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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 218 KB, 750x500, 1326608346857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4360444 No.4360444 [Reply] [Original]

So why are you studying the subject/s you are?

>> No.4360446

Path of least resistance.

>> No.4360447
File: 28 KB, 455x427, lean back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this is a real photograph

>> No.4360448

Yes I know. Which is why I have it saved.

>> No.4360453

Well, it isn't because I have a fiery passion for it, if that's what you want to know.

>> No.4360455

What are you both studying?

>> No.4360462

I'm >>4360446 and I'm a Physicist.

>> No.4360465

Chemistry, more specifically, metal-organic frameworks. Just want to do my part, fuck some bitches, have some kids, and die.

>> No.4360469

No aim in life? Or is just living the aim?

>> No.4360472

I have a general idea regarding direction. I know where I want to go, and how to get there, I just don't have any plans to win the next Nobel Prize, if you pick up what I'm throwing down.
No offense to other people on /sci/

>> No.4360473

i'm interested in the financial crisis so i study economics. i'm also interested in human societies and evolution so i'm studying anthropology.

>> No.4360478

I must say I agree with you. I have no plan in becoming famous and winning prizes, that being said, it doesn't mean I dont want to contribute my part in science.

>> No.4360483

This guy.
I also study political sociology, mainly because of my interest in complex organization which came from Ghost in the Shell.
You should find your interest, and run with it, /sci/ trolls or not.

>> No.4360485

Also, WHAT are you studying, OP?

>> No.4360488

I am also interested in human societies and evolution, specifically the movement of humans across continents. I would love to study anthropology but to do a degree in anthropology is unfortantly impossible at the moment.

>> No.4360494

Neuroscience/Mathematics (Stats).

Why? Pure interest in it. Ive always been facinated in the brain and I have found I have a flair for statistics so thought I would major in it for the hell of it.

>> No.4360497

Financial issues, bro?

>> No.4360499

Undergrad? If so, are you looking at Grad School?

>> No.4360500

EE with a minor in Physics.

Contemplated doing just Physics, but I think it'll be a better bet to do EE in the long run for my career. I enjoy math/physics and want to do something involving it with my life.

>> No.4360501

oh wow, i didn't think i would find people with similar interests on /sci/. thanks bros. good luck to you.

>> No.4360504

No. I am >>4360494
and in my country you cannot study anthropology in a Bachelor of Science so I had to choose to either doing a BS or a BA and obviously chose a BS.

>> No.4360505

Computer Engineering

Because I want to make my own vidya gaem

nah, really because I like computers

>> No.4360511

Yes. I plan to do a PhD in Neuroscience, however I have third year (this year) and Honors before that.

>> No.4360512
File: 36 KB, 573x633, 1302880229472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I saw the picture because of this guy and noticed it WAS real

>> No.4360518

are you partaking in any research at your school? I think you are in the same place as me.

>> No.4360533

I haven't yet (personal problems kept me from doing so), but I am hoping to start volunteering in a lab within the university, and started looking at what I will do for my Honors project. I'm not in the best place I could be in terms of research, which does kind of suck, but nothing I could do about it.

Are you also studying Neuroscience.

>> No.4360543
File: 75 KB, 612x480, 1314569179680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I am the guy studying chemistry. Here.
I too am also looking for lab positions. I don't really care what I do, I just want to get a feel for the atmosphere and learn more about what goes on. I could care less if I clean beakers. I'm just having trouble asking for one. Is straight up emailing effective or not? I don't even know.

>> No.4360555

Oh fair enough.

Asking was one of my problems which I've had to deal with. Ive been told to email people asking if I could volunteer because it is most effective for me and my problems, if it is the most effective thing to do for others, I don't know.

I am not too picky either, though I do have labs which I greatly hope I could get in on because it means I might have a chance to make connections which could help me later.

>> No.4360559

Im studying Biochemistry because its really interesting and I want to disprove the need for an intelligent designer to form life

>> No.4360561

Humans creating humans creating humans creating humans creating humans creating humans creating humans creating humans creating humans creating.

>> No.4360568

already been done. try physics instead so you can talk about the formation of the universe.

>> No.4360607


Doing a PhD in nuclear medicine because fuck yeah combining medicine with physics.

>> No.4360627

Maths, because I think I'm addicted or something, don't really know I just love it.

Physics, because it's awesome.

Computing, I just fucking love computers/programming/making cool shit.