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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4428793 No.4428793 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /sci/, I'm in a very, very, bizarre situation and I'm not really sure what to make of it at all

I've recently been prescribed some somewhat controversial meds. I will not elaborate on what those meds are or for what condition just yet. I'm posting about the side effects, which I was not at all prepared for or expecting in any of my preparatory research before taking them.

So what are the side effects? I don't even know how to express this without coming across as a huge blow hard, know-it-all, braggart, troll, whatever, and I know I'm going to be called all these things and more but fuck that, here it is: They have given me a level of mental focus, clarity, and insight that I have never experienced in my entire post-pubescent life. My coursework just makes so much more sense. I sleep deeper, more consistently, and I'm far more well rested when I get up. If things stay this way, this has the potential to totally turn my life around.

This isn't why I took them and I'm certainly not complaining. Possibilities I have considered: Was I always this intelligent and the depression was masking it? Did these drugs induce bipolar depression and I just happen to be in a manic phase? Are these going to kill me before I can really make use of my chemically-induced intelligence? I've googled around, and this sort of reaction to them is totally unheard of. This is not what they're prescribed for.

Again, I feel like an ass typing this shit out. I never thought of myself as a genius. My genius came in a pill.

At the next meeting with my therapist, I'm going to tell her what's going on and see if I can get some sort of testing out of the way.

tl;dr I'm in some sort of Flowers for Algernon scenario.
inb4 "if ur so smart why are you posting here"

and if you're sharp, you'll notice that I already posted this to /r9k/, but I would like to hear from /sci/ as well

>> No.4428846

it's a cool story

but i'm not sure what do you expect/want us to say?

>> No.4428853

Not gonna call you out for you're poast.


/sci/ is NOT le reddit.

>> No.4428856


Q: Ok so what drugs are they? I want super smarts you stupid nigger faggot. Stop stalling on us, attention whore. saged, reported
A: Chances are that they would not have the same effect on the vast majority of you as it would on me. I've searched around and could not find any case of anything like this happening, though admittedly I may not have found such a case. Furthermore, you would be very DO NOT WANT about the other effects that they have.

They are not antidepressants or any sort of AD(H)D meds. They're also perfectly legal (/w prescription) in most of the developed world and I did not smuggle them or get them from some shady online pharmacy.

>> No.4428859

Don't worry about this guy, he goes from thread to thread raging about everything

So do you really expect us to reach any sort of educated conclusion without actually know what sort of illness or medicine did you take? You think that the question "uh.. I think I'm sick and I took some pills now I'm smart. is this ok?" could have only one possible answer?

You have to give us more than that

But I'll put this out here right now: No drug out there can make you "smarter", there is no free lunch when it comes to these things

>> No.4428872

>Don't worry about this guy, he goes from thread to thread raging about everything
That's what I figured with the you're/your stuff.

>So do you really expect us to reach any sort of educated conclusion without actually know what sort of illness or medicine did you take? You think that the question "uh.. I think I'm sick and I took some pills now I'm smart. is this ok?" could have only one possible answer?
I don't know what I was expecting posting this thread. Some sense of relief? Some sort of lead to go on? Something...

The condition that they're taken for is really, really controversial and would completely derail the thread. I'll wait a bit before disclosure. You can keep on guessing for now.

>> No.4428881

inb4 Sex reassignment therapy

>> No.4428884

You do realize that this board is anonymous right? And there is no "thread" before you mention anything, because nobody in here cares unless you throw us a bone

In the worst possible case scenario just take your tripfag off, pretend it was somebody else and also help derail the thread. It's what everyone does

>> No.4428887

>They have given me a level of mental focus, clarity, and insight that I have never experienced in my entire post-pubescent life. My coursework just makes so much more sense. I sleep deeper, more consistently, and I'm far more well rested when I get up
Probably delusions. Common side effects of many Antidepressants. Do some actual tests if your metal capacity increase or if you just feel like it increased.

>> No.4428893

>No drug out there can make you "smarter", there is no free lunch when it comes to these things
One possibility considered: I had this potential that was already there, but it got released.

I'm not an expert in biology or drugs or narcotics or anything. I'm really straight-laced. I don't drink and I've never smoked weed. I'm sure the nootropics people can weigh in on this.

Another thing: Nobody takes this shit recreationally.

>> No.4428900

Not gonna play your stupid troll game.

Name the drug or fuck off.

>> No.4428902

Give me a link to a no-bullshit online test of some sort and I'm game. Such a thing may be hard to find, however.

Maybe one of those speed reading tests?

>You do realize that this board is anonymous right?
The trip is to help distinguish between the real me and some jerk who butts in with "im smart lol, Derp"

>> No.4428906

Yeah, there's really nothing to talk about here since we know nothing

>> No.4428907

>Name the drug or fuck off
Already called it. OP is undergoing HRT.

You were probably just depressed for so long that you're not used to your "normal" work capacity. You're horribly over thinking this scenario.

>> No.4428908

>The trip is to help distinguish between the real me and some jerk
No excuses for the "Derp" though. I didn't put any thought into that. Guess I'm not so smart after all! Derp.

>> No.4428910

It could be a number of things.

You could actually be this smart and only have some sort of depression or lack of self-confidence that made you feel the way you were before

It could also be that you're not smart at all, just an illusion based on some biological crap

Also, it could just be a placebo effect and you're not any different at all.

>Give me a link to a no-bullshit online test of some sort and I'm game
This wouldn't help unless you already took it before the drugs to compare. If it were based on psychological illusions/placebos you'd think it was a good result regardless

>The trip is to help distinguish between the real me and some jerk who butts in with "im smart lol, Derp"
I don't mean it like this. I mean that there is nothing that could go wrong with this. In the worst case scenario you forget the tripcode and the thread and it will never reach you ever again. Also, this thread currently is shit.

Give us the drug man

>> No.4428915

Online test are not so good. You need a test that hands out different, yet equally hard answers each time. Psychologist usually do "real" IQ tests, just ask one.
Also important to be off the drug for a week or so to have a reliable control.
If whoever gives you the test agrees, do them blind or even double blind. Then you have some actual evidence.

>> No.4428924

>Online test are not so good. You need a test that hands out different, yet equally hard answers each time. Psychologist usually do "real" IQ tests, just ask one.
Yes, that is on the agenda.

>Also important to be off the drug for a week or so to have a reliable control.
I'll bring that up with the doc but.... after finals.

>> No.4428929

guys calm down it's just water

>> No.4428932

Have you been vaccinated, OP?
Then it could be autism.

>> No.4428946

Since this thread is headed nowhere, I'll acknowledge you. You're correct. I'm a trap, tranny, transwoman, transgender. You know, one of those freaks.

This opens up another question:
Was I just thinking with my balls this whole time without even knowing it? This vestigial thing which the anti-androgens are killing.

>> No.4428956

>"The condition that they're taken for is really, really controversial."
>"no one takes these recreationally"
>depression, which is mutually inclusive with transgender people
>seeing a therapist, which is a requirement of HRT

The mystery has been solved.

>> No.4428964

You were depressed. Depression depletes nearly every mental faculty's performance. You're feeling better now. Therefor, you're also starting to feel more capable again. Simple as that.

>> No.4428969

Oh OP you trolled us sooooooooo hard.

Epic, rly epic.

[In case you didn't notice: This was irony]

>> No.4428979
File: 165 KB, 714x1024, -4f18bdb227e8686d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4428981

You sound like an idiot
OP wasn't even trying to troll anyone

>> No.4428984

If all you have is a hammer...

If all your social interaction comes from really abrasive anonymous internet forums...

>> No.4428989

hiya. I've been on HRT for 7 months and I've noticed a large increase in self-understanding, interpersonal understanding, ability to focus, and I arrive at awesome ideas much more commonly than before. It is probably mostly due to dispelling depression, but you should also keep in mind that trans people on the whole have brain structs that are more similar to their professed gender. So hormones may be making things run more smoothly =)

Assuming I have the prerequisite knowledge, I never run into items I don't understand anymore. Unconscious and conscious communicate directly.

>> No.4428992

You were smart all along, but you're not depressed and now you're at full capacity.

>> No.4429005

>hiya. I've been on HRT for 7 months and I've noticed a large increase in self-understanding, interpersonal understanding, ability to focus, and I arrive at awesome ideas much more commonly than before. It is probably mostly due to dispelling depression, but you should also keep in mind that trans people on the whole have brain structs that are more similar to their professed gender. So hormones may be making things run more smoothly
Ok, cool. I may not be a genius but I'm in a hell of a lot better shape than before. Thanks, modern medicine.

>> No.4429006

what the fuck am i reading

>> No.4429012

I know 3 other trans girls AFK and they're all intelligent. o_O also, fuck yeah modern medicine! ;D
Actually, no, not a requirement. Hormones can be ordered from overseas pharmacies. They're more expensive and not as good though.

>> No.4429019

mental ability is directly affected by diet, sleep patterns and mental state; if the pills removed your depression and improved your sleeping patterns then it's likely that your capabilities improved that way and not from some sort of magic intelligence side effect.

>> No.4429060
File: 762 KB, 1200x2050, Mass-Effect-3-the-real-female-shepard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The irony of all this is that I'm so much better at math, driving, thinking on my feet, coding, driving, everything on girl pills than I am as a guy.

I'm an uglier femshep.

>> No.4429080

uh yeah, I know that feel. Testosterone poisoning inducing autism sucks.

>> No.4429087

are you cute

>> No.4429168

There's a lot more to being a woman than cute or fuckable.

I haven't been on them for nearly any length of time that an outsider would notice. On the outside, I'm all dude with a slightly soft chest.

So far, I haven't been very preoccupied with gender or concerns about my appearance (general vanity). Now I'm just happy I can juggle a 19 credit/quarter course load and still shit post on 4chan from time to time.

>> No.4429180

I find it easier to consider myself a girl instead of a woman. "Woman" has a lot of conceptual baggage to live up to. Also, recommend Whipping Girl if you haven't read it (hopefully you have). Big confidence booster.

>> No.4429189

OP was prescribed weed and he just thinks he is super smart.

Either that or he is starting to experience the brain rot effects of meth and he now lives in a psychological dream world where he is intelligent.

>> No.4429211

>insight that I have never experienced in my entire post-pubescent life.
This was another give away.

>Whipping Girl
Been meaning to read that. Will do.

>"Woman" has a lot of conceptual baggage to live up to.
Care to elaborate?

>> No.4429832

Not much to elaborate on. "Woman" means you are female and have developed and been socialised that way for a while. In reality, you're gonna become childish but with some adult knowledge. 2nd puberty is a kinda big deal. It's tough to deal with, I suggest other trans girl friends if possible.

>> No.4429844
File: 92 KB, 590x328, nzt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My genius came in a pill.
pic related

>> No.4429849


that movie was shit

>> No.4429850

Congratulations, OP.
It seems that you've been introduced to amphetamines.

>> No.4429860

those anti fag pills obviously arent working bro. you should call your doc get him to increase the dose.

>> No.4429861

do you even read threads.jpg

>> No.4429867
File: 74 KB, 540x364, nzt-drugsample.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that movie was the shit
as you say, faggot
pic related

>> No.4430577


>> No.4431215


>> No.4431892

That's not Princess Celestia.

That's not Princess Celestia at all.

>> No.4431913

I don't understand your post.
That film WAS shit, how does your pic relate to the quality of the film?

>> No.4431922

>Did these drugs induce bipolar depression and I just happen to be in a manic phase?

How can we know if you won't say what you're taking?

>> No.4432428

He's probably taking anti-fag pills.