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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4399036 No.4399036 [Reply] [Original]

4chan desperately needs a Science Fiction / Space Opera / Space Fantasy section. Don't you agree?
How can we convince moot to add such a section where we can openly and feverishly discuss such topics as:
Star Wars
Star Trek
Battlestar Galactica
Warhammer 40,000
Starcraft (Lore)
Isaac Asimov's works.
Planet of the Apes
Aliens (the franchise)
2001: A Space Odyssey
Lost in Space


>> No.4399043

Sounds like a mix of /tg and /lit ??

I'm in favour of this, but I can't give rational arguments.

>> No.4399041

Mass Effect
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

>> No.4399046

IMO it'd be centered more around talking about the lores of each universe. Some, like ST, SW, and WH40k, have a shitton of depth.

>> No.4399052

There is a board for all manifestations of science fiction.

>> No.4399053


>> No.4399054
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>check the list
>no Dune

>> No.4399055

But now that I think about it, it would definitely be cool having an /sf/ board.

>> No.4399060

Well good sir, shan't you have the honors of placing such a gem on thy list?

>> No.4399061

What I meant was that any one manifestation of science fiction already fits into one board or another. If it's a movie or television program it goes on /tv/. If it's a board game, /tg/. Video game, /v/ or /vg/. Book, /lit/.

>> No.4399062

Speaking of scifi, is there a /sci/ / 4chan corp in EVE?

>> No.4399067

Don't forget Orion's Arm. You can't appreciate science fiction and not like Orion's Arm.

>> No.4399068

True, but imagine being able to have a board that is completely dedicated to the discussing the lore, asking questions, comparing, etc. to every franchise/universe on the list and more?


>> No.4399073

As I already said (>>4399055), I increasingly like the idea of having an /sf/ board the more I think about it.

>> No.4399077

Just keep adding to the list!!! The more the better imo.

>> No.4399078

I love you.

>> No.4399085
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Red Mars
Green Mars
Blue Mars

>> No.4399086

Much as I like your enthusiasm, OP, I think those topics would do well enough just on /sci/ alone.

It's a tad too specific to validate its own board, but I'd gladly welcome it here on /sci/. Might cause some decent threads to actually pop up once in a while.

>> No.4399089

Science fiction has always been shunned on /sci/, and for good reason. In between Science and Fiction lurks pseudo-science.

>> No.4399092


So? I personally think it'd be great discussing which parts of science-fiction are fact, and which parts are fiction.

It'd help us learn through an entertaining medium.

>> No.4399096

But what about a Fantasy Section with LOTR, GOT and so on? There are people which would want that if a /scifi/ board would be added.
Maybe a Fantasy/Science Fiction board?

>> No.4399093

I agree. That's where all the transhumanism and life extension threads should also go.

>> No.4399098
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Fair enough, but y u no like transhumanism?

>> No.4399100

...and bombarding something with something from orbit.

It somehow doesn't fit with "science and math" and I'd gladly support OP, but I just don't think it's enough for it's own board.

>> No.4399101

Science fiction doesn't fit into any one board, but I'd say /tg/ dominates 4chan fantasy. Perhaps they could keep it. I would think they would like it that way.

>> No.4399102


>> No.4399103
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Yes... I'm sure we could work something out.

>> No.4399104

So, new board /lore ??
Because I thought OP was suggesting more of a "soft-science" board than a straight "fictionol universes" board.

>> No.4399108
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>not enough for a board
>/mlp/ exists
>mfw I agree with you

>> No.4399109

I am.

>> No.4399112

Uhm, I think /tg is currently being purged of pure fantasy threads (and has been for some time)
But I don't want to get into board-politics here.

>> No.4399113

Did you mean "soft science fiction" as in Star Wars and Star Trek or did you mean "soft science" as in psychology and sociology?

>> No.4399116

So you say... whether or not I think it will be a rather empty board due to small range of topics or too few people being interested, it could still get its own board?

Then count me in, dammit. Storm the bastille and all that. Let's write /scifi on our banners.

>> No.4399117

Hrm, I didn't know that.

Science fiction probably wouldn't have enough posters to warrant a board anyway. Guess /sf/ will be Science Fiction & Fantasy. I don't like it, but I can't deny that that would be the only way such a board would be created.

>> No.4399118

So does that mean the only rational solution is to bring our shit to /b/ until they give us a board?

>> No.4399119

Honestly, re-scan the boards that are already available and tell me how possibly some of them would manage to get more activity than a /sf/ board?

>> No.4399134

Star Wars
Star Trek
Battlestar Galactica
Planet of the Apes
Aliens (the franchise)
2001: A Space Odyssey
Lost in Space


Starcraft (Lore)


Isaac Asimov's works.


>> No.4399136

It's not a question of liking or disliking, it's more a question of whether it makes realistic claims or not. It also has a whiff of new type of religion about it.

>> No.4399140

I fucked up and I can't find words to properly express what I meant.

I probably meant "soft science" in the classical sense of science-FICTION, but still rooted in reality.

ATM "hard sci-fi" with its speculation seems to be semi-tolerated on /sci.

The "soft sciences" like psychology etc. I personally count to /sci. I would move ALL Sci-fi to the new board (whatever its final defining content will be).

>> No.4399141

doesn't comprehend

>> No.4399142

This is kinda what I think is the truth, albeit I don't like it.

>> No.4399151

Exactly my thoughts. As much as I like the idea, the formation of a new /sf will probably be rejected on the basis of having neither enough posters nor enough content (even less than some of the more obscure boards already in existence).

>> No.4399157

Everytime a Star Trek, Star Wars, Firefly, or Battlestar thread is started in /tv/ it pretty much owns the board.

Thing is, the board /sf/ board wouldn't exist to just discuss the series alone, but rather go deeper than that into their universes, etc. You'd be surprised to find there's prob a lot of scifi geeks browsing 4chan, they just need a place to congregate and share their collective knowledge, and questions.

>> No.4399162

Also, I'd like to add the X Universe to this list.

>> No.4399164

Imagine the possibilities

the comparing of species, ships, weapons, galaxies, worlds, etc. that all exist in these universes and many more

discussing the species, ships, weapons, worlds, galaxies, universes, etc. Plenty of content.

Discussing series continuity, characters, events

Even discussing sci fi elements in terms of writing, or just a poster's own ideas, etc.

>> No.4399172

It DEFINITELY has irrational ethusiasts who image a soon to arrive utopia, but how can you deny the advantages of humans modifying themselves?

>> No.4399174
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...where do I sign?

>> No.4399178

>You'd be surprised to find there's prob a lot of scifi geeks browsing 4chan
Who the fuck would be surprised by that? Seriously. Tell me who.

>> No.4399179

Messed up my trip.

>> No.4399183
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>> No.4399188




It would help to flesh /sci/ out. Take out the atheism vs religion shit, and bring in science fiction discussion.

It doesn't need a new board, we've already got it right here.

>> No.4399187


Hm, I'm not sure.

How would we go about making this a reality?

>> No.4399193

/sci/ is grounded in reality w/o the fiction element. Besides, space operas, and space fantasy don't really fit in /sci/.....
but they do in /sf/

Also, mathematics.

Don't you dare forget about the mathematics aspect of /sci/

>> No.4399198

Every time moot does one minor thing, all the retards come out of the woodwork and demand 40 new boards.

>> No.4399203

But a /sf board could discuss the colonisation of distant planets without "lol god made the earth your home stay put".

Many religious freaks are not scifi geeks.
True, we geeks have our own problems... but that's taking the discussion too far now.

>> No.4399210
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>> No.4399218

not on science and mathemtics that's for sure, go to /lit/

saged and reported

>> No.4399228

lit fits literally like 2 things on the list?

>> No.4399236

Z means the whole topic.

It does say something OP went to /sci of all places.

>> No.4399239

I mean, it probably has nothing to do with the fact that /sci/ has science in it's name and so does... like, science fiction. idk though

>> No.4399245

Geeks gonna geek

He came to where he felt partially "at home".

>> No.4399247

Science is not science fiction. Absolutely not.

We have boards for all of the things on the list, /tv/, /lit/, /v/.

A /sp/ board would be too specific. The only similar thing we have is maybe /jp/, /mlp/ and /vp/, and those aren't wanted in their suitable boards, or big enough to overwhelm their boards.

>> No.4399249


Reported for attention-seeking twat.

>> No.4399253

the fact that /jp/ /mlp/ and /vp/ exist is more than enough merit to allow a /sf/

would probably have more content that /jp/ as /jp/ covers numerous things as would /sf/

>> No.4399261


But /mlp/ and /vp/ are simply boards to contain shit which spreads too far over other boards. They're basically more narrow versions of /b/.

Do science fiction threads plague every part of /lit/ and /sci/? Not in the slightest.

Sorry, but /sf/ ain't EVER gonna happen. Quality science fiction threads here on the other hand I welcome with open arms.

>> No.4399270

it looks a little like the parliament buildings in berlin

>> No.4399281
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>> No.4399276
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>> No.4399284
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m fw

>> No.4399286
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>> No.4399294
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>> No.4399305
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>> No.4399310
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>> No.4399312

it already exists.
/tv/: television and films
or lit if you're talking about books.

>> No.4399313

Damn, looks like you perplexed a few captains there.

>> No.4399322


Sorry all, it's the way it has to be.

>> No.4399333
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>> No.4399344

Offtopic: Shit movie, but this scene made me jump. Fucking out of nowhere.

Ontopic: I oppose /sf to be solely about the content of the aforementioned movies/books. It should be about speculative science, too, which doesn't fit /sci.

>> No.4399347

Addendum: The whole of science fiction is more than the sum of its parts.

>> No.4399357

Well ya, of course. The list just gets the ball rolling.

Basically all scifi elements from the very broad spectrum it has would be included. Not just the shows, books, whatever.
Scifi is bigger than fantasy, arguably.

It's definitely more mainstream and has been around longer in pop culture.

>> No.4399363

And that is exactly why /tv and /lit are, in my opinion, not sufficient.