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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4421808 No.4421808 [Reply] [Original]

How can atheists answer someone's theist argument that they have taken a "leap of faith,"
i.e. they believe in something that can not be empirically proven?

>> No.4421811

No religion threads on /sci/.

>> No.4421815

Faith isn't a positive thing, only dumbfucks have "faith".

>> No.4421830

I think the real question is, why are you trying to convince theists that they are wrong? Do you really believe they're going to say "OH, you are right! God doesn't exist!"

Even if this is a slight slight probability, why do you care?

The only religion argument that is worth anything at all is arguing the place of religion in government, since you know, that's the only one that could ever affect you in any way.

>> No.4421829

There is nothing to say. The theist has put themselves beyond reason. Nothing can be argued anymore.

The correct thing to do is to get them to admit that anything based on this leap to faith cannot be legislated because it can't be shown to other people. After that you shouldn't have a problem with them anymore. Or are you one of those people who stay up when [spoiler]people are wrong in their own mind?

>> No.4421836

How do you reconcile that belief with things like Gödel's paradox? We take a leap of faith in using mathematics to model the universe.

>> No.4421837

Calling them idiots, just like you for not realizing this and making this thread.

>> No.4421847

>Gödel's paradox

>> No.4421850

legislative hivemind

>> No.4421855

whatever. incompleteness theorem.

Nice response, by the way. Really moved conversation forward.

>> No.4421857

Godel never had a paradox named after him. He did use the liar's paradox in support of his incompleteness theorem.

The more you know OP - now go back to fine arts class

>> No.4421869 [DELETED] 

That wasn't OP. I misspoke and said paradox, then corrected myself. Looks like the atheists are too busy putting people down to actually have a conversation.

Militant atheists are just as bad as evangelicals. They spend more time congratulating each other on transcending religious belief and giving each other hand jobs to do any more thinking than is required to read Wikipedia article summaries and the first 10 pages of a Richard Dawkins book.

>> No.4421879 [DELETED] 

That wasn't OP. I misspoke and said paradox, then corrected myself. Looks like the atheists are too busy putting people down to actually have a conversation.

Militant atheists are just as bad as evangelicals. They too much time congratulating each other on transcending religious belief and giving each other hand jobs to do any more thinking than is required to read Wikipedia article summaries and the first 10 pages of a Richard Dawkins book.

>> No.4421881

>implying anyone wants to converse with you

>> No.4421884
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Oh don't mind me, just being part of theological noncognitivism master race...

>> No.4421885

That wasn't OP. I misspoke and said paradox, then corrected myself. Looks like the atheists are too busy putting people down to actually have a conversation.

Militant atheists are just as bad as evangelicals. They spend too much time congratulating each other on transcending religious belief and giving each other hand jobs to do any more thinking than is required to read Wikipedia article summaries and the first 10 pages of a Richard Dawkins book.

Christ. This post took too long to actually type correctly.

>> No.4421899

What's the difference between thological noncognitivism and atheism? Both just don't believe.

Don't confuse atheists with raging anti-theists like OP up there, btw.

>> No.4421904

>correcting people is putting them down

Nice persecution complex

>> No.4421907

OP here
>implying I posted in this thread other than the OP

I was just trolling to see the butthurt atheist aspies freak out.
Challenge successfully

>> No.4421914

Atheists lack a belief in god or gods, TNism says that the question "Do you believe in god or gods?" is about as meaningful as "Colorless green ideas sleep furiously." It seems to have semantic content, but in reality 'god' is an empty phrase that has little to no cognitive use.

>> No.4421916

but no one really freaked out

>> No.4421939
File: 54 KB, 448x594, emmaroland.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice implications implying etc

My point was that atheists purport to be rational and willing to engage in dialogue. But instead of answering anything, that guy gave a non-constructive response.

>> No.4421945
File: 126 KB, 561x370, the_more_you_know2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When people usually talk about "faith" they are talkign about "unjustified faith". There is such a thing as "justified faith" though.

There is a big difference between "justified faith" and "unjustified faith". Mathematics, science, and technlology lead people to "justified faith". You have "justified faith" in science/math/tech that your car should turn on, that your computer will work, that your tv will work, etc. The fact that this shit works like 99.999999999% of the time for all people, and that there is tremendious resources deveoted to making that shit work justifes your faith in it. You don't have to fucking pray your TV will work, it will just fucking work. For all practicle purposes everyone takes it as a fucking "certainity" that math/science/tech work, because they ALWAYS FUCKING HAVE/DO (99.999999999999% etc). So, it is logical, rational, and within reason to have faith in math/sci/tech.

Religion utilized unjustified faith = being a gullible dumbfuck. There is no rational justification that allows you to have faith in religion/dieties. You are basically just believeing any bullshit, regardless of evidence/proof/or reality. NOTHING WORKS OFF PRAYER OR RELIGION. No matter how much you fucking pray for "x" it really makes no fucking difference. It is nothing but fucking fantasy. There is no rational, logical, or justified reason to have faith in "fairytales characters" like god/jesus/etc, it is therefore unjustified faith (being a stupid childish fucking retard).

>> No.4421954

>expecting rational dialogue on any board of 4chan
>jizzing your pants over one non-constructive response

You must have an exciting life.

>> No.4421959

I still don't see the difference other than semantics.

Normal atheists don't sit around pondering the characteristics of gods or anything. We simply don't believe any more than believing in unicorns. Neither do you, obviously. And you do think about it, obviously, since you're posting about it. "Disbelief" is not an active process, it's a LACK of a belief. The concept of god is to atheists just as meaningless as you described.

So do you hold a belief in god, or don't you? Or are you torn? There's no NA here. This whole "theological noncognitivism" title seems to me just another way to say "atheist" for people who want to distance themself with raging teenage internet anti-theists.

>> No.4421966

Fuck off. You are not welcome here.

>> No.4421963
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>faith = saying "jesus gimme a new bike plz"

Atheists always deconstruct a caricature of religion that only rednecks subscribe to.
Religious fucks always denounce a caricature of atheism.
Neither is ever actually talking about things that rational people on either side believe.

>> No.4421973

non-constructive responses is a trend among most atheists I know.

>> No.4421977

I don't see the difference between "i have faith we have a creator, without any evidence but because some people taught me about a creator" and "i have faith jesus gives me a new bike"

>> No.4421981
File: 23 KB, 376x421, 1309979986270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How unfortunate. You're clearly not smart enough to be apart of the TN master race.

Maybe with time.

>> No.4421983

This is a nonconstructive thread. Stop shitposting.

>> No.4421997

Boy, you sure are proud of your sophisticated and nuanced response to whether ancient superstitious fairy-tales are real.

>> No.4422014
File: 28 KB, 284x322, 1303555795404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The world is sophisticated and nuanced. One's knowledge and abilities must match the challenge exactly. No more, no less.

Just because I have achieved this balance does not mean you need to be jelly. Study my friend, and with time, perhaps to can achieve what I have achieved.

>> No.4422012
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>> No.4422027
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>> No.4422033
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>> No.4422039
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>> No.4422042


Jesus christ, samefag hard enough?

>> No.4422044

Religion is irrelevant crap and so is your position on it. This is a science board, and you don't belong here.

>> No.4422050
File: 37 KB, 250x325, 1307529213246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay, my child. You may not understand it now, but that's only because you are not supposed to.

It is not your purpose to achieve enlightenment yet. Work hard, and with time, perhaps you too can achieve what I have achieved.

>> No.4422051
File: 503 KB, 1000x861, 1271572160332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good answer

>> No.4422052
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>> No.4422059
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Religion = fairytales

>> No.4422062
File: 39 KB, 300x395, epic-win.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only good christian is a dead christian

>> No.4422075
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>> No.4422076
File: 53 KB, 445x496, so-much-win.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A winrar is you!

>> No.4422081
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>> No.4422095

Explain to me why you think you shouldn't be banned for shitposting.

You too.

>> No.4422102

>Explain to me why you think you shouldn't be banned for shitposting.
Why should I make a case to you? Are you a mod?

Even if you are, call the police, I don't give a fuck.

While you're at it, ban the entirety of 4chan for shitposting, you ass mongering cocksucker.

>> No.4422106

>post one image of a cat saying "sup"

Shit posting?
I don't think you know what shit posting is.

>> No.4422111

By "Sup" I ment "great post"!