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File: 13 KB, 250x310, MichioKaku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4323925 No.4323925 [Reply] [Original]

Is Michio Kaku a good physicist or not?

>> No.4323927

Better than anyone on /sci/

So yeah.

>> No.4323926

Why does /sci/ hate him again?

>> No.4323934

>educating the masses

Admirable goal.

>> No.4323935

Was Emmett Brown a good physicist? The answer is yes. However, this answer doesn't apply to Michael Kaku

>> No.4323939

I do realize his way better than probably everyone on /sci/.
I see a lot of people that dislike him here, never really got the reason why. I mean he is a theoretical physicist, so I'm pretty sure his theories won't be the most solid, but still.

>> No.4323940


Recipe for butthurt pie:

If you wish to make a butthurt pie from scratch, you must first invent the aspie.


>> No.4323945

I hate him because he thinks the masses are fucking retarded and thinks people will watch his show if he has nice 3D special effects illustrations.

There are shows, like NOVA or even Bill Nye for fucks sake that effectively teach you something. Kaku just tells people that laser beams can deflect asteroids and blows the whole fucking budget illustrating it in 3D.

It's disgusting,.

>> No.4323946
File: 96 KB, 299x215, 1315962536759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Advocating scientific literacy
That's p. cool br-

>> No.4323954


>❤♡❤♡❤♡{King of /sci/}❤♡❤♡❤♡

holy fuck kid, you don't even try to hide how starved for attention you are.

>> No.4323959
File: 9 KB, 250x250, 1303647501351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting mad at blackman for expressing himself

>> No.4323963

XD ya

>> No.4323970

Stop going offtopic you fucks!

>> No.4323973


xD beethoven is my homeboy so randum xD

>> No.4323975
File: 17 KB, 228x350, u srs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Getting mad at us instead of the guy we were replying to, who went off topic in the first place

>> No.4323977
File: 45 KB, 300x300, 1325710490580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

xD i kno rite! XDDD

>> No.4323979

as srs as srs gets.

>> No.4323990

We are in a culture war, there are people who wish to disparage science to leave their religious philosophies as the only alternative.

Kaku might be a sensationalist, but he is on the right side of the fight, if he has made even one person interested in the world around them then thats a job well done, I cant complain.

And his work with string theory is obviously fascinating.

>> No.4323996
File: 69 KB, 360x267, ifdisnigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4324000

>laser beams can deflect asteroids.
They can.

>There are shows, like NOVA or even Bill Nye for fucks sake that effectively teach you something.
They teach YOU something, but one formula doesn't work for everyone.

>> No.4324054
File: 5 KB, 350x350, asteroids_game_screen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats the thing, Kaku's show makes you feel like you've learned something. But you haven't.

Just because you dropped out of grade school doesn't mean that Kaku's shows teach any thing to any one of any measure of worth.He considers the masses totally fucking retarded ( and in the USA, maybe they are ).

A TV show with the educational potency of a video game is not an educational TV show.

Picture related.

>> No.4324086

>in your opinion
Sometimes outreach isn't about throwing information at people, that already exists just reformatting it won't get more people interested. However trying something new using science as a basis will bring in a different crowd. If popular science programs were about pure information they would all be a quarter the length they are today. Its not all information, its bad animations, its bad metaphors and horribly dramatic. Pop-sci is more about getting people interested than it is about information, if you want information read a book you shouldn't get information from the TV.

>> No.4324105

Even if what he talks about isn't correct, he sure does know how to convey a message to an audience.

>> No.4324106

>They teach YOU something, but one formula doesn't work for everyone.

Nothing works for everyone. And but what does that even mean? If people have such lazy minds that they NEED this type of excessive visual stimulus to get them to understand maybe one sentence of knowledge (i.e. Laser beams can deflect asteroids) in a 15 minute time span (which really happens on the show) , then there's no hope for them anyways - at all - to have any serious endeavour into science because once they see their first algebra problem (if they actually get that interested), will probably say "fuck it" and go back to playing Madden 2012.

Like the Big Bang theory and the many other pseudo-science shows they litter the airwaves with, its just another show to make people feel smart and continue ignoring their lost intellectual potential and even feel good about because NOW --- now they watch Michio Kaku teaching people about alternate dimensions and laser beaming asteroids, and that takes care of the whole fucking problem of that guilt you've been feeling about dropping out grade school and learning what verbs, nouns or even what the letter "double - u " is.

>> No.4324147 [DELETED] 

Stop pretending peoples' interests are consequential. They aren't. The people who watch these TV shows are just fucking bored. It feels good to have all your problems and insecurities solved just by watching a TV show.

And its not just my opinion. Its been a long standing FACT that most, even the most educationally geared TV shows (like NOVA or whatever) are barely even fucking educational at all.

Stop fucking around and pretending its consequential or beneficial its not. Its just dollars. Its just more fucking bullshit to make people FEEL smart, without doing any actual work, study or any of that.

I can't believe I really have to explain this so indepth. TV makes people stupid, we've known this since its convergence almost 70 years ago. Kaku's show just takes away the guilt and the blame of this fact.

>> No.4324190 [DELETED] 

Outreach IS NOT ABOUT TEACHING PEOPLE ANYTHING. it is about getting people interested. The main goal of outreach is to increase uptake of science and to promote the public perception of science for matters of funding. Anything other than that is entertainment.
There are already shows which are essentially the wikipedia page, we don't need any more of those. Trying to appeal to a different audience is a great idea and its tried all the time. You can say it doesn't mean anything that the same type of program doesn't mean anything but you're avoiding the point. some people don't wan't to watch an hour long program of increasingly overly dramatic people using over-stretched metaphors for an hour a week.

You say these programs lead to a breakdown in achievement but here in the UK university applications to science are higher than ever and in astronomy they are unbelievable likely due to brian cox.

And the big bang theory has guest appearances all the time because its well received in the scientific community. Its popular with many research staff in my department and I've been to conferences which had quotes, clips and even a TBBT party in the evening.

>> No.4324203

Outreach IS NOT ABOUT TEACHING PEOPLE ANYTHING. it is about getting people interested. The main goal of outreach is to increase uptake of science and to promote the public perception of science for matters of funding. Anything other than that is entertainment.
There are already shows which are essentially the wikipedia page, we don't need any more of those. Trying to appeal to a different audience is a great idea and its tried all the time. You can say it doesn't mean anything that the same type of program doesn't appeal to everyone but you're avoiding the point. some people don't wan't to watch an hour long program of increasingly overly dramatic people using over-stretched metaphors for an hour a week.

You say these programs lead to a breakdown in achievement but here in the UK university applications to science are higher than ever and in astronomy they are unbelievable likely due to brian cox.

And the big bang theory has guest appearances all the time because its well received in the scientific community. Its popular with many research staff in my department and I've been to conferences which had quotes, clips and even a TBBT party in the evening.

>> No.4324210
File: 329 KB, 890x890, 1327880346189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is Michio Kaku a good physicist or not?
yeah. i know a few people who attended some of his lectures. he's supposedly decent.

he's obsessed with the whole pop-sci aptitude in media, though.

>> No.4324241

>Outreach IS NOT ABOUT TEACHING PEOPLE ANYTHING. it is about getting people interested. The main goal of outreach is to increase uptake of science and to promote the public perception of science for matters of funding. Anything other than that is entertainment.

That's okay. But that's not really what Kaku does. Ever since I first heard of the guy in 2006, I always thought he was a jerk who stretched science to get an audience ( stuff like, "wow, we might be able to have light sabers one day!!"). Especially his show "Sci Fi Science: Physics of the Impossible", which I've been alluding to this whole fucking time.

And science does get funding. Always has. But a TV show isn't going to really change anybody important's outlook, because if anybody HAD money, they might and WOULD want more information than just a souped up rendition of a spacecraft zapping an asteroid.

>There are already shows which are essentially the wikipedia page, we don't need any more of those.

Yeah, why the fuck not? These types of shows are RARELY ever on. I mean, I might be able to catch NOVA once or twice a month given my schedule. Most of the time it's "Ancient Aliens", "Nostradamus 2012", " Life After People", etc etc etc etc....... Educational television for the idiocracy.

>some people don't wan't to watch an hour long program of increasingly overly dramatic people using over-stretched metaphors for an hour a week.

Then why do people WATCH Michio Kaku's shows or any of the related idiocratic gibberish crap then?

>You say these programs lead to a breakdown in achievement

I never said achievement, I said intelligence.

>applications to science are higher than ever and in astronomy they are unbelievable likely due to brian cox

I'm not attacking Cox, I'm attacking Kaku. Difference there. Also, I don't get BBC in Canada, sorry. I have no idea how Television is like in Europe.

>> No.4324336

I'm too tired to argue any more its 5 in the morning. But there is one huge flaw in your argument.
>And science does get funding. Always has.
You may wan't to check the news most countries are cutting science and there are presidential candidates who want to scrap government funded research. And science is not even well funded now, there is no perfect amount of money. more is better and right now we're looking at less. In an age where science is drowned out by politics (climate change) it is not a good idea to drop the ball. You don't like the format fine i disagree but having more than one option is a good thing. I totally agree with you about ancient aliens and the like, I think kaku realises science is in an uphill struggle with science fiction. how many times have you heard:
>yawn, where's my lightsaber.
Science fiction can often seem more appealing to geeks than science.

>> No.4324347

he's a good physicist but he's more of a science public advocate than a scientist, at least in the capacity in which he does work.

which is fine, but it's not the same as making significant contributions to science directly.

>> No.4324766

>I hate him because he thinks the masses are fucking retarded

So you hate him because he's right?

>> No.4324782

Kaku is just part of the natural order of the deterioration of society. We used to have The Beatles, now we have Justin Beiber. We used to have Sagan, now we have Kaku.