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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4347125 No.4347125 [Reply] [Original]

How many of you /sci/entists regularily use the method of loci to memorize large amounts of information?

>> No.4347128 [DELETED] 

SCIENCE is not memorization but the rigorous use of FACTS, EVIDENCE and LOGIC.
Keep your pseudo-SCIENCE out and go back to >>>/x/

>> No.4347140


Hey dickbag, listen the fuck up.

To be able to do things with science it's necessary to memorize facts and methods. (in other words, information)

Also, this is hardly psuedo-science, seeing as how people legitemately use it to memorize large amounts of information.

Also, I'm not from /x/. Eat a dick, faggot.

>> No.4347141

So, you hate Asian education then.

Actually, you hate current American education, too.

"BEW-BEW! Shitsux!" Cry moar.

>> No.4347145 [DELETED] 

You dare to insult SCIENCE?
Get the fuck out of here.

I hate all enemies of SCIENCE and I am right to hate them, because it is one of SCIENCE's holy rules to hate unbelievers.

>> No.4347154

>I hate all enemies of SCIENCE

So why didn't you kill yourself?

>> No.4347162


>because it is one of SCIENCE's holy rules to hate unbelievers.

Fucking this. I hate all of those fucking atheists who dare despute the holy rules of the one true science of life.

>> No.4347163 [DELETED] 

I am the only true SCIENTIST here, fighting for the TRUTH.

>> No.4347170

> Actually, you hate current American education, too.
Who the hell with a rational mind wouldn't?
Outside of a couple of elite universities which the average American will never reach, your education system is worth shit.

>> No.4347188

Are you still alive fuckign faggot ? I think I never, in my whole life, hated and wished a tripfag to die more than you. Seriousy, you're pathetic. I know you're just trolling, but don't you have anything better to do in you life ? If not, then kill the fuck out of your fat greasy neckbearded face and just let us enjoy /sci/ as civilized people. Because obviously, slamming your fat fingers over a dirty keyboard every time you're not jerking of to just imagining what it would be to see a girl for real is not civilization, and I know of apes that have more conversation than you. You make me want to vomit. Also, your parents must be fucking ashamed of you. True, while they hope you're working or looking for a job, you spend your time here trolling people who want to discuss actual subjects.
Oh and your comments show that you know nothing of actual science. Did you even finish junior high, dickass ?

>> No.4347200

I've been objectively far and objectively well in science without being good at memorizing information, and without even trying to memorize things. Understanding beats memorizing. At least in my field.

>> No.4347214 [DELETED] 

Enough of your shitposting. Leave my SCIENCE board right now, you ignorant religious piece of shit. In /sci/ we believe in FACTS, EVIDENCE and LOGIC. If you disagree, you are not just dumb, stupid and idiotic, you are the epitome of disgusting ignorance and intolerance. All you do is destroying the constructive efforts of SCIENCE to improve our society. Shame on you and your worthless genetics.

>> No.4347236

I reported you and message the mods to ban your trip.

>> No.4347239 [DELETED] 

You message the mods to ban ME, the only legitimate SCIENCE poster?
Your "trolling" is going to far, my friend.

>> No.4347256


Violent Simian! How I've missed you! 10/10, keep trolling, you board ruining faggot!

Seriously, come on guys. He's not going to call himself "Carl Sagan" and act like that unless it's part of a troll.

>> No.4347272

Yeah but what I wonder is, after all the dozens of reports he must have had against him, why hasn't he been permabanned yet ?
Seriously, everytime I see him come around, I know half the threads I browse will be ruined.

>> No.4347274

Have you considered him evading his bans?

>> No.4347301


Remember, this is 4chan, where you have to actually click the hyper linked post number in order to see the post it's referring to.

>> No.4347304
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>> No.4347305


Oh my god, did he delete his posts as soon as I called him out on being Violent simian???

>> No.4347311

>deleted posts
>lots of butthurt

Has EK returned?

>> No.4347313

No, it's called getting b&. It's what happens when one adequately utilizes the 'report' button.

>> No.4347319


Anyway, back on track.

no, I haven't used method of loci, and I can't be bothered to research because it seems more like "methods" of loci. Seriously though, can you name me an example?

>> No.4347342


May I direct your attention to...


>> No.4347359

Why do you link me to a shitty CS thread?

>> No.4347369
File: 141 KB, 395x386, happyfrog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anyone say EK?
Can we hope to see her juicy thighs again?

>> No.4347375

>Carl Sagan !SAGAN7mVOk

>> No.4347382

So what?
He posted there. Actually he posted in most of the threads.
All we can do now is hoping that his ban will not expire soon.

>> No.4347391

Sad brofist ;_;

At least I am not the only one missing our goddess.

>> No.4347416

OMG guis, I can't see the number in circle number 5. I'm really religious and can't be gay. How scientific is that chart??? I don't want to have that mental disorder

>> No.4347423


>> No.4347434
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>> No.4347439
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>> No.4347441


She's dead, deal with it faggots and focus on them science. She was a slut anyway.

>> No.4348167
File: 22 KB, 295x260, 1328395936573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Godel's incompleteness theorems support the idea that the fundamental nature of the universe and how it works is incomplete? If all logic fails, the philosophy and mathematics behind the things we do fail, what if it is a product of nature? and our minds are simply mirrored reflections of the universe's confounded nature to remain uncertain and incomplete?

What if it were? what if it's slowly reaching a climax in which it is going to be eventually completed, what if this were related to entropy? what if we introduced concepts such as retrocasuality to this picture? "retrocaustic" and "retroentropy" suddenly don't seem so bizarre.

I think the incompleteness theroms are proof that either 1.) the nature of the universe is flawed, or 2.) the nature of our minds is flawed, in either case, any attempts to rationalize this miserable pile of secrets is rendered obsolete.

from a completely conceptual standpoint, what if I suggested to you, that the closer we are to the end, the more the universe becomes aware of where it came from, and the further we go in one direction the more clearer the early universe becomes. And it's ultimate faith in understanding itself becomes rationalized, and such a thing become an exact copy of itself?

One thing is clearer to me then ever now, that if we are to approach the big questions in life, we have to establish a new understanding of it. We must understand, through emergence of new principles, we must unify our current ideas, and bring fourth by creation a brand new, "thing" that will allow us to unravel these secrets.