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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4416190 No.4416190 [Reply] [Original]

It sounds like most of what gives scientists an erection is bullshit that has no application into anything. I see us dumping millions, sometimes billions into programs that lead to 'discoveries' only a handful of people care about and that new technology will make their discoveries outdated soon anyway.

It seems like, the only reason people demand taxpayer's cash is so they get their name on the discovery first when if they would just wait a few years better technology would be cheaper and more accurate anyway.

Goddamn it quit wasting money!

>> No.4416199

If anything, more money should be wasted on scientific programs.

>> No.4416208

Yeah. Why should we waste money on research with no concrete applications. It's not like funding of basic research ever got us anything useful. Who the fuck needs things like antibiotics or MRI's or kevlar or the internet or lasers...

>> No.4416211

Can't give any examples?

>> No.4416216

you are joking right? everything that was ever engineered is based on something that was part of theoretical physics 50 years before that.

but a present day example: superconductor research uses results from neutron star cores, after a while engineers will use this information to make very efficient electrical system.

Not to mention, people said the same shit to Einstein when he was researching Special/General Relativity. But because of him researching and discovering that "useless, money wasting junk" we can now use that so your dumb ass can use GPS today. Or so that we can have satellites in space so you can use the fucking cell phone you gossip with your middle school friends with.

There was this man name george boole, he spent his life working on what was at the time just stupid bullshit that would never be useful. Then transistors were discovered, and if we didnt have his work we'd be 30 years behind in computing, because it forms the basis of boolean algebra, which is how computers calculate.

>> No.4416261

So you're saying that all these programs

Have practical use right now and none of these satellites will be technologically outdated in 10 years making all their discoveries moot?

Seems to me we could save a fuck ton of money by dumping half of them.

This is pure research mate. Justify them ALL.

>> No.4416268


see: >>4416216

tl;dr: Stop being 12.

>> No.4416274


Wow. Two people. So because some guy figured out about gravity or something and some other guy did some boring math and they lucked out and it happened to be useful, we should waste billions on researching boring shit that isn't interesting at all and has no direct use to me right now?

Fuck off.

>> No.4416278

> if they would just wait a few years
here's your problem, OP. Technology does not progress without people throwing money at it - if everyone just sits around and waits because "oh, someone will just improve on my idea next year", then nothing would ever get done.

>> No.4416289

Your post sums up everything wrong with the public's views on science.

TRILLIONS of dollars go to war, and yet it's science which is wasting money?

Fuck off back to /pol/, or better yet Fox News.

>> No.4416290

We gain more technology from people wanting to play faster video games than throwing billions into research.

Go die in a fire.

>> No.4416294

Yeah. Why did we ever launch Hubble anyway. We were just going to launch better satellites a few years later.

>> No.4416293

more money is wasted on military tent air conditioning than there is on most of those things.
go fucking complain about that

>> No.4416295

Science helps in ways we don't know specifically. Look up a guy called George Boole. We'd still be in 1980 with computers if it was not for him and his "useless" math. Every single thing that you use every day that had even a fraction of engineering put into it is based off of a Theoretical Scientist's discovery within the past 50-100 years. Every single thing with an ounce of engineering used 50-100 years from now will most likely be based off of discoveries we make today, most likely in the Energy department.

>> No.4416296

Because I think we should cut the fat on science research and suddenly I SUPPORT WAR?

What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.4416299


You posting this has no practical use to anybody. In fact, your entire life has no practical use to anybody. Stop wasting everyone's money and resources and kill yourself.

>B-b-but I'M important

>> No.4416300 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4416305


What do you stand for then? Please enlighten me as to what YOU think is most important.

>> No.4416307
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>> No.4416308
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>120 billion dollars spent on Iraq War alone every year for 10 years
>Spend dozens of millions of dollars to build A SINGLE MISSILE which has no return value -- we literally are sending it to blow up
>Every US soldier gets literally TENS OF THOUSANDS of your tax dollars to equip him and feed him and educate him so he can go off and die from an IED as we invade some random persons country


>> No.4416311

I didn't say justify Hubble, I said justify them ALL.

Or are you going to just coast on Hubble for the next 50 years and keep demanding cash for more useless shit?

>> No.4416317





>> No.4416315


It's not about you "loving war"

It's about your priorities being fucked up.

You'd rather say people researching stuff that will help us in the coming decades as has been proven time and time again with past Theoretical Discoveries basically paving the way for Engineering and practical application are wasting money instead of saying that the people spending hundreds of billions of dollars EVERY SINGLE YEAR of YOUR tax dollars are wasting money.

>> No.4416323

Jesus Christ, are you really falling for this shit?

People, seriously, think for a moment. Creationist trolling basically gets your instant banned on this board. So now people do stupid shit like this to rile you up. NO ONE who goes to this board believes this shit. NO ONE. So stop fucking responding to him. If he's really this stupid, nothing you will say will change his mind -- he's just coming here to reaffirm his ignorant beliefs or he's coming here to get a reaction out of you.

Either way, IGNORE HIM

>> No.4416324

Look, someone over there is wasting money! Let's all jump in the pork barrel and get money for useless shit! It's justified because someone over there is wasting money too!

Yeah, no.

>> No.4416328


But Research & Development isn't wasting money you fucking retar-...


You're right.

I'm fucking done.

>> No.4416332
File: 5 KB, 152x160, fag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about the Human Genome Project? Or was that just more "useless shit"?

>> No.4416333

This. Cut the military budget by 10% and give it to research universities. A single Sidewinder missile is $85k.

>> No.4416334


Troll or not, there are people out there who actually believe the shit he's spewing.

>> No.4416338
File: 270 KB, 124x120, FUCK+YOU+I+HAVE+A+PLATYPUS+_5d499339a9f3845f791126f488fd8a17.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, fuck it.

>> No.4416346

Well I see research on cloud formation, the water cycle, ocean solute concentration, magnetosphere analysis (All those are important for climate change research and modeling). as well as some general picture taking in various energy ranges.

It's a long list and I'm too lazy to do more than skim the first few. But please, bitch some more.

>> No.4416342


Name a single practical thing that that shit did that helps ME and was a good investment of MY money. Besides, you're nit picking. I said explain EVERY SINGLE FUCKING THING on that page taking MY FUCKING MONEY otherwise go away. Picking off one or two "successful ones" and going


Is fucking stupid.

>> No.4416340


>military tent air conditioning

What was the yearly budget for that again? 10 billion? 15 billion?

>> No.4416353


Confirmed for troll.

Everybody go home.

>> No.4416357
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>> No.4416361


>Hurr durr you're a troll.

We have bigger problems right now, such as unemployment. If we could take all the money from research and put it into getting people more JOBS to GET MORE MONEY CIRCULATING instead of some stupid scientist going "HURR I FOUND OUT HOW TO DECODE DNA LOOK AT ME IM SO SMART" maybe we could do more shit.

But no, I'm a troll because I'm reasonable.

>> No.4416362
File: 37 KB, 274x280, lol-face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, you silly nigger.

>> No.4416363

Look kids, a Luddite.

>> No.4416367

xkcd has been cited. This argument is over.

>> No.4416372
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>If we could take all the money from research and put it into getting people more JOBS to GET MORE MONEY CIRCULATING

>> No.4416382


Troll or retard, pick your poison.

>> No.4416443

Well sir, I for one am glad that we have been funding this "useless" research. This alone is pretty fucking sweet: http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/voyager/heliosphere-surprise.html

>> No.4416493
File: 99 KB, 468x547, AncientCostanza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Name a single practical thing that that shit did that helps ME and was a good investment of MY money.

Pharmacogenetics, cancer treatments, biotechnology, genetically modified crops and animals, heritage research, better forensic and paternity testing, preventative disease testing, recombinant therapies, gene therapy, mRNA therapy, and stem cell therapy.

And the Human Genome Project was completed underbudget, before the deadline, and they beat a private company that was competing with them that was also cheating to attempt to win.

Keep crying bitch nigga.