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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4396597 No.4396597 [Reply] [Original]

In what order should you learn biology? I would like to learn pretty much everything about it, but don't know where to start and where to go afterwards.

>> No.4396604
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>> No.4396619

holy shit that goat looks pleased

>> No.4396620

Any biologists here?

Please respond.

>> No.4396635

For your pre-req you usually have to take a sequence of biology which includes: plant bio, animal bio, and cell bio. That was the order I took them in; however, it really doesn't matter what order you take them. It helps to have taken at least one chemistry class before you've taken cell bio as there is some chem involved in the class. I would recommend taking cell bio first, and then animal or plant. Cell gives you a good foundation of the subject to further build on.

>> No.4396637

Is genetics and biochem included in cell bio?

>> No.4396645


biochem is, but genetics was a complete course together with molecular biology.

>> No.4396648

Hey biofag, you forgot the math courses.

Oh wait.... there is none. lol

>> No.4396660


you're right, it's hardly an issue.


>> No.4397526

Have fun not knowing shit about how things actually work.

Biology is pretty much just memorizing and regurgitating what your prof. tells you.

>> No.4397549
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>mfw he thinks this

>> No.4397559


I'm guessing you took nothing higher than BASIC biology.

>> No.4397574


>Mad Bio Majors

Math master race here. Have fun only understanding the biological world while I can use math to figure out anything.

>> No.4397589

Then why don't you use math to figure out how to correct misfolded proteins or to figure out how organic chemicals developed the ability to reproduce themselves? I bet you'd get a Nobel prize. Since bio is so easy, you should be able to do that in a day or two.

>> No.4397592


I had to take a year and a half of math. You take up to vector calculus plus quite a bit of statistics. You also take a year of physics.

>> No.4397596

Although I agree with you on the previous poster being a typical undergrad nubhead, I can safely say that knot theorists or working on the protein folding problem and will probably play a big (if not the biggest role) in the final understanding, if we're lucky ;)

>> No.4397597

Implying the people who are closest to understand thouse issures arent mathematician.
Try solving any of those things WITHOUT math and you won't just win the nobel prize but you'll become the worlds first ever wizard.

>> No.4397598


Surely you can use math to cure cancer!

>> No.4397602

Try curing it without using any math at all....

>> No.4397603

loled heartily on the wizard comment

>> No.4397607

Biology problems are hard, yes. But studying biology isn't. If you go into biology research it's hard. But most students don't go into research and hence fall into the category of those who have done something comparatively easy.

>> No.4397614

He's arguing that he can use only math to understand biology.
In truth, math is required to understand certain principles of biology but there comes a point when math alone cannot be used to fully understand how a living being functions.

>> No.4397610

I know. Math and compsci are vital to modern biology because the systems are so fucking convoluted. My points were a) it's not like you can herp derp your way through it, and b) you STILL need to know a fuckton of biology and chemistry for it.
I have no problem with math. that would be dumb. I just think that anyone who thinks that biology is straight regurgitation has never designed an experiment.

>> No.4397619

How come we can use only math to understand how things like how the universe was created and blackholes if we can't use it to understand biology?

>> No.4397622

How narrowminded of an argument is that? It's like saying that you can understand the behavior of a cell just from knowing how a electrons function.

You're just making yourself look stupid. Yes, math is applied in biology and biological research in order to solve problems and make progress BUT there are biological principles that one must learn and understand that cannot be extrapolated from math alone.

>> No.4397629

honestly just read this cover to cover:


>> No.4397630

We can and do use it to understand biological problems. But isolating variables and getting data good enough to actually do mathematical analysis on is difficult in biology - and when that data is available, there is a TON of it. e.g. genetic sequencing. So mathematical models aren't as common in biology as they are in, say, physics, where most of the mathematical relationships are readily apparent.

>> No.4397634

Now I can see that you're either really stupid or a troll. A black hole is not a living thing. A star is not a living thing. A cell is a living being. Bacteria are living creatures. They are studied in two completely difference disciplines of science.

>> No.4397640

But why cant math be used to understand both?
Everything we know about blackholes comes from math and logic since we can't actually obseve one.

>> No.4397641

wow, math majors mad at bio. You should be happy he's planning on doing a science that's actually somewhat useful and not bidness or psychology.

in fact, mildly funny story, I had to take a test in electrodynamics in the bidness building the other day because it was the only room available for our time slot. The amount of weird looks all these professionally dressed faggots that don't do shit irl gave us was amusing.

There's important work to be done in bio, in fact, I think we have the farthest to go in it right now. The more people working on it, the better. Us physicsfags along with the mathfags will figure out how to space and the bio and chemfags can figure out how to make us not die. Together we can the universe! Fuck the rest of these useless ultimate frisbee playing assholes.

>> No.4397642


;_; I didn't proofread my posts.

>> No.4397647

It's ok man. You put up good points.

>> No.4397652 [DELETED] 

>biology doesn't contain any math
WRONG. Biology contains some of the most beautiful and rigorous math.

Physics and mathfags
>biology is so easy, it's just purely memorization hurr durr no jorbs for you!
Wrong again. Biology involves more critical thinking than both physics and math in my opinion.
Are you guys even trying?
Enjoy being unemployed/Starbucks/teaching middle school students.

Sage'd for cancerfucks

>> No.4397661

It is just the way math is applied. That is the keyword. APPLIED. Math is the most basic tool we have to understand various aspects of the universe. It's like the atom. The basic building block. Just because we know how an atom looks like and functions doesn't mean we know how a car works. Do you get it? You have to apply math and build an understanding of the principles that govern how matter/energy work. Then, you use those principles to figure out how chemical structures work. Then finally, you use those principles to figure out how a cell works.

LOL. This is the basic idea of science. You're either a troll or you are just a narrow minded mathematician.

>> No.4397665

whoa, I liked your post up until you said it involves more critical thinking. Be careful, have you gotten degrees in all these subjects? why is there so much hate

>> No.4397666

>calls thread cancer...

boy do I have the board for you!


>> No.4397670 [DELETED] 

I'm about to have a degree in 2/3 of the subjects. Physics isn't worth any decent man's time.

Boy,do I have a board for you

>> No.4397672

>people who don't even do research arguing the merits of different majors

Until you are published in a scientific journal, don't tell me how great math/bio is.

Sans research, math is only good for making my change at the grocery store, and bio for you properly sucking my dick.

>bio major here

>> No.4397682


>mfw I am published in a scientific journal.
>mfw I am published in an oncology journal to boot.

>> No.4397683
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>mfw all the hate between the different disciplines
can we just agree that we're all awesome since we got >>dat BS

>> No.4397692


It's not exactly...hate. It's just douchebags being condescending and not being able to appreciate how various fields of science are applied to make the world what it is today.

>> No.4397779

physics not worth anyones time makes me sad

>> No.4400008

How is it not worth anyone's time?