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File: 284 KB, 1024x847, 3306287938_a34aed2f20_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4319402 No.4319402 [Reply] [Original]

Someone told me there was a lot of anti-Iranian racism on /sci/. I'm Iranian and would like to have a Q&A session with /sci/ as all anti-Iranian prejudice is based off ignorance.

I am here to teach.

>> No.4319408

how many bodyguards do your physicists have, on average?

>> No.4319407

Is LA a gay Persian community? Cause most Persian guys I meet in LA are queer/bi, not trying to insult you or anything but that's honestly what I know. Like, I live in LA and have Persian friends who are mostly bi or gay and I once met a Persian guy at a local Persian restaurant who told me that LA is notorious for the Lebanese and Persian gay scene. There are actually gay Middle Eastern oriented night clubs here so... yeah.

>> No.4319410


I don't know much about LA so I could not say, if I find out more I will let you know.

>> No.4319409

>believing rumors

>> No.4319412
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No one gives a fuck about Iran here.
Now get the fuck out.

>> No.4319416
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>> No.4319417

LA is a human gay community. Most humans you meet there are gay.

>> No.4319418

>caring about some filthy mudslime country

>> No.4319419
File: 73 KB, 319x397, chuck-norris-2..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me over 9000 reasons why America shouldn't glass your entire backwards country and take your oil.

>> No.4319420


I live in LA and I'm straight.

>> No.4319422


Explain why you say/think these things and your image of Iran so that I may clarify and erase the propagandized orientalist image of Iran from your minds.

>> No.4319425

>all anti-Iranian prejudice is based off ignorance

Way to make generalisations based on ignorance OP. Anyway, I like your people. It's a shame you have been subjugated by theocratic psychopaths but what ya gonna do?

>nothing because then they would torture and murder you

>> No.4319426

Delete this thread and repost in >>>/int/.

I don't care what your reasons are, this thread doesn't belong here.

>> No.4319427
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Yeah that's what I thought, punk. Expect a "package" or several from us in a month or so.


>> No.4319429

I have a folder named "Handsome Persian Men".

How does that make you feel?

>> No.4319431


Explain your hatred, the basis for it, something. I need to know what you believe so that I may refute your false ideas about Iran or Iranians.

>> No.4319432

Racism not really. anyway questions:

Are you in Iran right now?
Do you thing that your government wants to make the nuclear bomb?
What main universities are in Iran? What are the main/well funded research topics?
Does Shiite Islam allow lying in order to benefit society (as opposed to strict Kantian vales)?
Are there any atheists in Iran (maybe the upper elite class)?
Can you buy alcohol/drugs?
Punishment for visiting a pornographic website?

>> No.4319440

it was sarcasm. or tripfaggotry. either way, ignore it

>> No.4319442


Thanks for the kind response and the questions, I'll answer them to the best of my ability.

>Are you in Iran right now?


>Do you thing that your government wants to make the nuclear bomb?


>What main universities are in Iran?

Here is a list of universities in Iran: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_universities_in_Iran

>What are the main/well funded research topics?

Medical topics and sciences I would say.

>Does Shiite Islam allow lying in order to benefit society (as opposed to strict Kantian vales)?

Probably, but I'm not sure.

>Are there any atheists in Iran (maybe the upper elite class)?

Most Iranian youth (majority of the country) are secular, some may be atheistic or agnostic, some may simply not follow religion or care about religion.

>Can you buy alcohol/drugs?

Iranians can't legally purchase alcohol or drugs but they are regularly purchased illegally by middle and upper class Iranians.

>Punishment for visiting a pornographic website?

Can't be good but most Iranians use some sort of a proxy, perhaps more high end guys will use a VPN and less tech savvy people will use basic HTTP proxies.

>> No.4319457

Just wondering how you feel about Tajiks.

>> No.4319460


I like them.

>> No.4319462

Cool you are in Iran.
Are you a student? University? (have to keep this /sci/ related)
Is there a culture of parents pushing their son's into engineering/medicine?
What is the public opinion on how exactly the drone was captured?
Does it snow in Iran or is it mostly a desert?

>> No.4319473


>Cool you are in Iran.


>Are you a student? University? (have to keep this /sci/ related)

Not ATM.

>Is there a culture of parents pushing their son's into engineering/medicine?

Definitely, Iranians have a very education based culture similar to the Chinese and Japanese peoples.

>What is the public opinion on how exactly the drone was captured?

Iranians do not pay much attention to those things because they have a lot of other problems in their lives as all people do.

>Does it snow in Iran or is it mostly a desert?

It is a common misconception that Iran is a desert, Iran is mostly grassy/mountainous and snows regularly in the north.

Here is a small clip of a beautiful Iranian village:

>> No.4319474


Thread reported for starting stupid bullshit. No, there is never any racism about Iran here so fuck back off to where you came from.

>> No.4319476
File: 32 KB, 450x300, NAVY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>iranian navy

>> No.4319479
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>iranian air force

>> No.4319483

A friend of mine is British with Iranian parents. he went to Iran to visit family, was a accused of being a BBC journalist, locked up overnight and tortured.

How's the Arab spring going down there?

>> No.4319486




>he went to Iran to visit family, was a accused of being a BBC journalist, locked up overnight and tortured.

That's very unfortunate to hear.

>How's the Arab spring going down there?

Iranians are not involved.

>> No.4319491
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do you like ahmadinejad

>> No.4319493

Meh, not particularly

My personal opinion is that the Iranian people are fine, the Iranian reaction to US efforts is fine, but the Iranian government itself is definitely not. When they stop hanging homosexuals, perhaps I'll be willing to listen to their diplomatic ideas

>> No.4319495

That's the problem with Iran OP , that it's there to teach, as you are. A lesson to whom and for what?
If the naughty boy gets its hand in the honey jar it will be beaten, it know is . Why the fuck you need a nuke?You're Shiah muslims and this will drive the sand-niggers of Arabia and Turkey Steppe-Niggers to nuclear weapons too.

I respect Persia and Persians.You deserve something better , but son the oil is too much there, USrael just can't stand away from it.You know how Jews are regarding wealth.

USA is going to get fucked up in a way it can't imagine from this story.Obama's presidency will be a black mark in the american history.With this president the demise of the american world domination begun.

For me OP Persia paid a very big price when the Islamic cancer infested her.What a beauty has been lost, Do you speak farsi or arabic by the way?

>> No.4319501


No, most Iranians do not like Ahmadinejad.


I think you will find that many Iranians share your sentiments against the Islamic Republic.

>> No.4319502


>> No.4319506
File: 80 KB, 688x547, that fucking shit aint logical.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u wot m8

>> No.4319505


I've detected a high level of bigotry and racism in your post. To learn and understand the world around you, you must not be clouded with such prejudice.

>> No.4319512

Having or marked by bad fortune; unlucky.

No, it's not unfortunate, it's terrible. Glad to see you care.

>troll thread.

>> No.4319516

Good for them, then

The part that's most difficult for me is that I believe the revolution was entirely justified, and Iran should be allowed a full nuclear program. You just have complete idiots at the helm, who are rapidly disuading me of this.

>> No.4319518


Sorry I didn't use the proper word, I meant to say terrible. I feel very sorry for your friend.

>> No.4319519

Do you consider your government to be corrupt/unreliable?
Do you hold any political views?
Do you observe the growing cost of living (inflation) due to economic sanctions?
Is there an industry that aggressively competes (eg a duopoly) for customers? Something that gets very close to a perfect market? (What are the main ads you get on TV?)

>> No.4319521

Hi. Since you came here I believe that you are an open minded person.
Are you a muslim?
What's your main research interests?
Do you think that the secular traditions of Qhoran impedes the development of a free and democratic society on your country?

>> No.4319522
File: 54 KB, 500x391, 407204_240881069325932_179880565425983_561305_1835687049_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you post pics of hot iranian girls?

>> No.4319525

Sup, Iranian-American here.

What part of Iran are you from?

I'm not a Baha'i fag (don't mean to offend you if you are...). My parents left because of economic reasons, they weren't pro-Shah fags or any of that shit.

>> No.4319533


I understand what you mean, most Iranians feel that their government does not work in their best interests.

Here is a video of Iranians chanting "Na Gaza Na Lobnan Janam Fadaye Iran" which means "No to Gaza, no to Lebanon, my life for Iran".


This is a popular chant amongst both Islamic and secular Iranians, no Iranian wants to die for the interests of Arabs and no Iranian wants to put his nation at risk to "liberate" an Arab country like Palestine.

>> No.4319537

Is Iran as anti-semetic as it's made out to be? How do you feel about Israel

>> No.4319540

>Someone told me there was a lot of anti-Iranian racism on /sci/. I'm Iranian and would like to have a Q&A session with /sci/ as all anti-Iranian prejudice is based off ignorance.

>I am here to teach.

I am very much prejudiced against you.

Please tell me an appropriate anti-iranian epithet so that I may properly denigrate you.

>> No.4319552

>>4319442 >Do you thing that your government wants to make the nuclear bomb?

>>4319442 >Yes.

Aw shit, I thought it was just propaganda from the western front but that's the last fucking thing we need. Fundamentalist Muslims armed with nuclear weapons. Why are your people not demanding that your government stand the fuck down? Do you understand how absolutely fucked your country is the second there is concrete evidence of a weaponry program found?

>> No.4319565


>Do you consider your government to be corrupt/unreliable?

Definitely and I would personally say most Iranians would agree with me. However if you were to speak to an Iranian who supported the Islamic Republic, he might give you a different picture.

>Do you hold any political views?

I would classify myself as libertarian.

>Do you observe the growing cost of living (inflation) due to economic sanctions?

Partially but Iranians also realize that Iran has been in a bad case economically ever since the later years of the revolution, I don't think any Iranian would blame these problems entirely on sanctions.

>Is there an industry that aggressively competes (eg a duopoly) for customers?

I can't think of a good example off the top of my head, sorry.

>Something that gets very close to a perfect market?

Nothing I can think of.

>(What are the main ads you get on TV?)

Nothing special, nothing really advertising services.

Here are what pre-1979 Iranian ads looked like though:

>> No.4319563

Dear Iranian, to what extent is your country ruled by ayatollahs?

>> No.4319572

derka derka blow shit up mohammed jihad

am i rite guise

>> No.4319573


>Are you a muslim?

No. Most Iranian youth or new generation Iranians tend to be secular, which usually means they are non-religious in the sense that religion does not dictate their lives, many are atheists and agnostics as well.

>What's your main research interests?

I like Iranian history.

>Do you think that the secular traditions of Qhoran impedes the development of a free and democratic society on your country?

I don't really understand the question, sorry.

>> No.4319579

The last question was like are you afraid of religious groups taking the power, like we have seen in some of the arab spring countries.
Like, what do you think is worse: A dictator like saddam or a religion based government like the taleban

>> No.4319580


Don't have any, sorry.


>What part of Iran are you from?



>Is Iran as anti-semetic as it's made out to be?

Iran is an extremely antisemitic country and Iranians are extremely antisemitic people, but... not against Jews. Iranians are hateful towards the other Semites who they blame for their problems and view as vicious conquerers (Arabs).

>How do you feel about Israel

I have a few Israeli friends online, I've never had any ill feelings towards Israel, personally.

>> No.4319590


>to what extent is your country ruled by ayatollahs?

I would say 50/50, Iran is ruled by ayatollahs and the IRGC.


>derka derka blow shit up mohammed jihad

Iranians do not speak/sound like that. The movie you are referring to was mocking the Pashto language.


>The last question was like are you afraid of religious groups taking the power, like we have seen in some of the arab spring countries.


>Like, what do you think is worse: A dictator like saddam or a religion based government like the taleban

Definitely religion based, but Saddam isn't a good example since most Iranians despise Saddam (more than Iraqis even).

>> No.4319593

Look here is the problem we (the West) have with with Iran's nuclear program.
Iran is a signatory of the NPT. It states that if you don't have nuclear weapons you are not allowed to buy/manufacture them. Peaceful nuclear energy is allowed.
Your government, by going for a nuclear weapon is in violation of an international agreement.
That's why there exists such a strong anti-Iranian sentiment.
Do you think that Iran should stop its Nuclear ambitions?

>> No.4319594
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> no pics of hot iranian girls
leaving thread now.

>> No.4319595
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What do you think of homosexuals?

>> No.4319600
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well, shit.

Didn't mean to actually post an image

>> No.4319601

>What's your main research interests?

I like Iranian history.

Med student here. I'm really interested in persian history specially the first califas time with all their interest in knowledge.
Also ibn sina and the whole medicine development that happened there.

>> No.4319606

reported for pony

enjoy your ban

>> No.4319608

reported for not science enjoy your ban

reported for GL without trip enjoy your ban

reported for pony enjoy your ban

reported for underage CP enjoy your ban

>> No.4319612

>not underage
>not CP
>not banned

Reported for libel and blackmail, enjoy your ban

>> No.4319615


>Do you think that Iran should stop its Nuclear ambitions?

I would say that Iran should stop for now. The regime in Iran won't last many more years, I think Iran should start a peaceful nuclear energy program when a secular regime is established.


I think they're nice people.


Great to hear that! I like reading Rumi.

>> No.4319616
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reported for unnecessary reporting

>> No.4319618

reported for gay homosexual faggot engineer enjoy your ban

>> No.4319619
File: 68 KB, 533x585, 1323151410554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone in /sci/ is a jew. Thats explains your question OP.

greetings from /pol/

>> No.4319622

reported for seahorse enjoy your ban

>> No.4319625
File: 671 KB, 1582x1070, Nightmare.Moon.385584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reported for calling a sea-pony a sea horse

>> No.4319643

i havnt seen iran mentioned a single time on this board, find a better informant

>> No.4319650

fucking iranian pig spies cannot even gauge opinion

>> No.4319656

what does iran think about ponys?

>> No.4319662

Thanks for answering all the questions OP.
Just one last one.
What do you think of your neighbor Pakistan?

>> No.4319659
File: 1.45 MB, 1100x2112, 1326750505336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats goin on in this thread?

>> No.4319669


LOL, that's so funny, saved!


>What do you think of your neighbor Pakistan?

I love Pakistanis but feel the same way about their government as I feel about my own.

>> No.4319674

Reported for telling the world about secret collaboration of Iran and Ponyville.

>> No.4319676
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>> No.4319682
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what the fuck is this i dont even....

this board became /co/ 2.0

>> No.4319691

reported for ponys anyway

>> No.4319693

reported enjoy your b­an

>> No.4319703

the middle east needs a nuclear power to settle things down, as it is now israel just does whatever the fuck it wants and kills whoever the fuck it wants, this breeds hatred, with a nuclear iran things will settle down, compare the cold war with to the endless conflics we have now in the mid east

>> No.4319709

reported for pony

>> No.4319713


Well, you realize Pakistan has nukes, right?

>> No.4319715

And india

>> No.4319716

>with a nuclear iran things will settle down
u wot m8

>> No.4319719
File: 208 KB, 440x498, 132796600685.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop reporting ponys, it only brings hatred, it was funny picture wasn't it ???
thankz for cooperation thanks

>> No.4319720


yea and so does britain and none of them are in the middle east

>> No.4319722

>Not in middle east

What part of "submarine nuclear arsenal" is troubling you?

>> No.4319724

reported for pony. enjoy your ban.