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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4339070 No.4339070 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /sci/. I have a friend who's majoring in psychology, and unfortunately has been brainwashed by a "psychology and women" class into believing that there are absolutely no biological explanations for differences in behavior between men and women, and that any and every measurable disparity, and even some unmeasurable ones, are solely do to discrimination and culture. So I've come to the most intelligent and best educated board on 4chan seeking help - what are some of the best studies you guys know of conclusively demonstrating that there is a biological basis for gender differences?

>> No.4339075

Scientifically fuck off.

>> No.4339076

That's actually a really great question. Obviously there IS a biological difference, so let's just get that out the way. Now give me a second to provide you with the evidence.

>> No.4339079

Uhm, men have more than 10 times more circulating testosterone levels than women. Also exposure to androgens in the placenta is higher. There are some studies on that, just do a search.

>> No.4339083
File: 223 KB, 1366x768, orgasm difference.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's an obvious difference in orgasms


>> No.4339087
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>> No.4339090

Biology is ALL the difference between men and women. What the fuck. The difference between testosterone and estrogen alone makes up different as fuck, not to mention the menstrual cycle making women hormonal and unpredictable as fuck

>> No.4339091
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>> No.4339092

Meh. There's a lot of subjective influence on orgasm. Some thoughts can increase orgasm, while others can decrease it. I wouldn't put too much weight on those averaged figures.

cap: impulses dsyslan

>> No.4339094
File: 417 KB, 1366x768, brain differences 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's a lot of subjective influence on orgasm.


Anyway, also some obvious cognitive differences

>> No.4339099

Is there a source for these images?

>> No.4339100

>wider hips
>shorter average height
>higher body fat percentage (due to ass, thighs and breasts)
>less acne
>less prominent jaw and browline

>> No.4339103

Sorry, not really. They are from my neurosci class.

>> No.4339108

>"we show that variation in fetal testosterone (FT) predicts later local gray matter volume of specific brain regions in a direction that is congruent with sexual dimorphism observed in a large independent sample of age-matched males and females from the NIH Pediatric MRI Data Repository. Right temporoparietal junction/posterior superior temporal sulcus (RTPJ/pSTS), planum temporale/parietal operculum (PT/PO), and posterior lateral orbitofrontal cortex (plOFC) had local gray matter volume that was both sexually dimorphic and predicted in a congruent direction by FT. That is, gray matter volume in RTPJ/pSTS was greater for males compared to females and was positively predicted by FT. Conversely, gray matter volume in PT/PO and plOFC was greater in females compared to males and was negatively predicted by FT. Subregions of both amygdala and hypothalamus were also sexually dimorphic in the direction of Male > Female, but were not predicted by FT. However, FT positively predicted gray matter volume of a non-sexually dimorphic subregion of the amygdala."

>"These results bridge a long-standing gap between human and nonhuman species by showing that FT acts as an organizing mechanism for the development of regional sexual dimorphism in the human brain."


>> No.4339110

That doesnt mean they are inborn. Cmon. Simply learning how to eat at home and to write at school can lead to lateralisation effects. And that is stronger in men and more wishy-washy in women.

>> No.4339112

"increasing FT was significantly related to increasing rightward asymmetry (e.g., Right>Left) of a posterior subsection of the callosum, the isthmus, that projects mainly to parietal and superior temporal areas. This potential organizational effect of FT on rightward callosal asymmetry may be working through enhancing the neuroprotective effects of FT and result in an asymmetric distribution of callosal axons. We suggest that this possible organizational effect of FT on callosal asymmetry may also play a role in shaping sexual dimorphism in functional and structural brain development, cognition, and behavior."


>> No.4339113

Password is "hjernevask".

Brainwash 1:7 - The Gender Equality Paradox - http://vimeo.com/19707588

Get him to watch this documentary.

>> No.4339119
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Just shut up. I especially don't want to hear from some idiot yuropoor about my field of specialty.

>> No.4339124

>"Male and female brains differ in both structure and function. Investigating this sexual dimorphism in healthy subjects is an important first step to ultimately gain insight into sex-specific differences in behavior and risk for neuropsychiatric disorders. The basal ganglia are among the main regions containing sex steroid receptors in the brain and play a central role in cognitive (dys)functioning."


>> No.4339126
File: 32 KB, 350x285, hitchbeardlean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. There's some good stuff in this thread so far. /sci/ does not disappoint.

>> No.4339131

Sorry, I should start putting titles on these...

Sex differences in the neural correlates of autonomic arousal

>"Our study found that associations between rCBF and parasympathetic indices differed significantly between female and male subjects in the amygdala. Females showed a positive correlation between rCBF and parasympathetic indices while males exhibited negative correlations. This differential correlation of amygdala rCBF and parasympathetic activity between males and females may reflect differences in parasympathetic/sympathetic balance between sexes, consistent with known sexual dimorphism in the amygdala and closely related structures such as the hypothalamus. These preliminary imaging results are consistent with earlier reports of significant correlation between brain activity and HRV, and extend these findings by demonstrating prominent sex differences in the neural control of the ANS."


>> No.4339134

Sex-linked white matter microstructure of the social and analytic brain.

>"Sexual dimorphism in the brain is known to underpin sex differences in neuropsychological behaviors. The white matter (WM) microstructure appears to be coupled with cognitive performances. However, the issues concerning sex differences in WM remains to be determined. This study used the tract-based spatial statistics on diffusion tensor imaging concurrently with the assessments of Empathizing Quotient (EQ) and Systemizing Quotient (SQ) in forty healthy female and forty male adults. Females exhibited greater fractional anisotropy (FA) in the fronto-occipital fasciculus, body of the corpus callosum, and WM underlying the parahippocampal gyrus. Males exhibited larger FA in the bilateral internal capsule, WM underlying the medial frontal gyrus, fusiform gyrus, hippocampus, insula, postcentral gyrus, frontal and temporal lobe. Interestingly, the interaction analysis of dispositional measures by sex showed that females had a positive correlation between FA of the WM underlying the inferior parietal lobule and superior temporal gyrus and EQ but a negative correlation between FA of the occipital and postcentral gyrus and SQ. Males displayed the opposite effect. The findings indicate a sexual dimorphism of WM microstructure. Divergent correlations of WM microstructure and neuropsychological behaviors between sexes may account for the higher prevalence of autism spectrum disorders in males"


>> No.4339136

OP's question was on biological bases, ie inborn factors or factors which are genetically programmed to activate at a certain age. But w/e, it's your speciality...

>> No.4339145

Sex differences in cognition: the role of testosterone and sexual orientation.

>"The performance of both heterosexual and homosexual males and females was compared on four cognitive tasks which have been shown to reveal evidence of sexual dimorphism. In one spatial and one verbal task, significant sex and orientation effects were found. Significant relationships were also found between salivary free-testosterone levels and performance on both spatial tasks, but no significant associations were found for performance on the two verbal tasks. The present study revealed both within- and between-sex differences in cognition and indicates that these differences may be partly accounted for by the activational effects of free testosterone."


Just tell me when to stop, I could do this all day...

>> No.4339151


>"Most people are aware of subtle differences in cognitive functions between men and women. Psychometric tests confirm specific gender differences in a number of areas, the most robust being in spatial orientation and mathematical tasks which are better performed by males. Nonetheless, normal males and females perform comparably on intelligence tests and human brains lack sexual dimorphism on routine neuropathological exams--other than mean differences in weight and size. Even so, human brains demonstrate: 1) a sexually dimorphic nucleus in the hypothalamus with twofold neuronal numbers in males than in females; 2) the planum temporale/anterior Sylvian fissure on the left side are larger in males; 3) some studies reveal the posterior corpus callosum to be more bulbous in females while others fail to show this difference; and 4) a cytoarchitectural study demonstrates definite sexual dimorphism of cerebral cortex with significantly higher neuronal densities and neuronal number estimates in males and a reciprocal increase in neuropil/neuronal processes in female cortex as implied by the 2 sexes' similar mean cortical thicknesses. Such morphologic differences may provide the structural underpinning for the gender differences exhibited by the normal and diseased brain."

>" In conclusion, superimposed on a strong background of functional and structural equality, human male and female cerebral cortex display distinct, sexually dimorphic features, which can begin to be linked to a complex array of gender-specific advantages and limitations in cognitive functions."


>> No.4339157

Oops, meant to copy the title instead of pasting the url again...

"The human cerebral cortex: gender differences in structure and function."

that's the title

>> No.4339160

Do you have the other ones? I left off at number 3 or 4. I wanted to finish, but I can't find the other ones.

>> No.4339161

So, if you gave femle brain a lot of testosterone it would change into male-like brain?

>> No.4339162
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>Just tell me when to stop, I could do this all day...
Why would I turn down evidence? Provide as much as you feel like, you'll hear no complaints from me.

>> No.4339169

It would certainly turn it more "male-like". But I'm not about to get into hypotheticals. I'm only here to prove that there are innate gender differences, not a result of "cultural conditioning" or anything similar.


Normal Sexual Dimorphism of the Adult Human Brain Assessed by In Vivo Magnetic Resonance Imaging

>"In this study, we present a comprehensive evaluation of normal sexual dimorphisms of cortical and subcortical brain regions, using in vivo magnetic resonance imaging, in a community sample of 48 normal adults. The men and women were similar in age, education, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, general intelligence and handedness. Forty-five brain regions were assessed based on T1-weighted three-dimensional images acquired from a 1.5 T magnet. Sexual dimorphisms of adult brain volumes were more evident in the cortex, with women having larger volumes, relative to cerebrum size, particularly in frontal and medial paralimbic cortices. Men had larger volumes, relative to cerebrum size, in frontomedial cortex, the amygdala and hypothalamus. A permutation test showed that, compared to other brain areas assessed in this study, there was greater sexual dimorphism among brain areas that are homologous with those identified in animal studies showing greater levels of sex steroid receptors during critical periods of brain development. These findings have implications for developmental studies that would directly test hypotheses about mechanisms relating sex steroid hormones to sexual dimorphisms in humans."


>> No.4339181

Gender differences in regional cerebral blood flow during transient self-induced sadness or happiness

>"Men, compared to women, are less likely to experience mood disorders. We wondered if gender differences exist in the ability to self-induce transient sadness and happiness, and in regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) either at rest or during transient emotions. Ten adult men and 10 age-matched women, all healthy and never mentally ill, were scanned using H215O positron emission tomography at rest and during happy, sad, and neutral states self-induced by recalling affect-appropriate life events and looking at happy, sad, or neutral human faces. At rest, women had decreased temporal and prefrontal cortex rCBF, and increased brainstem rCBF. There were no significant between-group differences in difficulty, effort required, or the degree of happiness or sadness induced. Women activated a significantly wider portion of their limbic system than did men during transient sadness, despite similar self-reported changes in mood. These findings may aid in understanding gender differences with respect to emotion and mood."


>> No.4339189

Sexual differentiation of the human hypothalamus: ontogeny of the sexually dimorphic nucleus of the preoptic area

>"Sexual differentiation of the hypothalamus of the human brain is generally believed to take place around midpregnancy and thought to be related to the development of sexual orientation and gender identity. The present life span study on the human sexually dimorphic nucleus (SDN) of more than a hundred subjects revealed, however, that at the age of 2–4 years the SDN cell number reaches a peak value, and that only after this age sexual differentiation becomes manifest. Furthermore, the SDN cell number in homosexual men was not different from that of the male reference group, but significantly larger than the cell number in age-matched women."


I wish someone would draw a picture of that "lime guy" in a lab coat fumbling with beakers saying "Why can't I hold all this science!?"

>> No.4339191

An entire book about differences in human cognition between gender:


>> No.4339196

If your friend needs citations to understand gender specific behavior, I'm not sure he belongs in higher education.

Neither does his instructor, but still ...

>> No.4339197
File: 39 KB, 997x727, cognitive differences 1a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could post more, but I'm just getting physically tired of copying and pasting.

Tell your friend he's a massive faggot, courtesy of some anonymous person on the internet.


>> No.4339203
File: 43 KB, 980x705, cognitive differences 1b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4339212

>If your friend needs citations to understand gender specific behavior, I'm not sure he belongs in higher education.
It irritates me plenty that he would ever buy into such bullshit, although in fairness to him, there have been a numbers of social scientists for the past 80 or so years who have argued this exact notion.

>> No.4339216
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>I could post more, but I'm just getting physically tired of copying and pasting.
No worries, you've been a classy gentlemen for posting as much evidence as you have already. Thank you, sir.

>> No.4339223
File: 497 KB, 210x224, 1293214955731.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4339229

Hormone treatments or hormone alterations change the behaviour of the subjects. (Examples: Castrated men, PMS, men undergoing a sex change, female athletes that use some types of doping, the menopauze, etc.)
Men and women have different hormonal levels.
Therefore, it's unlikely that this has no effect on their respective behaviour.

>> No.4339231

Seem somewhat american-biased points in those pictures. Not all points, but enough to be noticeable.

>> No.4339594

Everything about this thread pisses me off.