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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4310695 No.4310695 [Reply] [Original]

>have to do biology module as part of my chemistry degree
>have biology exam followed immediately by two core chemistry exams
>study the entire semester's biology course the night before
>get 100%

>a hard science

>> No.4310697

babby's first mitosis?

>> No.4310714

Congratulations, you have proved that you can memorize a lot of bullshit.

>> No.4310744

>a hard memorization

>> No.4310763

>a hard subject

>> No.4310774
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oh my, I'll be chemist, swot up a bunch shit and become hur dur scientist

>> No.4310786
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>a science biology

>> No.4310852

go to bed

>> No.4310863

It's mid-afternoon.

>> No.4310880
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>living in a country where it isn't evening

>> No.4310886

>not attending uni in RTP
>I really hope you all never do this

>> No.4310890

Agree. My time zone should be universal.

>> No.4310910

>Attempt to do that with later biology courses that involve memorization of KPCOFGS, the shared characteristics, and the identifying characteristics of each species.
>Fail miserably

>> No.4310925

>implying I'm going to carry on with this shitty module next semester

>> No.4310938

>that feel when I nearly failed a biochemisty exam because I started all the memorization bullshit the evening before the exam

>> No.4310946

>that feel when I have a quiz in orgo 2
>didn't study because I already read the chapter and did the drills
>quiz has a question about material the prof hasn't lectured on yet
>"oh, sorry, I'll make that one a bonus"
>got the question right. Got a 120 on the quiz

>> No.4310953
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>Any better than your local pub quiz winners

>> No.4310964
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> OP thinks memorization is all there is in biology
> has never modelled populations with grotesquely unstable pdes
> has never tried to solve a protein folding problem
> has never devised a pattern matching algorithm to find DNA sequences

>> No.4310978

That's what mathematicians do, not biologists.

>> No.4311002

I can see that you don't know any actual biologists.

>> No.4311008

Indeed, I prefer to be surrounded by intelligent people.

>> No.4311420

Unlike yourself, as your ignorance is showing.

>> No.4311422

My ignorance of what?

>> No.4311429

What have we been talking about this entire thread?

>> No.4311443

stupid shit.

>> No.4311452

Biologists not having good math skills and relying more on memorization.
Are you disagreeing on this fact?

>> No.4311465

>stupid shit

That's a nice way to paraphrase "biology".

>> No.4311468

I am disagreeing with that "fact." You'd have to be completely mental to think that you know everything about a certain field by taking one entry level course.

>> No.4311473

Your reading comprehension also isn't very good. I did not claim to know everything about biology. I only made a statement on the people studying it.

>> No.4311482

So taking one Biology course entitles you to make blanket statements about all Biologists? That's called ignorance.

>> No.4311502

Why is it that you lack basic understanding of the English language?
Nowhere did I say I had taken a biology course.
Someone ITT mentioned mathematical models for biological processes and wrongly assigned them to biologists.
I corrected him by pointing out that these models were constructed by mathematicians.
You can look up the curriculum of biology in any abitrary university and see that the math a biologist learns does not enable him to understand these models.
Now please fuck off and go being retarded somewhere else.

>> No.4311515

If biology is less mathematically precise, shouldn't biology technically be harder than physics? It's harder to find a house whose address is described as "somewhere between road X and street Y" than it is to find a house whose address is described as "House Z on Street X, Q feet from the intersection to the east"

>> No.4311518

Are you not the OP?

>study the entire semester's biology course the night before

Because that sounds like you took a course in Biology.

>> No.4311519

>> language arts
>> worth my time

>> No.4311531

I am not the OP. If you disagree with the OP, please address his post and not mine.
How to reference posts is one of the basics every new 4chan user learns.
See here: http://www.4chan.org/faq#quote

>> No.4311558

The basic premise of ignorance on your part still stands and your derision makes you look like a fool.

>> No.4311577

Without substantiating your ridiculous point (What are you even saying other than insulting me?) it is only you being a fool here.
We can keep up this pointless shit all night, or you can simply apologize.

>> No.4311624
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>You can look up the curriculum of biology in any abitrary university

>500K B.C.
>Comparing undergrad curriculum

>> No.4311849

just gonna bump this real quick