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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4342606 No.4342606 [Reply] [Original]

pic semiunrelated

>> No.4342610

Do you have sexual thoughts about your students?

>> No.4342609

What did some of your students do to piss you off already?

>> No.4342614

Im a lady

>> No.4342616


>> No.4342612

>9th grade science teacher
Why the fuck would you have that hell for a job?

>> No.4342617

question still holds

>> No.4342618
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Why do you waste your talents with thankless idiots?

>> No.4342619

So? It's actually more common for female teachers to rape their students.

>> No.4342621

> implying this is rape

>> No.4342622

only once

>> No.4342625

quoted the wrong post, but given the required certification for a teacher and the likely age of the student, statutory rape is almost inevitable in any sexual encounter between the two.

>> No.4342629

>dat maddening lack of detail

>> No.4342630

not all are thankless idiots. Some actually enjoy my teaching

>> No.4342631

They are 1415, of course it is irresponsible to have sex with them ,but they want it, even if they have no idea what this will make to their future sex life and relation to women, the teacher has their consent.

>> No.4342633

im sexually attracted to him there isnt much more to say..

>> No.4342634

Come on, they only pretend and you know it

>> No.4342635

You're complete shit. You're probably just some 17 year old neckbear.

Abandon thread.

>> No.4342640

Not all of them, of course i can occasionally spot a asslicker or horny teen boy here and then acting, but some actually like my teaching and i like making people learn.

>> No.4342643

How old are you? Have you forgotten how students think? If they like the subject, they don't need you, if they don't like it you can't do anything about it in 9th grade

>> No.4342644

I am not, and stop why is everyone asking about relationship with students in these threads. go on now!

>> No.4342650

I made some people get interrested in the subject before, by for example showing some very interresting movies.
Also yes i know that 75% of the class prob doesnt give a shit about what im teaching but im fine with that, i get happy by just the few people who actually learn. even the people who doesnt care will still get a few basics in physics for example no matter if they want or not.

>> No.4342661

Personally I think being a grade school teacher is the best job. You can just slack off and not give a fuck, and the students will like you because they don't have to work either. And the best thing is that you get paid for it.

>> No.4342665

They will forget it immediately after leaving school, nearly no adult can answer 9th grade science questions, and those students you "get interested" they
a) are pretending
b) are really interested, but would have developed this interested without these movies

Your efforts are completly senseless, you seem to be intelegent and slightly idealistic, why don't you work somewhere where your talents are wasted and you don't need to lie to yourself?

>> No.4342675

"... your talents are wasted ..." im assuming you meant arent.
and because im 24 this is a good start out job for me, i do enjoy teaching kids.
I do not agree fully in your opinion of wasted time in 9th grade though. imo atleast the few of the kids will get some of the basics, as i said before.
not all kids are lazy ass teens who doesnt wanna learn, some do, and some do need me for example to teach them.
Having said that, i do agree slightly that 9th grade probably isnt the big ideal place to be if you wanna teach people, so maybe later on i will look for something else.

>> No.4342681

>talent gets wasted

>have 2-3 months summer break
>work only few hours/day
>can slack off and students will love it

dream job

>> No.4342686

OP is a 24 year old teacher?

tits pls!

>> No.4342689

you're assuming wrong.

Even IF some students learn some basics because of you... Why don't teach somewhere where more people are interested (better use of talents)? Why not working at science (better use of talents)? And why do you think it is a good start up? You aren't lerning anything or improving yourself, if you see it is a start up you are wasting time.

>> No.4342691

firstly, guy above me, its tits or gtfo, not tits please, we dont care for manners in 4chan.

secondly, have your students ever tried to troll you in any way? I remember looking up the EPR paradox just so i could ask the teacher about it during a discussion in simple nuclear physics, then proceeding to embaress her in front of the whole class for lulz.

>> No.4342697

"Your efforts are completly senseless, you seem to be intelegent and slightly idealistic, why don't you work somewhere where your talents are wasted and you don't need to lie to yourself?"
I meant didnt you mean "arent" here.. since why would i WANT to go to a place where my talents ARE being waste ^^
and as i said i prob will change job some day but right now i enjoy this

>> No.4342704

Dont know if you can call it trolling but once (atleast i think it was them) everytime i opened google chrome on my computer it looped a openeing of random porn sites....

>> No.4342715

Oh you got me...^^
But still, why didn't you start directly with a "real job"? Why starting with this?

>> No.4342718

dont know it was easy to get and i see it as a step further to maybe a better job

>> No.4342724

easy to get? in which country do you live? 'murica?

>> No.4342728

hey OP, do you get paid for nonworking summer months?

where do you live and how much moniez you get as a teacher?

>> No.4342737

i live in denmark
I get paid around 200 kr. a hour thats about 37 dollars.
Yes i get paid for none working summer months

>> No.4342738

any genius kids?

>> No.4342746

holy fuck, 37$/hour. i teach in serbia, i have to work 2 days to get that money

fells bad man. jpg

>> No.4342749

please tell me it is a private school

>> No.4342750

some who have the potential but dont do anything about it. and then there is a few straight A's but straight A's doesnt make you genius so i really dont know. There is 1 guy who have grreeaaat potential but dont care about physics. very sad

>> No.4342754

:/ i feel sorry for you, the lowest pay here in denmark is 108 kr. / 19 dollars a hour. 60kr/10 dollars if you are under 18.
it is

>> No.4342767

how much moniez you get?

>> No.4343556

fuck you i earn 2 dollars a hour

>> No.4343612

>>interesting movies
Oh god, you must be the worst teacher.

Secondary Education majors are the dumbest fucking people. They are totally untrained in the subject that they are tasked to teach.

>> No.4343636

intellectual i am far from dumb i am a part of mensa.
And if showing a few interresting movies like "curiousity" from discovery is making me a bad teacher than you got serious issues

>> No.4343640

Not all high schoolers are thankless idiots. Remember, we were all in high school once.

>> No.4343661

Then I have serious issues.

If you think these videos are actually helpful, then you really don't know anything. Remember Chemistry 1 and 2? I know that it seems like a long time ago, but seeing as how that is the extent of your training in actual Chemistry, and the rest of your education was based around making rice with interesting spices in your diversity classes, I'm sure something they threw at you stuck. The professors did not show videos. Professors are intelligent, therefore can actually teach the subject matter, instead of watching that dumbass from Nova talking about a woman playing a Cello to demonstrate fucking string theory. Curiosity is for babies, and people who don't know anything about science to win $50 Cash Cab, or so that they can feel a little bit more accomplished when they hang themselves. You are an untrained idiot who is ruining America. I hope you die in your sleep.

>> No.4343679

luckily in your case im not from america.
using 3% of your teaching to show one of those movies so some of my students can get the hang of it is not untrained you fucking idiot. I will not have arguments for this cause my class specially all have 20% over the national average, and i can assure you the danish average is higher than shitty america. that will be my argument, now go hang yourself.

>> No.4343684


>> No.4343700

I just assumed you were American because of how dumb you are. You just proved that your course isn't intense enough, and your students don't have a mastery of the subject. You clearly aren't challenging them. It is your job to do that. If they need your idiotic videos to understand basic science, then you aren't presenting the information clearly enough. You're just making yourself look worse.

>> No.4343709

No. They clearly have a mastery of the subject from what i previously stated dumb fuck, clearly you ARE american.

>> No.4343724

They have a mastery of the subject in accordance with your judgement, which is clearly impaired by intense stupidity. Just because you are qualified doesn't make you good.

>> No.4343738


i would like to interject by labeling you a prick, because that's what you are, you shitty fucking prick.

>> No.4343743

you incompetent boon, no not according to my judgement according to their fucking grades, which im not the one giving. Go catch a stick or something

>> No.4343754

Oh, the dog barks. Will it bite? Rawr.

>intense stupidity
Do you know OP personally? If not, shut the fuck up. At least he's contributing to society. What do you do?

>inb4 I'm a world famous scientist on a grammatical scale gggnnnrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

>> No.4343764

>inb4 I'm a world famous scientist on a grammatical scale gggnnnrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
fucking gold, saved

>> No.4343768



>> No.4343772

Nope, >>4343754 is my post (not OP)

>> No.4343793

no.. this >>4343743 is me

>> No.4343796


>> No.4343802

|| ~ Certified Bitter Scumbag ~ ||

>> No.4343803

The thread is over. OP has been told. OP cannot accept said told. For as long as it is postponed, life goes on. Everyone go to bed.

>> No.4343814

Please leave and never come back.

>> No.4343825
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