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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 272 KB, 640x360, img-the-faces-of-2012-who-will-define-the-year-to-come-salman-khan_164341763438.jpg_item_large.jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4337194 No.4337194 [Reply] [Original]

Why does /sci/ dislike Khan Academy for basic math/sciences? Just curious, as I would think anything to broaden the reach of science education into the general public would be accepted by most students, teachers, and practicing members of the community.

>> No.4337206

sci liked it then it was all the intelligent design bullshit kill khan and idk what happened since... do you still not like khan /sci/?

>> No.4337213

When khanacademy first started, everyone on /sci/ loved it, no exceptions.

But then they realized he could have done a better job teaching (which is true) so they got picky. It's still a good resource, but I don't have any need for it since I'm way past my freshman year of college.

>> No.4337223

Checked out the chemistry part. He doesn't delve too deep into it but I guess it's helpful enough. I would wish for a site like Khan Academy only each explanation is an hour long and goes balls deep into that shit.

>> No.4337230

Duh OP

/sci/ dislikes Khan Academy because THEY HAVE NO EMOTION

>> No.4337245

>2800 vids
>make a vid on intelligent design vs natural selection

Suddenly all the other vids are shit, wrong, etc.
Never grow up.

>> No.4337316

I wish we had spoilers on /sci/ so I could whisper:

(Why doesn't /sci/ make custom tutorials that take you step-by-step through every subject of science?)

I've had this sort of dream for a while, but it was a miracle we got the sticky. I know where to draw the line between hopeful and delusional.

>> No.4337326

khan takes too long to say something and repeats himself too much.

>> No.4337348

>step by step
you mean like

>not knowing how to do calculus
>implying biology is a hard science
>how can you believe in khanacademy if it's juts a thoery (a gauss)?

>> No.4337365

lol, no. I mean like, everything logically follows so that you have the prerequisites necessary to move on to the next tutorial, and by the end if you mastered each tutorial there is no way you won't have mastered the subject. Also, some other things. I have lots of ideas that I hope to one day implement, but just ideas for now.

On a somewhat different note though, I always enjoy things that aren't always cut and paste automation though. So integrating quirky /sci/ stuff like ">biology >hard science" would be rather enjoyable.

>> No.4337380

i like it

>> No.4337427

I use it for calculus so I can pretend to be a genius in class by just learning a day's worth of material at a time the night before class.

>> No.4337435

>taking precalculus course in highschool in 2001
>dealing with 90% of the course
>no videos

nigga wat

>> No.4337466
File: 21 KB, 320x240, Khan 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4337476

Dumbass. We arent going to promote someone who promotes intelligent design. And yes that is our preferred method of denounciation

>> No.4337478
File: 26 KB, 250x267, 1328133556060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Katawa Shoujo has taught us that anon will only come together to create something if they can then masturbate to it.

>> No.4337497

Like others said, /sci/ used to recommend Khan Academy to anyone wanting to learn basic math and science outside of the classroom, but then everyone started to recommend it and we all know it's not cool to agree with the mainstream. Like when Tesla was praised non-stop for a few weeks after the neutrino experiments were first published, then people started dumping on him. That also helps to explain the growing trend towards the belief that there are significant differences in intelligence among the different races not caused by environment effects. I'm not trying to derail the thread with this example, but just want to point out that this replaced the "PC" idea of equality that had previously been a radical idea.

tld;r we're all hipsters

>> No.4337503

Grow up.
Up grow.
Grow upwards
Exterior upwardotics

>> No.4337507

Katawa Shoujo is terrible, and I'd like to keep it somewhat legitimate so that possibly (don't get mad at me) we could get funding from Bill Gates, just like Mr. Khan.

>> No.4337533

I like khan academy well enough, its good to get a handle on things that you didnt quite get in class.

>> No.4337536

It's a shame that he had to make the video really, we lost a powerful resource because of it.

>> No.4337537


Still, this would probably go smoother if the presentations were made by a waifu of your choice. The community would be at your beck and call.

>> No.4337546

Hmmm... I can get behind the idea of a "pick your own instructor" type thing. Of course they'd all have to be SFW...

At least on the website.

>> No.4337611
File: 100 KB, 480x360, I_have_The_weirdest_boner_RE_The_Blonde_IQ_Test-s480x360-133142-580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This was originally just a joke, but...

>> No.4337996

Why can't you just read textbooks?

>> No.4338007

I would gladly mirror all of Khan Academy, if he didn't release his videos under CC-BY-motherfucking NC-SA.
>the problem is with the noncommercial restriction

>> No.4338021
File: 26 KB, 250x250, 1313299726061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Muslim extremist
>take anything he says seriously

>> No.4338038

Khan Academy was a GODSEND during Calc 1, Physics and a little bit of Chem (the only thing that actually helped me "get" orbitals)

>> No.4338045

Why can't YOU just read textbooks and shut the fuck up concerning how everyone else prefers to learn?

>> No.4338095

>takes calculus in hs?
>watches khan academy
dafuck is wong witchu?