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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 47 KB, 374x492, The_Official_SAT_Study_Guide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4411675 No.4411675 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys, I just spent $300 on a 24 hour sat prep class spread over 8 weeks. It did not fucking help at all. Class was made for fucking tards in school. Its a bummer. Anyone have any tips or ways to score better? I am currently at the 1680 mark so just above average.

>> No.4411701

no help?

>> No.4411729
File: 25 KB, 381x380, blackbabby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look for real courses with real kids going.

I lived in So Cal and thus I followed all the asians when they went to this one asian grandmaster SAT tutor. Dude pumped out more 2250s more 2300s, and more perfect scores than you could believe. He actually taught you how to take the test.

Ended up with a 2320 recently just got accepted to Yale.

>> No.4411730

try assaulting a peice officer. remembe

>> No.4411736

I haven't a clue OP.
If a similar class doesn't give me the skills to preform well, and thus a resulting score keeps me out of a good college. I'm going to shoot up the world.

>> No.4411739

Yalefag here

The course I took was extremely rigorous though. We met like 3 times a week for hours on end and always took a practice test on Saturday and went over it on Sunday.

In retrospect, it was probably fucking overkill. But it got me into my top choice.

>> No.4411744

>3 times a week
Faggot detected.

>> No.4411748

Thanks for the advice guys. But now I am a junior and sat's are in a month. How can I self study?

>> No.4411749

During the school year, with 6 AP classes, I'd say meeting 3 times a week + 2 times on the weekend is pretty rigorous considering the weekday sessions were like 4 hours long and the weekend ones around 6.

Of course, what do I know? I only got a 2320.


>> No.4411760

I'm with this guy.

You sir are a fucking retard.
I believe you have a register to attend.

>> No.4411754

>SAT score
>something to brag about
Are you mad cause you realized no one gives a shit about what prestigious school you are going to?
It's okay. It'll be over soon.

>> No.4411765

Writing is the easiest to score very highly on, but a lot of top schools only look at critical reading and math.

SAT math can easily be defeated by a lot of practice tests and looking out for tricks, and going quickly enough to check your answers and finish EVERY question.

Critical reading seems to be innate for some people while other struggle.

My first practice test I got around a 700 on critical reading and just learned the tricks until I reached a perfect score.

Perhaps giving us your subscores would give us a chance to better guide you.

>> No.4411769
File: 71 KB, 300x300, Babbybane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Anyone have any tips or ways to score better?

Yeah you actually study. Wake up early, go to bed late. There's no shortcut. Figure out your weak point and work on them, reinforce your strong points.

Read a lot of books and the essay will be breeze.
Do at least 10 math problems a day. Time yourself.
Master at least 15 new SAT words each day.

Stick to that routine for just 2 months and you won't get anything less than a 2200.

>> No.4411774

The SAT is a joke. And I'm not bragging about my score in the least. I do credit myself for knowing it is a necessarily evil in order to attend top institutions. While you seem to be too stupid enough to even fathom that.

I'm sure you're one of those faggots who thinks his Calculus course at his local CC is the same thing at they take at MIT!

>> No.4411781

ok this is all rough, not sure where i put my exact breakdown
but it goes reading 680 math 580 writing 420

>> No.4411787

That's really good actually. Writing and Math are the easiest to improve on.

If you learn the rules of SAT grammar and write a serviceable essay you'll get around 700.

Math all you can do is take practice tests.

>> No.4411796


>writing 420

But that's supposed to be the easiest....Bump it up at least 200 points bro. You can do it.

Also for the math, just practice a lot. Know formulas and shortcuts.

The SAT never really tests smartness just how fast you work.

>> No.4411800

yea =\ I was always horrible at writing. Thanks for the tips!

>> No.4411830

I got that, and I am a sophomore, cmon' faggot.

>> No.4411841

This was my psat test. Got that my sophomore year too.

>> No.4411860

>implying employers care where you get your degree from, especially undergrad
>full retard
Enjoy shelling out tons of your parents money for a status symbol