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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4386980 No.4386980 [Reply] [Original]

Why does this board have such an anti business student slant? Oh ya your big thesis (assuming any of you even make it that far) on water vapour or a circuit thats going to be outdated in 3 years are going to do wonders for humanity!

Honestly at least business students have a future where they will make sure the world actually runs smoothly. So much for hurrr durr dey r stuuupidz omg. I can guarantee the average business student can be just as smart as your average pseudointellect physics student, they just understand that sometimes practicality comes first in life.

tldr drop the undeserved superiority complex.

>> No.4386985

Business student will work in jobs that do not create anything for the human kind, but only influence the distribution of money and resources. If they did this without eating and consuming, it would be 0-sum, but they eventually get paid for that, so they are detrimental for the human race.

>> No.4386988

Try a little harder next time.

>> No.4386992

implying im not serious.

>> No.4387004
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>> No.4387009

business students distribute wealth, which is usually given to rich fuckers. scientists work for the betterment of technology which in turn improves the lives if people instead of making it harder for middle class people to live comfortably

>> No.4387019

OP, you seem to have mistaken business majors for engineers. Business majors will be flipping burgers at mcdonalds rather than doing anything of practical use.

>> No.4387024

They're mad because they're in college and while we're partying, doing drugs and having anonymous casual sex, they're studying, masturbating and playing video games online.

>> No.4387025

>Oh ya your big thesis (assuming any of you even make it that far) on water vapour or a circuit thats going to be outdated in 3 years are going to do wonders for humanity!
OP confirmed for having no idea what goes on in science majors

>> No.4387027

Dr. Salk invented the polio vaccine and gave it away for the betterment of humanity. How do people like Donald Trump and Robert McNamara compare to that?

>> No.4387028

I don't have time for studying and video games.

>> No.4387030

>doing drugs
enjoy being a loud, irritating faggot who needs a business major to support his eventual drug habits.

>> No.4387031


10/10 OP, I'm crying that was so funny.

>> No.4387033

people majoring in business are some of the dumbest motherfuckers i met. a lot of the material is just common sense or shit you can pick up in thirty minutes of reading wikipedia.

anyone that isn't utterly retarded goes into economics or at least accounting. the people left in business are utter shit for brains.

>> No.4387035

>implying my dad won't get me a decent paying sales job when I graduate and while you're on your third postdoc or working as an associate professor I won't be using the connections I've made through my fraternity and social life to move from sales into corporate management

>> No.4387044

At my school the business college offers degrees in business administration and economics is one of the concentrations along with marketing, management and accounting.
Actually I'm a pretty quiet guy, I just know how to meet people and how to deal with them. And I'd much rather spend my money on weed, alcohol and cocaine than not make it in the first place.
ok I legit lol'd at that

>> No.4387046


>implying that's not what every business major thinks prior to making a career at McDonald's because quantitative analysts (semi-scientists) can do your job 9000X better than you and have designed computers that utilize algorithms to trade stocks that will fuck you out of your money before you can say "my Italian suit is covered in my period blood and shame."

>> No.4387049


>mfw I when I have my ph.d. in physics and will never have to settle for a sales job because finance companies hire me to do your dream job as a quant at a starting salary six times higher than your highest possible wages.

>> No.4387072

computer programs don't make sales, and I'm going to be starting out selling legal software with $100k+ a year totally possible with commission, but enjoy not even being a scientist and essentially working as a highly paid code monkey, I hope you enjoy those extra five years of studying in your room alone at a university while I'm bringing in money and moving ahead in my career.

>> No.4387087

Business majors will be the ones funding the inventions and research of other majors because we live in a capitalist society, where business generates wealth and capital. Enough said.

>> No.4387092

Or you could get a salary by studying, and only show up to classes every now and then, don't do work that doesn't look interesting, end up getting in a good lab for your PhD thesis (still paid, of course), still don't work much, publish in peer reviewed journals, go to conferences abroad for free (MIT, Cambridge, Bilkent (Turkey), Bergen (Norway), EPFL,...), feel like you're doing something interesting and be able to look at yourself in the mirror while waiting for your dream job and dream salary.

>> No.4387094



There's three types of "Business People":

There's the rare oddball who either got really lucky or was actually cunning and intelligent enough to make a successful business

There's the drone. The drone is the person who thought getting a business degree means a corner office. It actually means getting a cubicle and doing soul crushing marketing calls. Often subjected to office politics and such.

There's the person who tries to be the oddball success story but either fails miserably or just get's a small business.

A high majority of business people were those who partied in high school and college. I mean actually partied as a weekly ritual. They are not smart, they are incredibly average and one out of 20 has good work ethic to make his grades.

That and a business degree's core classes are laughable.

>> No.4387097


yeah i mean god forbit the scientists make all the stuff work in the products your going to sell i mean its not exactly like you need a product to sell.

>> No.4387099


Said it best.

One is driven completely by external forces. You may be involved in a business you enjoy, but at the end of the day, it's about gettin' that dollar.

>> No.4387106

Just because a major's classes aren't as difficult as another major's doesn't make them any less important, or the major any less complex. I doubt a bio major could explain what GAAPs are or how derivatives are bought, sold and regulated.

Also, most people are employed by small businesses. If a business major starts just a small restaurant or chain of stationery stores, they've already employed more people than your average researcher.

>> No.4387112

>implying I don't enjoy selling people shit and studying something interesting or going to a conference is as much fun as cocaine

>> No.4387119


>implying greater number of employees means greater contribution to humanity
>business major logic

>> No.4387121

>Implying conferences AREN'T far more fun than cocaine
Drug yourself with intelligence. Oh wait, you have to use chemicals because your brain cannot create enough dopamine on its own... How sad...

>> No.4387123

Sales people have a surprising amount of power. In larger companies, they can dictate many design features of consumer products. Basically, if they don't want to learn how something new works, they can dismiss it as not viable. The device won't be pursued as the company knows the sales force won't push it if it is. Similarly, they can demand whimsical features with a reasonable expectation that they'll become part of the product. Consequently, sales people are the reason many otherwise elegant products are burdened with fucking retarded extras.

>> No.4387124

>Honestly at least business students have a future where they will make sure the world actually runs smoothly.
Business men need scientists to invent shit

Fuck off.

>> No.4387135

So you're happy with people being unemployed and on welfare? Okay then.

>> No.4387140

Scientists need money to invent shit.

It's a cycle.

>> No.4387147

Guys, this is 4chan. Furthermore, it's /sci/. There are no "business majors" here. OP is a troll and you're all idiots.

>> No.4387148

>Scientists need money to invent shit.


>> No.4387150


Holy Darwin. This is the epitomy of mad.

>> No.4387151

Why would that mean that we can't argue that business students are the future cancer of our civilization?

>> No.4387162

>majoring in business

Don't you think it's time you just gave up?

>> No.4387175

> undeserved superiority complex.

Right now, the majority of all stock exchanges are run by three algorithims.

The Knife, the Boston Shuffler, and Twilight.

Guess who made them?

>> No.4387195


>> No.4387199


Only a business student would ask this.

>> No.4387201

If all else fails, give credit to Dennis Ritchie

>> No.4387208

I'm a business administration major who used to be an art major but then I grew a brain.

I hate both the Occupy movement and some of the businesses on Wall Street.


The Occupiers want the rich to give them money when they fuck up their lives and the businesses on Wall Street want the government to give them money when they fuck up their returns.

>> No.4387214

>The Occupiers want the rich to give them money when they fuck up their lives and the businesses on Wall Street want the government to give them money when they fuck up their returns.

Not really. There are a million issues they care about. The biggest in my book is the concept of SuperPacs

>> No.4387226



> Occupiers

> Caring about issues

Which ones? The fact that their women are being raped or figuring out which car they're going to shit on top of next?

>> No.4387248

mfw I want to go into a Hard Science but I feel like I'd regret it for the rest of my life.


>> No.4387250

It simply doesn't make sense to major in business. It doesn't show a particularly high-level of intellect. This is why the highest admitted degrees into MBA school are engineering, economics, and mathematics.

If you really want to make anything out of yourself in college, learn how to think, not how to perform in a particular vocation. Just my 2 cents.

>> No.4387262

Hey, I'm a computer science student with a math minor I'll have you know.

>> No.4387265
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>business students
>make the world run smoothly

Good try Trolly O'Donnell but go kill yourself.

>> No.4387272


This coming from a person who's obviously never taken a business course before.

Many of the required courses force you to think objectively and analytically; classes like Business Finance and Quantitative business tools are entirely math oriented and deal with statistics and higher math.

I find it kind of insulting that you believe me to be lesser educated because I'm not in a specific major such as Mathematics or Engineering; that's not what I'm interested in, I'd rather learn how to start my own business and live comfortably for the rest of my life.

To each his own bro, don't pass judgement on people who do something different than what you percieve to be right.

>> No.4387277

you business retards even have your own business "calc," and most of your classes have a review of basic algebra if any math is required.

take your bullshit and lies elsewhere. business is just a psychology degree modified to make money.

>> No.4387280

That's a great point, but as a counterargument,
fuck you.
you take some basic statistics and accounting (relabeled quantitative bidness) and expect us to be impressed? Cure smallpox, then we'll talk.

>> No.4387291

haha i lol'd cuz its true. Intuitive calc. WOooooo sounds so hard and intelligent. They go soo slow in there and its all easy.
i bet when people ask the business majors wat math they in they say calc, just to seeeem smart, but they are not.

>> No.4387298

Why are you here? Why? Why try to seek /sci/'s validation for your major. It has no fucking relevance.

>> No.4387302


I'll be making more money than you as you sit around being a lab monkey making $30k a year faggot.

Enjoy "contributing" as I'm living it up.

>> No.4387303

Business majors only ended up business majors because they don't care to take up any real major. They go to university to make money, because they lack the creativity, interest, and passion to push them to a real subject, so they come back to "Well I like making money". So they end up in the default major, business. University to them is a quest for green, which is kind of sad.

For as much as I like to make fun of humanities and fine art students, at least they have a passion about the things they study. I can understand their fascination with the finer things in life, art, literature,music, etc.

But you OP, the love for knowledge is not what drive you, but the almighty dollar, and for that I pity you.

>> No.4387307


Wow guys, way to show off your intelligence. Man, I sure wish I could take criticism like you guys can!

I'm not saying it's the perfect degree and everyone should take it, I'm just explaining my viewpoint based on the classes I've been taking for the past 4 years.

Again, why the harsh words? Okay you're obviously taking a math oriented major, good for you; I really mean that.

If you would like to give me some constructive critisicm this time, I'm all ears.

>> No.4387317


Same person here that you were replying to.

No one is saying that anyone is more intelligent simply because of the major they chose; we are saying that those with higher-intelligence usually gravitate towards those fields. A four-year business degree is a damn joke. Curriculum (I speak of U.S. schools) is full of lessons that could be learned from a few select classes, some experience in the business world, and rote memorization.

While you're screwing around with cutesy ethics classes, we're actually learning shit and helping the way our brain processes information.

A mathematician could very easily self-study the concepts of business in a quarter of the time it would take somebody to get an undergraduate business degree. The same is nowhere near true for business majors.

>> No.4387321

*nowhere near true for business majors attempting to do the same with mathematics


>> No.4387322

>Why do you hate on business students?
Because if they were good at something, they'd study economics, which is the same thing with more math.

>> No.4387327


I'm trying to start a children's book with my brother, I already have a minor in art and I'm confident with my skills.

I'm getting a business major because I think learning about how to negotiate contracts and marketing myself and my services is important.

I would like to make money off of my idea so I can move out of my parents house and live on my own in relative comfort.

So explain to me why you pity me because of this?

>> No.4387328

Nice ad hominem attack. Also you didn't answer. Why do you, a business major, give a fuck what /sci/ thinks? Also do you have any idea what someone with a bachelor's in chemistry makes? Significantly more than 30k.

>> No.4387329

Lotsa bidness majors on sci tonight, huh?

>> No.4387331


I do harder shit in freshman year then most business students ever do. I don't hate business students, but don't start pretending it's a major for inspirational people with lots of intelligence and passion.

Anyone can be a fucking business major.

>> No.4387339
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>I find it kind of insulting that you believe me to be lesser educated because I'm not in a specific major such as Mathematics or Engineering

Welcome to /sci/, enjoy your stay.

>> No.4387340


Same person from the last couple posts.

Let me put it to you this way: Why the fuck would anyone study art? Because they want to go into the art world? Because they find art history particularly interesting? All reasons that, on the surface, sound like entirely legitimate reason to pursue that degree. By all means, if that's your intellectual capacity, go for it. But for someone who claims to be highly-intelligence, those things can self-studied in your leisure time, or on the side. Again, simplistic information that can be boiled down into a few select classes and the rest can be learned with rote memorization.

It's the same scenario with business. If you're truly that intelligent, you'll naturally gravitate towards harder degrees (AS AN UNDERGRADUATE) because those degrees will hold more value and are a clearer indication of your intellectual capabilities. Again, it's no coincidence that MBA schools pick from engineering, econ, and math as their first choices and not business undergrads.

>> No.4387343

The dog in the middle wants to get anally fisted?

>> No.4387344
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yup, it's pretty much the fallback major you pick when you've got to do something to get your parents off your back before they cut your funding.

>> No.4387348


In my major I only took one Ethics course, the rest of the time I took classes that taught me how the different aspects of a business works; HR, Marketing, Finance, Accounting, and so on.

I'm learning how a business functions and how to manage those functions to maximize their efficiency and productivity.

But that's not important according to you.

>> No.4387360


One thing I can tell you right now is that all this higher-level intelligence you claim to possess simply isn't there. I've presented valid points and arguments and tried to explain to you why getting a business degree is a bad idea and you've completely ignored those and keep regurgitating the same bullshit line over and over.

You're either a troll or just young and incredibly naive but either way, let me give you some advice from someone much, much, much older: Stop thinking with your head up your ass and listen to what people say.

Re-read my posts where I talked about MBA schools and then look into a mirror and slap yourself for making this thread. That's all.

>> No.4387384


I'll break it down for you:

All those things that you listed are jokes as far as academia. You actually need to study human resources and marketing? What are you, some kind of moron? You need to major in that to grasp that easiest subjects in the world? Accounting and finance, yeah, those are more difficult. Finance is watered-down math combined with rote memorization. Accounting is basically pure rote memorization. Ask an accounting major how often they use the concepts they learned in college. If you get a decent college degree, any company that hires you will TRAIN YOU in these processes. A mathematics major can walk into a financial analyst job and be able to learn the concepts just as quickly as somebody with a finance degree. Simple as that.

>> No.4387390
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So I just want to clarify something-

Is /sci/'s problem with business as a major, or business as a career path?

Because most of what I'm seeing is "babby math, cry some moar".

>> No.4387391

There's not much to be said about the typical marketing major, but you've got give at least some credit to those people working in investment banking and quantitative finance.

Those jews work unbelievably long hours managing funds, stocks, securities, etc; they could easily handle any of the science majors if they didn't go into finance.

>> No.4387392

the problem is with the retards that study business.

>> No.4387397
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I'm a plumber and I agree with you.

>> No.4387400

I dont understand what you are expected to do once you get a degree in business. Open up a 7-11? All the people that own a business that I know are not business majors. In fact a friend of mine just sold his company and the new corporate ran it to the ground.

What do you learn in a business degree that makes you more fit to run a business than anyone who actually has an idea for a business?

>> No.4387404



I'm not the OP, I'm just a guy trying to get through college and am defending my decision to major in business administration.

You can make new and innovative technologies, I can market them and sell them for a profit that would benefit both of us.

You can draw up massive statistical data about sales and consumer buying patterns, I can take that information and turn it into a strategy that can benefit the company.

You're good at math but you can't get a job for just doing math, you WORK for BUSINESSES who need your skills which are usually run by BUSINESS MAJORS.

So don't come to me and try to sell yourself as some wise old timer because I know you're in the same boat as I am.

>> No.4387405


My problem is those who don't see how much disservice they're doing themselves by going for an undergraduate in business.

HURRDURR wanna start a bidness!!11!

Is hardly a good reason. Working for a small-business would be a far better option.

>> No.4387406
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Please, undergrads, let us focus on the more important aspects in life.

Let us collaborate for the good of man kind.

>> No.4387410
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>mfw this thread

>> No.4387411

you don't. a business degree is for people whose parents expect them to go to college, but they are not passionate about any subject. it's a piss easy major that allows you to fuck around for four years and still get that piece of paper which proves you went to college.

most entrepreneurs are people who start a successful business through hard work. they may never become millionaires, but i'm positive that there are many small successful businesses that bring the owner in at least a 6 figure profit a year. restaurant owners and such need not apply, but even then i wouldn't be surprised if some food joints brought in big bucks.

>> No.4387412

Still waiting for a half added retort. Bring it OP.

>> No.4387418

>you WORK for BUSINESSES who need your skills which are usually run by BUSINESS MAJORS.
no, you don't. most businesses ran by business majors are the shit businesses that thrive on selling garbage to gullible idiots.

people who study in sciences typically work for businesses by people who also studied in sciences, and eventually started their own business. at my university almost every engineering professor owns his own company.

>> No.4387419


>> No.4387423

Essentially, business majors enable you to do drone work at a business, not start a business.

>> No.4387425

>a business degree is for people whose parents expect them to go to college, but they are not passionate about any subject. it's a piss easy major that allows you to fuck around for four years and still get that piece of paper which proves you went to college.

THIS THIS THIS. Fuck I don't even know why universities give out business related degrees other than to make money. Shit doesn't even belong in academia, it belongs in a technical school. Universities have sank so low.

>> No.4387427
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Pfft, fuck that. I'm a comp sci/financial econ major. My goal is to get into a quant finance grad school or a CFA certification to milk as much money out of this economy before it collapses.

"For the greater good" is sooo 20th century.

>> No.4387428


What you're not understanding is that those statements "you can do this, we can do this" we can also do those things. Which of those things takes more intelligence and hard-work? We don't need your dumb asses, you need us; get that through your idiotic head.

Your problem is that you don't live in the real world. In the real world, not everyone who studies science or math is some basement dwelling social retard who has no idea how the real world works.

You're basically trying to argue that since the world needs policy, the world needs politicians. This simply isn't true. It isn't difficult to see why you're a business major. You're not that smart, I'm sorry.

>> No.4387435
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as somebody who has been taking 1 business class, holy shit this is pure jargon.

>> No.4387446

and where did you come up with that? What information can you give to me that says that businesses run just by business majors are shitty?
My rebuttle:


> Business Administration/Management: This is perhaps the most commonly chosen business major. Its core principles focus on managing not only a business, but people as well. Leadership skills are also highly emphasized in any work environment, so a business management major is highly desired by many employers.


>At the core of the Management major is coursework with an emphasis on leadership, entrepreneurial thinking, and strategic vision, three of the most prized assets of any successful business leader. Management majors are prepared to understand the “big picture” rather than focus on highly specialized, often rapidly changing, areas of study ( Engineering and Math majors take note.)

> Both of these areas require an ability to think and act on one’s own with a confidence that only comes from an ability to see and appreciate what most highly focused specialists cannot ( Engineering and Math majors take note)

>> No.4387450

>You can make new and innovative technologies, I can market them and sell them for a profit that would benefit both of us.

We can make new and innovative technologies, you can't. But we can market them and sell them for a profit. We don't need you.

>You can draw up massive statistical data about sales and consumer buying patterns, I can take that information and turn it into a strategy that can benefit the company.

We can do both. You can only do one, and probably badly too because business majors tend not to be that smart.

>You're good at math but you can't get a job for just doing math, you WORK for BUSINESSES who need your skills which are usually run by BUSINESS MAJORS.

Yes we can get a job for doing math, math is technical expertise and its a widely desired skill. We can also run businesses and do it better than you can because we have the technical expertise you don't have. Just because more businesses may be run by business majors is not an argument for business majors, it just shows that there are significantly more business majors. There are also significantly more business majors flipping burgers than science majors.

>So don't come to me and try to sell yourself as some wise old timer because I know you're in the same boat as I am.

No, you're just an intellectual coward.

>> No.4387452



> A major problem that students of a specific area of study have is after a few years of working in one line of work they develop "burn out". They become tired of doing the same thing day after day and are unable to change their career because of their specialized degree. These graduates inevitably end up either unhappy with their careers or in a position that does not utilize their education. A degree in Business Administration can help a future graduate avoid that.

>The Business Administration graduate also benefits from a much larger pool of open positions that they can apply for, thus increasing their chances of landing a good job immediately after graduation without having to relocate

>> No.4387455
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>implying math majors cannot into big picture

>> No.4387467

There are a lot of positions in a fast food restaurant. Many opportunities.

>> No.4387468

>Quotes sites trying to get you to join their business course.

Shit no wonder you're going for a business major.

>> No.4387471

i'm not one who looks up to the people in military in any way, but i would much rather hire someone with military leadership experience for a leadership position than some business dipshit straight out of college.

>> No.4387482

>understand the “big picture”

That just means it's vacuous as fuck and you're not learning anything valuable.

>> No.4387496

Sorry. Stopped reading after that.
If you're not going to learn English, I'm not going to waste my time reading your tripe.

>> No.4387498

> A major problem that students of a specific area of study have is after a few years of working in one line of work they develop "burn out". They become tired of doing the same thing day after day and are unable to change their career because of their specialized degree. These graduates inevitably end up either unhappy with their careers or in a position that does not utilize their education. A degree in Business Administration can help a future graduate avoid that.

True. Because you're not required to work hard or learn anything hard.

>The Business Administration graduate also benefits from a much larger pool of open positions that they can apply for, thus increasing their chances of landing a good job immediately after graduation without having to relocate

True. Because you're getting the shit jobs open to everyone with just any degree, while other majors are passing those seeking better offerings.

>> No.4387508

latching onto people's spelling and using it as your main counterargument is the oldest "i don't have shit to prove you wrong, but i'm too big of an asswipe to give up/lose the argument" scenario on the intertubes.

>> No.4387513


Yes. More of the same.

>> No.4387517
File: 73 KB, 755x1255, how-trolls-really-work.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At first I thought that the people defending their choice as a business major couldn't possibly be this stupid and they're all just trolls. Maybe that's still the case. I think the pic is more likely though.

>> No.4387518

The whole thread is already a big rebuttal to how stupid a business degree is. Pointing out that you can't spell is just a bonus.

>> No.4387523

I'm not even the same guy. I happened to stop by and notice you were a moron.
You just proved me right. And a word of advice: you might want to learn English in the future, bro. At least if you're going to try reading it.

>> No.4387539

What? I don't even. Yes because you have "leadership skills" you are automatically given a slap on the back and sent off to a "satisfying job".
physics, math, engineering, and even chem and bio students can take over your job with ease. Whereas you.....well you can be proud of your business certificate.

>> No.4387550

business fag ragequit

we win!

>> No.4387558

any decent scientist studies business as well.

>> No.4387563

Anybody with a shred of intelligence and the slightest intellectual curiosities learns business very naturally as they progress through life.

>> No.4387869

Business is like philosophy; important to know, often interesting, and very useful, but getting a degree in either is a waste of a degree; they are things you can do/learn on your own much better than they will teach you. Maths and sciences... you need a structured educational environment unless you are an autistic savant.

I took introductory business, accounting, and philosophy, and learned a whole lot. If ever I do decide to start my own business, I kept my books, and can do my own research, and just hire a lawyer, accountant, etc. rather then be like most entrepreneurs who barely sleep for years until their business is profitable.

Protip: keep your day job and hire people to run your business for you, so you won't be fucked into poverty if it doesn't work out.

>> No.4387894

ITT: businessfag undergrads who will soon be proven utterly retardedly wrong and neckbeards raging at their smug behavior

>> No.4387924

I went to a leadership summit once and it was filled with business majors. You guys are fucking imbeciles. For an hour they had a discussion about how they can get the IT department to bend to their will.

>mfw IT wasn't cooperating because of some trivial bullshit administration was trying to push upon them and nothing was getting done. IT (the ones with real technical skills) made the company work, not human resources and administration.