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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4361564 No.4361564 [Reply] [Original]

Got rejected by #7 CS school in US.

Feels bad man :(

>> No.4361572


You already failed before you applied to whatever school.

>> No.4361581


Isn't CS a God-tier?

>> No.4361585
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>not CS tier

>> No.4361588


>> No.4361608

God Tier: Math
High Tier: Physics, CS, Chemistry
Mid Tier: Biology, Psychology, Music
Low Tier: Anything Not Mentioned
Homosex Tier: Engineering

>> No.4361624
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>on same level with physics

lol nope

>> No.4361627

You dare disagree with a God?

>> No.4361634

Gods don't exist in SCIENCE.

>> No.4361644

ITT trolls

We all know the true chart is:
God Tier: What you love
High Tier: What you like
Mid Tier: What your parents forced you to take
Low Tier: Only doing it because it makes a lot of money
Homosex Tier: Engineering

>> No.4361652

What if you don't like anything?

>> No.4361654
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I got rejected by #1 and #2

>> No.4361665

Then college is a complete waste for you and you're probably in the Mid or Low tier ranks

>> No.4361671

>college is a complete waste for you

>> No.4361673
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>look up what ranking my college is

>> No.4361677

You probably won't succeed, enjoy the debt and even then you'll still be angry and hate life

Just kill yourself.

>> No.4361680

locally, nationally or globally?

>> No.4361683

>have no idea where to look up ranking
>don't give a fuck because I'm not American

>> No.4361689
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God Tier: Doing what you love
High Tier: Doing what you think you're good at
Mid Tier: Doing what you think will get you money
Low Tier: Doing what you think is easy
Shit TIer: Doing what your parents told you to do

Come at me, bros.

>> No.4361700


nationally i'm assuming

>> No.4361704

>"You probably won't succeed"
Why do you assume so?
>''you'll still be angry and hate life"
>implying pursued career has that much of an emotional effect

>> No.4361712

53 nationally is not bad... there are literally thousands of colleges in America...

Then of course globally would be exceptional, and locally would indeed be shit.

>> No.4361742

only an idiot would pay for CS grad school.

The only grad programs worth paying (getting into debt) for in US is medicine and law.

>> No.4361750

>Dat low standards
Everything below 2 is shit tier.

>> No.4361752

>grad school
>getting into debt

Were you to stupid to sign up as a TA and get free paid education?

>> No.4361754
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So, you expect a future where everyone is either a lawyer or a doctor?

>> No.4361763

Please dont study CS.

>> No.4361765

Have you ever seen a medical or a law school program? Hint: There are no TA.

>> No.4361769


Why the fuck not?

>> No.4361774
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>Implying all programs are like medical and law school
>Implying there aren't many other solutions to pay off your grad school debt easily

Please don't be this dense

>> No.4361776

Because it's not a science, nor is it about computers.

>> No.4361778
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But what if I love what it really is?

>> No.4361779

You have no idea what it really is.

>> No.4361783

Computer science, is at its heart a mathematics field, especially the more "theoretical" aspects. SO, CS is on same level as math.

>> No.4361784

But I'm looking at all the courses right now and reading about what it is. I clearly can read what is it about.

>> No.4361786


Because it's glorified programming.

Only a handful of people get to work on the only interesting and mathematically rigorous field of CS - Theoretical Computer Science.

>> No.4361788
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>implying but
>implying what
>implying if
>implying I
>implying love
>implying what
>implying it
>implying really
>implying is
>implying question
>implying answer
>implicitly implying implicatively implicated implicit implications

>> No.4361790


Please don't study CS.

>> No.4361791

CS student here and I love it.
Why would i force myself to get into math (ok, bad example because I enjoy math too) only because you guys label it as "god tier".
Do what you want to and ofc. dont care about rankings. Not sure there is sth like that here in Germany at all.

>> No.4361797

>I love CS

>> No.4361799


Same goes for physics or maths. 9/10 just end up in IT or 'analyst work' which is just entering making excel spreadsheets

>> No.4361800

Don't trust what you read. They might write stuff there that sounds interesting, but in the end you realize that you didn't learn anything and you should have studied something better instead because you end up as a code monkey.

Wrong. The mathematics a CS major learns is not even covering the basics. If you want to do applied mathematics, you have to study mathematics.

>> No.4361803


Do you honestly believe that PhD candidates still believe in a magical term "Computer Science" which really stands for science or computers?

From my experience, most people are firmly over the idea of CS being science and computer by 3rd or 4th year of undergrad. The only people who keep reminding everyone that CS isn't about science and computer are shit tier students who haven't taking a single CS course besides intro to Python.

>> No.4361804


By studying in Germany you already have a better CS program than most colleges in the US, therefore making you stand out above all the code monkeys.

>> No.4361807

So basically you went to a shitty school and ended up being a code monkey and now you hate CS and you must make sure no one else takes it because you hate it to death

1/10, go away

>> No.4361808

It's your problem if you love it. Good luck when your delusional view is destroyed some day.

>> No.4361810

Don't listen to the people here who hate CS, they just hate it because they go to a school that trains code monkeys.

If you go to a school like Berkeley and study CS or computer engineering, you will be a god.

>> No.4361812

CS is shitty at all schools.

>> No.4361818
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Enjoying that bottom tier #9241 ranked CS school you went to?

>> No.4361819

>Implying all programs are like medical and law school

Where and who implied that?

>> No.4361822

that would explain all the hate towards CS on /sci/

I sincerly dont think that i am gonna be a code monkey later on. I've done an internship at MAN Diesel (Builds trucks) and i found the work there very interesting. (I worked on some software to simulate how to position the rearview mirror)

>> No.4361826

OK tier:
whatever you like

Good tier:
whatever will make you happy

Philosophy/Mathematics, double major, any mcburgerflipping job you want, 300k starting, final destination.

>> No.4361829

>worked at software
>not a code monkey

Are you retarded?

>> No.4361830

/sci/ is full of retards who went to terrible schools and wonder why they are in shit positions.

You should never take them as the main source of advice

>> No.4361834

You should learn what codemonkey actually means before you go off labeling every job a codemonkey.

>> No.4361836



He's a magnificent software architect Orangutan!

>> No.4361837


And people with decent degrees but shitty social skills. They thought the worst was behind them when they got their degree

>> No.4361839

How is working at software not being a code monkey?

Once again: Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.4361841

Oh then everyone that works on software is a "code monkeys" for you? I did not know that. Then consider me one of those...

>> No.4361842


This is the kind of asshole that rejects a job in IT after he has his `hard' (trololo) science degree and then ends up in OWS.

>> No.4361843

"Software architects" (the word itself is already disgusting) are even worse than programmers because they can't even program. They are nothing but business people but without knowledge of business.

>> No.4361849

Once again, you need to learn what a code monkey actually his.

Just because he works at a software company doesn't imply he's a code monkey.

Just because programming could be involved doesn't mean it's a code monkey.

Learn what code monkey historically even refers to before you go off labeling every job as one.

>> No.4361851

Working at software is a service and not science.

>> No.4361852


There's more to software than code monkeying. The code monkeys are the ones who have to make endless Java UIs and Facebook games. There are plenty of software jobs that involve creativity and a sort of planning akin to architecture or engineering: you have a plan and build a complex system that won't fall apart under stress and can be maintained and extended without required a complete overhaul.

>> No.4361854

Working at software without programming is the dullest thing one can do and requires absolutely no qualification, especially no "science" degree.

>> No.4361856


Here one scenario

Working on software: Reading software specs, using and testing programs and writing a software manual.

This position is called: Technical Writer.

Most people will agree that Technical Writer is not a code-monkey.

>> No.4361859

Keep that design / liberal arts shit out of my science board.

>> No.4361862

You really are that Dense

>> No.4361863

This position requires NO degree. If I decide to study a "scientific" degree, I expect to do a scientific job afterwards.

>> No.4361864

this is the most stupid comment I ever read.

>> No.4361866

>"Engineers" (the word itself is already disgusting) are even worse than bricklayers because they can't even build anything with their hands.
>"Scientists" (the word itself is already disgusting) are even worse than lab technicians because they can't even clean glassware.
>"Mathematicians" (the word itself is already disgusting) are even worse than calculators because they can't even add numbers together.

>> No.4361873

Sure is angry 10 year old that thinks he knows the world

>> No.4361874

So you "oh so awesome" software people study years for a degree and all you do is soft shit like designers and lower business fags?

>> No.4361877

>All you can do with CS is software


go troll on /b/

>> No.4361878


It's so obvious that you don't even have a job to begin with, if you want to be a lab lackey that badly

>> No.4361879

Do whatever you want, but please stop calling it science when it is definitely not.

>> No.4361880

Or hardware, but wait... suprise! This is done by electrial engineers.

>> No.4361882


This is true. Personally, I prefer Informatics.

>> No.4361883

I do not know a single person in my CS course, who has ever done sth. like that.

We work mainly in robotics, simulation, internet security and automotive software engineering (and things like xbox kinect, touchscreens etc. but thats not my field)

>> No.4361884

I don't want your kind of shitty job which has nothing to do with science.

>> No.4361891


Have fun washing glassware, then.

>> No.4361893


the autism is strong with this one

>> No.4361899


For the mentally challenged: that commend is about working on software and not being code-monkey. You would also want a person writing the manual to at least have an English degree (preferably with Technical writing emphasis).

Think about it as if you had a software company and wanted to hire a person for writing your manual. Would you hire someone with no degree or writing experience?

>> No.4361901

Who says that I am washing glassware?

The delusion is strong within those who call industrial routine work "science".

>> No.4361904

It is a peversion of our educational system that trivial shit nowadays gets its own degree.

>> No.4361905


cryptography, geometry, algorithmics, formal languages, automata theory

> not science

>> No.4361906

I can take courses for hardware.
dont know how to translate it, but e.g. there is a course about Computerchip Engineering

>> No.4361908

I called you autistic for reasons that don't relate to whether it's a real science or not.

You're a troll, I know. You must find point to make so you can keep it going...

>> No.4361915

The best computer scientists would make great mathematicians. The best mathematicians would make great computer scientists. CS students at my college only have to take introductory calc but about 75% of them go on to the more advanced "analysis" classes.

I'm a CS major with a math minor and I like the CS aspect more because I love devising algorithms to solve my problems. Theoretical just does not interest me intellectually. With regards to what you actually do in CS, it would be more aptly called "problem solving".

>> No.4361920

am i crazy? i would love to be a code monkey.

what do you physics/mathfags think your jobs are going to be? the monotonous and tedious aspect of coding is present 10 fold in physics and math (i enjoy both of these too). quit being dicks just to be dicks.

>> No.4361924

A CS student learns only the trivial basics. The actual research is fully done by mathematicians nowadays.

I am not a troll. I am posting my serious opiinion.

Calc and analysis are the introductory babby tier courses. Don't call them math.

>> No.4361926

school ranking doesn't matter for engineering/cs anyways

>> No.4361930

The mathematicians and physicists are the ones who will end up as code monkeys, entering test data into matlab or some equivalent

>> No.4361938

CS / Philosophy cockroach-goddess tier reporting in.
Who cares what I will do after college. I don't study for a good job, i study for studying.

>> No.4361940

This might happen, but when it happens, they are better qualified than a CS graduate.

>> No.4361950

>I am posting my serious opiinion.

Ok. That will be all. Stop trying to pass off your opinion as fact.

>> No.4361955


Oh you, the crusader and the defender of the holy faith in the definition of word Science.

99.9% agree and don't believe CS is about science and computer. The true prophet Edsger Dijkstra once stated: "Computer science is no more about computers than astronomy is about telescopes."

I'll let you go and check the dates when he was born and when he died to get an idea how fucking old argument is.

>> No.4361960

bullshit. Depends on the person himself, in what he specialised, if he has a master or just a bachelor, what internships he has done, what projects he has taken parts of... why do you keep posting such obvious bullshit?

>> No.4361964


Luckly that argument doesn't exist anymore in The Netherlands (where Dijkstra lived) because it's called "Informatica" here.

>> No.4361965

Same applies to you.

He studied theoretical physics in a time before CS even existed.

>> No.4361969
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>my serious opinion
>my serious opinion is that I would pick a shitty lab-technician job over a more lucrative programming job
>"because it's more scientific!"

>mfw you actually believe that

>> No.4361973

What are you doing on a science board if you dislike science?

>> No.4361987


How about you actually comment on what I said, instead of dropping into a completely irrelevant straw-man tangent?

>> No.4361989

>implying you said anything
>implying your greentext babble wasn't just some gibberish intented to offend my person

>> No.4362011
File: 18 KB, 150x278, 1327974219263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Looks like it did. I can tell you don't have a job anyway, so it's not like you would be able to respond to that question none the less

Pic related

>> No.4362018


super butthurt

>> No.4362024

Code monkey shit is not SCIENCE.

>> No.4362033


of course not, it's math

>> No.4362038

It is CRAP and BULLSHIT. You can't even suck the dick of SCIENCE.

>> No.4362045


OMG! science shit code monkey kung-fu black jack and bitches!

Go be retarded somewhere else

>> No.4362049


ya it's getting pretty old now.

>> No.4362051


not while it's buried to the pubes in your throat

>> No.4362052

SCIENCE can never be retarded. Get out, you religious fanatic.

>> No.4362061


what? You sure you're studying CS?

>> No.4362104

well it is called differently here in Germany: Informatik
but i am pretty sure it is the same

>> No.4362640
