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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 128 KB, 600x361, college_welcome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4391486 No.4391486 [Reply] [Original]

>Wow, you're a math major!?
>What's 26 times 564?
>You don't know?

>> No.4391489

Proof that math majors don't know more math than biologists.

Biology 1
hard science 0

>> No.4391494

I seriously had a grad student do this shit to me.

>> No.4391497

lol at them and call them ignorant, op. That way you can feel superior to them.

>> No.4391500

>Wow you're a computer science major?
>Can you fix my computer for me?
>I think it's something wrong with my screen

>> No.4391501

>Wow, you're an art major?
>How many paintings did Picasso make?
>You don't know?

>Wow, you're a music major?
>How many songs did Beethoven make?
>You don't know?

>> No.4391502
File: 11 KB, 146x147, if i had three dicks this is how long they would be if you lined them all up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wow you're a physics major?
>So do you believe in God?

>> No.4391505

>So you're a medical student?
>Finally, I didn't want to go to a doctor because it's a bit embarrassing.
>Can you just have a look at this growth on my dick-

>> No.4391509

>Wow you're a chemist?
>Have you ever mixed baking soda and vinegar?
>So awesome.

>> No.4391512

>Wow you're an engineer
>Want to have gay sex with me?
>Awesome lets do it!

>> No.4391514

implying it isn't fucking awesome

>> No.4391517

>Wow you're a biology major?
>So do you believe in evolution?

>> No.4391533

It's not.

Now go lick a 9volt battery.

>> No.4391536

>Wow, you're a Journalism major?
>I think the media is destroying America.

>> No.4391542

You want to see something even more awesome!;
mix equal parts bleach and ammonia then inhale deeply!

>> No.4392753 [DELETED] 
File: 2 KB, 180x365, safe_image[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So guys, who's looking forward to the dawn of a new age in computers?

I'm talking of course of the memristor.


>> No.4392768

>Wow, you're an environmental science major!?!?
>So you want to save the planet?

not really, i think there's too much rainforest as it is.

>> No.4393293

>Wow you're a philosophy major?
>How's being homeless?

>> No.4393307

>Woah Chemisty grad?
>Dude, we should totally make meth together.

>> No.4394896

All the physics majors I know of are Atheists :D

>Wow, you're a psychology major?!?
>Who was Sigmund Freud?
>A man with many great ideas!
> <_<

>> No.4394898

>Wow you're a physics major?
>I have this pain in my hip, is there a prescription you could write me?

>> No.4394904

>You're an Anthropology major?
>What is that?

>> No.4394905

564 x 10 + 564 x 10 + 5640/2 + 564


could you guys really not do that in your heads?

>> No.4394913

>Wow, your mechanical engineer?
>can you fix my car?
>you cant do it?

>> No.4394921

i dont use the metric system

>> No.4394927
File: 23 KB, 330x357, 1313181848195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wow, you're a dropout?!
>Wait, uh, I think my friend needs to talk to me for a sec

>> No.4394929

14664, now go away dumb bitch.

>> No.4394933

>Wow, you're an economics major!?
>What caused the recession and when is it going to end?
>You don't know?

>> No.4394936

>Hey, I heard you're a CS major,
>can you please fix my cell phone?

True story, and the guy who asked was a fucking graduate student in maths...

>> No.4394938

>Wow, you're a microbiology major?

>> No.4394939

>Wow, you're an EE major?
>Can you fix some of the outlets in my house?

or just,

>....what exactly is that?

>> No.4394941

>Wow, you're a math major!?
>What's 26 times 564?
Well I can't figure that out on the spot, but I bet I could figure out your number ;)

>> No.4394957

I'm not.

this EVERY time

>> No.4394962
File: 14 KB, 343x383, 1326168505838.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hey, I heard you're a CS major,
>Why didn't you spend your time in college learning something?
>You don't know?

>> No.4394974

>I didn't spend all my time learning indeed. I was good enough to learn what I was taught (and would help me get my PhD grant) but still have a lot of time to go out, play games, read, go to the movies, develop a few projects on my own et caetera. All in all, I'm pretty satisfied by how everything went.

>> No.4394977


CS is a proper offshoot of math and a utilization of both.

>> No.4394980
File: 898 KB, 200x200, 1316652935115.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wow, you're a neuroscience major?
>You must be really smart! Can I suck your dick and offer you a threeway with my really hot best friend?

Yes, on all accounts.

>> No.4394982

14100+564= 14664

hooray only took about 25 seconds

>> No.4394990

>You're a computer science major?
>Dude, I'm trying to start a business. Can you help me build the website?

Every fucking time. Fuck you.

>> No.4394997

a. you're a freshman
b. you're deluded
As a double major in pure mathematics and computer science, I'm telling you to pick at least one.

>> No.4395004

Do you seriously compute in base 10? So plebeian.

>> No.4395006

>Wow, you're studying to be a dentist?
>hand over their mouth when they talk to you

>> No.4395007

I remember a prof of electronics ending up with 20*log_10(240) and asking the class to get their calculators. We were lazy, so while the others starting slowly arguing or getting their calculators, I did the following:
log(2.4) is between log(1)=0 and log(sqrt(10))=0.5.
sqrt(10) is roughly 3.1, so the log of 2.4 should be roughly 0.4.

I answer 48. Someone eventually gets a calculator and runs the computation. Answer was 47.6.

The prof was shocked (though, well... he needed a calculator to check that the exact value of sqrt(10^{-12}) was 10^{-6}...).

>> No.4395015

>Wow, you're getting your EMT certification?
>has an aneurysm

>> No.4395033

I dont know what log is

but Im very good at guestimating squareroots

its good when a plan comes together

>> No.4395037

>12 seconds
>in mah mind
>mfw I have no face

>> No.4395039

i would honestly much rather be a trucker than an EMT, pays better, and the job is generally all around better as long as you don't mind being by yourself for prolonged periods of time.

>> No.4395044

>Wow you're a math major?
>I bet you give a shit about physics

>> No.4395048

Dude my roommate is a neurosci. major and this is weirdly accurate. He gets ridiculous amounts of pussy. Makes me almost want to switch majors.

>> No.4395056


>> No.4395065
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>> No.4395071
File: 60 KB, 531x327, virginity-rates-by-college-major-632-1237300549-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should. Neuroscience is master race.

But you don't have to my word for it.

>> No.4395075

no way that psychology is that high and computer science that low.

the only way i can think of psychology being that high is because it's mostly girls, so it may be more difficult for them to find someone to fuck. but still, girls that didn't lose their virginity in high school are nearly nonexistent.

>> No.4395090
File: 105 KB, 640x427, 1304839008424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pshh, idgaf. All I care about is
>PhD in Neuroscience
>Any job I want
>750k starting

>> No.4395754

Where did you even get that graph?

>> No.4395815

I did 56400/2/2 + 564

>> No.4395821

>Hold on, let me get my calculator

>> No.4395822




>implying this is math, not basic arithmetic

>> No.4395825

>Biology major
>A hard science
Every fucking single time.

>> No.4395917

>Wow you're a psych major?
> Can you tell what I'm thinking right now?

No joke. This is actually what she asked.

>> No.4395928

Because Breaking Bad

>> No.4395933

>neurobiology major
>only ugly women have the courage to talk to me
>be to much of a pussy to talk to women

>> No.4395938

>Wow you are a neuroscience major?
>So you want to do neurosurgery?

Basically everyone.

>> No.4395942
File: 383 KB, 530x380, 1329907980545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wow, you're a genetic engineer?
>So, can you make my dog fly?
>Why not?

Pic related, what people think I do.

>> No.4395953

>he doesn't want to make flying dogs

What the hell is wrong with you? That's awesome. Get to work, genome slave

>> No.4395990

ITT: People realizing that they aren't educated enough in their fields to be giving themselves titles.

>> No.4395993

>math major
>poor man's engineer
pick two

>> No.4396003

>Wow, you're a physicist!?
>Can you travel faster than light?
>You don't know?

>> No.4396022

>Wow, you're a biothecnologist?
>Can you destroy humanity with a deadly vrus?
>Why am I bleeding from my mouth?

I was falling out of my chair when I saw this.

>> No.4396050

>Wow, you're unemployed?
>Can you shine my shoes for me?
>You can't?

>> No.4396061

>Wow, you're a engineering major!?
>That is so cool
>My cousin is a homosexual too
>You should go out

>> No.4396068
File: 37 KB, 318x302, 1329582260239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wow, you're a geology major?
>I heard they're all retards

>MFW it was my math professor who said this.
>MFW he was not incorrect.

>> No.4396092

Who can't do this shit in their head? It takes me some time, but it's not that hard. Try it, you can probably do it too.

>> No.4396098

>math major
>still using numbers

>> No.4396100

When I first started at university I enrolled in a "Games design" course.

Every single person.
>Games design huh?
>Here is every detail on a shitty game idea I have
>Can you make it?

>> No.4396113

>Games design
Why would you choose to do that?

>> No.4396135


>>game design

GTFO /sci/

>> No.4396136

>Here is every detail on a shitty game idea I have
Yeah, that always comes from people who have a lot of ideas but can't realize how shitty the result would be. Ideas that sound cool but cannot possibly be implemented because it would screw up the whole gameplay. The worst is, often it's people who analyze games saying "Oh man, they totally destroyed the saga in this opus, they marketed it for noobs by just making everything about the graphics and about cool features and they forgot everything about making it interesting, challenging and all-in-all worth playing", and who have really interesting suggestions about what patches would improve class balance in player vs player without damaging the player vs environment, what money sink could be added to improve the economy etc, but when it comes to making a game by themselves, they lose their minds! It's like everything that sounds cool should be included!

You gain experience by using the action that gives you experience. But with materia because materia is soooo cool. You can kill any NPC and if you kill a key NPC then you cannot complete the storyline but the game won't tell you because why would you know about it? There's a character that fights with a katana, and when he attacks, it switches to a mortal-kombat-like scene where you play a fighting game. Oh and it's turn-based, but mages have to aim for their spells.

And it goes on forever and while there are sometimes good ideas here and there, they can't go with each other, and some are just stupid...

>> No.4396140

I liked the materia concept but OH GOD SO MUCH MICRO-MANAGING. It could've been implemented better.
Wait, what's going on in this thread?

>> No.4396148

Don't get me wrong, I love the materia concept, and I love micro managing in J-RPGs and T-RPGs. But you don't just take a concept from another game because you liked it. Or if you do, you cleverly design the fighting system around it, you don't just plug it in a totally different system.

Also, 8 KoRs on Barret, hero drink, biim one-shot Emerald Weapon!

>> No.4396150

I was 17 and wanted to work for videogames. I didn't do the course for very long if it makes you feel any better.

>> No.4396165


> I dont know what log is

Get out of /sci/

>> No.4396169

Fair enough, I just hate to see and hear of smart people falling for the trap of video gaming courses. Ironically, you'll get into the industry more easily via standard computer science.

>> No.4396170

And even faster as a good computer graphist.

>> No.4396174

>Wow, you're a physics major?
>So you're gonna be a teacher?
>Can't do anything else with that, you dont know?

every god damn time

had this one happen to me, for all the dutchfags:

>Dus jij studeert natuurkunde?
>Hoe gaan jullie dat probleem met de vogelgriep oplossen?
>Natuurkunde =/= natuur =/= biologie


I just stop telling random people in bars what I do. Saying astronomy (which is partly true) makes them go ohhhh and ahhhh, but they have no idea what physics is.

>> No.4396178

>What's your major?
>Omg I'm sorry, but I'm so wet right now. Will you fill my pussy?

Happens every day

>> No.4396179

>I just stop telling random people in bars what I do.
PhD student in CS here. People in bars often don't know what a PhD student does, and what CS is. I just say I study maths that are related to computers.

>> No.4396186


Translated into dutch, physics is 'natuurkunde' which contains the world nature (natuur). So a lot of people think its biology :< this way it gets even worse

>> No.4396199


really? In Germany "Naturkunde" is a subject in elementary school, where you learn which leaf belongs to which tree and so on ..

>> No.4396204

CS major here
Thats exactly what I do when asked. Computer related math.

>> No.4396209
File: 1.48 MB, 815x863, Blaized pascal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True story:
>Hot chick talking to me
>Tries to compliment me
>"I hear mathematicians can do nearly any sum in there head...like instantly"
>FUCCCCKKKK. Should I take the compliment or correct the dumb bitch?

>> No.4396211

>Wow your'e a philosophy major?
>I hated that class.


>Wow, your'e a philosophy major?
>What is the meaning of life?

>> No.4396214

correct her before she starts asking stupid questions like.
>Hurr Durr whats 1928 x 122

>> No.4396216

>Wow, you're a math major!?
>You must be really smart.

>> No.4396222

I kinda got away with it:
>Well I'm not one of them, I have trouble with my five times table.
Or something like that.

With friends:
>"So what you learn at uni?"
>"I'm gonna learn my 635 times table soon...It's gonna be fucking mad"
>Watch their faces and responses.
Some say "Wow sounds cool", "Nice one". Major facepalm.

>> No.4396224

i would have said 'did you know there are special ways of summing up things? it involves you and i'

and this is exactly the reason you fags never get laid. that bitch was practically asking for it. autism maximus

>> No.4396227


lol'd hard
why would anyone do that?

>> No.4396230

You could learn some of the tricks in the video. It shouldn't take that long to learn, and it'll impress the hotties ;)

>> No.4396238

>implying you're a decent mathematician if you can't do that sum in less than 20 seconds
half of 5640- that's easy, 3280
plus 564

so 1280 plus 3280 plus 564
4560 plus 564
5060 and 64

>> No.4396247

Fail. It's a quarter of 56400, 14100, and another 564, so 14664.

You should see immediately that the result has to have five digits anyway, because 20*500 = 10000

>> No.4396249

>Oh, you're a math major?
>I hate math.

It's always this.

>> No.4396472

>impress the hotties
I doubt that.

>> No.4396497


>half of 5640- that's easy, 3280


>> No.4396507

>you're a meteorology major?
>I always though meteors were pretty cool
sometimes I think they're not joking...(although the name is fucking stupid and misleading)

>> No.4396514

>wow you're genetic major so you are cloning stuff?

>> No.4396515

>you're an art history major?
>what do you plan to do with it?
I don't fucking know yet, faggots.

>> No.4396517

Well why? Meteors are objects that fall from the sky, meteorology's basics is the studies of clouds in the sky, the fact that they share this root makes perfect sense. Too bad people are dumb.

>> No.4396518

>Wow, you're a finance major?
>Can you get me a loan?

>> No.4396521
File: 20 KB, 280x164, mcdonalds-worker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now you know

>> No.4396556
File: 81 KB, 732x823, tech_support_cheat_sheet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I haven't used a Win or Mac computer in six years, still I have to fix family and friend's Win and Mac software specific issues every time they get the chance to force me.

I should start setting << pic as their wallpaper and leave it to them.

>> No.4396571


genetics majors tend to do that, actually.