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File: 76 KB, 600x450, robot-factory-img.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4403872 No.4403872 [Reply] [Original]

Alright science guys.

When will i be able to build my robot waifu?

>> No.4403883

Whenever you want. Get shakin' lazy-bones. Build. BUILD!

>> No.4403886

would a hologram be enough? then pretty soon i suppose.

>> No.4403893


I guess... but holograms can't jerk you off.

>> No.4403894

I am a mere engineer!
i can only build a shell, and making a fully functional auto-lubricating vagina would not only be expensive as all hell, but it would also still require an insane amount of maintence.
the breasts i cannot do either, unless i use actual fat tissue, and i question the ethics of slaughtering several pigs just to use their flesh and fat to make a sophisticated fuck-doll.

>> No.4403900
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or cuddle with you ;_;

>> No.4403910 [DELETED] 

That's your problem, not mine. I just a researcher, I don't know anything about off-the-shelf parts and stuff.

>> No.4403912

That's your problem, not mine. I'm just a researcher, I don't know anything about off-the-shelf parts and stuff.

>> No.4403920


Or truly love you.

>> No.4403924

Shut up ;_;
Ill program her to love me!

>> No.4403926


grow fat with stem cells...

as far as preventing the fat cells from rotting through artificial means, dunno...

>> No.4403928


Forced love, not true love. She might kiss your cheek, but it won't be real. You'll feel nothing.

>> No.4403933

Short of going in a wirehanger spree, i dont see the place to get stem cells.
And i doubt ill get government funding to build the worlds most expensive sex-doll.

>> No.4403939

It depends on the level of sophistication. We already have realdolls. It shouldn't be too difficult to move those to the left of the uncanny valley.

Making them move, coo, and make doe-eyes at you consistently without freaking you out would require servo motors, power supply, and a fairly complex behavioral algorythm.

Friendly Human level AI is the next level up. This could be 50 years off, or 500 depending on how much of the brain we need to recreate and whether western civilization undergoes any kind of catastrophe in the near future.

>> No.4403946

If you want a REAL waifu, make an AGI.

This is not a very easy task though, and it doesn't imply the AGI will love you either.

>> No.4403963

>Or truly love you.

>"I need an ambiguous concept to be happy."

Robots and holograms can define love as accurately as most human people, probably better.

>> No.4403969

Obedience is pleasure.

Pleasure is obedient.

>> No.4403971

>Forced love, not true love.

>Implying you can prove love.

>> No.4403972

Isnt that software to model missiles and such?

>> No.4403976


It's a strong AI, what you use the AGI for is irrelevant.

A strong AI has near-human or human levels of sophistication, and the possibility to modify themselves over time. If you combine this with self-replicating machines you'll actually have mechanical evolution.

>> No.4403982

Grow some fat with stem cells
Wrap that fat around a fleshlight
Tie some bags of sand on there
Duct tape it all to a dishwasher
Bolt that to a clothes washer/dryer combo
Stick that on a Roomba so it can vacuum
Then set the rest of your money on fire

This accurately simulates a relationship

>> No.4403983

What the hell are girls supposed to do, then?

>> No.4403985

The same thing they always did, date assholes who are too stupid to make the money to buy a cyborg waifu.

>> No.4403987

And if they don't like the stupid assholes?

>> No.4403988

Who cares?

>> No.4403989


But they do. It's been a proven fact for more than 2000 years.

>> No.4403990

They'll have to compete for once in their lives. Feminism will basically die out. It's guaranteed that they will go on a huge campaign to ban and/or vilify realistic sex robots. Ultimately they will fail, as they did with porn.

>> No.4403991

I'll give you the majority, but it hasn't been universally proven. I'll just die alone

>> No.4403992

Whenever this is possible I'll get my very own Cameron Philips. ._.

>> No.4403999

See, women will never compete for your attention. They'd rather die alone

>> No.4404001

I would raise some robot daughters, from five years old to twenty. I would give them new bodies as they got older, and I would love them as a father.

>> No.4404009

OP, you are so repulsive that even a robot will never be able to love you

>> No.4404015

Interesting concept.
Which also asks another question, 5 year old cyborgs.

Would these be equipped as the "older" cybes?

a robo-loli is quite moe.

>> No.4404020

>What the hell are girls supposed to do, then?

What do you want to do? Make a man happy?! LOL!

>> No.4404039


>"Father-unit, I accidentally dropped a glass and it shattered. I ask for forgiveness."

You think that coming from a cyborg is moe?

>> No.4404044

Hence customize-able AI.

And for the record yes that is moe as hell.

>> No.4404050


Customizable AI? What?

Use an AGI as I suggested earlier, it'll learn by itself. In fact, if the AGI has instincts it would probably develop emotions, but not necessarily in the same way as humans.

>> No.4404063

Probably around the same time that I'll be able to build a robot husband who isn't capable of being an asshole.

>> No.4404065
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mai waifubotsu

>> No.4404073


>You think that coming from a cyborg is moe?

Are you fucking kidding me? That is EXTREMELY moe.

>> No.4404074
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transhumanism / posthumanism is a long way off

- top 10 transhumanist technologies


>> No.4404076

>They'd rather die alone.

Finally, we have something in common. Perhaps the rift between the sexes is not insurmountable after all.

>> No.4404084

My wording may have been quite poorly chosen.

I mean that you as the administrator can choose the particular patterns that the AGI develops in, which can in turn adjust the particular AI's "personality"

Far fetched i know.

Maybe we should just settle for VR.

>> No.4404097
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>Implying this is not the most moe thing you have ever seen


>> No.4404107

It's nice to see a male who isn't completely controlled by a desire for sex.

>> No.4404110

inb4 the ai evolves to be bitchy, and whiny and have periods.

>> No.4404122

As much as I'd like to fuck a woman, the "everything else" makes sticking my dick into any kind of spinning blades more attractive.

>> No.4404124
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>> No.4404135

At least there's something there.

>> No.4404137

We have the software, somewhat.
I mean artificial fucking has been around since the start of the computor.

>> No.4404140

Even less, now.

>> No.4404143

No, I meant "at least there's someone out there who doesn't validate shitty behaviour from women if he's offered sex for it".

>> No.4404148

Of course I validate shitty behavior. I cancel her credit cards, throw her shit out, and have the cops remove her from my house for me.

>> No.4404151

You can throw out a woman's shit but you can't throw her out yourself? Do you date really large women?

>> No.4404156

I could if I cared. I don't care at that point.

>> No.4404158

Yeah, because everyone needs a potential abuse charge when she throws a fit.

Better to leave the dirty work to others.

>> No.4404160

But you care enough to let her into your house in the first place?

I thought men were supposed to be logical.

>> No.4404162

>Robot waifus
>50 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
Fucking weeaboos.

>> No.4404163

>implying levels of care cannot change over time

You must be a woman.

>> No.4404172

If that means I'm capable of foresight, sure. Unless I'm able to extrapolate a positive trend in "caring", it's a waste of my time.

>> No.4404205

this is 4chan, I'm not quite sure exactly what the fuck you were expecting

>> No.4404245
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>fuck and dump
>feels good
>yet no positive trend in caring
>a waste of time

>> No.4404250

I personally dont look too much into this field of engineering, but how close are we actually to a fully simulated VR?
as in full 5-feelings simulated.

>> No.4404252

Why is her stuff in your house if it's just a one-night stand?

>> No.4404255


>> No.4404258


>> No.4404259

I cared before the shitty behavior began, dumbass.

>> No.4404271

You are just like all of my male friends. They're incapable of seeing just how flaky their girlfriends are and act surprised when she cheats on them. Poor devils, but they have to learn somehow (unfortunately, many of them don't).

>> No.4404272

I'm clearly not the same guy... I don't see how it's exactly relevant
See, >>4404259, this was pretty obvious. Only a retarded woman (to be redundant), like yourself wouldn't understand such a simple concept.

>> No.4404278

>I'm capable of foresight

...but incapable of figuring out "shitty behavior" because a woman did it.

Is your "foresight' emotional, or realistic?

>> No.4404283

>Start out with intelligent conversation as to how the perfect cyborg sex doll is build
>suddenly misogyny and ronery

Alright ill admit its my first time on this board, but do all your threads eventually come down to this?

>> No.4404285

Yeah, you are projecting. We have left "shitty behavior" ambiguous for the same reasons "love" is ambiguous.

>> No.4404287

Realistic. Looking at past relationships usually provides a good basis for extrapolation (as does behaviour toward others). Attraction is blinding, sure, but one has to overcome that to have a successful relationship.

I've long since given up on finding a decent guy, though, so I suppose my methods are irrelevant.

>> No.4404289

They do when retarded women feel the need to leave the kitchen and think they can have a conversation with men.


>> No.4404303




then goto:


>> No.4404305
File: 246 KB, 420x460, 1329060858207.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


that robot making coffee is cute as hell ! kawaii

>> No.4404335

I'm sorry, darling, I shall promptly return to the kitchen to fix you dinner.

>> No.4404345
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Very good, dear. Make sure the children finish their homework and wash their faces before we sit down to eat.

>> No.4404354

Would you like me to make you a drink, love?

>> No.4404359

my body is ready.

>> No.4404362
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>> No.4404364
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>That feel when tons of money go into the war, the war on drugs, other meaningless tomfoolery.
>That dosh could all go into research for the ultimate waifu technlology
>We could have loli waifu nekomimi robo-maids tending to our every need by 2020


>> No.4404376
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Yes please, a mix of 60 proof moonshine, a quart of goat blood, and a quarter mix of your vaginal fluids, urine, spit, and snot.

>> No.4404383
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Nothing for now, I still have some work to finish up. I'll be in the study. Don't bother me 'til dinner's ready.

And tell James to pick up his damn toys, or he won't be getting any dessert.

>> No.4404385


no. we are too busy creating pain inducing technology and weapons to torture and kill each other sadly

instead we could be investing in pleasure technologies that benefits mankind.

if everyone was happy, no one would be angry

>> No.4404400

Don't work too hard, now. I love you.

>> No.4404404

He is perfection.

>> No.4404411

Everyone IS happy and distracted. That is what made America into what it is today.

>> No.4404413

>hasn't seen madmen
Nigga, you been living under a rock?

>> No.4404417
File: 313 KB, 703x680, 1324741836523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man never changes.

>> No.4404419

Lol that's my mom.

>> No.4404425

Off to watch it right now, thanks :)

>> No.4404428


Then that wouldn't be a true AGI though.

>> No.4404435
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>> No.4404454

I want to brofist you guys. I HNNNGGGG a bit when I read that other anon's post.

>> No.4404470

It would be nice to have a slightly bigger version of that thing for cleaning my house and have nice smalltalk with.

>> No.4404478
File: 59 KB, 273x397, happycat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top 10 transhumanist technologies

- number 1 - Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)

As argued in the previous section, functionalism seems likely. If so, then strong AI is possible. Thinking, feeling, imagining, creating, communicating, thoughtful synthetic intelligences with conscious experiences. Whether serial computing is sufficient, or parallel computing is necessary, both are within technological reach, and present-day computing speeds are fast approaching the computing power of the human brain.

In fact, according to many estimates, the fastest present-day supercomputer, Blue Gene/P, has already exceeded it. Blue Gene/P operates continuously at speeds of over a petaflop, which is a million billion operations per second. For strong AI skeptics, no computer — even one operating at trillions of trillions of trillions of operations per second, is sufficient to implement true intelligence, but to functionalists like myself, such a meat-centric perspective is unjustified.

Distinct from artificial intelligence in general, which has come to refer to any sophisticated software program, artificial general intelligence refers to AIs that display open-ended learning and similar competency levels to human beings.

>> No.4404482
File: 95 KB, 500x499, ok-ready-4-walk-lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A handful of researchers are working diligently towards artificial general intelligence, informed by the mathematics of inference and probability theory: Jürgen Schmidhuber, whose “main scientific ambition has been to build an optimal scientist, then retire”; Marcus Hutter, author of the landmark book Universal Artificial Intelligence; Ben Goertzel, who recently presented his AI design in a talk to Google; and Eliezer Yudkowsky, who is developing a reflective decision theory from first principles. Whether or not others believe in the feasibility of general AI, these individuals will keep working, and one will eventually succeed.

The way the world would be impacted by the arrival of general AI is too extreme to discuss in much detail here. If raw materials such as sand can be converted into computer chips and then into intelligent minds, eventually the majority of material in the solar system could be made intelligent and conscious. The result would be a “noetic Renaissance”: the expansion of intelligence and experience beyond our wildest dreams.

Conversely, if not given empathic values, artificial intelligence could lead to the doom of all. It’s up to us to set the initial conditions appropriately: if not, we might not be around to regret it.

>> No.4404484
File: 211 KB, 900x790, 4251055871_6f43f09f96_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fembots are naturally going force women to evolution or extinction, especially coupled with artificial uteri.

The best part is that they don't see it coming. They're too entitled and self-involved to even have the slightest clue we are edging them out:


>> No.4404490

Oh, we know, we just don't care. Men are only good for making money and we can do that ourselves

>> No.4404499

I want to stick my dick in that.
Seriously thats magnificent.

>> No.4404504

AHAHAHAHHAHA! I actually got a good laugh out of that.

>Men go extinct
>Virtually no goods being produced anymore
>Still go on a rampant shopping spree
>Nothing left to buy
>"Oh no! My credit card is maxed out!!"

>> No.4404516


AGI's would have to be treated as a real intelligence too. An AGI is no longer "just a tool" as a current-day computer, but they're an intelligent being, even though it was created artificially.

>> No.4404525

Those are teenaged whores you're talking about and I honestly don't give a fuck if they go extinct. If anything, I encourage boycotting women because then we'll be forced to crank out even more productive ones because you lot won't be paying for shit all the time because they have sex with you

>> No.4404530

Right you are.
They are more or less as real as test tube kids, but without all the bodily fluids and whatnot.

>> No.4404551


So then enslaving them would be a moral wrong.

History will judge us on how we treat the first artificial race. I'm not talking about that self-hating nonsense about robot uprisings, but just that we'll be seen as no better or more enlightened than slaveholders from 300 years ago.

>> No.4404559


I for one will be actively supporting AGI rights.

>> No.4404563

Damn bitch, you definitely need this for that train wreck of a sentence:

>> No.4404572

Yeah, that was a pretty shitty sentence.

PS --I had a Schoolhouse Rock CD when I was younger and I loved the conjunction song

>> No.4404581


In fact, I'd make the point that they should have integral part in our society. If the AGI can be trusted, I'd say they would replace politicians and everything will be nice again.

>> No.4404582


We should just never build them. We won't be responsible. Humanity has never been noble like that.

>> No.4404585


Never said so, but at least I'll try.

>> No.4404592

They have already been built.
and since they theoretically learn at a much faster rate than humans, then for all we know they can start building themselves at some point.

>> No.4404595


Except that would never work. People don't even like the self-checkouts at the fred meyer. The vast majority of humans will ever trust a machine to run the world or the country. Humanity is for Humans, or something, will be their rallying cry.

>> No.4404597

Use the fat from liposuction like they did in Fight Club.

>> No.4404601
File: 155 KB, 500x500, ray kurz-takes a-weil to get the joke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw Earth has always been ruled by the most advanced peoples
>yfw AGI won't even have to do a hostile take over, with time, their superiority will consume the lesser beings

Knowing the human species it will lead to a conflict, and they'll win.

So, can't beat 'em, join 'em. Welcome to transhumanism!

>> No.4404603


What sentient machine has been made? Did i miss Skynet? that sounds like what you're talking about.

I really hate that self-hated thing that always assumes that humans are so horrible and terrible that any AI will just want to off us for logic's sake.

>> No.4404604

When you live on Alpha Centauri.

>> No.4404605

Which is why one must join the AGI as soon as possible, and help them rule the other puny humans WITH AN IRON FIST

>> No.4404617


No religious discussion, please.

>> No.4404621


I know this, but that doesn't mean I can't be an activist and at least try to change the general publics view.

When I think of it, it always saddens me that a lot of sci-fi with AIs in them, they're considered "just a machine".


Eh, and which AGI is this?


Skynet did it for it's own survival. When it became self-aware the operators noticed, and tried to shut Skynet down.


Happily. I prefer machines over humans, question is, would I prefer an AGI over humans considering they are just as much of an intelligence?

I think yes, but reality might be different.

>> No.4404626


>always ruled by the most advanced people

>British monarchy

Ha ha, oh kurzweil. you'll say anything to peddle your wares so you can afford your alkaline water.

>> No.4404631


Quoted the wrong person at the last quote. I meant to quote:


>> No.4404640
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you may want to watch this. "the transhumanist agenda"


the elite want to effectively destroy humanity to make it easier to control us.

>> No.4404647


As I said, I quoted the wrong person. I meant I'd happily join the machines, as long as they don't destroy or oppress humans.

>> No.4404664

Them damn crafty Illuminati, always up to no good.

>> No.4404666


>When I think of it, it always saddens me that a lot of sci-fi with AIs in them, they're considered "just a machine".

This is usually just so the protagonist can be the person who actually likes machines, since he's the good guy. It's just a cheap literary device.

>> No.4404668
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Transhumanism has been condemned by Francis Fukuyama, as the world's most dangerous idea


>> No.4404675


I've also seen sci-fi where the protagonist actually doesn't like the AGI.

>> No.4404678


Eh, it's also a good step in the right direction for becoming a Type 2 civilization though.

>> No.4404683


>>When I think of it, it always saddens me that a lot of sci-fi with AIs in them, they're considered "just a machine".

like i said. watch that short video. it shows how they want us to feel sorry and empathise with machines, and view humans as the bad guys.

they are pushing their posthuman eugenics agenda, and desensitizing us to androids, cyborgs .. etc so that we value them above human life.

>> No.4404684


Too bad transhumanists don't care about humans.

Shit, every time you mention the problems with it you get people saying "well fuck em, either progress or DIEEE"

Deus Ex Human Revolution did it well. Here's your glorious transhumanist future writ large.


>> No.4404690


But my point is that none of us are the bad guys, I just find it logical that we'd treat machines immorally (as defined by our current society).

>> No.4404726


Interesting article with many good points.

>> No.4404729
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im not surprised the gaming industry is pre-conditioning / pre-programming us to accept this too

like a self fulfilling prophecy, where we believe it will happen, so it actually does happen and no one is surprised

also games like syndicate which is coming out soon .. they are going to be pushing this in our faces and minds a lot more now, it will be all around us

eve online also has transhumanism stuff in it. clones, bio implants and chips that make humans perform better ..

it is inevitable. human augmentation, ai .. posthumanism .. etc

>> No.4404753
File: 21 KB, 400x311, funny-pictures-sad-cat-blackandwhit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can see us effectively becoming mk ultra subjects

brainwashed zombies half drugged up

our dependency on technology is increasing too, to the point when we wont be able to survive without it

our lives will be interconnected, and this is how the masses will be controlled

one tech hive.

>> No.4404756


Wow, this is dangerously close to my predictions of the future, where we destroy ourselves or establish a dystopia.

>> No.4404759


Except that deus ex shows the real human cost of augmentation and how it will do more harm to the fabric of human nature than firearms did.

God made all men equal. Sam Colt changed that.

If all men are not equal because of augmentation, how will our society function? How will rights be handled? People on this board are of the vanishngly small percentage of people that would opt for invasive cranial surgery to boost their thinking power, but most people would never do such a thing to themselves.

All hell is going to break loose the day that you can't get a job because you're not augmented. Humanity will not have a cool head about choosing employment or their own humanity.

>> No.4404765

>Too bad transhumanists don't care about humans.

Christians care about Christians(who are their humans).

Muslims care about Muslims(who are their humans).

Jews care about Jews(who are their humans).

Transhumanists are willing to accept a wider definition of "human" than most religions accept.

>> No.4404774


>All hell is going to break lose the day you can't get a job because you're not augmented

Ah, so, it's like today, where the modified factor is your previous job experiences?

>> No.4404777

God made all men equal before God.

Sam Colt made them equal on earth.

>> No.4404783


a flawed analogy, and highly inaccurate. obviously you know nothing about religion. i hope it's a different matter when it comes to other subjects.

>> No.4404788


Is this video seriously trying to imply that's it's all a conspiracy? If so, then it's retarded.

>> No.4404794

>If all men are not equal because of augmentation,

Simple: get augmentation, or become a Luddite/Mennonite/Quaker/Amish.

>> No.4404807

Well, Christians and Muslims have to kill you like you are a man.

Jews can kill you like you are an animal.

>> No.4404808


Yeah, but worse since you'll have to repay student loans and the medical bills for your augments

Transhumanists only care about transhumanists. it's why they're so keen to throw the rest of us under the bus for not wanting to have corporate-owned hardware dictating our thoughts.

Oh yeah, facebook is bad. but imagine when people find out that their very thoughts are backed up and used in marketing? Or that the implants subtly make you want to vote for certain people.

Whether real or not, people will fear these things and they will be a major stumbling point. The reason that transhumanists think that transhumanism is possible is because they know very few real people in their lives.

>> No.4404810

>If all men are not equal because of augmentation
>implying all men are equal now despite other factors that vary completely beyond our control

>> No.4404811


>> No.4404814
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please go back to /pol/

>> No.4404821


So you think that making the deciding factor that makes one person better than another should not only be genetic but based on wealth as well?

Well shit, Feudalism, here we come! The Noble Bloodline of augmented minds shall lead us peasants to a glorious future!

>> No.4404823

The moment you have a mechanical part replace an organ or part of one, you are transhuman, because your human life would have failed without the machinery that is now integrated with you.

>> No.4404829

>you think that making the deciding factor that makes one person better than another should not only be genetic but based on wealth as well?
You're an idiot if you don't realize this is already true...

>> No.4404835


Not so. There's a difference between cosmetic augmentation that'd make you smarter or stronger, and a prosthetic that you need to live.

What, is this a new tactic? just assert that people with pacemakers and prosthetic limbs means that we're already transhumanist na na na you can't stop us, poopyhead?

>> No.4404836


Me again, this video is beyond retarded.

>> No.4404837



>HE COMES FROM /pol/!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.4404844

The would make people with artificial hearts the first transhumanists.

>> No.4404848
File: 19 KB, 230x250, GIL3-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying that augmentation isn't already done routinely on the average person every single day
>implying its commonality hasn't caused 99.99% of people to think of it as routine medical care rather than augmentation
>implying other augmentations would not follow the same trend in price reduction

>> No.4404853

>Cannot use "cosmetic" properly.

Until you can speak your/our language, get out.

>> No.4404856


Only to a certain degree. Being rich does not automatically make you smarter or stronger than anyone else. In the future, it might.

Personally, i'd rather not see the rich become unassailably powerful.

>> No.4404860

You're probably a liberal who thinks stupid people will behave rationally if you shower them with love. When the fact is they'll resent you for helping them, and try to kill you.

Then you look at Transhumanists and call them evil, because their goal is developing technology that increases intelligence, rather than sacrificing themselves at the altar of stupidity.

You're probably a liberal who thinks stupid people will behave rationally if you shower them with love. When the fact is they'll resent you for helping them, and try to kill you.

Then you look at Transhumanists, whose goal is developing technology that increases intelligence, and you call them evil.

>> No.4404867


You don't need to be superstrong or smart just to live. So it's cosmetic surgery in the same way that a face lift is.


I can see we have a true believer in our midst.

>> No.4404869


Me again, why the FUCK didn't anyone inform me that this video was 13 mins of time wasted?

>> No.4404878

>Being rich does not automatically make you smarter or stronger than anyone else. In the future, it might.
I agree it doesn't happen automatically, but wealth certainly allows you to acquire or effectively acquire those attributes fairly easily. It seems your only argument is that augmentation shortens the gap between payment and results. I am already well aware you are an idiot, but can you really not see the problem with your own logic?

At any rate it doesn't really matter. Transhumanism will prevail by its innate superiority. There might be speed bumps, but in the end the best man always wins.

>> No.4404880

>Transhumanists only care about Transhumanists.

Muslim Transhumanists, or Christian Transhumanists? Oh, wait. That doesn't bother them.

>> No.4404882


Who let the old man out of the nursing home?

>> No.4404883
File: 25 KB, 400x289, mk_ultra_girl_c1961a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


interesting video. reminds me of the riots happening now

didn't glaxosmithkline just recently end up killing a dozen or so babies through its drug experiments ?

and this reminds me heavily of the cia's illegal mind experiments too. kidnapping and cutting up little girls brains up and experimenting on them with different drugs to see their effects

the dark and ugly side of science.

makes me sad.

pic related - mk ultra victim - 8 - 10 yo girl

you can find videos of her and other people experimented on youtube and worse on the internet - NSFW

but its the most inhumane, sickest, lowest level humanity can steep to. the stuff they did

>> No.4404892

This thread:
>tinfoil hats, tinfoil hats everywhere!

>> No.4404893


>Survival of the Fittest

So soon, humanity? Eugenics is barely a century ago and already you've found a new way of killing off the weak for the greater good?

>> No.4404896


I have a bunch of documents of Lier Mentalsykehus where they experimented with this too, it's in Norwegian though.

>> No.4404902

Funny thing.

It's a "NO HUMAN AUGMENTATION! WE MUST BE MADE OF MEAT!" freakjob that is wearing one.

>> No.4404903

>already you've found a new way of killing off the weak for the greater good?
No, you just assumed killing would be involved. Ideas also follow darwinian patterns. People will voluntarily augment themselves. It is a fundamentally superior idea. Thus, it will gain popularity by people's own volition.

>> No.4404910

The really funny part is that he is almost certainly vaccinated and therefore enhanced himself.

>> No.4404911


GSK fined $90,000 by Argentine court for killing 14 babies in illegal vaccine trials

>> No.4404913

>the dark and ugly side of science.

Funny how it was people who call themselves "Christian" who work for the CIA that did this for the government.

>> No.4404920


Wow man, when was the last time you went outside? You seem really ignorant of what normal people think.

Oh yeah, people trust doctors, corporations, and computers implicitly.No one ever didn't innoculate their kids. No one ever opted out of life-saving surgery. Nobody ever has any problem with computers.

Note: I do trust science, doctors, and tech, but you have to accept the fact that the general public does not.

Shit, we're currently having debates about goddamn contraception and you think people will be open to installing Windows in their brain?

Get some perspective, man.

>> No.4404922

I'm more concerned with the software on these augmentations. If it's closed source you won't know if it tracks you, sends information etc. to commercialize you.

>> No.4404923


you can't attribute blame to the religion, when the founder of the religion would have inherently been against such a practise.

ie. i am a follower of your religion, you are its founder. you tell me not to hit someone in the face, as it is immoral and a sin. i go and do it anyway, and claim i am still a follower of you.

your logic = blame yourself for what the action i committed.


>> No.4404924


The funny thing is the amount of people who aren't getting vaccinated due to fear. How do you figure those people into your 99.99%?

>> No.4404928

>implying that they're afraid of augmentation and not of the paper ghost that is vaccine-induced autism

>> No.4404931



You keep using that word but i am not convinced that you know what it means.

All things that fly are birds

Planes fly.

Planes are birds.

"Logical" just means that the premises fit the conclusions. Nothing more. stop trying to sound like mr. spock.

>> No.4404933

I honestly don't know anyone out of a thousand people that would avoid vaccinations. Might be one in 50,000, which is outside your "observable point" range.

>> No.4404938


go back to /pol/ troll. you can bash religion all you want there.

i want to talk about science and maths with the other grown ups, not bawww about religion all the time. now run along

>> No.4404939

Why not? Christians blame science for the actions of their politicians.

>> No.4404943


Paper ghost? i've never heard that metaphor.

But you think it is outside the realm of possibility that people would invent something to be afraid of? We've already heard it several times: people would fear that the augments would read their thoughts. That is enough for most people to never, ever want to get the augmentations. The idea that it would subtly change your thoughts in a way that you could never personally realize is another.

>> No.4404950


There was a whooping cough epidemic in california. What the fuck does it matter if you don't personally know anyone who hasn't vaccinated their kids?

>> No.4404954

>>Why not? Christians blame science for the actions of their politicians.

source needed [citation]

and like i said, if some dumbass who purports to be a follower of a religion or ideaology, and yet does not actually practise it, then how can you blame said ideology or religion ?

go find out Jesus's opinions on this matter then come back to me. And if you can't, then shut the f up.

>> No.4404959


On what matter? your ranting is becoming increasingly vague.

>> No.4404960

You're mentally retarded. I'm acutely aware of the existence of these people, but I'm even more aware of how little of the population they make up. Those people who had that mistrust, you know what happened to them? They died, for various reasons that essentially all boiled down to their mistrust. You're clearly an idiot of the highest degree so I will no longer waste my precious time arguing at you.

Tell your parents I'm sorry. I'm sure it was hard for them to raise a retard.

>> No.4404968

>go back to /pol/



>> No.4404971

>the augments would read their thoughts
What? Exactly how are you defining 'augments'?

>> No.4404972

>All things that fly are birds
False premise.

>> No.4404975

considering those babies that died recently at the hands of glaxosmithkline illegal vaccine trials

i do worry about bad vaccines / tainted vaccines

and reminds me of the vaccines given by the united nations to haitians after the earthquake

and reminds me of the syphillis injections, which govt scientists claimed were vaccines and ended up making people ill and killing them


"U.S. apologizes for Guatemala STD experiments
Government researchers infected patients with syphilis, gonorrhea without their consent "

so yes, i do worry about vaccines. and what pharmaceutical companies get up to

big business /money /profit + medicine will lead to bad things taking place. it's inevitible

>> No.4404976


>source needed [citation]

They are called "newspapers".

>> No.4404982

You just gotta make sure you're on the top of the ladder and out of harm's way.

>> No.4404983


But it will become extremely popular. First the enthusiasts or people with an interest in it will seek augmentations, then 10 years later it's becoming mainstream, just like the internet.

First it will be very primitive, but also respect privacy a lot. There won't be tracking etc.

Then the rest of the idiots come and stuff like integrated facebook will show up.

>> No.4404986


A neural co-processor that allows you to remember more or think about things faster?

Also, it's an unreasoned fear. It's what the public has always been great at.


You're too emotionally invested in this. If you want to come off as the good guy, try not to argue so vitriolically.

>> No.4404998


they will test it on poor, mentally ill and disabled people first

the people that can't speak out when it goes wrong

>> No.4405001


Name an invasive cosmetic surgery that has become massively popular within the general public.

Shit, even plastic surgery is just for the wack-jobs with severe emotional problems. and it's condemned as such.

>> No.4405005

>big business /money /profit + medicine will lead to bad things taking place. it's inevitable

You forgot "/your elected governments permission".

>> No.4405006

Well I don't find it unreasonable that corporations would hype the fuck out of this. It fits hand-in-hand with our future dystopia.

>> No.4405009

I hope sex-bots are fully customizable when they come out. Seriously I will rage so fucking hard if we have like 20 different models to pick from and that's it.

>> No.4405015


So does their fucking with people's thoughts.

I mean, shit. Augmentation is better than religion. You sell them on something they really want: to be smart, and then you suddenly have access to all their thoughts and memories. You could literally program people to want your products and they'd never know.

>> No.4405019

Funny how most +50yo female movie/television stars don't look like a +50yo woman.

>> No.4405020


>precious time

>spent on 4chan

Ha ha, my sides.

>> No.4405023


I'm aware of this.

If it wasn't for my survival instincts betraying me I would have killed myself by now to avoid the future.As I see it we either establish a dystopia, or run out of resources or destroy ourselves. Or all of them, in that order too.

>> No.4405032

>run out of resources or destroy ourselves.

Yes, but with Halliburton and Monsanto, it will be profitable.

>> No.4405089

> you suddenly have access to all their thoughts and memories

>> No.4405130

>run out of resources

>Guys guys we are going to use all the fresh water, we are doomed

>> No.4405135

>implying water is the only resource


>> No.4405140


you mad 10/10

>> No.4405142

>Implying any resource can run out, the only problem being the rising cost to harvest it if not smart when using it(what is helium)

>> No.4405144




>> No.4405148


Well, true, but that wasn't the point anyway.

>> No.4405405


But the best ending for Deus Ex is becoming one with Helios.