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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 194 KB, 1366x781, 1 Health Dragonair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4422161 No.4422161 [Reply] [Original]

If evolution exists then why do humans have to wipe their butts after we take a poop and animals don't?

Fundamentalist Christians : 1
Atheists : 0

>> No.4422166

>humans have to wipe their butts

But we don't. If you do not mind having to walk around with crusty shitsmears on your undies, you do not have to wipe.

>> No.4422169

My cat wipes its butt...... with its tongue...... all the time

>> No.4422172


exactly so we do have to wipe so we dont have shitsmears retard

>> No.4422181

Jolteon used pin missile. It has a high critical hit ratio.

>> No.4422185

Picture unrelated.

>> No.4422197

You know those silly threads where the OP brags about how he is superior to you because he squats when he shits? Well he is. By doing this he is minimizing the amount of shit that needs to be wiped. Animals shit in a similar manner and don't give a shit if a little shit is left on their buttholes

>> No.4422202

Harriet has gone full shitposter now.

>> No.4422203

Oh, husband

>> No.4422204

That was on cracked today. You read it?

>> No.4422209

Hey, you impersonator. I never tripfagged.

>> No.4422211

No, what did it say? Too lazy to search

>> No.4422218

1st one.

>> No.4422356

god made us that way son he can test our vanity.
if you wipe your ass your commiting a sin

>> No.4422359


>> No.4422361

you're ass?

>> No.4422364

No no no. It's "your ass", not "you are ass", although YOU are ass.

>> No.4422367

sinful grammar nazi detected

>> No.4422371
File: 87 KB, 434x403, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you are ass

>> No.4422373

As a SCIENTIST I am free of sins.

Did you notice how "sins" and "SCIENCE" sound similar btw?

>> No.4422375

yall niggers be postin in a troll thread

>> No.4422378

>sins: 1 syllable
>science: 2 syllables
>"sound similar"

>> No.4422384


How can I ever live with the shame of having poasted in a troll thread?

>> No.4422388

I do all of those the right way except pumping out babies.

I'm fucking fantastic.

>> No.4422389

your a ass

>> No.4422392

You are a troll

>> No.4422397

you ass a

>> No.4422400

That's NOT true, my freind. I am doing HARD SCIENCE everyday and everywhere.

>> No.4422403

Trolls used to be tarred and feathered and then beheaded. You're lucky it's 2012

>> No.4422404

>biologist detected

>> No.4422424

The year of SCIENCE.

>> No.4422427

BIOLOGY is TRUE KNOWLEDGE of FACTS. More than the simple minded understanding of mathematical formulae.

>> No.4422429

Where do you go to school? What do you study?

>> No.4422436

I don't study SCIENCE, I teach SCIENCE, bringing the TRUTH of FACTS to unknowledgable people like you.

>> No.4422447

To all the people who are not familiair with this board. Sagan is a troll.

His trolltag is Carl Sagan and when he types he puts WORDS in CAPS to let people think he's SERIOUS BUSINESS.

>> No.4422462 [DELETED] 



Are you even trying, wannabe troll?
Everyone knows that I'm the best tripfag. I know SCIENCE and shit.

>> No.4422463 [DELETED] 
File: 12 KB, 245x318, ya-blew-it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You had two options that situation. The first was to respond with an honest answer and maybe a conversation would have taken place. The second was to hold on to that retarded persona and reply in a manner that was neither funny nor witty. For whatever reason you decided to go with option, which completely eliminated any possibility for there to be a real conversation between us. Congratulations.

>> No.4422465 [DELETED] 

*second option

and this was directed at

>> No.4422468 [DELETED] 

U mad? Yeah, u fucking mad. U soooooooo mad.

This is your DEFEAT. You FAILED. You are NOT a king, you are a LOSER.

>> No.4422471 [DELETED] 

Not mad, just disappointed in you.

>> No.4422477 [DELETED] 

The furious DEVASTATION of you're lubricated butt is drooling all over the board.

>> No.4422480 [DELETED] 

You're a sad child.

>> No.4422481 [DELETED] 

It's funny how shitpost threads are heavily populated by tripfags.

>> No.4422482 [DELETED] 

I'm a happy SCIENTIST. Happy to know the TRUTH while insignificant scum like you has to dwell in ignorance forever.

>> No.4422487 [DELETED] 
File: 4 KB, 252x184, wut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


mfw this is THE most obvious troll on any board ever.

Remember when trolling was actually funny on some level?

>> No.4422490 [DELETED] 

What is the most obvious troll ever? YOU are the most obvious troll.

>> No.4422494 [DELETED] 



Look at him whining. Blackman's feelings are hurt.
He hoped to make friends with another shitposter and he failed.

Everyone look at him and laugh.

>> No.4422496 [DELETED] 


Will you give me a kiss? You are a Jezus Bible.

>> No.4422500 [DELETED] 


>> No.4422502 [DELETED] 

You guys are so mean to me ;_;.. I cant wright properly now i cry rivers and my hands shivers so its hard to type

>> No.4422510 [DELETED] 


>> No.4422512 [DELETED] 

I can give you more than a kiss. Drop your pants and receive the full force of HARD SCIENCE.

>> No.4422514 [DELETED] 

Bro, I am whiteman.

>> No.4422515 [DELETED] 

At least this time he is honest. How does it feel to be a pathetic permavirgin?

>> No.4422518 [DELETED] 

Actually.. you don't HAVE to. But it feels icky, so most animals that can reach do clean that area with their mouth.

>> No.4422519 [DELETED] 


That actually was a funny joke. I chuckled. Makes me feel bad about ever reporting you.

>> No.4422520 [DELETED] 


Hey! Guys!
What the hell are you doing there?
As the true Whiteman I would never enage in this kind of trollery.

>> No.4422523 [DELETED] 


>> No.4422524

Actually they don't sound similar at all. Its all a fabrication in your head.

>> No.4422526 [DELETED] 

I'm not a virgin though, so I don't know how that'd feel. I'm guessing pretty bad

>> No.4422529

Reported for faggotry.

>> No.4422531


>> No.4422536
File: 29 KB, 306x266, 1326590723451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Aspie not in here? Does he only troll in moderately off topic threads?

>> No.4422545

>not being a virgin

>> No.4422621

Oh my God, Sagan is banned. Or he deleted all his posts.