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4326191 No.4326191 [Reply] [Original]

Fun facts general

>A single shit contains more bacteria than all bacteria in the world together

>> No.4326194


>> No.4326195

You should let the guy in the other thread know that apparently bacteria are infinite now.

>> No.4326197

how can that be possible if the shit is in this world

>> No.4326196


>> No.4326198
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>> No.4326200


>> No.4326210

Congratulations! You found the problem!

>> No.4326213


thanks :)

>> No.4326221


>> No.4326223

well if any bacteria contains 0 other bacterias then all bacteria in the world together contain 0 also

>> No.4326227

Comets from space actually freeze water on contacting with the Earth's oceans, killing nearby animals and creating blocks of ice. This is due to the coldness of space.

>> No.4326230

Oh, another fun fact is that light carries gravity!

>> No.4326235
File: 38 KB, 640x480, 73675_video-285623-dwight-schrutes-office-olympics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

False. If I turn my lights off I don't fly away.

>> No.4326238

First, it's a FACT, and you cannot argue against facts.
Second, gravity is carried by light and neutrinos due to being a fast substance of the universe. It was just harder to find that gravity was carried by light because light also carries the electromangetic forces, which are more prevalent.

>> No.4326242

>[citations needed]

>> No.4326243


[citation needed]

>> No.4326248
File: 24 KB, 450x311, dwight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So why when I turn my lights off, do I stay firmly on the ground?

Can I block the effects of gravity with a wall? I can stop light with it.

>> No.4326253

>Can I block the effects of gravity with a wall? I can stop light with it.
I read this in Dwight's voice.

>> No.4326254

What is this, fucking wikipedia?

Simple: I am not speaking of the visible spectrum of light. I'm speaking of the higher frequency light such as ultraviolet. There lights vibrate more fastly, thus being smaller and being able to go through the holes in every matter, thus going through walls and space and time propagating infinitely towards the horizon of the universe at the speed of light.

>> No.4326257

The worst thing about this Abacus trolling is that he's basically right - any kind of energy density appears in the GR stress-energy tensor, and bends spacetime (produces gravity).

>> No.4326258

>What is this, fucking wikipedia?

Look nigger, you want to be taken seriously? You cite your fucking sources, end of discussion

>> No.4326261
File: 16 KB, 396x222, dwight1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So basically, you're saying gravity is a wave that travels at the speed of light? Way to over exagerate

>> No.4326262

I didn't know that I had to explain undergrands and scientists shit that you learn in high school. I'm ever so sorry.

>> No.4326265


>> No.4326266

Ummmm no
I'm saying gravity is carried by light, it's not a different thing.

>> No.4326271


Light is just EM, you know. If you've figured out the relation between it and gravity let me know because we'll get the Nobel for the TOE.

>> No.4326272

Why can't I use a torch as a gravity magnet?

>> No.4326274

A fresh egg sinks in water, but a stale one floats.
(Source: Snapple cap, same as all of my knowledge)

>> No.4326275

Light is the gravity carrier and the electromangetic carrier. Neutrinos gravitate towards it causing the nuclear forces of weak and strong.

>> No.4326281

If you had a ultraviolet torch, you could probably use it as a gravity EMITTER, not magnet.

>> No.4326288


No wonder photons are slowing down, now they have to do all the work of all four forces.

>> No.4326292

Fact: There's a 50% chance of getting a 3 when rolling a die. Either it's 3, or it's not 3, so 50/50.

>> No.4326293
File: 62 KB, 300x300, dwight_schrute_crying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that why moths are attracted to lights? Because of gravity?

>> No.4326303
File: 71 KB, 395x450, 1325381081347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread

>> No.4326307

Neutrinos =/= Photons
And photons aren't slowing down, if anything, they're speeding up to accompany our ever-expanding universe.

Nope, moths are attracted to light because they thing it looks like honey, which they take delight in eating.

>> No.4326342
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False, moths are attracted to lights due to gravity. As photons carry gravitons on their backs and bring small objects like moths towards them. That is also why cats "chase" laser pens.

>> No.4326353


Your trolling was actually really working on me until the moth line )=. You flew too close to the sun, Icarus.

>> No.4326359


Plants know how to grow "up" because the Sun is in the sky, the gravity on sunlight pulls them.

>> No.4326362

They are too big to be influenced by the light of a light. Nice try though.

I know it sounds like bullshit, but trust me, I'm (almost) a zoologist.

>> No.4326367

Please stop making fun of me :( :/

>> No.4326369

Is that also how the water cycle carries on going? Water is pulled up by the sun?

>> No.4326372

Please stop...

>> No.4326374

Fact: Car wheels don't provide the thrust for a car, the exhaust does and the tyres just help it move over the ground and stop.

>> No.4326377

Reported for retardation.

>> No.4326381

The tides as well, moonlight pulls on the ocean and creates bulges. What a lot of people don't know is that the Sun also affects the water, but as you know, the moon is always up at night and the Sun is always up during the day, being on opposite sides of the world means the tides are in synch.

>> No.4326398

This is true. Think about it. When you want to move foward you have to push something else backwards.

Its E=mc^2. Wheels spinning doesn't push anything BUT gas coming out an exhaust pushes hot gas out the back meaning the car moves forward.

>> No.4326407

That's not exactly right, but it's close.

>> No.4326414

Fact: electricity flows backwards, but schools teach everyone it flows forwards to confuse people.

>> No.4326436

Fact: We evolved from chimpanzees, but there's still chimpanzees because of allopatric speciation.

>> No.4326511

this is more wrong than a million suns; the gods shun you.

>> No.4326518

This is semi-true, actually