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4402596 No.4402596 [Reply] [Original]


If this fungus infection works on humans the way it works on ants, there are terrible terrible implications.

It seems as if the fungus utilizes the nervous system of the ants brain. Even while the ant is technically dead, it is able to continue moving, until the time the fungus finds a suitable place spread its spores. If the fungus thrives in damp, dark areas, it must use the senses of the ant; Its eyes and feelers, sense the conditions of the environment. Clearly the articles states that More ants become infected On the forest floor, not only in the treetops. Even so, how would the fungus make it to the treetops, if IT itself manifests in the shrub, if not for a host to carry it? Since the fungus itself has no consciousness, it seems as though it might somehow use the knowledge or memory of the ant, to quickly find the bets spot to settle.

If a human were to become infected with the fungus, or a weaponized form of it, id imagine it happening much the same way. The fungus would use our senses and memories to find the best place for it to spread. But that is looking at the infection in its natural form... If it were to be weaponized, it could carry much different effects.

>> No.4402597

Just imagine, there are people that listen to britney spears. There are people that actually believe that humans are the sole cause of green house gases. There are people that actually think that greenhouse gases should be regulated and taxed...like every time we breathe.

Now lets consider this...If this fungus uses our thoughts and senses to find a suitable place to live, then whatever is in our brains is going to be what the fungus relies on to make its way to its new home. Granted, human brains are exceptionally more complex than an ant, so we may retain control and function, and we probably wouldnt die easily. Again, there is no way to compare(yet) the effects of the natural fungus with a weaponized form. If we become infected, some people would have the thoughts in their mind "Humans are destroying the environment". "Earth is becoming inhabitable". "Theres too many people on the planet". "Barrack Obama wants to fix all these things". Etc etc etc

The human psyche is strong, but humans are inheritly stupid... at least, thats what the liberal agenda tries desperately to convince us of.
And because of that stupidity that we think we have by nature, we could become violent, raging environmental activists, and not by a stretch actually kill to make a suitable environment for the fungus, that infected our brain, to live and spread. Sure we wouldt be eating brains, but our rage would cause us to do things that we wouldnt normally do. And it wouldnt be a totally uncontrolable rage, i would think. Like i said, we have self control. But so did those ants that were being observed..until they became infected by the fungus.

"Brain controlling fungus, the only sure fire way to vote for Obama"

>> No.4402607
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>> No.4402785


>> No.4402793


Faggot. Take your tinfoilery to /x/, or even better, Reddit.

>> No.4402799

I'll sage for you, shall I?

>> No.4402800

>implying every anon that bumps a thread is OP.

Fuck your shit


>> No.4402801
File: 15 KB, 1190x298, sageexplained.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure thing.

>> No.4402804

>implying you can into reading comprehension

Yeah, definitely Reddit.

>> No.4402805

ahaha even though you dont care for the thread, i appreciate you making faggots look like noobs.

>> No.4402806

fuck you both.

>> No.4402808

why are you fagging up the place?1 get out! lolololol

>> No.4402807

>Take your

implies ownership.

This thread is OPs.


>> No.4402829


loled, how much are they paying you?

>> No.4402832

faggotry and jokes aside, i brought this here so you could eat my hypothesis apart.

I want to figure out if this is even remotely a possibility within the realm of speculation.

If only to fill my imagination with doom.

why is anon so hostile?

Let the thread begin, agian.

>> No.4402834

the nervous system of a human is slightly more complex than that of an ant

>> No.4402839


>> No.4402850

i stated that in OP..

>> No.4402854
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>Earth is becoming inhabitable

>> No.4402856

Yeah, grammar's fine, but you fail to comprehend what was the meaning of the sentence.

>> No.4402859

OP you are a fucking retard.

Do you not understand how this fungus works? It's doesn't just magically take over the ants soul or something. There's no such thing as souls you dumb fuck. It connects to very specific locations in the ants brains and nervous system and directly stimulates what it needs. It wouldn't work on a human because ~IT IS ONLY PROGRAMMED TO GROW INTO SPECIFIC SPOTS WHICH DO NOT EXIST ON HUMANS AT ALL~

Plus human bodies are so FUCKING HUGELY MASSIVE compared to an ant that i think you would notice a giant fucking mold colony slowly eating through your scalp, even if you're as RETARDED as the OP

>> No.4403009

Why arent you aware that i stated that this fungus MAY or may NOT have been altered by humans already?

Scientists...they dont just look at stuff and go "ooh ahh thats pretty". They mangle with stuff and see if it can be nullified or intensified, and play with it like little kids in a candy store trying to figure it out. SOMEONE somewhere is trying to turn this into a weapon, like they do FOR EVERYTHING that is deadly and toxic!

oh wait, hold on....capsicum doesnt exist. Smallpox doesnt exist. Anthrax doesnt..oh wait, isnt that a bacteria? weaponized bacteria..that originally was found in nature...thats INTERESTING!!

shut the fuck up and get the fuck out.

go stroke your dick in another thread.

>> No.4403014

Conspiracy thread?
Conspiracy thread.
Not science fuck off.

>> No.4403021

you're doing it wrong man.

>> No.4403028

Ants are not even self-aware, they operate at a purely instinctual level.

No, it wouldn't work on humans.

>> No.4403039

Are you trying to imply that the general mass public is self aware?

People are drones, and they behave as such, and shouldnt be expected to do anything different then what they are told to do and how to behave.

Social engineering, suggestive thinking, propaganda/public relations etc

If "they" want to make us act on an instinctual basis, then they can do it.

>> No.4403040



You have a point.

>> No.4403042

>capsicum doesnt exist.

Chefs aren't gonna be happy!

>> No.4403062
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OP. Don't come here with false pretenses to "discuss" a topic when you're clearly biased. Hear anons out, or shut your yapper.

As for your Orwellian shrooms, do a bit of research. These fungi are well known for a long time now, and yes, they are parasitic to the ant, they do take it to the appropriate place, just so it can grow out happy out of mr. ants skull. Now, here's why you should do your research. Humans have been in contact with this fungus. A small number of asian athletes have administered this fungus to themselves to improve performance in the past. Of course, it wasn't allowed.

Sorry, I think maybe you should crawl back to /x/.

>> No.4403065


Humans are capable of achieving self-awareness, while ants are not.

>> No.4403072

I'm surprised OP is capable of using a computer considering his complete lack of any intellect whatsoever.

Oh wait it's the spores doing it.

>> No.4403073

Me again. Just wanted to show y'all how beautiful this fungus really is.

Why don't we turn this into beautiful biology thread?
