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4333332 No.4333332 [Reply] [Original]

Hey, I am just wondering guys, what do you all think is the most important invention by a black person?

>> No.4333337

peanut butter

>> No.4333341


>> No.4333344 [DELETED] 


>> No.4333350

Cheap labor

>> No.4333355

Light bulb filament.

>> No.4333358

The blade.

>> No.4333364


>> No.4333367

That's actually a good one

As for peanut butter and light bulb filament, I am not certain but I don't think those were invented by black people

>> No.4333369

Language is not an invention.


>> No.4333370

black on black violence

>> No.4333375


>> No.4333382

what is an invention, then, if language is not one?

>> No.4333386

I was going to say twig and leaf umbrellas
but orangutans beat them to it

>> No.4333389


Lewis Latimer, invented a carbon light bulb filament.

Garrett Morgan - Gas Mask

Otis Boykin - Pacemaker, electronic control system for missiles.

Patricia Bath - revolutionsed cataract treatment with the Laserphaco Probe

There are loads more.

>> No.4333394

Language is an instinct, which was not created by humanity.

>> No.4333399

Well, at least blacks didn't invent racism.

>> No.4333405


Willard H Bennett was the inventor of the radio frequency mass spectrometer.

Doctor Robert G Bryant - mainstay of the team which created Macro-Fiber Composite, a space-age material.

>> No.4333408

Wait, the monkeys and apes developed the language we speak now.

Ooooh, I see what you did there...

>> No.4333411


Dubs never lie.

>> No.4333418

Thanks for the list

>Garrett Morgan - Gas Mask
He made a type of gas mask, but was not the inventor of it.

I have to look up the other ones though. So which one is your favorite?

I am doing a paper on a black inventor for black history month BTW

>> No.4333419


Mark Dean pioneered the use of bus control, allowing modern pc's to 'plug and play' a multitude of peripheral devices and more still.

>ITT Confirmation bias.

>> No.4333421


>> No.4333425

The wheel, and consequently dem Rimz.

>> No.4333430


RF Mass spectrometer, without a doubt.

Professional bias on my part, but hey.

>> No.4333429


>> No.4333438


you are a fucking idiot who should just kill himself.

>> No.4333435

okay, by that logic, toolmaking is also an instinct. Where's the line between invention and instinct?

>> No.4333457


>> No.4333460


>> No.4333463
File: 15 KB, 373x309, thomas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

excuse me for discussing an interesting topic. I'll go back to the main page and shitpost in some "religion vs. science" and "what major should I get" threads now.

>> No.4333479

tool making or at least tool use is an instinct. using a rock as a hammer doesn't mean you invested a hammer, it just means you're smashing shit with a rock.

creating the first hammer is investing something.

>> No.4333488

And in the same way, creating a complex system of regularized sounds and pauses to relay information requires investment.

>> No.4333496

I thought we already decided instinct isn't an invention. Therefore nobody invented racism.

>> No.4333499

that's akin to saying you can invest words. the need to communicate for social animals is without a doubt instinctual, and i wouldn't call the refining the way of communication "inventing."

>> No.4333508

The only ones in this entire thread that will be correct

>>4333337 peanut butter
French patents pre-date GWC's association with peanut butter. Not to diss GWC, he did good things for Southern agriculture. He would piss all over the stereotypical dumb roody-poo, the same roody-poo who needs to pretend GWC invented everything to assuage his ego.

>>4333389 Lewis Latimer, invented a carbon light bulb filament.
Why don't you take a look at any incandescent bulb in your house, and figure out if that filament is carbon? I'm waiting.

>>4333421 chicken
Nope. Southeast Asians did that. Also, if we are to pick at black stereotypes, let's choose one that is actually insulting and not universal to every non-vegetarian.

>>4333425 the wheel
Nope. Which is pretty damning, actually. Perfect stormfront material here.

>> No.4333515

I would call the vowel, the consonant, and the alphabet some of mankind's most important inventions. But I'm not getting my undies in a bundle if you disagree.

>> No.4333524
File: 37 KB, 347x379, herp a derp trippy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the need to communicate for social animals is without a doubt instinctual, and i wouldn't call the refining the way of communication "inventing."

the need to kill animals for carnivorous animals is without a doubt instinctual, and i wouldn't call the refining the way of killing "inventing."

The need to move around for mobile animals is without a doubt instinctual, and i wouldn't call the refining the way of communication "inventing."


>> No.4333526

>Why don't you take a look at any incandescent bulb in your house, and figure out if that filament is carbon? I'm waiting
What's your point?

>> No.4333530

persistence hunting.

>> No.4333539

The reason language isn't an invention is that universal grammar doesn't need to be taught to any human. It's something we know instinctual -- presumably because it's encoded in our genes. Likewise, our ability and inclination to associate sounds with words does not need to be taught.

>> No.4333543
File: 54 KB, 371x363, NAC_1a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.4333548

weaponry, clothing

>> No.4333553

Things you're implying:
-that grammar is coded in our DNA
-that we automatically know what sounds correspond with which objects/ideas without being taught

Why do we study language in schools? Why are there thousands of languages? Why can language be optimized through agreement on grammatical format if we already know all there is to know about it?

There is a very big difference between doing something on instinct and refining an optimized and standardized method for doing something - e.g. walking across a river versus building a 4-lane drawbridge.

>> No.4333555


>Nope. Southeast Asians did that.

So you're saying Southeast Asians physically invented Chicken? I didn't know they were that good at genetic engineering. The more you know.

>> No.4333568

>that we automatically know what sounds correspond with which objects/ideas without being taught
Not implying that at all. What sounds correspond to what words is a human creation, but it's also a very small component of what language is.
>Why do we study language in schools?
We don't. We learn language as children. In schools, we refine and sculpt our use of language.
>Why are there thousands of languages?
There are many more. The point is that all languages are essentially identical. A martian probably couldn't tell them apart.
>Why can language be optimized through agreement on grammatical format if we already know all there is to know about it?
Language isn't optimized. Grammatical conventions do not represent improvement.

>> No.4333571

They're good at selective breeding, which is where all domesticated livestock come from.

>> No.4333575


You should read up about my main man Noam Chomsky:


>> No.4333576


Chickens were around before Humans you idiot.

>> No.4333581

well jungle fowl were... but they're not exactly the same as our modern chickens