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4360393 No.4360393 [Reply] [Original]

Shouldn't we, humanity, prioritize a little.

30,000 children die of preventable causes every day. In our world, 2 million children are working in the sex trade this moment.
1.1 Billion people in the world, earn less than a dollar a day.

Why do we let artists like Terrence Malick make a artist piece with a budget of 32 million dollars? Do you really have something so important to say? Why do we waste so much time on art which only reflects the artists existential angst?

Shouldn't we set our XBOXes aside for a year and focus on our fellow humans working in slavery? Shouldn't we focus on education?

How delusional do you have to be to go to an award show? Maybe we should all follow Feynmans example and stop being egoistical cunts?

>> No.4360397

It's the responsibilites of other countries to care for their people. You want to invade them to force your priorities?

>> No.4360398
File: 89 KB, 253x750, fapfap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 million children are working in the sex trade this moment

>> No.4360396


Ok, so give your money to starving children instead of Terrence Malick or Microsoft.

>> No.4360406

There's no "humanity". We don't have a world government, only a clusterfuck of different governments who constantly try to fuck each other.

>> No.4360438

i think there needs to be a review of charities working in places like africa.

its not like people dont give charity, its more about how its used.

that place should have been rebuilt from the ground up with all the charities working in afrika.

its either a case of mismanagement or a case of each charity building a well when they could have pooled resources and built something better.

i guess a local government (african) plan for rebuilding would be most easy to achieve and yet raises even more questions.

>> No.4360441

The children shouldn't have been conceived in the first place. I know this sound harsh, but not matter how many poor children you help, others will pop up into existence to take their place. There will always be impoverished children because poor and uneducated people don't know better.

>> No.4360450

>Why do we let artists like Terrence Malick make a artist piece with a budget of 32 million dollars

Because there are morons buying their melodramatic bullshit and going to their concerts to fill their otherwise empty lives.

>> No.4360457

It is sad to see people with a large amount of wealth not using it to help those in need. However, a production studio, nor the Grammys, just fritters the money away. All that goes towards paying for the work of countless people; the set designers, the audio mixers, the light bulb manufacturers, the camera people...

That money filters into the pockets of a large number of people (with, of course, a considerable amount of it going into the hands of a few, like the corporate investors, artists themselves, etc.), who can then buy food and shelter with it.

To suddenly, say, remove that and demand that it not occur, you put a substantial amount of people out of work. They have no money, nor any way to make it, because you just undercut the system that supports them.

I'm all for trying to foster a sense of charitability, and I share your sense of frustration that there is more than enough money out there to combat society's ills without lowering quality of life for anyone, but that doesn't make something so drastic as ruining the economy somehow better.

>> No.4360460

>i don't know what the free market is and want to institute a tyranny where people only listen to what i think is appropriate since i am the god of humanity

op confirmed for megalomaniac high schooler with a messiah complex.

>> No.4360461


Correction: Should be "neither a production studio"

>> No.4360463
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>30,000 children die of preventable causes every day

There are more preventable deaths in America than in any other country due to our ass-backward redneck culture deciding that only people with tens of thousands of dollars to burn should be able to see doctors, yet anyone trying to fix this problem gets compared to Stalin.

You expect those people to give a flying fuck about some brown people from a country they've never heard of let alone are able to pronounce the name of?

>> No.4360466

>America than in any other country
*first world country

>> No.4360470

i don't really give a shit. granted i wasnt as bad off as only having $1 a day, but i did start extremely low on the food chain. i worked my way up from there, and if they cant do the same, fuck em. 100 billion people have died already, what is 1 billion more.

>> No.4360474

>1.1 Billion people in the world, earn less than a dollar a day.

Most of them also live in countries where a nickel can feed a family of 8 for twenty years. Haven't you seen the commercials?

>> No.4360530

Pity stands in antithesis to the tonic emotions which enhance the energy of the feeling of life: it has a depressive effect. One loses force when one pities. The loss of force which life has already sustained through suffering is increased and multiplied even further by pity. Suffering itself becomes contagious through pity; sometimes it can bring about a collective loss of life and life-energy which stands in an absurd relation to the quantum of its cause (-- the case of the death of the Nazarene). This is the first aspect; but there is an even more important one. If one judges pity by the value of the reactions which it usually brings about, its mortally dangerous character appears in a much clearer light. Pity on the whole thwarts the law of evolution, which is the law of selection. It preserves what is ripe for destruction; it defends life's disinherited and condemned; through the abundance of the ill-constituted of all kinds which it retains in life it gives itself a gloomy and questionable aspect.

>> No.4362080
File: 237 KB, 800x725, HDI_and_economic_freedom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Charity isn't sustainable.

If you actually cared about third-worlders, you'd be working to Free their economies, not encumbering ours.

>> No.4362089


>> No.4362094

yfw I paid to see malick's movie and would do it again u mad?

and why do you strike terrence malick, why don't you attack all the hollywood movies that waste shit ton of money for nothing and the military budget?

>> No.4362105

This the result of the world not being led by SCIENCE. Don't worry, though. Once that step has been taken, SCIENCE will solve it all.
Those who stand in the way will be executed.

>> No.4362127

Tree of life was privately funded movie (and it made money to the producers). Its budget was notably lower than with most movies studios push out weekly and nowhere near at the top of the list. Who are you to say which movies should be funded and which should not?

sage because not science