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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4304461 No.4304461 [Reply] [Original]

Greetings /sci/

I may or may not be 3 years under the age of 18. I'm a /b/tard, and I felt like lurking around in /sci/, upon doing this I was mindblown at the posts. I saw things that my mind couldn't even comprehend. It made me look at my life in general. I'm going to take my Standard Grade exams in 3 months, and I'm pretty much an under-achiever. I do not revise at all, everyday passes and it's: "I'll revise tomorrow..." yet I never do. So, I was wondering how to motivate myself and how to revise properly to take in the most information (7 subjects; Maths, Biology, Physics, P.E, French, English, Craft and Design).

Tl;dr: Op's an underachiever who realises he'll fail his exams if he doesn't revise, but he doesn't know how to properly revise and is unmotivated.

>> No.4304475


>> No.4304486


Expected this type of comment. Also, how can one be a failure if he hasn't failed yet?

>> No.4304480

Reported for underage, etc. etc.

Fuck off, failure.

>> No.4304494

it's really hard to learn all this stuff very quickly.
that's why they give you a year to do it.

you really should have been studying as you got the material.

if you fail, your best chance after that is to simply start your further education at a community college, and alter your study habits so that you actually do your work.

now, that isn't so bad. community college is actually a fantastic starting point for further education.

>> No.4304496

Faggots like you are always the pathetic losers who always proclaim that they could succeed if the tried.

No you did try and you couldn't

you are just a 30th percentile mongoloid who will amount to nothing in life


>> No.4304499 [DELETED] 

You will. Good luck with your shit job.

>> No.4304511


i dont even need to post my own rant

>> No.4304514
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dude, shut your gay mouth.

someone wants to further their education. that is a good thing.

you probably believe in IQ statistics don't you. now who's the dumb one?

>> No.4304516

No, I don't try. When I get home I go to the gym and then I go on my computer

I don't want to go to college, everybody in my life expects me to go to a good Uni and succeed.

>> No.4304525

I am>>4304496
and i mean 30th percentile as in bottom of society not some retarded score from testing.

30th percentile mongoloid sound more potent than dredge of society in my opinion

>> No.4304527

You dont need college assuming you arent a complete dumbass.. You need to be an opportunist and know how to work with others though if you wanna get by without college and live a comfortable life. I'd recommend investing.

>> No.4304529


you don't seem to understand that college and university are the same exact thing.

general education is essentially the same everywhere, if you don't get into a university, just GO TO COMMUNITY COLLEGE FOR GENERAL ED. It's the same thing, it's cheaper, and you just transfer to a university later.

don't claim to be willing to learn if you shun even basic information about how the school system works in favor of "I heard this, so it must be true."
that's stupid.

>> No.4304530

>someone wants to further their education. that is a good thing.
It isn't because they can't. They're asking an imageboard for help on studying a years worth of material as if they could do anything
>you probably believe in IQ statistics don't you
I don't

>I don't want to go to college
You're just trying to make me look down on you, aren't you?

>> No.4304538

>>4304461 Op's an underachiever who realises he'll fail his exams if he doesn't revise, but he doesn't know how to properly revise and is unmotivated.

Start finding ways to learn and stop using words like "revise". Revise = revision = refresh stuff you have learned before. You can't "revise" something you haven't learned. Think of something you want to know more about then find what you wanted to know. Once you start knowing stuff you didn't know you will find you want to know about stuff you didn't even know existed. The process of learning has begun.