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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 384 KB, 640x480, pretentious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4358980 No.4358980 [Reply] [Original]

>saying 'utilize' instead of 'use'
What other pretentious use of words bothers you /sci/?

>> No.4358986

"inane trolling garbage"

>> No.4358988

is that pee

>> No.4358992
File: 135 KB, 736x721, sadfrog35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>that feel when I will never drink a woman's pee

>> No.4358993

utilize and use have different meanings you dumbass. utilize is closer to "make use of" if you want to simplify it

>> No.4358995

pretentious hipster detected

>> No.4358996

Sonorous for great sounds

Nuance for weird aspects of an idea
Bitch please.

Die cancer.

>> No.4358997


>> No.4359000

'Prior to' as opposed to 'before' aggravates me sincerely. I think it was David Foster Wallace who articulated this point quite nicely.

>> No.4359003

anything that comes out of an atheist's mouth. fucking pseudo-intellectuals

>> No.4359005

Your name sucks, seriously. Make a better one.

>> No.4359006

>that feel when your gf will only let you watch her pee but not drink it even though you told her it has cancer preventing properties

I don't think I'd want to drink it anyways, would I?
Please respond

>> No.4359008


>> No.4359009

Yes, but people use them interchangeably, which is bothersome.

>> No.4359010


>> No.4359019
File: 86 KB, 512x384, TrueBit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck do you care?

>> No.4359021

lol you did it

but it still sucks

>> No.4359020
File: 49 KB, 442x418, rage-face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>utilizing "individual" instead of "person|

My RAGE is inexpressible.

>> No.4359022

Deal with it. I think the shorter the better. I'm not changing it anymore.

>> No.4359024

Stop utilizing that name. It's annoying to read.

>> No.4359026

Since you're a tripfag, I think we're all gonna read more posts of you in the future. You should really think of a better name, if you want to be taken serious. Take the lunacy out there or you will always be recognized as some stupid /x/ fag.

>> No.4359027

It's reminds me of something a 14 year old would name their MMORPG character

>> No.4359029


>> No.4359030
File: 150 KB, 500x500, 1327780463056.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are now aware that this waterfall is a sad man sitting in a chair with a boner. He's utilising his desk to hid it.

>> No.4359039


Orthogonal is distinct from perpendicular.

>> No.4359041

lol way to spot the phallic. you have a good eye for it

>> No.4359043


>> No.4359050

You forgot to add "QED" at the end

>> No.4359051

Quantum electro dynamics?

>> No.4359061


>> No.4359063


Up until I got into university I thought it meant seven.

>> No.4359067

"naturally" is also a word that pisses me off.

Wose than that is "obviously". If it's obvious, then why say it? Textbooks do this all the time and it really annoys me. There's no need to write that in a textbook

>> No.4359072

Agreed. Actually, why even write textbooks in the first place. Unless we're dealing with a soft science like biology, all the material can be derived from first principles. There's no need for people to be hand-fed by the textbook, just do it yourself you lazy fucks.

>> No.4359074

Yeah, you're just stupid.

>> No.4359078

Miniscus bothers me.

>> No.4359093


>> No.4359107

>ew no
>i dont know its fucking gross

>> No.4359117

I put this through Google Translator but even that didn't help... Oh well

>> No.4359120
File: 211 KB, 915x618, moongolf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the NASA term: ISRU, stands for In Situ Resource Utilization, not In Situ Resource Usage.

go fuck yourself.

>> No.4359194

People in my state of Texas who say "don't mess with Texas" without knowing that the phrase is actually about pollution as in, don't make a mess in Texas.

>> No.4359201


>What other pretentious use of words bothers you /sci/?

"Pretentious" comes to mind.

I'm fucking tired of seeing it parroted as a synonym for "smarter than me."

>> No.4359211
File: 17 KB, 425x320, Daniel-Kahneman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Transgressing into aggravation instigated by verbose linguistic perspicacity.
>12012 HE

>> No.4359223

The word 'nigga' is very irritating. Just say 'nigger'

>> No.4359232

In high school I always had retards asking what my words meant. Excuse me for saying what comes to me mind.

Being pseudo-intellectual is one thing, but there are also plain idiots who can't speak English, and there are plenty of them around.

That being said, I make a conscious effort not to use big words.

>> No.4359234

white people insisting on saying nigger instead of the friendlier nigga pisses me off. i will cut the next vampire faggot who pulls that shit off in front of me. i hope your trolling made you happy now.

>> No.4359237

The word "sesquipedalia", which means "very long word".

>> No.4359254

People who use efficient instead of effective.

>> No.4359251
File: 46 KB, 400x600, alig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Excuse me for saying what comes to me mind.

>> No.4359261

Lol wtf there's a huge difference

>> No.4359266

Those aren't interchangeable.

>> No.4359270

>getting upset when someone properly utilises the full spectrum of the English vernacular so as to make their point as clear as humanly possible


>> No.4359278


Don’t you mean, “smarter than I?”

Joking aside, though, fucking this. There’s nothing that aggravates me more than people who get all up in a tizzy over people using words they aren’t used to hearing.

>> No.4359281

"to corroborate this assumption"

I just hope that one day people are going to get punished for this phrase

>> No.4359285
File: 487 KB, 567x645, Tx3CL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If one examines the neodialectic paradigm of discourse, one is faced with a choice: either accept capitalist appropriation or conclude that reality may be used to entrench sexism. In a sense, a number of discourses concerning not deconstructivism, as Bataille would have it, but neodeconstructivism may be revealed. Lyotard uses the term ‘rationalism’ to denote the role of the participant as poet.

>“Class is part of the dialectic of narrativity,” says Bataille. But Humphrey[1] suggests that we have to choose between capitalist appropriation and postcapitalist structural theory. In Chasing Amy, Smith affirms rationalism; in Mallrats, however, he deconstructs neomodernist socialism.

>In the works of Smith, a predominant concept is the distinction between without and within. In a sense, if capitalist appropriation holds, we have to choose between the neodialectic paradigm of discourse and cultural narrative. The subject is contextualised into a capitalist appropriation that includes culture as a totality.

>> No.4359286
File: 80 KB, 502x425, wa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

faggots like this posting shit about ochem to subtlety show off that they're taking a hard class when it's not even that hard. This kid mentions something about ochem every week it's annoying me

>> No.4359294

That girl makes me hot.

>> No.4359296

when people say "incredulous" when they mean "incredible"

nothing worse than misusing words trying to sound smart

>> No.4359309

When someone says "populate a database". Ain't no people moving into that database. What a dumb fuck thing to say.

>> No.4360189

My friend continually gets the prefixes psuedo and quasi mixed up

Nothing like making a complete cock out of yourself

>> No.4360197

Anything involving foreign words when there's a viable English equivalent. It's not "quid pro quo", it's "tit for tat".