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4327908 No.4327908 [Reply] [Original]

Is Electrical Engineering the best type of engineering? How are the job prospects?

>> No.4327938
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>> No.4327943

It's by far the most boring.

>> No.4327957

how come
I am interested in programming and engineering and I figured electrical engineering will give me the opportunity to program and work with software a little bit while giving me many more opportunities

>> No.4327960

Just do what you want. Nobody here cares.

>> No.4327970

It's obviouse he wants to know if EE satisfies what he wants.

>> No.4327972

thank you sir

>> No.4327974

The field is shocking but the job market is static

>> No.4328019
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Hmmm, yes, quite amusing indeed.

>> No.4328025


My nigga, did you study biology or something?

>> No.4328026

How close is engineering physics to actual physics? Is it mostly application or is there some interesting theory stuff as well?

>> No.4328032

From what I have heard EE is the most challenging and complex field of engineering, it is the most popular in the job market (of other fields of engineering), and is always growing. It is a good field to get into.

>> No.4328036

thank you sir

>> No.4328041

no it isn't, chemical engineering is the most difficult but that's because nearly no one likes chemistry.

EE or any other engineering major isn't difficult as long as you are interested in what you are studying. i'm sure that most of the "omg omg enjuneerin so hard" comes from idiots that went into it for the money.

>> No.4328050

at my school, me and a guy who is doing mechanical engineering took only the first two physics courses together, then our classes split off and he started taking physics classes specifically for engineering students

there's a significant difference, I'd say, but I couldn't tell you exactly what it is since I've never taken an engineering course.

I would guess that in engineering classes they focus more on how things actually happen and give you practical problems and how theories apply to reality. As opposed to how in physics class you are given the theory and the concepts but there is no need to apply it to reality. Thus engineering is probably a lot more complicated and difficult in one sense, but then physics goes into more depth in terms of fundamentals.

>> No.4328063

speaking from experience, mechanical engineering focuses nearly entirely on mechanics, with some less fun engineering bullshit thrown in like design/CAD classes. classes we take include dynamics, vibrations, heat transfer, thermo, fluid mechanics, etc.

>> No.4328065
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I've got a Physics B.S.

All of my test questions were "infinite sheet sheet current... find E & B at point A" or "the cow people of planet Bovine built a rocket that blasts off at initial velocity V at angle... provide a time dependent general equation" and so on.

My department liked to integrate programming into every course, mostly Fortran and C. I took Nonlinear Dynamics and Plasma Physics my last two semesters. For Advanced Experimental Physics we created our own experiments, carried them out, and analyzed and presented the results.

There isn't much else to mention.

What is Engineering Physics like?

>> No.4328103
File: 330 KB, 1072x946, 1281 engineering.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4328105

same faggot posting the same shit list every chance he gets.

i bet you're that one idiot who's in industrial engineering.

>> No.4328109

What did you/ do you plan on doing with your physics degrees? It's not that I'm afraid I won't make a lot of money, I just don't want to have no / barely any work in what I've actually been educated in, which it seems might be a risk of taking physics.

First year engg btw, deciding whether to continue or transfer to physics, so I don't actually know anything about engg physics. It looks more interesting than your average engineering discipline, but still kind of technical/corporate.

>> No.4328114

>"the cow people of planet Bovine built a rocket that blasts off at initial velocity V at angle... provide a time dependent general equation"

what the hell? well, i guess it's similar to the questions that theoretical physicists study all day.

(math major speaking)

>> No.4328116

Both EEeng and MEng are god-tier.

>> No.4328124

>MEng are god-tier


>> No.4328126

fuck off you industrial retard. go do your business administration homework.

>> No.4328147

I'm (>>4328065).

I don't know what I will be doing. Physics gives you a good fundamental understanding of practically everything, but its not for training you for one particular niche in society like most other majors unless you are capable of pulling off like a 3.5 GPA while doing undergrad research in order to get into a PhD program. The only other option is to get another undergrad degree or try to get into a grad program for another major (I have two friends who did that, one in Aerospace and one in EE).

I only pulled off a 3.0 GPA without undergrad research. I meet most graduate physics department minimum requirements, but I'd be the bottom of the barrel and I don't want to go to a college in the middle of nowhere and end up a mediocre physicist. Right now I'm looking at Engineering as my career path. Hopefully, I can get straight into an engineering grad program and pay it off as a TA or RA.

>> No.4328154

>inb4 shitload of butthurt pure-math and pure-physics

>> No.4328157

Engineering doctoral programs typically require a minimum of a 3.5 GPA, and 3.0 for masters.

>> No.4328164

Why is Environmental Engineering frowned upon according to that list?

>> No.4328167

that list was made by some retarded faggot in industrial engineering. he always posts it but never explains why he ranked the majors the way they are ranked.

>> No.4328171

TBH, environmental engineering is kind of shitty when compared to EE or ME

Not to say it's bad... but it's nothing great either.

>> No.4328174


Good luck with your career. I really have no idea how to decide something as big as this.

>> No.4328177

so is industrial engineering, but it's top tier in that list. industrial engineering is probably worse because it's not as much engineering as business administration but with more math.

>> No.4328184


Picture is not working can someone post it again plox

>> No.4328187
File: 245 KB, 1072x946, shit list made by some retarded faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4328189


>> No.4328191

dats rite bitches, why do some pics take you to 4chan main page?

>> No.4328204

Whats so bad about genetic engineering?

>> No.4328209

I cannot fathom this; Environmental Engineers provide (or at least try) better air quality, sterile water, reduced waste, and improve public health. #sortabutthurt

>> No.4328215

>signal proc>signal processing>signal processing>signal processing>signal processing>signal processing>signal processing>signal processing>signal processing>signal processing>signal processing>signal processing>signal processing>signal processing>signal processing>signal processing>signal processing>signal processing>signal processing>signal processing>signal processing>signal processingessing

>> No.4328221
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EE graduating this summer.

Yes, electrical engineering is the best type of engineering.

No, but seriously. I've had classes in matlab and C, and ARM assembly (I don't know why), but there really hasn't been that much programming. Not to say that programming is easy, but I feel like there's a lot you can teach yourself there.

At my school we have "tracks" which are like areas of focus. Most people go into digital design, which is mostly verilog, synthesis and verification, with a little circuit stuff. I went into analog design. I don't think it really maters all that much though. I could probably hold my own with most of the students in the digital track, but I don't know.

I've attached the analog track class list.

>> No.4328224

>mfw when 70% of EEs end up working as programmers anyways. who cares about your track

>> No.4328230
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You can find the rest here:
Under "blue sheets" (they're usually printed on blue paper in the ECE office)

If you like programing you might like digital design. HDLs are pretty cool. But from what I gather most companies want you to have at the very least a masters before they let you get near the design of an IC.

As for job prospects, I think they are pretty good. I got an internship, and have a job when I graduate starting in the 60k-70k region at a globally recognized company. A lot of my peers don't have jobs yet though, or if they do they have glorified technician jobs, which isn't bad, but the draw of engineering for me was the design...

>> No.4328237

What sort of programming?

>> No.4328246
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>> No.4328250

I dunno, sounds dull.

Circuits, circuits and just more circuits.

Mediocre job prospects.

>> No.4328255

im 6 months away from my chemical engineer degree, im scared

>> No.4328256

EE and the most frustrating thing about this major is that it's seriously impossible to understand everything at a really in depth level. You have so much shit thrown at you over 4 years that some things that you learn in one semester are completely forgotten the next. I know this is especially true for me in 4th year. EM stuff I learned in my second and third year just seems s o fucking pointless because I'm not working with that kind of stuff on a day to day basis. The only thing I seriuosly got out of my EM classes was maxwells equations. Other than that, complete waste of time. This goes for a few other courses as well.

>> No.4328276
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I'd say more like 20%, but that's just at my company. I don't know what it's like elsewhere.

>I dunno, sounds dull.
If you don't like it, it's going to be dull. I think that's pretty much the way every degree is. Some people get really stoked about english lit. Dull as fuck to me.

>Circuits, circuits and just more circuits.
And more circuits.

>Mediocre job prospects.
Perhaps mediocre, but better than most.

I don't think they really expect you to remember everything. In your job you won't need everything anyways. They just want to know you've seen it before.