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4397175 No.4397175 [Reply] [Original]

I am a time traveller; Ask me anything.

>> No.4397180

When will Jacob Barnett receive his first Nobel Prize?

>> No.4397186

Why Februry 23 2011?

>> No.4397187

He doesn't get one before 2050. IIRC, he went into theoretical physics and did some work on confinement theory.

>> No.4397194
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>not 2012

>> No.4397197

Good question.

The explanation's particularly boring- I'm here observing the scientific community's reaction to the news that neutrinos aren't faster than light after all.

also >>4397194

>> No.4397215

what happens tomorrow

>> No.4397219

nothing much. Things aren't announced for a few days.

And yeah, it sounds like a cop out- but I can't give you a date. There are people who will make wagers over this, telling them when it happens is going to have an irreconcilable effect.

>> No.4397217

What ends up happening with Iran?
What year are you from?
How does Pluto look like?

>> No.4397230

When's the next major global event going to happen?

>> No.4397232

will I hookup tonight?

>> No.4397233

A new president gets elected before a war can start, and uses some of Israel's more, ahem, controversial actions to lever them into submission - Which Israel promptly uses to elect a far right president, and go to war. It's a conventional battle, and only lasts a few days. Iraq are not best pleased.
I'm from 2052.
I don't know any more than you do- I mean, we sent more probes, but I haven't exactly studied the results.

>> No.4397239

Depends what you define by major.

Next major international event? the London olympics. Next major scientific event? the neutrino announcement, of course. Next unexpected major event? HSBC are liquidated.

>> No.4397249

Can you go forwards and backwards?

>> No.4397258

Everyone can go forwards, lol

But yes. My transport back came with me, without going in to too much detail my brain gets digitised, then I spend a few years oscillating in the asteroid belt. My ship gets detected in 2015, but nobody guesses what it is, so I have no problem there.

I can't explain the method by which I got here, because it relies on physical discoveries you have not made yet.

>> No.4397267

if you're truely a time traveller reply to this post before I post it.

>> No.4397272


Any other questions? I'm gonna go and get lunch in a few.`

>> No.4397276

wasn't a question, you failed the test, go get lunch and never come back.

>> No.4397279


>> No.4397307

well you just told a bunch of people what that mysterious object discovered in 2015 was. temporal prime directive fail