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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 22 KB, 600x600, 1326144490491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4349071 No.4349071 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /sci/. I want to see your smartest. ITT: Smart people, no dumbasses allowed. Explain why you're the most intelligent /sci/ member.

>> No.4349075

My IQ says I'm a genius. I know I'm a genius.

>> No.4349076

So like grades or just brag or what

>> No.4349078


>> No.4349081

Yes anything is accepted. Post your grades or your accomplishments, or just do what King of /sci/ did.

>> No.4349083

I have really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like.

>> No.4349086

Smart people are among those who ignore this thread.
Except me, of course.

>> No.4349088

What would the ramifications be if this were true?

>> No.4349094

Time would be the 5th deminsion

>> No.4349105

I am majoring in Law, Psychology, and Astrophysics.
I find this post to be insulting of my 190 IQ.

>> No.4349107

mathgenius is the smartest. His name is evidence enough.

>> No.4349111

I'm the smartest because I have the self control not to respond to this threa--

>> No.4349112
File: 119 KB, 207x271, 1326519477633.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Time would be the 5th deminsion
>5th deminsion

>> No.4349115
File: 309 KB, 769x532, minecraft_kululu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't really done anything that great, or whatever, but people always tell me I'm smart, and I figure they can't all be liars, so here I am. Pictured is greatest thing I've accomplished in the past year. Bonus points if you know what it is. I find it coincidentally captures the essence of /sci/ quite well.

>> No.4349116
File: 120 KB, 460x460, 1321651295231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying that law requires high intelligence instead of a good work ethic and ability to memorize lots of crap (same thing goes for med school, not sure why people always think that these degrees require high intelligence instead of slightly above average).

Also, is this >>4349075 faggot still here? 4chan really needs to institute some sort of survivor type policy where all the gayest trips get voted off the island on a weekly basis.

>> No.4349123

Why is your butt so hurt?

>> No.4349130

I make lots of monies in stocks?

>> No.4349131

>>implying everything a law student does couldn't be done with software.

>> No.4349132

a turd?

>> No.4349140

I was replying to this post:
So thus I posted my "accomplishments". However out of curiosity, have you studied in Law?

>> No.4349157
File: 23 KB, 500x375, kururu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kururu, though you should have changed the name of the file first.

>> No.4349171

Cool guess, bro. I kept the file name to give a little hint. If you haven't already, you should watch the English dubbed version of Sgt. Frog. It's on Netflix. I rarely watch anime, and I very rarely ask other people to watch it, but this show simply redefines the concept of humor. If you've never seen it, you have no right to call yourself a human being.

>> No.4349185

Am always right.

>> No.4349187

In fact, i dare you, debate me on anything and i'll win

>> No.4349191

SPG is more trill than A$AP Rocky

>> No.4349196
File: 194 KB, 1024x768, sgt-frog-keroro-gunso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also hulu :)

>> No.4349226

No, your african buddy is ironically better.

>> No.4349236

>IQ of 125 and INFJ.
>4.12 GPA graduating HS (#9 in my class),
>Studying Civil Engineering, though I plan to switch to Geomatics/GIS option next year.
Though I guess I'm likely not the smartest here.

>> No.4349259

I require your services. Leave a way to contact you in a response good sir

>> No.4349437

"Like all men, he judged others by what they accomplished, and himself by what he dreamed or planned."

>> No.4349442
File: 407 KB, 1920x1200, floating island.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Decode the following message and you may e-mail me.
http://shorttext com/2yYdu9t
There is a password to view the code, the hint is the image provided. It is a wallpaper of a Floating Island, if you will. Good luck.

I actually have no idea why you "require my services" or wish to contact me, however this is an apparent "intelligence" thread, what better way to prove your "worthiness" than with a riddle?

>> No.4349477


This is the smartest guy.

>> No.4349482

Is that original or is that from someone else? I can't find a source on Google.

>> No.4349484
File: 2.30 MB, 302x187, 1327977353058.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>IQ of 125 and INFJ


>> No.4349485

I've discovered /sci/ is the biggest accumulation of autism on 4chan.

>> No.4349488

[citation needed]

>> No.4349493


>> No.4349494


>> No.4349504


Do you have a problem with empathy and compassion? Or do you just feel that the true geniuses are INTJ only?

>> No.4349506

>My IQ says I'm a genius. I know I'm a genius.

>> No.4349511

Means special relativity doesn't reduce to Newtonian mechanics in the appropriate limit. Also, the dimensions on the LHS and RHS aren't the same, so it would mean Einstein was a retard.

>> No.4349512

>not part of the INTJ master race

Leave you inferior scum.

>> No.4349517


>> No.4349524
File: 47 KB, 429x410, trollface-civil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, that is highly subjective, the human breadth of knowledge is frankly so huge that "smartest" as a general term shouldn't even be used for the more intelligent set of people; "Smartest" in a particular field maybe.

I can design algorithms that analyze data and adjust systems to suite like a boss, but when it comes to the fluid dynamics and material designed I can't hold a candle to the person that works two desks down from me. We're both reasonably "smart", but neither of us could do shit with our abilities without the semi-moron marketer that finds clients for our company.

tl'dr - It's impossible to be smart with everything in this day and age.

>> No.4349533
File: 121 KB, 896x936, Leonardo_da_vinci,_Head_studies_for_the_battle_of_anghiari.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not being a Uomo Universalis

>> No.4349817 [DELETED] 

I am a genius. Do I have to say more?

>> No.4349841

I'm not the smartest, but...
Junior at Harvard, studying Human Evolutionary Bio with a secondary in Health Policy. 2400 SAT, 9 5s on APs, don't remember my high school GPA. College GPA is fairly shitty, I think it's around 3.15.

>> No.4349866

e^(i*pi) + 1 = 0

Gauss would call me a first-class mathematician. I was 8 when I understood Euler's Formula when it was explained in my mom's math class she brought me to.

I was able to do college-level algebra by the time I was 5, college-level trigonometry before I was 6.

Call bullshit on me if you want, just remember some people are very good at recognizing patterns and using intuition.

>> No.4349870 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 267x360, jacob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi guys.

>> No.4349871


Why aren't you on TV?

>> No.4349873


God I hate that little fucker. He's got the most irritating voice.

I'm the smartest person here by the way. I'm 20.

>> No.4349879 [DELETED] 

I have high level research to do on my theory of everything. No time for tv interviews. Anyway those ordinary humans wouldn't understand my thoughts and my talent.

>> No.4349882

I'm not, but I want to see people's replies anyway.

>> No.4349885


I read on the story about him that he tutors other college students, but I can't imagine any self respecting college student accepting tutoring from a 9 year old.

>> No.4349897

As some who works in the legal field I can tell you that we, as a society, would probably be better of by replacing the entire legal system with flipping a coin for every case that would normally require legal assistance from a human.If only people would know how much corruption exists and how many of the problems people go to court for are created by the system only so we would have job...oh boy.

>> No.4349899

>>busy doing high-level research
>>trolling /sci/

>> No.4349900 [DELETED] 

I am the greater genius. Physics encompasses math and uses it as a tool.

>> No.4349904

true genius is expressed through art.
math is an art and a science.
physics is only a science.
your logic is flawed.

>> No.4349906 [DELETED] 

A genius can multitask. You should appreciate my presence here. I offer you to learn from my hyperintelligent insights in the mechanisms of the universe.

I am not simply a genius of mathematics. In fact I am a genius of EVERYTHING. My genius mind has penetrated all fields of human knowledge and beyond.

>> No.4349907 [DELETED] 

Physics is smaller than any epsilon.

>> No.4349908 [DELETED] 

All sciences are just subgenres of philosphy.


>> No.4349916 [DELETED] 

I am a genius of everything too. I can do physics, math, biology and all social sciences. (Well okay, biology has to count as a social science).

A mathematician can do math. A physicist can do math and physics and his math is better than that of mathematicians.

>> No.4349929 [DELETED] 

You can grasp human knowledge? At best that makes you not an idiot. But in order to be a genius you have to transcend imagination and understand the deepest truths that cannot be expressed in human language.

>> No.4349940
File: 23 KB, 336x322, 95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he who dies all-knowing is still dead. enjoy your shallow life

>> No.4349941 [DELETED] 

I discovered immortality when I was 3.

>> No.4349946

no, i did.

>> No.4349948 [DELETED] 

You did too? Well then you will have a lot of time to learn from my brilliant knowledge.

>> No.4349949

finding out how your own poop tastes =//= immortality

>> No.4349950

no, it's only me. i am the only one.

>> No.4349951 [DELETED] 

Your reading comprehension is below average. Same applies to your skill of projection.

>> No.4349960

>>>doesn't realize when he gets trolled
>>>claims to be genius, yet fails to retaliate in a way that doesnt let him look like a fool

inb4 the usual "i dont care" faggotry

you just got fisted

>> No.4349964


both of you, explain why e^(i*pi)+1=0

we'll find out who the true genius is

>> No.4349966 [DELETED] 

Retaliate what? He didn't attack me. I merely expressed pity for his lower state of mind.

>> No.4349970 [DELETED] 

I am the smartest because I believe in SCIENCE.
All you fairy-tale beleivers are retarded dumbasses.

>> No.4349983 [DELETED] 
File: 17 KB, 441x457, sadfrog7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I must be the smartest because women are the most disgusted by me.


>> No.4349989

Because it's my name.

>> No.4349990 [DELETED] 
File: 10 KB, 227x222, images2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel when EK was the smartest poster
>that feel when she died
>that feel when she will never marry me
>that feel when she is still my waifu

>> No.4349995

I call BS, besides even if true, that doesn't mean Gauss would call you a first class mathematician.

>> No.4350000

In all honesty, this is my first visit to /sci/ but I realise now that its just a big circle jerk.