to see that it is indeed solved, which renders your method as ineficient.

>> No.4431285
File: 229 KB, 396x385, sadfrog2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was afk because I had to eat chicken wings and didn't want to type with greasy fingers. Sorry.

How do I stop thinking, if the ability to think was the only thing I ever had in my life?

Oh hi, it's you again. I don't know the man in your picture, so I can't assign a name to you. Please tell me how I shall refer to you.

My collection is still incomplete. You're gonna have to wait until it is worth uploading.

My depression is so severe, I cannot find the willpower to commit suicide. Can any of you kill me?

How can I know that it is temporary?


>> No.4431288
File: 38 KB, 400x261, 1317168540842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, if you're still here, there's something you can try.

Someone on /b/ replied on some thread some time ago with an advice that worked for me almost every time I was feeling severely down (which happens quite often). Don't dismiss this, I'm not trolling or being sarcastic, try it for yourself. Here goes:

1. Take a couple of socks.
2. Put socks on hands.
3. Sit there for a while looking at your sock-hands, and think of yourself sitting there with socks on your hands.
4. Make a few random hand movements if necessary.
5. Feel so much fucking better.

I owe many happy days to that anonymous guy.

>> No.4431293
File: 86 KB, 528x521, sadfrog4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the advice and nice to see that it helped you.
I for myself have played with socks in the past and it didn't affect my depression.


>> No.4431295


Have you tried these steps specifically? It's a delicate procedure and should be followed to the letter. If you're not a troll and have socks in reach, I demand that you try it now.

>> No.4431296

I wish I was near you so that we could become friends and increase our chances of getting gf, sorry.

>> No.4431297

Do it with clean socks, OP. Feels better than socks that have recently been on feet.

>> No.4431302
File: 3 KB, 120x120, 1328655408079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OH FUCK, I just found OP. Someone call an ambulance!!

>> No.4431304
File: 14 KB, 279x267, 1323279547393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4431315

Try to beat this game, OP:


>> No.4431320
File: 43 KB, 300x300, sadfrog54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have socks here. No effect so far.

This pic was missing in my collection. Thanks.

No trolling here. All my posts are serious.

I have no idea what this is. Will it help me socialize?


>> No.4431332

It won't, but you'll think of something else instead of being depressed doing nothing. Plus you'll live better knowing that if you can beat this game, you can cure depression.