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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 135 KB, 736x721, sadfrog35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4382701 No.4382701 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any studies on what intelligent women find attractive on men?

>> No.4382713


>> No.4382715

It varies widely, as most human attraction does.

>> No.4382723
File: 65 KB, 350x338, sadfrog25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I improve my attractiveness?

>> No.4382727


Every morning shit, shower, and shave.

>> No.4382728


work out, eat healthy, brush your teeth, shower, dress better, socialize more

>> No.4382729
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dont look like a frog

>> No.4382734
File: 219 KB, 900x620, sadfrog33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do all these things.

How do I socialize?

How do I stop being a frog?


>> No.4382745

There have been a shit ton of studies on the differences of sexual attraction between the sexes.

While there is going to be diversity among both sexes, generally;
The majority of women find men with money, status, confidence, etc. more attractive.
Men find physically attractive women more sexually appealing (i.e. breasts, butts, hips, face, etc.).

Sounds stereotypical, I know, but it's the truth.

>> No.4382750
File: 19 KB, 397x386, sadfrog14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you define confidence?


>> No.4382752

Go to a bar and become an alcoholic. The bartenders will give you a crash course in socialization, and the alcohol will make it easy to practice.

>> No.4382757
File: 30 KB, 680x331, sadfrog38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want women that go to bars. I want intelligent women. Also I am too afraid of visiting a bar.


>> No.4382760


>implying intelligent women don't go to bars.

Your preconceived notions about the world and other people are wrong.

>> No.4382763

then you'll never get laid, you are just like a fat person or somebody who dropped out of highschool. They didn't feel good about it, it took them out of their comfort zone, are you going to be a pathetic failure or are you gonna make something out of yourself?

>> No.4382766

You dont go to the bar for the women, you go to learn to socialuze. Then you can apply the new skills elsewhere

>> No.4382764
File: 177 KB, 302x434, sadfrog11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I correct my notions about the world and other people?


>> No.4382770
File: 11 KB, 233x251, sadfrog30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I stop being a failure and make something out of myself?


>> No.4382774

>I don't want women that go to bars. I want intelligent women.
I'm not convinced you'd recognize an "intelligent woman" if she sat in your lap and gave you a lap dance...

>> No.4382775
File: 18 KB, 724x588, sadfrog12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In order to go to a bar, I already need to be socialized. You see the circular dilemma?


>> No.4382779
File: 153 KB, 396x385, sadfrog9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I recognize an intelligent woman?


>> No.4382785

>implying intelligent women go to bars
>implying intelligent women don't sit at home all day browsing /sci/

>> No.4382788
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>implying there are intelligent women

>> No.4382796


Only requires mobility

>> No.4382798

By putting yourself out there. It's going to be uncomfortable, considering that you are most likely a complete shut in. Hopefully you have at least a few friends. Go out to events with them. If you don't have any friends then try and make friends with people at work, school, wherever you frequent. Get to know the barista behind the counter at the coffee shop you frequent, whatever. Go out to places. Get some cash so you can afford to go out and be social (by getting a job, selling drugs, whatever idc). Step outside your comfort zone and realize that the world doesn't revolve around you. Will you make an ass out of yourself at some point? Probably. But you will realize it and you will become that much more socially conscious and experienced.

I used to be the same way; random people walking by, maybe hear a distant laugh, immediately think they are laughing at me (because I decided to wear some new striped shirt that I bought the day before but wasn't sure how it would look on me, etc. etc., whatever damn excuse you can think of) It's narcissism plain and simple. Delusions of grandeur. You beat yourself up over small things that nobody else will ever notice, then you end up projecting your own insecurities onto the world and make yourself believe that everyone out there is silently judging you, hating you, etc. True fact: people don't notice you. They don't give a shit. They are all too absorbed in their own perceptions, in their own worlds.

Also, get some anti-anxiety/anti-depression drugs, they definitely help. Zoloft is your friend.

>> No.4382802


>that feel when zoloft is your only friend

>> No.4382806

If you only had one friend, Zoloft would be a good one to have.

>> No.4382809
File: 53 KB, 680x510, sadfrog21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I talk to people? What do I have to say?
How do I make people notice me?
Where do I get anti-depression drugs without consulting a doctor?
And no, I don't have any friends.


>> No.4382813

at least you have a vast collection of frogs.

You could always go onto forums with usernames, eventually you will become 'friends' with someone on there.

>> No.4382820
File: 67 KB, 300x422, sadfrog36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can start using a tripcode. If I ever meet a woman from /sci/ IRL she will like me for my good posts.
Is this a good start? Can I make friends on /sci/?


>> No.4382831

>How do I talk to people?
Make sounds with your mouth as you exhale... or use your hands if you're deaf.

>What do I have to say?
Anything... comment on something they might be doing, ask if they are familiar with xxxx (vidya gaem, band, artist, sports team, movie, anything), find commonalities between you, compliment them on their taste, ask them about themselves, etc. Another true fact: the most used word in any language is "I" (or it's equivalent in other languages). People love to talk about themselves, what they like, dislike, think, etc. If you ask people about themselves and show interest in their opinions they will think you are more interesting, cool whatever. Don't turn it into some sort of interview though, where you just ask them a barrage of questions. Give them input, your own thoughts, get in the "me too" zone.

>How do I make people notice me?
Depends on what sort of attention you want...

>Where do I get anti-depression drugs without consulting a doctor?
Just consult a doctor. They aren't hard to get. If you really need to, follow a script in your head and tell them what they want to hear if they're going to give you drugs (tell them about how you are afraid of x, y, z. Tell them about your social anxiety. Tell them about your depression. Tell them about your latest suicide attempt or whatever the fuck). They aren't even that expensive (maybe $10 per bottle).

>And no, I don't have any friends.
Take this to /adv/ or /soc/... I'm not answering any more questions here.

>> No.4382832


Also nobody wants to be dragged down with you, you have to pretend to be a happy person to come closer to people.

>> No.4382836

What is confidence?

Not fucking posting this
after every god damn post.

>> No.4382842
File: 136 KB, 708x585, sadfrog39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I initiate a conversation? How do I stop being awkward while talking to people?
Can /soc/ really help me although they are less intelligent than /sci/ and I want intelligent friends?

Should I drop the tripcode?
How do I become happy?

What should I post instead?


>> No.4382857


Just pretend to be happy and that you're having fun. Eventually you will be having fun.

It's all about getting out of the comfort-zone.

>> No.4382863
File: 78 KB, 666x968, sadfrog19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I pretend having fun? I never had fun before.


>> No.4382872

Well as this is 4chan, no smileys. But if you really must, post this
Otherwise you just come off as weak. Would you like to converse with someone who is overly shy, unsure of themselves and possibly needy?

>> No.4382876

also, sage.

>> No.4382875

I dunno lol. I guess they wouldn't mind if you have a six figure amount of $ in your bank account.

My advice to you: disregard females acquire currency

>> No.4382883

Boldness, and certain shocking audacity of character, being slightly scared while intrigued. Mainly for the man to stimulate their mind by being interesting. Note that this does not mean reeling off facts about Thorium reactors. It means having interesting and engaging thoughts, and being able to discuss and think in tandem with the girl, not lecture her.

>> No.4382893
File: 561 KB, 1200x800, sadfrog10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I would converse with someone who is shy, unsure etc.

How do I acquire currency?

How shall I express my feels then?

What is shocking audacity of character and how do I get it?

>> No.4382923
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*in men
Women find the application of correct grammar attractive (not really).

>> No.4382966

Yes, you'd converse with them now, because YOU are shy and lack confidence, because it's a cop out and so there's little pressure on you. But in reality, everyone is attracted to people who are comfortable in their own skin. This does not mean ZOMG LIFE OF DA PARTAY, but just a quiet assuredness in who they are.

>> No.4382977
File: 161 KB, 499x373, sadfrog34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do stop making mistakes and become perfect?

How do I become conmfortable?

>> No.4382984

1. take 3 weeks off of work
2. find a bar
3. go to bar at opening.
4. drink alcohol.
5. tip well
6. repeat 3-5 daily for 3 weeks

The bartender will most likely chat you up because she is either bored, or trying to get a better it. Bartenders are professional socializes, so even if you are inept they will steer the conversation. After the first few days you can attempt to hold conversations with other patrons that come in later in the day. The bartender will most likely he;p introduce you to others. And the alcohol will make talking easier.

>> No.4382995
File: 91 KB, 777x738, sadfrog16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do I do if this kind of bar doesn't exist where I live? I am not american.

>> No.4383005

I have personally drank in bars in over 12 countries. I am confident you can find one. Just in case though, let us know where you live.

>> No.4383008

just drink by yourself. when you become an alcoholic the only worry you will have is getting more alcohol.

>> No.4383013
File: 229 KB, 396x385, sadfrog2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there anything I can do without alcohol?
I want to stay awake and healthy.

>> No.4383024

how about cocaine?

>> No.4383031
File: 20 KB, 300x291, sadfrog3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any drug that makes me social without impairing my mental functions?

>> No.4383048

>impairing mental functions
shirley, you jest.

>> No.4384773
File: 57 KB, 960x720, hi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

double in cs and management engineering here at ucsd. 2nd year soph.. i know femanons are not allowed on /sci/.. and i feel a little intimated for posting here for the first time with my real name..
but i just wanted to say i think that you are all more than capable of finding a compatible female partner. i read through some of the threads every now and then when im not in the labs compiling..

just wanted to say sorry for how the world treats you guys. people are too ignorant and they feel faster than they think. unintellectuals are all emotionally attached to their beliefs, and they assign them personal value, religious titles, etc.. so when you question what they believe, their initial response will inescapably be colored by emotion.
their perception is limited by their desires, interests, and expectations, and is at the same time selective. their memory is imperfect and can be influenced. we can never be perfectly informed. Even those who we rely on as experts are subject to these limitations. So, please please please consider the possibility of being who you are and not conforming to society's conception of what masculinity is..

Ignorant people are not born as an individual; none of us are in that sense.. we did not choose our beliefs. we are the byproduct of numerous influences in our lives. To be an individual is to be aware that it is impossible to be uninfluenced by other people and our circumstances, and to be self-conscious of our own thoughts and initial reactions.

Who cares if you dont have a girlfriend. They don't last long anyways.. Sorry for the way females treat you. Sorry for the way the majority of the world treats you. But please don't stop doing you.

>> No.4384790

In short:
>Women want security in as many forms as possible
>Men want fertility

>> No.4384795

What the fuck are you trying to sa- oh, copy pasta, googled it, nevermind.

>> No.4384808



>> No.4386645


>> No.4386650

oh look, someone's shitbumping old threads