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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4361044 No.4361044 [Reply] [Original]

hi /sci/,
so here's the deal
what's the best multiline calculator out there?
I'm not talking about graphing ones.

>> No.4361047

For what people is a calculator more useful than a computer?

>> No.4361050

it's all about portability and long battery life nowadays.

>> No.4361052

Why do we need mathematics when we have calculators?

>> No.4361055

Because calculators are still not yet capable of building new calculators

>> No.4361056

Reported for retarded underage child who doesn't know what mathematics is. Enjoy your ban.

>> No.4361058

anyone? Anyone who isn't a troll?

>> No.4361059

ti-89 or mathematica on a tablet.

>> No.4361060

Reported for reporting too many things.

>> No.4361062

There is no rule against this. Reported for filing false reports.

>> No.4361063

>I'm not talking about graphing ones

>> No.4361064

There is no rule against filing false reports. Reported.

>> No.4361065

Casio Fx 911 ES
not exactly full multi line.. has one editable line which you can scroll up and down and one answer line.

>> No.4361067

Uninstall the graphing app or decompile mathematica's kernel and remove the graph function.

>> No.4361072

>Submitting frivolous reports will result in a ban. When reporting, make sure that the post in question violates the global/board rules, or contains content illegal in the United States.
Reported for filing a false report. Enjoy your ban.

>> No.4361081

You know, I bet whoever mods this board is getting pretty tired of your childishness.

Anyway OP, the one
suggested is pretty good, it's what most of the engineering students at my uni use.

>> No.4361086

Ha ha! The joke's on you, I never really filed a report, and there's no rule against lying! Good job frivolously reporting me there!

>> No.4361093

>You know, I bet whoever mods this board is getting pretty tired of your childishness.
They don't. You will see when your posts are deleted and you are banned.

>> No.4361097

Haskell Interpreter

>> No.4361100

Ur mom is a haskell interpreter.

>> No.4361103

This board is very slow as is, so if there is a topic deserving of the front page it will be there. You seem to think that you represent the views of everyone who frequents this board, yet I don't see anyone else complaining.

Why don't you just give it a rest and stop shitting up the board with your useless posts.

>> No.4361104


I wish, whenever I try to explain the glory of functional programming she doesn't know what the fuck is going on.

>> No.4361124
File: 22 KB, 425x292, 1280424818209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, I got a great idea. What if, okay, what if, we didn't make a post about every report we made, and instead just relied on the mods to deal with the issue we reported. You know, because telling people we're reporting them can derail on-topic threads. Or something, I don't know.

>> No.4361129

I report posts which violate the rules. They are deleted when the mods come on in about 7 hours from now. The poster is assumed to be banned.

>> No.4361149

Your reporting may also very well be construed as spam by those same moderators, janitors, or what have you. By submitting the same post over and over, especially with a trip, you are doomed to receive a ban yourself, Mr. Knight.

But, oh wait, you're a troll. Nevermind, then.

>> No.4361171

This is a truly revolutionary idea that could change /sci/ as we know it.

>> No.4361197
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TI-36X Pro, imo.

>> No.4361210
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