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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4387761 No.4387761 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.4387762

tripple elutriate cock sucker's son

>> No.4387764

depends on major, largely true for sciences.

i can honestly say that in some of my classes the lecture is next to useless. i only show up on the off chance that the professor gives examples that are in the book. one of my classes also has a fucking terrible book that gives the simplest possible examples that aren't even applicable to the homework problems.

>> No.4387767

back to >>>/lit/

>> No.4387768

that aren't in the book*

>> No.4387769

Change the caption to "The difference between College and University" and you've nailed it.

>> No.4387775

More like
"The difference between undergrad and graduate experience"

>> No.4387784

My "March" break started this week. I've been doing nothing but bio notes, chem notes, and some calc exercises so far.

Fuck vidya ;-;.

>> No.4387788

not american, whats the difference between college, comunity college, and university?

>> No.4387804

Computer engineering student from yurpo here , it's true at least in my uni.

>> No.4387813


American here. Disregard >>4387769

College and university are interchangeable as far as undergraduate education is concerned. A university generally has graduate programs.

Community college is cheap and easy and gets no respect, but people often take some classes at a community college and then transfer those credits to a better school.

>> No.4387816


A University has PhD programs. A College only awards Masters as their highest level. For undergraduate it's the same shit.

>> No.4387817

College is like that in all four panels. Well, except I've yet to experience the first panel because of lonerfag.

Pfft, I went to a CC before starting Uni and I can say that the difficulty level is the same.

>> No.4387820

you must have went to a shit university, or are majoring in business administration.

>> No.4387827

Did you attend both?

>> No.4387831



CCs (or junior colleges) are an option for lower division courses (first 2 years of undergrad). They are generally much cheaper than universities and cover mostly the same material (save for when comparing to prestigious universities), but they generally lack a good learning environment (students in their mid 20s, people who are pretty much destined to fail, etc.). Once you're done in CC, you can transfer to a university and finish your last 2 years for a bachelors. Besides this, CCs are also used for Associates degree and some certifications.

>> No.4387846

I'm going to a community college that drains into the state university system. Only reason is that I started going a few years after high school, and one does not simply walk into a university.

As far as I know, community college is just a intense, or even more so, than university. In these days nearly all the community college professors of hard sciences hold Ph.D's, and classes are taught in regular sized classrooms or mini lecture halls; whereas university undergrad courses are often taught by graduate students in giant lecture halls. Not t mention the fact that transfering from a CC to UNI as a science major requires 2+ years of advanced classes with a 3.8+ GPA, whereas anyone who did well in high school can get into a university.

>> No.4387850


Define fail. I didn't go to college until my mid-late twenties and I am doing pretty damn good for myself now.

>> No.4387855


nah, I said people in their mid 20s AND people who are destined to fail.

>> No.4387858


I see. Well I am less insecure now. :)

>> No.4387861

>the fact that transfering from a CC to UNI as a science major requires 2+ years of advanced classes with a 3.8+ GPA
I don't know where you live but I was accepted by every university I applied to and I had a 3.01 GPA.

>> No.4387863

i took two classes over the summer at a community college. i was allowed unlimited (within reason, of course) time for my clac 2 exams, the exams were multiple choice, and i was allowed a calculator. i did the entire exams on the calculator.

>whereas university undergrad courses are often taught by graduate students in giant lecture halls.
except that's a crock of shit. the only class i took so far that was taught by grad students was calc 3, and it was by far the smallest class with only about 20 students per class.

>> No.4387870


>>As far as I know, community college is just a intense, or even more so, than university


>> No.4387874

caculator is not standard for math exams?
If a calcular can help you "cheat" in a exam, you're in highschool, or you have a pc-like calculator with mathlab or some shit.

>> No.4387879
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the best students usually transfer from community colleges to universities, so they gotta know

>> No.4387882

are you that retarded? this is calc we're talking about. calculators can intergrate, and calc 2 is largely learning various integration methods.

calculators can also to series, and graph in polar coordinates. on questions regarding slopes for polar coordinates i just punched that shit in the calculator, didn't even bother writing anything.

>> No.4387884

As an engineering student I wasn't allowed calculators in my first and second year math exams.

>> No.4387886

well, if you can just write the answer without showing any procedure....

oh you said multiple choice.

Now, thats a shitty school.

>> No.4387890

You are too many types of retarded.

First of all:

Now that that's out of the way, did you forget that calculators can take inverses and determinants of matrices? All the kids cheated through linear algebra with those.

You also just proved his point. In any college class, a professor should fail a student instantly for giving a decimal approximation for a definite integral.

>> No.4387891

>Now, thats a shitty school.
it's called community college.

>giving a decimal approximation for a definite integral.
i think you missed the part where the exam was multiple choice.

>> No.4387892

I don't see that written anywhere in the post.

Also, I don't think I've had a multiple choice math exam since I was eight or nine years old.

>> No.4387896


i was surprised when i was handed the exam, too.

>> No.4387901

Oh wait. Nevermind. I had a multiple choice final last semester.
In functional analysis. To be fair, it's mostly because the professor was lazy as hell.

>> No.4388327

>As an engineering student I wasn't allowed calculators in my first and second year math exams.

Same here I went to UC San Diego. No calculators for six quarters of math and four quarters of physics.

>> No.4388336

No calculator for me either. It's not like university math deals with numbers any way..