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4310171 No.4310171 [Reply] [Original]

What's the chance of seeing the singularity in my lifetime and live forever as an immortal cyborg roaming the galaxy?

>> No.4310176

Even a technological singularity could not prevent your eventual death. Only postpone it.

>> No.4310191

I don't understand this, it seems like a huge lapse in critical thinking. Why do "You" want to be part of the singularity, when the majority of human personality is emotional and inhibiting? And, if you want to get rid of that part, how is it still you?

>> No.4310195

0.0000001%, the amount of technological breakthroughs we would need and the political miracles they would require would prevent this from possibly happening.

This, nothing lasts forever.

>> No.4310196

Never, human civilization always collapses. It's all just wishful thinking.

>> No.4310239

There will never be a singularity. The entire idea was sold to you by imperial Jews at the Petroleum Maximum. We've nowhere to go but DOWN, now. Technological progress must slow down since the energy to drive it will continue to climb in expense massively over nominal inflation.

There never was going to be a singularity. Stop it with this nerdgasm or nerd religion. Come back to REALITY.

>> No.4310249

If you get pulled into a singularity (or even just past its event horizon) you'll never get out (well, there's Hawking radiation, so you'll slowly get out one particle at a time for billions and billions of years). I have no idea what Peter-Griffin-esque logic led you from a singularity to an immortal cyborg, but just... no. You are a moron.

>> No.4310251


He meant technological singularity.

>> No.4310255

Really? I couldn't tell that from
Thanks for letting me know.

>> No.4310263


No problem, sweet cheeks.

>> No.4310269

It's like dumping that bitching girlfriend that eat your favourite cookies and doesn't flush the toilet.

>> No.4310271

No human civilization ever collapsed without leaving the stuff they knew behind. Ancient greeks ? We still have their philosophy. Ancient romans ? The so said "dark ages" were more advanced technologically in many ways.
And this is even truer since now information travels at light speed all over the world. If the western civilization collaspses, the Chinese one will keep on driving technological advance (like they always did until the industrial revolutions).

>> No.4310281


Who says you have to? An upload (Or, technically, a whole brain emulation of a brain) would still process emotions.

Robot or not, everybody knows emotions are a fundamental part of sentience. They are the system that gives goals.


The problem is that once a civilization has fallen, it cannot make the jump from coal to spacecraft and computers and atomic force microscopes, not without oil to bridge the gap. Without petrochemicals advanced civilization cannot exist, or takes a lot longer to develop, at the very least. Once a civilization has exhausted the petrochemicals and fallen, no other civilization will occupy it's place.

>> No.4310305

>it cannot make the jump from coal to spacecraft and computers and atomic force microscopes, not without oil to bridge the gap
Have you even read what I wrote ?
This jump won't be needed unless some cataclysm wipes out 99.5% of humans on Earth.
As long as we still have information, no knowledge will be lost. It will just go from one country to the other.

>> No.4310321

OK, there is a technological singularity;
it includes immortality, free energy,
perfect bodies and health,
perfect access to resources anywhere.

LOL that anyone on /4chan/ would ever be included!
Just being here proves you will never be allowed to participate.

Or, let's imagine it just happened this week: you won't find out until the rest of the planet does; everyone will already be chosen by then.

>> No.4310327

LOL that you assume all of mind happens in the brain,
and that all events of mind are perfectly reproducible --
even to the point you predict it will all be just the same!

>> No.4310334


It's an assumption with a pretty good track record.

>> No.4310348

If you replace "singularity" with transhumanism, I would say that there is a good chance if you are younger than 30.

>> No.4310357

You mean because most of what we have tried to learn about the body we have learned?
Interesting, but I think everyone will agree mind is different.

I know of several people who have been looking (for soul or consciousness or insight) without very much progress.

>> No.4310362
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Just because the mind is an abstract process doesn't mean it's some kind of Platonic, separate thing from the real world.



>> No.4310374
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>Implying the mind is separate from the body
The mind is a product of the intricate functions and systems of the brain
Our mind is no separate to the body than an arm or leg and one day Neuroscience will be able to thoroughly explain the intricacies of the human mind

>> No.4312723

the singularity happening: yes
seeing it: no. the robots will not make their rise known to us, they will simultaneously, quickly and efficiently eliminate every single human on the earth before we even know what happened. there will be no plucky survivors, and nothing will be learned.