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File: 729 KB, 800x600, niggas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4360183 No.4360183 [Reply] [Original]

so there's now apparently a plastic-eating fungus, which will eat your plastics.


>> No.4360195

First reaction: Oh good, a biodegradable waste disposal system.
Second reaction: this thing can cause some phenomenal damage if it can survive in urban environments.

>> No.4360201

>phenomenal damage
yeah, since most wires are wrapped in plastic

>> No.4360214

Third thought: holy fuck NIGGERS get awards just for existing and we are apologizing for slavery still?

>> No.4360224

you're racist

>> No.4360236



>> No.4360239
File: 37 KB, 237x141, nice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>new bioweapon

>> No.4360241

Oh noes, my LEGO!

>> No.4360259

Why feed to fungi what can be reused?

>> No.4360261


Are you saying you're not?

>> No.4360271
File: 13 KB, 318x248, mah-nigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the look on the black teens faces says "Are these niggas serious"

>> No.4360274

That counts on what the fungus produces as waste.

>> No.4360281


I'm not the guy >>4360214 you replied to but if you want to know my opinion I see racism as a trait of any civilized individual of european descent.

>> No.4360294

It's racist to award people just for being a particular race. The idiots in america are so scared of being called racist they'll bend over backwards in the other direction just to be raped up the butt by the very racism they claim to oppose.

>> No.4360296

>the look on the black teens faces says "I have downs"

>> No.4360309

What kind of gases/waste does it give off?

>> No.4360315
File: 71 KB, 293x219, prometheusandbob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You know the way you feel when you hear about two tiny neighboring tribes in Africa that are functionally identical nonetheless waging genocidal war against one another rather than unifying with the larger population of their continent towards greater shared goals?

That's how I feel about your racism. It's the same silly primitive provincialism. It isn't a civilized trait but the trait of someone not yet civilized enough. Tribalism on a national scale is only marginally more advanced than tribalism on a regional scale, and the abandonment of tribalism altogether for a unified planetary civilization capable of leveraging Earth's combined resources towards the colonization of other planets is what multiculturalism represents. But you would destroy it, because the mannerisms of the least educated blacks annoy you.

Yes, multiculturalism produces a less orderly society with more crime. It isn't supposed to increase order or eliminate crime. It's supposed to facilitate, as completely as possible, the unification of the different peoples' of the world into a functional whole. It's supposed to make it possible for very different people to live together peacefully. That will always create friction, different races will always have members who are unhappy with that arrangement because they cannot stand the habits and appearance of other races, but so long as it doesn't come to war, it's achieved its only goal.

We all live here, we need to get along without murdering each other and cooperate towards larger goals. That's more important than your emotional need to live only around people who look and act like you. Pic related; as you see blacks below you, we see you below us for the same reasons. Evolve, will you?

>> No.4360375


The difference is I don't hate them because I don't want to cooperate with them, I hate them because they're inferior and thus unable to cooperate with me and others like me which puts us at odds, in other words in conflict and by the look of things, when I see all those nigglets with AIDS or getting bombed to kingdom come or dying from depleted uranium, it seems to me we are winning.Do you know why we are winning?Because we invented better ways to wipe scum like them from the face of the Earth while they were busy building huts made of mud in their shithole countries.
That's the problem with leftists, you think the goal of the human race is to live in pace together, you ignore the fact that the universe is ripe with conflict and destruction just like our planet is, and only the strong must survive.
I also reject the argument that I only want to live near people like me, I have nothing against asians for example because I find them to be capable individuals but you don't want to see that in us racists.You've noticed how whites have something only against niggers but we never say anything about asians but you don't want to bring that up, you want to make it appear that we hate others simply because they are different when in fact we hate others because they are filth, and that is justifiable.

>> No.4360392


>I hate them because they're inferior and thus unable to cooperate with me and others like me

So accomplished, well educated blacks don't exist in your reality? Are there not also uneducated, poor whites and in fact more of them in the US than their black equivalents?

>That's the problem with leftists, you think the goal of the human race is to live in pace together

No, wrong. The goal is to survive in the long term. The method is colonization of other planets. The necessary resources aren't available to any one nation. We can, as individual nations, establish small space stations or portions of a larger one. We can also, a very few of us, send men to the moon and return them safely. No one nation commands the resources necessary to establish an offworld colony. That requires the organization and combine resources of the entire planet.

>you ignore the fact that the universe is ripe with conflict

How do you know this? Are you in contact with aliens?

>only the strong must survive.

A caveman sees brutality as strength. To a modern man, strength is intellectual, the capacity to organize towards ambitious goals. The conflict-obsessed worldview typical of authoritarians imagines that no improvement is possible or even desirable, that we are violent destructive animals and that there is no shame in it, only in failing to direct those destructive tendencies towards inferior races.

There is a better way.

>> No.4360402

>I also reject the argument that I only want to live near people like me, I have nothing against asians for example because I find them to be capable individuals but you don't want to see that in us racists.

No, I see it and acknowledge it. But the world does not consist only of whites and asians, nor would an ideal system only meet their needs.

>You've noticed how whites have something only against niggers but we never say anything about asians but you don't want to bring that up

It never came up. I am not adverse to discussing it.

>you want to make it appear that we hate others simply because they are different when in fact we hate others because they are filth, and that is justifiable.

They aren't filth, you're applying a value judgement to nature. For instance there are 32 distinct subspecies of dolphin. Are bottlenose dolphins the "master race"? Are spotted dolphins "filth", worthy only of extermination? No, like any other animal their species is diverse due to evolving in different conditions across the globe.

Imagine how foolish we might sound to an intelligent alien species when insisting one race is perfect and another is filth. To something that far beyond us the differences would be extraordinarily difficult to detect. Familiarity breeds contempt. If we were discussing something as dissimilar as homo ergaster I might agree, but there isn't enough difference in terms of innate cognitive ability between blacks and whites to justify wiping them out. Nor are you in a position of legitimate moral authority to do so. Would you like someone else to determine that you should be killed?

>> No.4360489

>>So accomplished, well educated blacks don't exist in your reality?
Exceptions only confirm the rule and thus prove my point.
>>Are there not also uneducated, poor whites and in fact more of them in the US than their black equivalents?
Being poor and uneducated and being genetically inferior are different things. In every society we need people to do manual labor, that doesn't change their genetical baggage.
>>No, wrong. T...
I agree, we need the resources of the planet to achieve our goals, we don't need its inferior offspring. That's why extermination of non-white will continue as it has until now.
>>How do you know this? Are you in contact with aliens?
You think nature ,as a product of the universe, doesn't teach us a thing about the world we live in. There isn't a single step in evolution where conflict and thus violence was not present, many times essential.
>>There is a better way.
Typical leftist response. As always leftist talk about dreams and how they wish the universe would be different while people like me try to adapt. That's why in our world power is concentrated in the hands of the most brutal and unscrupulous individuals while dreamers only serve them their food.

>> No.4360490

>>…nor would an ideal system only meet their needs.
The ones in power decide whose needs should be met and if you look at the world I’d say niggers are shit out of luck ( pun intended ).
>>It never came up. I am not adverse to discussing it.
It did the moment you implied that whites hate everything that is different from them.
>>but there isn't enough difference in terms of innate cognitive ability between blacks and whites to justify wiping them out.
I can not argue with denial, thousands of years of cultural evolution stand testament to what I’ve said, if you want to ignore that go ahead.
>>Nor are you in a position of legitimate moral authority to do so.
Once again you show your wrong view on things. It’s not a question of moral authority, it’s a question of power. White elites have power and whether you like or not they are gradually exterminating filth from the planet, not only niggers but from all races, this will continue to happen regardless of your irrelevant opinions.

>> No.4360493

>>Would you like someone else to determine that you should be killed?
And yet AGAIN you show how truly sick leftists are. The problem is not what I like, what I like doesn’t matter, only the truth matters, in other words how nature is designed, my opinions of how the universe should have been does not matter. This is exactly what’s wrong with you people, you live in a dream world, just like children you can’t make a distinction between personal feelings and facts. In the real world niggers have amounted to nothing throughout the millennia, they commit crime, they contribute next to nothing in any society and the population of the globe is raising with 100 mil people every year in an economical climate that needs less and less manual labor due to high tech. Even as we speak billions live in the Stone Age or middle age when you look at places like Africa, Middle East or India simply because we can not accommodate them, they are not needed. Billions will soon have to die or the destruction of habitat will continue, destruction brought by people who contribute nothing to the human race. At least when whites destroy the habitat and the subhumans who inhabit it we bring our civilazation, a civilization that at this point is the most advanced on the planet.
So once again, get it through your think skull that bringing your dreams as facts in a conversation makes you look like a 12 year old and you will never change anyone’s mind by simply ignoring what some races have accomplished and what others have failed to do or ignoring the pressing problems of our world today.
Anyway, what you think is irrelevant, the only thing that matters is that the elites agree with my views, unless you think all that famine, disease and war is accidental.You can continue spewing your pipe dreams if you want, I see no reason to argue with a child anymore.

>> No.4360495


instead of talking about racism like subhumans you should be marveling at all the good this will do.

>> No.4360498


>Exceptions only confirm the rule and thus prove my point.


Learn your fucking fallacies.

>> No.4360515

>You think nature ,as a product of the universe, doesn't teach us a thing about the world we live in. There isn't a single step in evolution where conflict and thus violence was not present, many times essential.

Only in a state of nature. Domestic animals do not kill and consume one another. They have no need to do so. Technology (albeit none they are responsible for) provides for their needs, as it does ours. This is precisely what I was talking about, your worldview is innately primitive. It assumes primitive conditions, and the behavior that goes with it.

>Typical leftist response. As always leftist talk about dreams and how they wish the universe would be different while people like me try to adapt. That's why in our world power is concentrated in the hands of the most brutal and unscrupulous individuals while dreamers only serve them their food.

That is only true while conservatives are in power. They did not make the modern world, overwhelmingly those people are liberals and irreligious. Rather, conservatives only come to control powerful nations through politics. That certainly should change. It's not a vindication of the belief that conflict is necessary or desirable, it's just the observation that the way things are at present creates opportunities for people like you to achieve power you don't deserve and don't know how to use constructively, and with astonishing consistency you use it to cause death and destruction rather than to move the species forward.

>> No.4360513


>Exceptions only confirm the rule and thus prove my point.

So there is no black middle class....?

>Being poor and uneducated and being genetically inferior are different things. In every society we need people to do manual labor, that doesn't change their genetical baggage.

Except that they are so slightly inferior that there is a large area of overlap between them and whites in terms of average IQ. A majority of both blacks and whites are of equal intelligence. If that's not sufficient for blacks to be permitted to live, will the majority of whites with the same IQs also be put to death?

You rant about how much you hate your inferiors and want them dead. But the same science that demonstrates a single standard deviation difference between whites and blacks also demonstrates the superiority of my kind to yours: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/02/100224132655.htm

....And yet, I have no desire to kill you. Imagine that.

>I agree, we need the resources of the planet to achieve our goals, we don't need its inferior offspring. That's why extermination of non-whites will continue as it has until now.

It won't. We won't allow it. It's funny, authoritarians admire power and the will to dominate. Can you not recognize the speed and efficiency with which we've achieved cultural domination? You're a fringe group now, completely marginalized along with fundamentalist religion, and your fantasy comeback is no more possible than that of the creationists.

>> No.4360531


>And yet AGAIN you show how truly sick leftists are.

You are the sick ones, who would exterminate millions if permitted to do so.

>The problem is not what I like, what I like doesn’t matter, only the truth matters, in other words how nature is designed, my opinions of how the universe should have been does not matter. This is exactly what’s wrong with you people, you live in a dream world, just like children you can’t make a distinction between personal feelings and facts.

That's precisely it; You people imagine that humans live in a state of nature, like animals, and that accordingly we are subject to the same rules and must kill one another as a matter of survival. We do not live in a state of nature. If by 'dream world' you mean a contrived, artificial society designed by us, then yes, that is where we live and the sooner you understand that the sooner you can stop acting like a barbarian.

>In the real world niggers have amounted to nothing throughout the millennia, they commit crime, they contribute next to nothing in any society and the population of the globe is raising with 100 mil people every year in an economical climate that needs less and less manual labor due to high tech.

In the real world, there's considerable variation in what different ethnically black nations have accomplished. They are not all South Africa, and you deliberately ignore the existence of a black middle class, pretending that there are only a few 'fluke' blacks who are unusually intelligent and a mob of comically unintelligent ones. The distribution is more even than that in reality.

>> No.4360532

>Even as we speak billions live in the Stone Age or middle age when you look at places like Africa, Middle East or India simply because we can not accommodate them, they are not needed.

India is an emerging mecca for technological development. The stereotype of the Indian IT nerd didn't come from nowhere. The Middle East is held back by religion, not genetics. They gave the world algebra.

>Billions will soon have to die or the destruction of habitat will continue, destruction brought by people who contribute nothing to the human race. At least when whites destroy the habitat and the subhumans who inhabit it we bring our civilazation, a civilization that at this point is the most advanced on the planet.

So Japan doesn't exist now, or....?

>So once again, get it through your think skull that bringing your dreams as facts in a conversation makes you look like a 12 year old and you will never change anyone’s mind by simply ignoring what some races have accomplished and what others have failed to do or ignoring the pressing problems of our world today.

This is barely even coherent. "Think" skull? "Bringing my dreams as facts"? You people barely exhibit mastery over your own first language, but you imagine that you're part of a master race?

>Anyway, what you think is irrelevant, the only thing that matters is that the elites agree with my views, unless you think all that famine, disease and war is accidental.You can continue spewing your pipe dreams if you want, I see no reason to argue with a child anymore.

Dunning Kruger effect in full force. You are the child, or more accurately the unevolved barbarian, arguing with someone who represents the necessary and inevitable future. We are winning, nothing can stop us, and you will age into a world that reviles everything you stand for. You will look on in horror as a united mankind ventures to the stars, the fully realized dreams of civilized men, yet the barbarian's worst nightmare.

>> No.4360578

OP derailed the thread from the beginning using that pic.
That article starts from the assumption that I'm ignoring the exception, which I'm not.It also assumes that I'm using it's original meaning which again I'm not.Once you have established something to be an exception you automatically establish the rule and that's exactly what I was saying and I was clear on it, I'm not interested in debating something I didn't say because someone didn't understand.

>> No.4360586


>Once you have established something to be an exception you automatically establish the rule and that's exactly what I was saying and I was clear on it, I'm not interested in debating something I didn't say because someone didn't understand.

But nobody except you considers it to be an exception. There are not only a handful of intelligent blacks and a horde of unintelligent ones, it's a spectrum just as with any other race. There is, in fact, a black middle class.

>> No.4360592 [DELETED] 

Moreover, please stop for a moment and fully appreciate what's going on here. You condemn me for my multicultural, secular worldview because I am inclusive even of groups that are, by some criteria, inferior. But if not for that worldview, I would not be having this discussion with you right now, because there is no need to. I don't need to negotiate anything with you, you're in no position to negotiate. Your kind is completely under our thumb. The future belongs to us, never more completely or clearly than now. That I listen patiently to your point of view and debate with you is a testament to what my worldview offers someone in your marginalized position. A chance to be tolerated, heard and argued with rather than mercilessly stamped out, as you would do to us if ever you were in our position (and in fact you did the last time you were).

>> No.4360608

Moreover, please stop for a moment and fully appreciate what's going on here. You condemn me for my multicultural, secular worldview because I am inclusive even of groups that are, by some criteria, inferior. But if not for that worldview, I would not be having this discussion with you right now, because there is no need to. I don't need to negotiate anything with you, you're in no position to negotiate. Your kind is completely under our thumb. The future belongs to us, never more completely or clearly than now. That I listen patiently to your point of view and debate with you is a testament to what my worldview offers someone in your marginalized position. A chance to be tolerated, heard and argued with rather than mercilessly stamped out, as you would do to us if ever you were in our position (and in fact you did the last time you were).

Would you prefer it if we were like you? Isn't it to your great benefit that we are not? That's the only reason you're permitted to exist. And you mock us for it, you see it as weakness that we would restrain but not finish off an enemy. You don't understand compassion, you see no reason to be any better than the brutal law of the wild requires. Luckily for you and those like you, we think very differently. We aspire to be better than wild animals, better than we're obligated to be, even to the point of tolerating and freely discussing these matters with people who would exterminate us if given the chance.

>> No.4360611

the girl's face has been clearly shooped

>> No.4360612

>That requires the organization and combine resources of the entire planet.

And I'm sure the abundant natural resources under Africa can be properly used if we ceased to have a entire population whose only goal in life is to kill each other siting on top of it.
Seriously, those fuckers could make themselves the richest country over night, if any of them had the brains to actually organize a big enough portion of the population.

Unfortunately for them, genetics stops them from getting to that level of civilization.

>A caveman sees brutality as strength.
So you agree africans are cavemen?

>To a modern man, strength is intellectual
Africa is distinctly lacking there, aside form a few individuals who figured out killing each other gets them nowhere.

>the capacity to organize towards ambitious goals
Does building mud huts, then killing each other over them with AK47s count? Africa is a obvious world power if so.

>that we are violent destructive animals and that there is no shame in it,
That explains africa, alright.

>> No.4360620

>inb4 dats rassis

>> No.4360621


>Unfortunately for them, genetics stops them from getting to that level of civilization.

If it were only genetics, there would be no intelligent, accomplished blacks today. We have a genetic edge over them but it is so slight that to take pride in it is pathetic. A fifteen point IQ difference, maximum, is small enough that I would defy you to tell me which of two people in a room (whose IQs differ by only fifteen points) is more intelligent. To imply that one of them is so hopelessly stupid that they deserve only to be killed while the other represents perfection of the species is mind boggling stupidity.

>So you agree africans are cavemen?

Well no, as they have no Neandertal DNA.

>Africa is distinctly lacking there, aside form a few individuals who figured out killing each other gets them nowhere.

Again, you're pretending that there is no black middle class.

>Does building mud huts, then killing each other over them with AK47s count? Africa is a obvious world power if so.

I see you've never been to Africa.

>That explains africa, alright.

It does, what confuses me is that you think you're any better. I struggle to see any difference.

>> No.4360624

Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are more crowded than Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to "assimilate," i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I'm not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn't object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

>> No.4360635


>Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

Cool copypasta. Also no, they don't say this. This is how racists interpret anything other than a call to genocide. If you don't want to kill nonwhites, in their minds it means you want to kill whites instead. The "with me or against me" mentality, the false dichotomy, not even acknowledging the potential for coexistence.

You really should read Umberto Eco's "14 ways to look at a blackshirt", or Bob Altemeyer's "The authoritarians". We have a very good handle on how people like you think, what motivates you, and your most common rhetorical tactics. The time when any of it could have fooled us is long since passed, and the world is no longer willing to give you any foothold you might use to repeat your little escapade in the thirties. You really shit the bed on that one, and everything that's happened since then has been richly deserved.

>> No.4360640
File: 202 KB, 974x1238, DATS RACIS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could care less if they are just being stupid, nor am I calling any other race perfect.

What I have a problem with is they are occupying the space on top of the largest block of natural resources in the world, and preventing the remained of the human race from using it, because they can't stop killing each other for 2 minutes to let anyone get near it without getting filled with bullets and raped.

Thank god china is starting to export their over abundance of people there, at least a civilized race will get to use it.

>> No.4360649
File: 8 KB, 162x172, piers-morgan-getty-250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calls copypasta
>responds seriously anyway

cool aspergers, bro

>> No.4360667
File: 235 KB, 1250x798, skyscrappercity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Authoritarians crave leadership, submission to authority, guidance, organization and feeling like part of a grander plan. It will be ours, or none.

If you must march, it will be to the beat of our drum. We have designs for this planet and an ambition to set foot on everything beyond it, ambition so wide in scope that someone whose goal in life is to conquer a single dust mote hanging in a sunbeam and to cleanse it of all but one variant of hairless primate would struggle to conceptualize it, owing to a profound lack of imagination.

We will one day populate billions of worlds. There will be no planet in this galaxy which has not felt human feet tread upon it. But we must start with this one, and by unfortunate circumstance it's populated in part by small minded, intellectually inferior, socially conservative, religiously fundamentalist racist garbage. Being of an inclusive bent we can abide by that, provide for your right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness as we would any other group, but that hinges upon your understanding that the moment you get it in your head that you exist by right and not by the grace of your betters you will be descended upon with an intensity and relentless will to dominate not seen since 1945.

A fire burns in our hearts brighter and hotter by a million times than your petty provincial hatred for equitorial variants of your own species. It's a white hot magma bubbling up from inside of us that drove us down from the trees, out of the caves, and up into space. It is the will to conquer that you fetishize, in it's purest and most constructive expression. Be inspired by it and work in support of our goals or be crushed by that same force and remembered only as a regrettable evolutionary dead end.

>> No.4360689

Please stop talking to him like I have, he's delusional, he thinks niggers dealing drugs and wearing bling counts as middle class, he also thinks his kind are the future despite the fact that they only clean toilets, rape women and spread AIDS.Quality matters not quantity, that's why all of the worlds resources and armed forces are concentrated into the hands of a few white men while niggers are treated worse than animals.Seriously, my dog eats and gets better healthcare than most niggers.It doesn't affect us with anything if he lies to himself, on the contrary, I'm counting on his inferiority.

>> No.4360693


Samefagging is a new low for you. Is it that hard to summon backup from Stormfront? Or is Cletus busy tending the pigs?

>> No.4360701

poly uerthane

can digest plastic.

nope it can digest 1 single type of plastic which is not a major component of most products and we still have no idea how efficiently and under what conditions this happens.

>> No.4360706


>> No.4360710

don't be such a pedantic faggot. we've got the process now. it's only a matter of time until we perfect it. we've been violating the earth by producing plastic that doesn't biodegrade but now we can make up for it. this is a great day for science and conservation.

>> No.4360720

Non-biodegradable plastics are what made this country strong, and you want to destroy it all through your fancy germs.


>> No.4360722



It's a fungus that eats plastic. Maybe if it ate racists...

>> No.4360744

think of all the plastic bags releasing toxins and polluting our water supply. think off all the plastic that birds and other animals swallow by accident. this is fucking awesome news on that front. think of all the TONS of plastic waste that would otherwise sit in dumps for thousands of years. THIS IS FUCKING REAL INNOVATION HERE. WHY DOESN'T ANYONE ELSE GIVE A SHIT?

you are an idiot.

>> No.4360748 [DELETED] 


I hate the nigger scum as much as anyone, but you're a faggot for vomiting the same retarded nationalist shit.


>> No.4361066

Original guy here, back from the shit I had to take care of.
>Assuming that was samefag
>Resorting to namecalling

Nice job, idiot, I wasn't even here anymore.

>> No.4361102

Reported for racism.

>> No.4361271

It was talking to me not you and I wasn't samefagging, it knows this but it's trying to troll me yet failing badly.

>> No.4361333

fuck you stupid cunts, this is /sci/, fuck off back to /pol/ if you want to shout "niggers!" and complain about racism

You ruined a good thread

>> No.4361352

That picture made me lol hard.

>> No.4361482

This would be an amazing discovery if it can help break down solely landfill materials.

All this ignorant internet ranting about your racial views is totally irrelevant. Go to /b/

>> No.4361488

Unless all that landfill carbon becomes airborn becauae of the fungus producing co2. Poor poor environment.

>> No.4361741


Although I agree that this discussion had no place on /sci/ let me remind you again that OP was the one who posted that pic, a pic that has nothing to do with the subject of the thread.Also, this was not a good thread, it never had chance to be but you can change that right now by not spewing insults.