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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4305631 No.4305631 [Reply] [Original]

I have a question.
Why are engineers bashed here?
We take the most difficult curriculum there is.
>Biomedical Engineering Major
>Have to take past Organic Chem 2 and BioChem
>Have to take mathematics past Cal III and Differential Equations
>Have to take multiple Biology Classes
>Statics and Thermodynamics also falls in my curriculum
>Physics through Cal based Mechanics, Electricity, Magnetism and Optics
>Along with an ass-load of Engineering design classes that are difficult in themselves.
We are the most well diverse group of people with strong understanding in all the major Sciences.
>Are you guys even trying to compete with Engineers anymore

And you guys wonder why we get paid better

>> No.4305638

Not all engineers are BMEs. I personally think engineering is cool, but /sci/ hates everyone.

>> No.4305644
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because you're a faggot that lets stupid shit get to you. i'm in engineering but i don't bitch about all the jokes.

it's the same shit as the reversed colors in polandball. it stuck because people bitched and moaned about it.

>> No.4305656


>engineers bashed here

Oh u.

>> No.4305657

Engineers are bashed because you aren't advancing science, just leeching off of it.

>> No.4305660

Until /sci/ lists a major that has a workload that is as difficult as what I described then engineers are still the best.
My brother is a Biomed engineering student as well
this semester he's enrolled in
>Cal III
>Organic Chem II
>Biomed Design Studio II

I'd say it's a rough load

>> No.4305667

Orgo Chem is easy as shit, what the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.4305668

and what contributions to science have you done?

>> No.4305673


>> No.4305678

As is Cal III, I know highschoolers who've done that shit with no problem

>> No.4305679
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calc 3 was easy as shit.
statics was easy as shit.
intro to thermo was easy, mediocre at best. so far intermediate is no worse.

have you thought that maybe the coursework isn't that hard, but rather you are retarded?

>> No.4305682
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>mfw I'm a neuroengineer

>> No.4305687

>my major is hard because generic core sophomore courses.

>> No.4305688 [DELETED] 

>Why are engineers bashed here?

Their cock-breath disgusts me.

>> No.4305691

me personally? none.
I'm just a freshman student enrolled in a Uni, currently taking Calculus III, already completed all of my physics requirements, and trying to work my way through Chemistry my Chem requirements that I have listed above as well.
Engineers understand the science. Take the work, and make it applicable and economically feasable. Which is not an easy task.

>> No.4305703

mfw engineers can't write a proof

>> No.4305706


You took no more than 2 seemingly challenging classes per semester. WTF is that "Africa" class on your transcript anyways? Also it appears that you started off in Cal 1? You must be a genius, I had credit for Cal II before I ever even set foot at my University.

>> No.4305717
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Engineers are obviously fucking necessary.
/sci/ just loves to mock each other.

>> No.4305721

it's called a gen ed, dipshit. unlike you, i spent my high school years smoking weed and not giving a fuck. taking ap calc in high school would have been a buzz kill when instead i took a bullshit probability and statistics course.

funny how now classes which you deemed hard are "seemingly challenging." you are the worst kind of faggot. i'm willing to bet you frequent one of the bullshit college websites and constantly brag about the difficulty of your major.

>> No.4305724

>Second fact is an opinion
>Cannot into kindergarten knowledge

>> No.4305725

Don't need too. You can do it for me, and I'll look at it. Understand it. Then go out and actually apply it and create/design something out of it, which is something you aspie retards lack the ability to do.

>> No.4305726

Statistics is sooo easy. Like taking candy from a baby. A walk in the park. Piece of cake.

Org chem too, lots of memorizing stuff.

>> No.4305727

mfw you still can't do it

>> No.4305730

Finished my BA in Chemistry and Physics last year (my undergrad didn't offer BSes), currently in PhD program for chemical physics. So, yeah, not impressed with engineering undergrads.

>Biomedical Engineering Major

>Have to take past Organic Chem 2 and BioChem
OChem II is intro-level. (Gen chem didn't even count for the major at my school.) Biochem I is the easiest intermediate-level course, pure memorization. Physical and Inorganic were much harder. And, upper-level electives can't even be compared.

>Have to take mathematics past Cal III and Differential Equations
DiffEqs isn't close to the hardest math class physics majors have to take. Linear Algebra and PDEs are much worse. This is from someone who never went near any beastly upper-level topology, analysis.

>Have to take multiple Biology Classes
Yeah, ok.

>Statics and Thermodynamics also falls in my curriculum
Been there, done that.

>Physics through Cal based Mechanics, Electricity, Magnetism and Optics
Sure, and physics majors take physics through a BA/BS. By the way, "Calc-based Mechanics, Electricity, Magnetism and Optics" is Intro Physics.

>Along with an ass-load of Engineering design classes that are difficult in themselves.
OK, I'll give you this one.

>We are the most well diverse group of people with strong understanding in all the major Sciences.
An undergrad in engineering has a "strong understanding" in chemistry, mathematics of physics? Not a fucking chance.

>Are you guys even trying to compete with Engineers anymore
Well, obviously not. You've proved your point.

>> No.4305731

>biomed major thinks he's hot shit
>glorified biologist
>hard science

cheme master race reporting in

>> No.4305732
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>cannot into humor
I feel bad for you, /sci/.
I really do.

>> No.4305741
File: 203 KB, 639x492, Hey Arnold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've frequently smoked weed for over a year and a half now. Starting my Senior year of highschool. Sorry you were just too lazy to try and understand further techniques of integration and series/sequences while stoned.

>> No.4305743

Biomedical Engineering Major

I fucking laughed.

BME is the fucking shit tier EE. Not sure what you're talking about OP

>> No.4305745
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enjoy wasting your life

>> No.4305747

CS major here

ur all fagots

>> No.4305749
File: 113 KB, 625x351, 1326862820489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

inb4 physics major enters thread

ITT: dick waving

You're all important members of the scientific community. Shut the fuck up.

>> No.4305751

Environmental Engineering here. Go fuck yourself

>> No.4305752

>We are the most well diverse group of people with strong understanding in all the major Sciences.

But that's what makes bioengineering a terrible major. They try to give you a "jack of all trades" approach to biology, biochemistry, and mechanical engineering. There's so much material to cover, you cant possibly get complete breadth, and you get almost no depth. You learn a lot about different subjects, but you dont learn much about the subjects themselves. This is why an undergrad degree in bioengineering is almost worthless. This is why all jobs in bioengineering require some form of graduate education. You have to actually pick a specific area to focus on before you're considered to have any knowledge about it. As far as undergraduate degrees go, you'd be just just as well off, or better off, majoring in mechanical engineering with a minor in biochemistry. You'd be just as eligible for bioengineering grad school with better individual job prospects.

>And you guys wonder why we get paid better
Oh sure, individual starting salaries are 5-10k higher than most engineering disciplines, but it's also the smallest field. There are less than 20,000 people employed as bioengineers. This makes actually getting a job close to impossible, even with an impressive graduate school career.

>> No.4305753

The left brain/right brain theory was disproven decades ago and I'm sick of seeing it. The brains do serve somewhat different functions, but they are not "logic" and imagination. Functioning in either side of the brain accounts for large variance in intelligence and "creativity".

So mad, good job OP. I know you posted that image just to incite an argument on this board, fuck you and your decadent psyche.

>> No.4305755

enjoy cleaning up my messes for 30k/year while i make bank

>> No.4305757

well said bro.

op is a fucking idiot.

>> No.4305760

>genetic engineering
You mean the people who'll clone mammoths pretty soon and cure diseases?
What the fuck, /sci/?

>> No.4305763
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>> No.4305764

i'm not asian so my parents weren't on my ass to make me as attractive to colleges as possible. hell, up until the end of senior year i didn't even plan on going straight to college.

but by far the biggest deciding factor was that some of the biggest faggots in my grade were taking the ap calc course. i had the misfortune of taking honors geometry and algebra 2, so i knew very well who would be in the calc class.

>> No.4305766

What a shitstorm. Is /sci/ always like this? Do people in these majors actually have rivalries like this?

>> No.4305767

All of these classes aren't too bad by themselves you are right.
You know what a physics major doesn't have to do though?
>Engineering design Studio
>generic upper level physics/bio/what ever science you want
>generic upper level math
All in one semester.
Even my physics professor last semester, who has his doctorate in physics and wrote our text is now studying engineering because of it's valuable skills

>> No.4305769

freshman engineering here.

In my school engineers have it the worst, they have take a full course load every year if they want to finish in 4 years. While normal science majors take intro mechanics in the first year, we get to do E&M.

Regular science majors get to have fun and pick some options and stuff and chill, while engineers get raped by the workload.

>> No.4305770


like mars base soon or flying car soon?

>> No.4305775

No, /sci/ is just really gay sometimes.

>> No.4305776

Biomedical engineering is the FASTEST growing engineering out there by a long shot.
>Shut the fuck up

>> No.4305777


>> No.4305780

They're actually working on it right now, its in another thread.

>> No.4305785

Fastest growing as a percentage of jobs added every year. Thing is, the number of jobs is tiny. I dont have the exact numbers and percentages, but there's at least a hundred times more people employed as mechanical engineers than bioengineers. I think last year only 16000 people were employed as bioengineers. So yeah, large growth percentage. Still a tiny number of jobs out there.

>> No.4305794 [DELETED] 

>bitching about 17 credits

Being filled by MechE, ChemE, CompE, or EE where appropriate. BME can only get the jobs no one wants in Engineering.

Like changing chamber pots at the old folks home...

>> No.4305798

so is industrial engineering, but that doesn't make it any less shit.

>> No.4305801

Being filled by MechE, ChemE, CompE, or EE where appropriate. BME can only get the jobs no one wants in Engineering.

Like changing chamber pots at the old folks home...

>> No.4305802

BioMEDICAL engineering firstly. Not BIOLOGICAL engineering.
You know what system we have to design around?
The human fucking body.
We have to understand, the chemistry, the biology, the math, the fluid mechanics, the etc.
Or you know what? People will fucking die because of something we didn't learn.
So yeah I would say we have a STRONG understanding of our field, and of the chemistry and etc. that goes along with it.

>> No.4305803

>bitching about 17 credits

>> No.4305812

>people waving diversification dicks
>Harvey Mudd, study engineering
>math through linear algebra
>general, organic (I, II), inorganic and physical chemistry (I, II, III)
>so much physics and optics
>multiple biology and biochemistry classes
>economics, finance
>classes related to ME, ChemE, EE

>> No.4305813

>>4305803 meant for >>4305769

>> No.4305815


>the only engineers that make/design useful things are either in shit or in low tier

Shit, now I'm even more confused on my major.

>> No.4305819

Biomedical is a subset of biological. Stop trying to justify your shitty major. And no, you dont have a strong understanding of the fields related to yours.

>> No.4305820

How about say I don't know, Tissue Engineering? Only Chem E and BME can really do that. Biomedical is pretty specialized. You won't find a MechE engineering what a BME does.
But yeah BME is the fastest growing, and still the smallest because we are also the NEWEST form of engineering.

Too all engineers out there.
>You guys have fun designing an engine or new computer software that will increase efficiency by 2.3%.
>I'm gonna go try and figure out how to grow some guy a heart so he doesn't have to say goodbye to his family

>> No.4305823

/sci/ really is the most retarded board

>> No.4305825

that list is shit. industrial engineering is shit. computer engineering is for those too stupid to take electrical. the higher level electrical classes are dropped in favor of bullshit CS classes for computer engineers.

petroleum is just overspecialized chemical. aerospace is just overspecialized mechanical. yet both are in different ranks than their parent majors.

>> No.4305828

>biomedical devices are made mostly by mechanical and electrical engineers
>biomedical things related to biochemistry are developed by biochemists, pharmacologists, and recently chemical engineers
Have fun falling in the middle where no one wants you.

>> No.4305829

Really at my Uni, the Biomedical Field recently branched out from the Biological Engineers, and we now have our own Engineering subset strictly devoted to BioMed.
So I wouldn't say their the same thing at all.
>Maybe at your shit hole of a university that doesn't realize the difference between designing a water filtration system vs growing tissue in a wet lab, or creating materials that are co-functional with the Human Body.

>> No.4305830

and the Chem E will get <span class="math">that[/spoiler] job 10/10 times over any BME

>> No.4305832

Say what you will about CE...but its useful if you want to get into that field

>> No.4305834

>I'm gonna go try and figure out how to grow some guy a heart so he doesn't have to say goodbye to his family
not with a bachelors you won't.

have fun being an overpaid secretary for the real engineer doing the actual work.

>> No.4305836

>I'm gonna go try and figure out how to grow some guy a
>heart so he can say goodbye to his family 2.3 % later

>> No.4305838

I dont bash engineers because I am not homophobic, if engineers want to suck dicks then that is their decision.

>> No.4305840
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>thinking university devisions dictate job classifications
Holy shit really?

>> No.4305844

How about this.
What do you think is the absolute best degree for someone to get if they are even thinking medical school?
>Not physics
>Not Chemical Engineering
>Not "X"Engineering

>Biomedical engineering.

So you guys wanna talk about pay and major security?

>> No.4305852

That's all a university is now, sad to say

>> No.4305855

The best degree for someone headed to medical school? Whatever they want, as long as they take the med school entry requirements (gen and organic chem, physics with calc, biology, biochem). Preferably something easy, as med school applications depend mostly on raw GPA. Definitely not engineering.

>> No.4305856

you won't be growing any hearts as a physician either.

are you really this fucking retarded?

>> No.4305858

Also, almost any engineer can be swapped with any company.
If you understand the fundamentals of engineering, and can freshen up on the specific details, then a Biomedical Engineer could do most engineer jobs. Why? Cause we know a decent amount about everything.

>> No.4305861

I think what he's saying is "bioengineering" is a term that covers all disciplines related to bioengineering, meaning bioengineering, biochemical engineering, biomedical engineering, etc.

>> No.4305868

>almost eny engineer can be swapped with any company

>a Biomedical engineer could do most engineer jobs

>we know a decent amount about everything

Job overlaps dont work like that. Bioengineering could overlap with the subset of ChemE related to biology. Electrical and computer overlap pretty well. Mechanical, chemical and electrical all have points of overlap. But for the most part, no company is going to say "well I have two applicants for this mechanical engineering job. One person who studied mechanical engineering, and one who studied biomedical engineering. Wow this is a tough call."

>> No.4305873

2/3 of math from pure math + 2/3 of physics from pure physics + 2* average pay of pure math/physics + 3* average emplyability of pure math/physics = engineering


>> No.4305874

>medical school
>Woman studies

guarantee to get in

>> No.4305875

Course load plays a factor as well fucktard. And BME's have that where as most pre-med faggots don't
BME is specialized for that job.
Any competent employer would realize that a Chemical Engineer and a BME are both suited for the job, and thus would hire based on other things they were looking for.

It's not hard to find WetLab work as a BME lololol

>> No.4305876

...can you prove it?

>> No.4305878
File: 42 KB, 741x468, future.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Senior EE here, graduating this summer. Already have a job at one of the top consumer tech companies. You guys can all suck it. Have fun working for a fucking university doing your "pure" science (i.e., being an assistant professor), getting paid shit.

Picture related though.

>> No.4305880

just graduated last year as an EE

working in communications.

shit is cash


>> No.4305882

I said most. Just do some research on what I said, and it may have you rethinking that.

>> No.4305883

>Chemical Engineer and a BME are both suited
But only a Chemical Engineer is recognized for having a rigorous background while BMEs are all over the map in skill. Hence they will never get hired as long as the employer has a choice....

>> No.4305886

>Course load plays a factor as well fucktard. And BME's have that where as most pre-med faggots don't
Not really, no. They make sure you took the minimum requirements, then your GPA, then your MCAT scores. They dont give a fuck about course load. All biomedical engineering will do is throw some hard classes at you that bring down your GPA, so the sociology major putting in half the effort you are and getting better grades has a better shot at med school.

>BME is specialized for that job
After you get a PhD in biomedical tissue engineering with serious postdoctoral experience, maybe you'll be eligible for that job, if there's even an opening for one. As an undergrad, you're shit out of luck. Also finding work with a BME degree isnt exactly easy. There are way more applicants than jobs, and most applicants have graduate degrees. You'll most likely be shunted into an out of field job. You also seem to think there are a lot of wet labs out there outside the university scene. There really are not many at all outside of schools. And good luck getting a tech job there.

>> No.4305887

hmm, wanna go for engineering. I like computers and I like electrical shit.

Should I do Computer engineering or electrical engineering?

>> No.4305889

computer engineering is retard tier EE.

just fyi

>> No.4305892

Son, I think you're incredibly disillusioned. For anything not specifically related to bioengineering, you're at a major disadvantage to every other engineering discipline. Even in the realm of biochemical and biomedical engineering, you have to compete with biochemists and other branches of engineering that do related work. You think biomedical engineers make scaffolding for artificial organs? That's done by chemical engineers. You think biomedical engineers design prosthetics and biomedical devices? That's done by mechanical and electrical engineers.

>> No.4305893

how so?

>> No.4305897

They are both equally suited for that job. Even Chemical Engineering professors at my Uni would tell you that. They sure as hell told me that when I was thinking between Chem E and BME. And I chose BME

>> No.4305899

>What do you think is the absolute best degree for someone to get if they are even thinking medical school?

The best degree for med school is the easiest degree to get. In undergrad, there were a few chemistry/engineers/physics pre-meds who were extremely intelligent -- pulled 3.7+ GPAs, hit 38+ MCAT -- but the majority of those assholes majored in soft sciences: biology, neuroscience, psychology, public health, sociology, etc.

>> No.4305895

Do both.

>> No.4305901
File: 14 KB, 500x313, 406568_2854694340633_1657826555_2470870_2056867884_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But seriously guys, in like 80% of the jobs out there, if you really want to do something cutting edge or actually be designing shit you'll probably need a masters. Otherwise you will just be testing or characterizing what a grad student designed. I assume that's the case with most of the engineering fields, seems to be the case in EE land. I got lucky and got an internship, and I would like to think I rocked the shit out of it.

I assume it's pretty much the same in the science fields. You'll probably be assisting someone with a grad degree, filling their beaker and shit and performing the menial tasks they don't want to do.

>> No.4305904

All Chemical/Electrical/Mechanical Engineering Professors I know say BME is just a bunch of watered courses from other better fields and they'll get the job over BME every signal time.

>> No.4305906

Yeah, with an undergraduate degree, you'll most likely be doing grunt work for some company. A masters degree puts you in a better position to get on a engineering team for design and whatnot.

>> No.4305912

it is. BME take the easy versions of EE courses. They do have some interesting project courses but they seem very carebear compared to other project courses.

>> No.4305913

Only at the undergraduate level. At the graduate level, it's pretty intense. However, the undergraduate programs fall into the trap of trying to cover too much. I mean, in four years, how is someone supposed to gain an in depth understanding the following:
Mechanical engineering
Electronics applications in biological systems
Tissue engineering
Physical therapy
And more.

>> No.4305919


>We take the most difficult curriculum there is.

You get bashed because you're all arrogant as fuck.

>> No.4305922

Guess our professors have differing opinions then. Because I've talked with almost all the head engineering professors that belong to the different subsets at my Uni.

>> No.4305929

I plan on either going to grad school or Med School, my mind is still split on what I want to do with my BME degree once I have it. Either way I'm confident I won't have too much trouble finding a job after grad school, or after Med School if I choose to try and take that path.
Med School would take a BME major over a Chemical Engineer or a biology major. Any. Fucking. Day.

>> No.4305931


In my school CompE is essentially just a EE & CS double major with a slight bias towards one side or the other during your Junior/Senior years.

There's a lot of overlap between fields, but if you know you're going to do computers, and not some shit like Power Systems, then I'd definitely say go for CompE.

>> No.4305932

whatever makes you sleep at night, but considering you find statics hard...

>> No.4305936

Actually the most common engineering major in medical school is chemical engineering, not that that means anything. Med schools dont really care what your undergraduate degree was. You're in the same pool as everyone else as long as you take the five or so required entry courses and the MCAT. Then it's down to MCAT scores and GPA.

>> No.4305937
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At most large companies the people who are designing the hardware will never touch the software or firmware. Go for computer engineering if you want to do firmware. Go for EE if you want to do the hardware. Computer science for the software.

Bio engineering if you want to design betters ways to suck dicks.

>> No.4305941

>Actually the most common engineering major in medical school is chemical engineering...

Not a chance. Biology is the most common major.

>> No.4305944

Read it again. "The most common engineering major in medical school is chemical engineering"
Meaning of the engineering undergraduate students who now attend medical school, more of them studied chemical engineering than mechanical, electrical, biomedical, or any other kind of engineering. The statement wasnt at all related to non-engineering majors.

>> No.4305950

>my major is the best major
>your major is shit, look how easy it is
Every fucking thread.

>> No.4305952

right on

>> No.4305957


Wow, I'm retarded. I'd have guessed BME. But, I'm in a PhD program, so my interaction with med students has been limited. My statement was based purely on (few) anecdotes.

>> No.4305966

The numbers can be accounted for the fact that ChemE's outnumber BME's by quite a LARGE margin.

>> No.4305976

retards typically are the minority.

>> No.4305992

I'd say they are the vast majority of our population but w/e.
That was a completely clever response that in no way refuted what I just said, because I made a very valid point. BME is the best for Med School, don't kid yourself.
BME and Chem E's go pretty close together though so it's not like I have anything against them.

>> No.4306006

>not recognizing a joke
>implying you even made a real point in that post
ChemE outnumbers BME because of sheer numbers. Cool. Now it's apparent you were trying to shoehorn your misguided opinion that "BME is best for Med School" into that post. It has been said several times in this thread. Med Schools dont care at all about your undergraduate major as long as you fulfill the minimum requirements. If you did any research into Med School applications and advice given to applicants, you would know this. A BME major doesnt have a better or worse shot at getting in than any other major.

>> No.4306026

>math major
>have to take more physics than you because maths
>have to take abstract courses as well as applied

You know why people tease engineers? Because there are so many engineers who act like they know everything when they, themselves can't demonstrate notable competence in any of the fields they touch.

>"I could be a math major; I am an engineer after all"
>"proofs? how the hell do those work?"

>> No.4306028

What's with engineers thinking they are doing nearly all the mathematics of a proper Pure Math major?

I highly doubt many Engineers will take:

Abstract Algebra
Analysis (Complex too perhaps)
Number Theory
Topology etc.

I'm not saying mathematics is harder, but it's clearly different than the math you are exposed to as an engineer.

>> No.4306081

Shut the hell up.

>> No.4306130

Dude engineers ALMOST take enough Math to automatically have our minors in it. Sure we don't get into the really hairy shit, but we take enough math (through Differential Equations) to say we have a strong understanding of math. Which would be like the top 0.001% of the population. That's just a figure from the top of my head by the way. What is that like 7,000,000 people I've assumed know as much as an engineer in math? You're the mathematician though you tell me. Anyways I'm going to bed, I got work in the morning, and school all next week. Good luck to everyone and anyone this semester, no major is really better than another one.
>To each their own

>> No.4306193

>Implying differential equations are hard

Only arts students wouldn't be able to cope with that shit. On /sci/ bragging about the ability to do differential equations is like bragging about the ability to wipe your own arse.

>> No.4306198


in terms of programme, engineering degree == maths undergrad. these two or thee additional courses a maths major has are hardly a game changer.

now, the real difference is that engineering courses are far less rigorous. think maths without proofs, or just a few, here and there.

>> No.4306204

Differential equations are done in 6th form here in the UK.
That is our 'highschool'.

>> No.4306205


not your high school differential equations.

>> No.4306218

>Why are engineers bashed here?
How is dick sucking a bad thing?

>> No.4306219

Ok, what kind of differential equations have you studied?
They're all pretty simple. Unless you mean PDEs, but generally when people mean PDE, they say PDE, because the difference butween an ordinary and partial DE is, as I'm not sure you know, gigantic.

>> No.4307375


What I'm saying is you've never taken a rigorous course before (proving everything that you learn). Differential equations is an introductory mathematics course, which is miles apart from high level mathematics.

By the way, I never said Math was better, I'm just saying it is certainly different, and you arguing otherwise just shows your ignorance of mathematics.

>> No.4307411

> Differential equations are done in 6th form here in the UK.

you're fucking retarded. i'm guessing aspie, but it's possible that you are just this much of an idiot.

>> No.4307482

I'd really like to see a 6th former solve the DE's we get.

>> No.4307506

Post the hardest DE you got and we will see.

>> No.4307554
File: 25 KB, 336x336, overworked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oldfag here. You think you're hot stuff because you spent 4 years in COLLEGE???

Spend 4 years in industry, THEN come back to me and tell me what a rough time college was.

> mfw Foxcon puts nets at the top of their building.

>> No.4307558

ordinary differential equations are easy as fuck. once you actually learn to solve them with laplace transforms it all boils down to simple algebra, and is by far the easiest shit you learn in engineering undergrad.

>> No.4307583

Not Ameribro here. What's exactly undergraduate, masters, etc.? Where I live, for example, most engineering careers take five years. The first three for a degree, and the last two for another one, but I don't really know what they are called. Are those undergraduate and master degrees respectively, or what?

>> No.4307611

the 3 year degree is an equivalent of what a bachelors degree is here. in the US a typical bachelors takes 4 years, but i know in europe it's usually 3.

the 2 year degree you get next is the masters degree. in the US it's possible to get an engineering masters in a year if you meet all the course prerequisites from the start.

>> No.4307619

I see, thanks.

>> No.4307800

Ok here we go. Given the differential equation for heat distribution in a rod, with alpha=1.
The length of the rod is 1, along the x-axis.
the left part is isolated and the left side is kept at a temperature of 100 degrees.
At T=0, the temperature is given by the function abs(x-1/2). Calculate the temperature at any time for 0<x<1. Tip: use fourier-series for the superposition of solutions.
Google the heat equation if you don't know what it is. It isn't that hard but i would be amazed if a 6th former had seen this shit.

>> No.4308079

as a Physics PhD candidate, at the age of 24, bitch please

>> No.4308099

REALLY? I'm a year 2 physics student, but I know how much Tesla has done to advance science, the smallest example of which is his exploration into the nature of rotating magnetic fields.

That being said, it's fun to bash people. /sci/ just happened to pick engineers and biologists.

>> No.4308135
File: 31 KB, 300x450, 1325237802630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doing research towards the advancement of medicine because that's my main interest
>better at it than BMEs because I didn't try to learn tissue and computer engineering at the same time


>> No.4308141
File: 806 KB, 1684x1191, 1325265837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4308175
File: 17 KB, 247x249, _001327606863610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying ChemEnginiggers are good at anything at all
Enjoy being illusional.

>> No.4308191


[citation required]

See >>4305745

>> No.4309885

I'm waiting...

>> No.4309913


>> No.4309917

>Cal III
Difficult enough
>Organic Chem II
>Biomed Design Studio II

>> No.4309920

The answer potato would have been more correct than that.

>> No.4309921

>it's called a gen ed, dipshit. unlike you, i spent my high school years smoking weed and not giving a fuck. taking ap calc in high school would have been a buzz kill when instead i took a bullshit probability and statistics course.

You need to be less stupid. The rest of the world doesn't have 'gen ed' - we take classes relevant to our degrees. So its hardly fair to assume that he either knows what 'gen ed' is or took 'ap calc' whatever that is in high school.

>> No.4309934

Stop being an idiot. You think because you have a class called 'differential equations' you 'cover' it? Preschoolers do 'science', do you think they know as much as the Ph.D.s?

>> No.4309935

>my major is better
>no, mine is!

guys, this is embarrassing. stop.

>> No.4309944

CS major / Philosophie minor reporting in


>> No.4309946

*philosophy ofc

Philosophie is german ..

>> No.4309956

who said biomedical engineering was useless...

>> No.4309965
