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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 35 KB, 600x350, comedy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4356514 No.4356514 [Reply] [Original]

women care about relative social status. men care about win.

all female comedians are fail. is humor an arena intended for men to compete in?

>> No.4356520

Women do not attempt comedy as frequently as men do, but for those few that do, they are as proficient as men are.
Jo brand is rather amusing, and your picture is Sarah Silverman I believe. She is also very amusing, if a little offensive at times.

>> No.4356536

Yes, they're amusing as in
>daww, look at them trying to do comedy, it's quite amusing

>> No.4356540

I like her face, she's pretty.
Would bang and probably marry.

Sure, women are more social-oriented than males, generally.
But that doesnt have great impact on comedy, there are other aspects which you haven't accounted for:

Males are more willing to ridicule themselves, try hard to be funny to compensate for other things, etc.
Thats why there's so few females in this area, i wouldn't go as far to say that those females are good as males ones.
We have tons of male comedians, and only a handful of females, consequently there will be better male comedians on the top.

>> No.4356547

No, I mean that the story's and jokes they tell are amusing.
A person in the other thread made a 'joke' that consisted of
"a man goes to the doctor, the doctor tells him to eat shit"
And I suspect the poster was male.


>> No.4356551

Christopher Hitchens wrote an interesting article on this.


There's definitely a troll element to it but its worth reading.

>> No.4356557

>women care about relative social status. men care about win.

That's a drastic oversimplification. Just look at all the guys on 4chan obsessed with "alpha" vs. "beta" bullshit.

>> No.4356567

You left out the entire set-up which gave the joke context and meaning...

The thread was talking about useful bacteria and how sometimes doctors utilize fecal bacteriotherapy to help with intestinal flora. Then someone said, so if you have this problem the doctor basically tells you to "Eat shit."

Of course now, having to explain it, ruins it, but in the context it was funny.

You're just a retarded aspie.

Also, reported.

>> No.4356570

they can be hilarious in 1-on-1 interactions, but for some reason the stand-up is indisputable failure.

i dunno what you meant by 'social status', but all the male comedians are alpha as fuck, even woody allen, if you give a minute to think about it.

>> No.4356577

It is still barely a joke and is not even remotely funny, you report-troll.

>> No.4356578


>> No.4356594

Oh God she's bad.

>> No.4356606

I thought it was funny.

>> No.4356607

And yet people are still laughing, and she is usually funnier than that.

>> No.4356613

Swear words and toilet humour alone are enough to amuse you?

>> No.4356626

Jesus fuck are you retarded.

It's funny because it's a common phrase, and in the circumstances it also happens to be fairly accurate as far as what the procedure entails. Also, it's not something a doctor would usually say.

But now you've thoroughly ruined it by being a dense, pants on head retarded mother fucker. Kill yourself. Reported.

You're goddamn right I'm mad.

>> No.4356628

Underage lesbians and sexual references enough to amuse you?

>> No.4356630

I did not write anything offensive, you have nothing to be angry about.
If you honestly found that funny, then so be it. I did not.

>> No.4356635

No, but she is usually funnier than in the video I posted, I was just trying to find one that did not have any racist jokes in it, which is a little difficult to do as she seems to be quite fond of them.

>> No.4356636

Next you faggots will be arguing Kate Beaton is a male.

>> No.4356657


You're so incredibly biased, sure some of the people here are too, but not all of them. Men are objectively funnier than women, you're just protecting your ego, men and women are not alike, and women are not funny. Deal with it lesbo.

>> No.4356660

>has not read Kate Beaton
Your argument is invalid.

>> No.4356661

So she's "very amusing" even though most of her material relies on racism? Racial comedy is for poorly talented comedians and Ms Silverman is one of the "best" female comedians.

>> No.4356665

>Men are objectively funnier than women
No they are not, and what one considers to be humorous is never objective, it is just personal preference.
>Deal with it lesbo.
I am not a lesbian.

>> No.4356670

I do not like her racist jokes, but some of her other jokes are amusing, and she does songs as well.

>> No.4356672

Harriet is a typical female. Stupid as hell.

>> No.4356677
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>> No.4356680

I am not stupid and neither are most females.
You are sexist and delusional.

>> No.4356686

>implying females don't have an empirically lower IQ


>> No.4356689

Harriet(EK) is a typical scotish neckbeard pretending to be female on the internet.

>> No.4356692


Women are just bad at being funny.

>> No.4356698

They do not. You are unable to post a valid source proving that they do.

Her and I are different people, and neither of us is Scottish.
Pretending that we are Scottish is not even an insult, and just shows how racist and immature you are.

In your opinion.

>> No.4356709

Why doesn't moot take away the name function when posting? It would save a lot of threads from bieng derailed.

>> No.4356714

Harry, why don't you go anonymous? You could save so many threads if you did.

>> No.4356715

Males have greater g: Sex differences in general mental ability from 100,000 17- to 18-year-olds on the Scholastic Assessment Test

>" male–female differences in g have a point-biserial effect size of 0.12 favoring males (equivalent to 3.63 IQ points); (5) male–female differences in g are present throughout the entire distribution of scores; (6) male–female differences in g are found at every socioeconomic level; and (7) male–female differences in g are found across several ethnic groups."


Sex differences in means and variability on the progressive matrices in university students: a meta-analysis.

>"A meta-analysis is presented of 22 studies of sex differences in university students of means and variances on the Progressive Matrices. The results disconfirm the frequent assertion that there is no sex difference in the mean but that males have greater variability. To the contrary, the results showed that males obtained a higher mean than females by between .22d and .33d, the equivalent of 3.3 and 5.0 IQ conventional points, respectively. "


reported for being a typical retarded female

>> No.4356716

This was destined to be a sexism thread from the outset.
Derailment was inevitable.

>> No.4356720


Please stop shitposting.

>> No.4356722

The name function isn't the problem. Anonymous making a big deal out of it is the problem.

>> No.4356725

>6. The quality of posts is extremely important to this community. Contributors are encouraged to provide high-quality images and informative comments.

When you're anonymous, your responsibility over a post's quality ends with the end of the post. That is to say, when you post shit, people will say you're a retard, but they're only saying it based on the content of ONE post. That's not very harmful - except when everyone starts shitposting at the same time, it's called cancer.

However, as a tripfag, you have to be more responsible. You are being judged about ALL your posts; and thanks to the archivers, we have a much larger amount of data and we exactly know how to judge a tripfag. Mind the quality of your post when you're using a tripcode.

Now, there are good tripfags. Some tripfags on /sci/ are cool, and many tripfags on /tg/ are awesome. That's because they post worthwhile contributions to a thread and increase the board's overall quality with their posts. I've noticed you don't belong to this category of tripfags, as this shitposting in >>4356720 can attest. Please reconsider your use of a tripcode and/or the quality of your posts when using that tripcode.

>> No.4356727

Men are objectively funnier than females. Mostly because they don't take life and everything in it as serious as women do. Exceptions not withstanding.

Men will joke about anything and can see the humour in everything. Women, not so much.

>> No.4356730


Only in your opinion is that shitposting

>> No.4356735

Most of your posts are either trollng, responding to trolls, or denying accusations of trolling. In my opinion, that's shitposting; but I don't think I'm the only one having that opinion.

>> No.4356736

99% of your posts consist of useless crap like denying you are EK. The 1% is information taken from wikipedia.

>> No.4356738

>failing to fully comprehend the studies I posted
>linking me to irrelevant shit from an unscientific source

Yeah, how's that inferior intelligence doing?

>> No.4356742

None of my posts are ever trolling; I respond appropriately.
If I think a post is a troll I will not respond to it, but one can not always be certain so I usually give the poster the benefit of the doubt if I am unsure whether it is a troll post or not.

I have already made it clear that we are not the same person so I will not be discussing that topic again.
Keep in mind that even if you count my responses as 'shitposting' then the posts accusing her and me of being the same person are most definitely shitposting as well.

>> No.4356743

Sarah Silverman is most likely funnier than the OP, and your average male.

Maybe you expect women to be less funny from the beginning, and when they tell a funny joke, you are hesitant to accept it.

Honing any craft takes a lot of interest and work, and most women are probably more interested in raising kids.

>> No.4356750

EK = Rose Elizabeth Kelly-Lines
Harriet = EK's lesbian room mate and lover

I hope everyone knows this.
never fucking forget

>> No.4356753
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>> No.4356754

>>4356698 In your opinion.

It's statistically significant.

>> No.4356755

>None of my posts are ever trolling; I respond appropriately.
Denying accusations of trolling.

>If I think a post is a troll I will not respond to it, but one can not always be certain so I usually give the poster the benefit of the doubt if I am unsure whether it is a troll post or not.
Well, you are gullible as fuck. Someone starting a thread with "women can't make jokes" is obviously trolling and you're a dense fucking cunt for not realizing that and falling for this. This is /sci/ - Science & Math. Whenever you want to post, think twice about it and ask yourself: "Am I posting in a thread about science or math? Is my post a worthwhile contribution in terms of science and math?" If the answer of either one is no, then don't post. Stop giving the benefit of doubt or whatever shitty excuse you give yourself for falling for such obvious trolls. In short, stop shitposting.

>> No.4356756

Yes, thats them.

>> No.4356760


Reported for swearing.

Blue = Work safe

>> No.4356771
File: 286 KB, 500x281, abed grooving.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw harriet finally got banned

>> No.4356774
File: 73 KB, 705x935, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some more proof

>> No.4356775

Also, if you keep calling people "sexist", "immature", "racist", and if you are easily offended, you should probably get off this place and browse more user-friendly websites. This is fucking 4chan, the land of irony, satire, second degree, where people can say whatever the fuck they want without being personally involved in their comments. Yes, that probably sounds immature to you, but if you're the kind of person that screams "BUT THAT'S SEXIST" when told "tits or gtfo", you should probably remember this is the fucking internet and nothing should be taken seriously; it takes a great deal of maturity to understand that, there's a reason 4chan doesn't want underage kids.

>> No.4356795


Does it really take a great deal of maturity to understand that?

>self esteem boost
>I am mature

>> No.4356797

Q:What does it mean when a man is in your bed gasping for air and yelling your name?
A:You aren't holding the pillow long enough.

Q:Why do only 10% of men make it to heaven?
A: Because if they all went, it would be hell.

Q: Why do all men like smart women?
A: Opposites attract.

Q; Why did God create man before woman?
A:Because you're always supposed to have a rough draft before creating your masterpiece.

>> No.4356798


Actually 4chan completely drained my self-esteem.

>> No.4356812

Haha, I actually thought these were pretty good, much better than the "make me a sandwich" jokes.
And no, I'm neither the tripfag nor a female.

>> No.4356820

Comedy and SCIENCE contradict each other. SCIENCE is SERIOUS BUSINESS. Of all religions SCIENCE is the most serious one.

>> No.4356821


Trying too hard

>> No.4356824

I am trying too hard. Trying too hard to do SCIENCE.

>> No.4356837
File: 17 KB, 262x313, 1256124449330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<-- ITT

>> No.4356839

Why is it so hard for women to find men that are sensitive, caring, and good-looking?
Because those men already have boyfriends.

>> No.4356848


LOL epic troll bro xDDDDDDDDDDDDD

>> No.4356850

Q: What's the difference between your paycheck and your dick?
A: You don't have to beg a woman to blow your paycheck.

Q: Why couldn't Helen Keller drive?
A: She was a woman.

Q: What's the difference between a woman and a toilet?
A: A toilet doesn't follow you around once you've used it.

Q: Why are hangovers better than women?
A: Hangovers will go away.

Q: Why do women have tits?
A: So men will talk to them.

Q: Why did god give men penises?
A: So we'd always have at least one way to
shut a woman up

>> No.4356856

Did you hear about the baby born with both sexes?
It had a penis AND a brain!

What's the difference between an intelligent man and a UFO?
I don't know, I've never seen either one.

What's the one thing that keeps most men out of college?
High School.

What's the quickest way to lose 190 pounds of ugly fat?
Divorce him.

>> No.4356857
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>> No.4356859

Trolling? You dare to call SCIENCE trolling?

>> No.4356873

What do you call that useless piece of skin around a pussy?
A woman.

What do a woman and a condom have in common?
They're both either in your wallet or on your dick.

What's the smartest thing ever to come out of a woman's mouth? Albert Einstein's dick.

What do you call a woman who has lost 95% of her intelligence?

>> No.4356881

Men are proof of reincarnation.
You can't get that dumb in just one lifetime.

What do you call a man with half a brain?

How is being at a singles bar different from going to the circus?
At the circus the clowns don't talk.

What's the difference between a new husband and a new dog?
A dog only takes a couple of months to train

>> No.4356888

How is a woman like a laxative?
They both irritate the shit out of you.

What do you call a woman with two brain cells?

How do you know when a women’s about to say something smart?
When she starts her sentence with “A man once told me…'

What’s 6 inches long, 2 inches wide and drives women wild?

>> No.4356890


Hey look, I can take old jokes and make them gender specific too.

What's the difference between a woman and a bucket of shit?

The bucket.

>> No.4356900

Why don't men have mid-life crises?
They stay stuck in adolescence.

Why are blonde jokes so short?
So men can remember them.

What is gross stupidity?
144 men in one room.

What is the thinnest book in the world?
"What men know about women."

U mad, inferior man?

>> No.4356913

How many men does it take to open a beer?
None. It should already be open by the time she brings it.

What’s the ideal breakfast setting?
You’re sitting at the kitchen table and your son is on the cover of the Wheaties box, your mistress is on the cover of Playboy, and your wife is on the back of a milk carton.

How can you tell if your wife is dead?
The sex will be the same but the dishes will pile up.

If your dog is barking at the back door and your wife is yelling at the front door, who do you let in first?
The dog, because he’ll shut up after you let him in.

>> No.4356919

How many men does it take to screw a light bulb?
One - men will screw up anything.

What's the difference between men and government bonds?
Bonds mature.

How can you tell if a man is happy?
Who cares?

What are two reasons why men don't mind their own business?
1. No mind.
2. No business.

>> No.4356923


That particular female comedian is fucking terrible.

>> No.4356928

How many women does it take to change a light bulb?
None, they just sit there in the dark and bitch.

How do you fix a woman's watch?
You don't. There is a clock on the oven.

What's worse than a male chauvinistic pig?
A women who won't do what she's told.

What's a wife?
An attachment you screw on the bed to get the housework done.

>> No.4356947

What is that insensitive bit at the base of the penis called?
The man.

Why is psychoanalysis quicker for men than for women?
When it's time to go back to childhood, he's already there.

What's the difference between a man and Bigfoot?
One is covered with matted hair and smells awful. The other has big feet.

What should you give a man who has everything?
A woman to show him how to use it.

Why are men like lawn mowers?
They're hard to get started, emit foul odors, and don't work half the time.

>> No.4356953

Saged & reported for NOT SYENCE

A man would know this.

>> No.4356955

Jokes that play on mens inability to do anything and their immaturity is so silly. Men have went to the moon and back, they have ruled the world since man kind was born, they have already proven them selves.


Im not mad, im lightly irritated. Not at the jokes, at people like you who think these kind of jokes are funny. They are not. Women cannot into comedy, it is a fact.

>> No.4356963

What's that? Running out of jokes, you stupid male?
Yes, some of my jokes aren't really funny because they are simply true. Men are that retarded.

>> No.4356966
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>What's the smartest thing ever to come out of a woman's mouth? Albert Einstein's dick.

>> No.4356981

Not even him, just saw some supid jokes while scrolling trough /sci/ for science.

>> No.4356987

So your just another sexist pig who can't handle female superiority?

>> No.4356992


For making me reply again

>> No.4356994

Feminism is not trolling, you dumb man.

>> No.4356996

Moar jokes, c'mon!


>> No.4356998
File: 10 KB, 196x257, aww sweet a troll thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So your just another sexist pig who can't handle female superiority?

>female superiority

lol, but

>female superiority
>women better than men

>> No.4357000

just google woman jokes

>> No.4357004

Just google for more jokes about stupid men.

Women being better than men is a scientific fact which you can't deny.

>> No.4357009

Then why don't they have a higher IQ? Why don't they hold more positions of power? Why haven't they created a single piece of great art? Why haven't they made a great discovery or invention?

That's what I thought.

>> No.4357018

In fact we do have higher IQ. The only reason why most achievements were made by men is the constant oppression, enforced by physical aggression.

>> No.4357021


>> No.4357030
File: 358 KB, 443x398, laughingwhores.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this woman is mad as hell

>> No.4357034

>In fact we do have higher IQ

>Males have greater g: Sex differences in general mental ability from 100,000 17- to 18-year-olds on the Scholastic Assessment Test
>"In this study we found that 17- to 18-year old males averaged 3.63 IQ points higher than did their female counterparts"
>" male–female differences in g have a point-biserial effect size of 0.12 favoring males (equivalent to 3.63 IQ points); (5) male–female differences in g are present throughout the entire distribution of scores; (6) male–female differences in g are found at every socioeconomic level; and (7) male–female differences in g are found across several ethnic groups."

>The only reason why most achievements were made by men is the constant oppression, enforced by physical aggression.
Then by that virtue alone we are superior, as your intellect was clearly, by your own admission, insufficient to overcome our tactical use of physical dominance.

>> No.4357036
File: 13 KB, 264x191, do not feed the trolls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>female superiority

though I was making fun of women superiority instead of his horrible third grade grammar.
>stay classy retarded basement dweller

but still, guys
thread is lost, move along

>> No.4357042

I am mad at the sexism presented by stupid men.

Unrelated to my post.

Your made up bullshit and studies funded by the patriarchic oppression are not valid arguments. You cannot deny the truth.

Are you jelly, man? Jelly of higher intelligence?

>> No.4357060

>Your made up bullshit and studies funded by the patriarchic oppression are not valid arguments.
Your very admittance of a supposed patriarchal oppression innately implies a dominance. We are dominating, we have dominated, and we dominate. Domination = superiority.

Ergo, fax mentis incendium gloria cultum, men are superior by your own admittance.

McFucking Deal with it, Hamburglar.

>> No.4357065

Women comedians are a mix of terrible and...yeah, reasonable actually.

There's a few tryhard bitches that just make cock jokes and US WOMEN and THOSE MEN jokes though, but I guess there's male comedians who do the exact same shit.

>> No.4357069
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Oh for fuck's sake would you guys stop feeding this unfucked lesbo slut, it's enough they're more than half the population of the globe I don't want to 'see' them on 4chan as well.The only interaction any male should have is when we shove our cock in them to keep them quite, arguing with a pair of brainless tits online is ridiculous.

>> No.4357073

Your physical dominance is pointless and will not win over our supremacy in every other aspect of life. Our intelligence will overpower your evolutionarily outdated animal powers and will make you slaves in a feminist society.

>> No.4357075

These are the words of a misogynist virgin. Enjoy never reproducing.

>> No.4357077
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True that. Mea culpa. I'm out.

Ha! I'll believe it when I see it.

>> No.4357083

Women aren't funny. They're silly. That's it.

>> No.4357091
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> cumdumpster in /sci/

>> No.4357096

>sexism in /sci/

Once feminism rules the world, people like you will be punished.

>> No.4357104
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> Once feminism rules the world

>> No.4357106

I love my girlfriend more than anything else on Earth.

>> No.4357108
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>What about the male feminists and the guys who helped advocate feminism. Your lucky we don't treat you the way we did you emotionally and hormonally controlled inferior being. Product of U.S culture and propoganda. How come there isn't this much bull shit between genders going on in any other countries than the U.S and 3rd world shit holes?

>Seriously, why can't you acknowledge that there are specific differences, but the rest is equal? Humans are not greatly sexually dimorphic.

>Pic related. We all have these. I suggest you read the wiki pages on intelligence, history, and psychometrics. Honestly, you don't need to be so hostile. You're just getting back what you put in.

>> No.4357117

Females are superior. This is fact. Deal with it.
There are a few males to support feminism. Those will be spared. But the majority are sexist subhumans and need to be removed from our society.

>> No.4357119


Do people argue with obvious trolls incase somebody on the fence on this matter decides to read?

Or are these just samefags?

>> No.4357125

I do argue with them. I can't tolerate anyone making fun of feminism and I am sure most of these "trolls" are serious in their disgusting sexism.

>> No.4357130


Haha nice try OP.

>> No.4357131

I am not OP and I strongly disagree with his sexist opinion.

>> No.4357134


Honestly, I like women. I really do. I just hate sexism. You're being sexist. There's your problem.

>You know what, I'm not even going to blame you. It is Western society that has placed men and women at such odds and ends of required obligatory social behavior or constant achievement and topping each other. You know what, yes, women were pressed. But for the years they were not and despite all the affirmative action for them, they do not seem to have produced much in relative terms, but this is because of their upbringing. This is probably why women from poorer countries are much more logical and reasonable instead of the shit you spew, Americunt.



>What a retard. No proof either. How about you read this, hun. Those are the facts.


>Also, women were allowed to pursue things like liberal arts, and again they did nothing in those fields. You're actually so pathetic that you cannot recognize equality. How old are you, 50? Keep your old ass interpretations out of here.

>> No.4357135 [DELETED] 
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> implying that their is anyway that this isn't a troll

Even cumdumpsters aren't this stupid.

>> No.4357137


>Even funnier. I am a woman saying this. You should be ashamed.

>> No.4357138

I hear Germany has a decent lady in charge right now.

But I bet I could beat the fuck out of her in a fight.

>> No.4357145

>implying feminism doesn't already rule the world

are you retarded? if it wasn't for feminism, you wouldn't be able to post here in the first place, as you'd have duties to attend to (eg. taking in all 3 holes). if anything, you should feel more than content how this world runs right now. but you are just a bitter lesbo slut who got abused by your uncle during childhood.

>> No.4357148
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> implying that there is anyway that this isn't a troll

Even cumdumpsters aren't this stupid.

>> No.4357150

How can women get respect in their field?

I'm a 21 year old female who works in IT. People explain things to me like I am 5.

>> No.4357156


>Make sure you know everything, then be a total bitch. Just don't be sexist. Because a lot of bitches are.

>> No.4357161

you can't

a female's worth is determined by her beauty. even if you are the smartest person in the world, if you are ugly/fat as fuck, then nobody will be attracted to you, except for betafags and hardcore feminists.

>> No.4357162

Because you are intellectually five. You shouldn't be doing IT anyway, it doesn't help you raise kids or make sandwiches.

>> No.4357164

I am not sexist. Sexism is by definition an aggressive act of men against women. My hate for men is justified. Your pseudo-scientific arguments are flawed and worthless and do not refute the female supremacy.

As a woman who doesn't support feminism you are a traitor to our gender. Please kill yourself, dumb whore.

This is all men can do: physical violence. You are lacking any higher mental abilities.

The oppression is everywhere out there. It needs to be defeated.

OP is the only troll here. The fucking sexists seem to be serious.

>> No.4357165


Haha. IT.

That's why, nothing to do with your unused vag.

>> No.4357178

This is the most disgusting kind of sexism. We need death penalty for criminals like you.

>> No.4357184

Femanon wants female superiority.

Mad because can never happen.

>> No.4357186
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>criminalizing the truth

>> No.4357190

Female superiority is fact. Your denial doesn't change anything.

>> No.4357192

reported for sexist trolling. enjoy the ban

>> No.4357195

Fuck off, worthless man.

>> No.4357197

reported for patriarchic oppression

>> No.4357199

reported for man

>> No.4357203

reported for faggotry

>> No.4357205
File: 30 KB, 284x300, 1307684822755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


haha! Why don't you go to that all women's science and math site...oh wait...

>> No.4357208 [DELETED] 
File: 470 KB, 358x358, naturalorderofthings.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chillax crazy feminist, just live out the rest of your days alone shouting and bitching about every man and animal with a penis whenever you don't get your way.

>> No.4357211

reported for nsfw enjoy your ban

>> No.4357212

I cannot discuss with these goddamn misogynist and/or neckbearded teenagers who think they are "trolls" for posting sexism. and don't realize how much of a failure they are IRL.

Fuck you, I'm out. Gonna talk to some intelligent people (women) now.

>> No.4357218


Hey come back, I agree with everything you said (almost)

>> No.4357224


If you're working on Sunday, you're pretty much the definition of a failure. Enjoy you life and being a little bitch.

>> No.4357225

>implying it's Sunday

Stupid amerifats believe there is only one time zone.

>> No.4357226

irrelevant. those are the rules. you will soon be enjoying a ban. if you want porn, there are many specialized sites for it.

>> No.4357229
File: 7 KB, 170x213, 1307734412893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> implying that it's not Sunday where you are.

>> No.4357234
File: 508 KB, 502x502, 1315166049497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4357235
File: 58 KB, 251x251, 1307862179114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


mfw when you think that I'm going to get b&

>> No.4357240
File: 40 KB, 474x595, lol u mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you know how many time zones we have

>> No.4357247


mfw you guys are arguing when it was actually me that posted the jizztastic picture.

>> No.4357249

>If you're working, you're pretty much the definition of a failure.


>> No.4357251
File: 92 KB, 450x675, Roseanne_Barr Destroy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4357276

No women on the internet. Scientific fact.

>> No.4357290

As a person which occasionally likes his humor redneck-like, I sometimes go over to youtube to watch what's new on break.

Jesus fuck, 90% of 'pranks' from chicks is either slamming men in the balls or just so cringeworthy that it's just sad.

It's a shame, really. Women really do get the short end of the stick in life, no matter which aspect of them you compare with men.

>> No.4357704

>people still think feminism is the opposite of chauvinism

Feminism is just an ideology that says women should be equal to men instead of lesser beings like they are in most societies. Equal, not more important.

>> No.4357714

Don't you deny female supremacy.

>> No.4357720

>Equal, not more important.
This, this is the main point that everyone misses in Feminism. They think it's the kind of stuff the femanon trolls spouts in here, when it's about giving them the rights to do and be at the same level as men respecting their inherent differences. It doesn't mean they should be treated the same, but giving them equal opportunities to do what they feel like.

If a woman wants (and is capable) to become a mechanical engineer, she should be allowed to do so, without discrimination. If a woman wants and is capable of being a cop, she also should do it, and so on.
It's not about creating a matriarchal state, subjugating men and such. There's space for everyone and we need each other.

>> No.4357721

>all female comedians are fail.

I disagree. Of the comedians I have enjoyed watching, about two thirds have been male.