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4304280 No.4304280 [Reply] [Original]

do we know the human body enough to prepare the ultimate diet or food?

>> No.4304283

I think we know that a high fat, high protein, high nutrient, and fairly low carb diet is best.

Of course high/low being relative to our current diet.

>> No.4304289

Just eat other people. They contain all the nutrients needed by definition.

>> No.4304320

>high fat?
I assume dumb mistake?

>fairly low carb diet
Actually, we know only the opposite: it's only idiot diet companies that think only grains (or breads, or gluten) are carbs.
All plants are carbs (almost entirely), and they appear to be the most necessary!

>> No.4304324

no, they're probably using the most important ones
also, you really don't know your chemistry do you?

>> No.4304326

Food engineer reporting in.
We discovered that a healthy diet has to contain at least 50% semen.

>> No.4304329

Not really, no.

>> No.4304331

you know shit about low carb diets.

when you eat low carb (which is actually the superior diet, and if you don't understand why I strongly suggest you look for non government biased information on the subject,) then you MUST have fat as a high percentage of your dietary intake, because that is what your body will burn for fuel. Plants do have carbs, but not as many as grains do, and most grains provide shit for nutrition and completely empty calories.

>> No.4304341

No, they contain all the elements.

But elements can be made into all the things you don't need, too.

Nutrition is about getting complex molecules which your body can then use.
But it cannot make use of every kind, there are many it doesn't work well with.
Nutrition studies are about finding out which ones work as nutrients, which don't.

>> No.4304356

>I assume dumb mistake?

No. You need to burn something for energy in the absence of complex carbohydrates (and simple sugars for that matter).

An added bonus to keeping your body running in a fat-burning metabolic state is that it more readily burns its own stored fat.

>> No.4304381


>I assume dumb mistake?

No it wasnt a mistake.

Fat is neccessary and contains various essential nutrients. Its also hard to break down when just ingested.

I think most people make the fallacy that:

1. Body Fat = bad
2. Therefore eating fat = bad

People dont get fat from eating fat. They get fat from having a surplus of calories. Calories which most easily come from carbohydrates.

>All plants are carbs (almost entirely), and they appear to be the most necessary!

They are necessary but they appear in such high volume in modern domesticated plants that they become our detriment. Brocolli has carbs, and a lot of nutrients. Bread has a ton more carbs, and no nutrients. So if you need nutrients and you have already eaten bread, your next source of nutrients will put you at a surplus of carbs.

>> No.4304432

Every person requires different nutrition. The "ultimate" diet depends on your unique physiology.

>> No.4304447

you sound like someone who was brain washed by public education about "the food pyramid" and other unscientific nonsense

>> No.4304458

>They get fat from having a surplus of calories.
Which is why you would avoid high-fat diets.
As you just wrote, fat is important; that isn't anywhere near saying a high-fat diet is important.

>Brocolli has carbs, and a lot of nutrients.
The carbs are important, and nutrients are fairly low. But our bodies need vegetables in larger amounts, much larger than proteins.

Which is why I say that it is wrong to avoid the entire concept 'carbs' just because one kind of plant (grains) gives us too much.

>> No.4304473

you realize agriculture has only existed for a few thousand years and humans have been around much longer than that right? Our bodies evolved to fit a low carb diet, which is why it is by far the healthiest.

>> No.4304479

>naturalistic fallacy

>> No.4304556

Oh, goodness. You're making the same mistake again.
>you realize agriculture has only existed for a few thousand years
>and humans have been around much longer than that right?
>Our bodies evolved to fit a low carb diet,

I see that you are considering 'agriculture' mostly means large amounts of grains.
You should know that almost all of human history has meant hunter/gatherer nutrition; most of that, by far, being vegetable.
Vegetables being carbs.

Your statement against 'agriculture' should have reminded you that humans have eaten carbs, mostly, in their diets.

But you fell back on the 'carbs are just grains' failure again.

>> No.4304573

>you know shit about low carb diets.
But apparently much more than you:
I am not arguing against that kind of diet; I am arguing it is not a low-carb diet.
I am arguing that it is a low-GRAIN diet, and that people espousing it (you) are ignoring the fact that the major component of vegetables is carbohydrates.

I am arguing only that the name of the diet is wrong, you fool. I said not a thing against the diet.

>> No.4304598

Just like climate change, the issue of 'the best diet' or 'exactly which nutrients we need from what' is highly politicized, and so any debate about this topic is likely to contain a ton of bias.

It is unfortunate that this happens with such important topics.

Research regarding nutrition is still ongoing, and a lot of studies using actual humans are going to be correlations at best.

Let's take a look at just 2 nutrients: calcium and vitamin D. Here's a Scientific American article that might illustrate the point I am making.

>> No.4304599

Do I?
I just made four statements that devalue everything that program recommended,
I exposed a failure of one poster to understand the components of basic foods,
I revealed an inconsistency in a popular fad diet that showed deeper understanding than all of it's followers,
and I agreed parts of several postings, explaining why.

You think I just showed myself as a know-nothing that absorbs shallow statements as 'truths.'?

>> No.4304812

Im back


>Which is why you would avoid high-fat diets.

Why would you avoid high fat diets?

By high I mean proportionally high. As in 30%. Not high as in, a whole lot. Proportionally more fat is healither. If you eat a ton of fat its bad for you.

Fat being healthy because is offers fewer calories, and more nutrients per volume or weight or whatever.

>Which is why I say that it is wrong to avoid the entire concept 'carbs' just because one kind of plant (grains) gives us too much

Relative to a normal diet, which I think I pointed out originally, we should have few carbs. I mean I totally accept that people need to eat carbs. But carbs should still represent a significantly smaller amount of our caloric intake.


Its not a naturalistic fallacy. The human body is prepared for a certain diet. The human body is not prepared for a deviation from that diet. Not to say all deviations are detrimental, but certain ones are, mainly a extremely high increase in carbohydrates.


You keep equating "eating carbs" with "eatings foods that have carbs in them." Back in the day protein and fat represented a much larger percent of our intake of calories.

>> No.4304862

keto / atkins way of life here. (low carb / mid prot/ high fat)

i have no diabetes, no collesterol.
i preserve muscle.
i have 9% body fat.
My brain performance is better than with high carbs diets.

>> No.4304867

I go for High Fat, High protein and since I'm poor, high nutrients when avaible

carbs are nothing to me

>> No.4305002

I know paleo is a trend diet, but does it make sense? Eat a lot of what we've evolved to eat. We aren't always evolved for what is best, but I do think when it comes to food, it makes sense that our body is ill-equipped to handle what we did not get for the majority of our evolutionary time.

>> No.4305029


im a dietologist and the answer is no.

>> No.4305076
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Human bodies behave differently in response to foods given hormones and other factors.

I'm not saying the whole calorie counting, energy in, energy out, low fat pop-science is complete bullshit. Just mostly bullshit.

>> No.4305226
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I would also like to add that if you choose margarine over butter as a "healthier alternative" and propagate this nonsense, I hope someone repeatedly violates and then brutally murders you.

>> No.4305866

I was also going to ask about the paleo diet. Is there any science behind the hype?

>> No.4305903

>You keep equating "eating carbs" with "eatings foods that have carbs in them."
Yes, I am equating those two; how are they different?

Let's agree: 'carbs' is a way to refer to food that provides a large amount of carbohydrates.
When someone says 'avoid carbs' they mean one of two things: avoid food with a lot of carbohydrates, or, avoid grains and breads (which have a lot of carbohydrates).

The problem I see is that people usually _mean_ the second one, ignoring that it isn't the carbohydrates they are avoiding, but the grains.
I see this in diets that recommend heavy vegetable intake even while saying they are avoiding carbohydrates.

>> No.4305935


Not the guy you are replying to, but the only place Ive heard about the paleo diet from was a recorded lecture from stanford, in which a professor did a huge meta analysis and study of his own on various diets to see which one actually resulted in the best health.

To do so he had to actually force people to eat certain foods since people often lied about their diet.


>Yes, I am equating those two; how are they different?

Alright I dont know if I am really disagreeing with you.

Fundamentally I am arguing that these three criteria result in good health:

1. A high ratio of protein to carbs, and moderate amount of fat
2. A high ratio of nutrients/calories
3. Eating an amount of calories that matches how much energy you expend

Eating carbohydrate heavy foods violates all three of those criteria. Just because vegetables have an amount of carbs, doesnt mean eating a lot of them makes you unheathly because

1. Its not actually very many carbohydrates
2. They preserve the nutrient/calorie ratio, and probably the protein to carbs ratio.

>> No.4306049
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Hey dudes!

I've been vegan for a year now.

>run 15 miles a week
>100 push ups a day
>Almost never eat any fat
>eat nothing but carbs all day e'rrrry day
>eat less than 70-100g sugar a day
>around 40-50g protein a day
>I don't do drugs (including alcohol)
>never constipated, shit every day or sometimes two.
>never pooped my pants.

>I got an "A" on my test! Paper towels!

>> No.4306061


also less than 2g salt per day

>> No.4306076


And yes I do realize that ingested fat is digested before being used or stored as fat.

>> No.4306266
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Works for me.

"Do not reward yourself with food. You're not a dog."

>> No.4306302


Thanks for sharing that picture.

>> No.4306327
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>>never pooped my pants.
is that a regular thing for non-vegans to do?

>> No.4306339

I dunno.

My ex had track stains on her panties one time when she got undressed in my room. While she was in the shower, I pretty much stared at it and contemplated where I am going with my life. I told her to just borrow my boxers; she was actually going to go commando. I didn't speak to her about it, but I'm sure she knew and just didn't care. I think she was under the impression that it was normal.

In fact, I'm not even sure if it was one time. Somewhat depressing realizing this, considering I ate her out numerous times. I didn't eat her ass out, but it's in the general vicinity.

We're not even talking a light brown appearance here; we're talking full on black.

>> No.4306340

This is another anon, btw. I'm not vegan or vegetarian. I eat a diet filled with meats, nuts/grains and veggies/fruits.

>> No.4306347

wait just a hot damn second

are some of you implying that veganism leads to incontinence?

because that would be fucking hilarious if true

(if it actually did, not the implication, im not a vegan and never will be)

>> No.4306350


found something, disregard the new agey bullshit

apparently a vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to massive incontinence and unless vegans/vegetarians take supplements to get that B12, they will suffer

>> No.4306353

When I moved out from living with family about 2 months ago now, I cut about 90% of the potato and bread from my diet. I have replaced it with rice and pasta, in smaller portions.

I live quite a sedentary lifestyle with little to no excersize. I have been eating the fattier types of meat (chicken thigh rather than breast, for example) to save cash and fresh vegetables. In this 2 month period I have lost over a stone in weight.

>> No.4306363

>replacing bread with pasta

>> No.4306366

>implying fresh pasta isn't better for you than bread.

Its working for me, go fuck yourself.

>> No.4306368

Only a vegan would be stupid/desperate enough to date women that can't into wiping/washing their ass after taking a shit.

>> No.4306370

>implying it's not the same type of shit, nutritionwise

>> No.4306382

Here's the best diet

>Eat food that isn't poisonous in a standard dosage
>Don't eat too much of it