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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4301658 No.4301658 [Reply] [Original]

How ridiculous is homeopathy out of 10? In before over 9000. Also, can you think of any pseudosicence more ridiculous?

>> No.4301669

>crystal healing
>quantum consciousness
>anything that talks about the pineal gland
>anything that talks about Tesla
>free energy

>> No.4301676

>cold fusion
>detoxing for anything other than heavy metal toxicity

>> No.4301680


>> No.4301685

That good?

>> No.4301689


According to homeopathy the more dilute something is the more effective. Therefore 0.00000000000000001 corresponds to a huge level of ridiculousness.

>> No.4301691

I see what you did there.

>> No.4301693
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That's what I meant

>> No.4301694
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here we have james randi swallowing an entire bottle of homeopathic sleeping pills and then continuing of with his lecture
>mfw i see this shit for sale in a pharmacy

>> No.4301699
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>mfw I hear people say that this just proves that it's good for you

>I would suggest they try a few fluid ounces of their own medicines if they want to achieve the overdoses they're looking for. A few ounces of chemotherapy would do the trick nicely. Let me know if one of them tries that, and we'll carry the news: "Skeptic dies after drinking his own medicine. Story at eleven..."

>> No.4301703


forgot link


>> No.4301708

>mfw this does nothing but make skeptics feel smug

Homoeopathic medicine "works" through being in extremely low concentration, taking a higher amount would decrease its effectiveness. "Stronger" homoeopathic remedies are supposed to be less concentrated than weaker ones. Randi knows this. We know this. They know this.

>> No.4301709
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>In fact, today I'm challenging the homeopathic skeptics and other medical fundamentalists to a "drink-a-thon" test to see which medicines will kill you faster.

>> No.4301711
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this is much better. Guy tries to drink his own piss.


>> No.4301716

Therefore we have proved that detoxing doesn't work

or something

I don't know, at the moment we're just knocking down them straw men.

>> No.4301721

Have they done any clinical studies to prove the efficacy of homeopathic solutions?

>> No.4301724


>> No.4301725


>> No.4301726

it has placebo affects, thats all

>> No.4301734


Yes. They performed no better than placebo. Keep in mind that homeopathic solutions are diluted so much that there is actually none of the original substance left in the solution, so it literally is just water. Like they dilute it is highly probable that there is not even a single molecule of the original substance left.

>> No.4301736

Homeopathy is just something the evil health companies make up to sell water with nothing in it as medicines.

Almost pure profit there.

>> No.4301743

Sure they have. Hilariously, the one that actually got statistically significant results (as we'd expect given the number of studies done, accounting for the look elsewhere effect) was buried.

>> No.4301755

Apparantly the 1500x (to the 1500th power) solutions are as effective as crushing a grain of sand and dilution in a tub of water greater than the size of the solar system.

According to Avagaddro's law there is only one chance of a molecule being present in a solution of something to the 23rd power. As there are 6.022 x 10 to the 23rd particles in a mole.

>> No.4301760

Science is fucked when it comes to homeopathy

>> No.4301773
File: 226 KB, 1280x720, 1327674770156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This article is comedy GOLD:

> You know the drugs are kicking in when you start getting worse (talking about actual medicine here)
> no one is harmed by homeopathy.
> But homeopathy isn't a chemical. It's a resonance. A vibration, or a harmony.
> you can't overdose on a harmony.
> Medicine should be safe for people to consume, not so deadly that you drop dead after consuming it, which is what often happens with pharmaceuticals.
> Even the skeptics know that homeopathy is inherently safer than their own medicines.

No active ingredient, thus no chance of overdosing. Somehow this is proof that homeopathy works.

MFW that article

>> No.4301776

How is the shit even legal tho?? So many evil motherfuckers taking advantage of desperate sick people, id there is a hell, they are going to it.

>> No.4301777


Can you link us to the study?

>> No.4301779


To get approved by the FDA all you have to do is prove it isn't too harmful. There is no requirement to prove the efficacy of the drug.

>> No.4301780

If you ban it you ban everything that sounds stupid

And science usually sounds stupid

>> No.4301786

I don't follow you, care to share some examples?

>> No.4301787

I think they need to factor in the harm of giving people false hope.

>> No.4301791


[citation needed]

>> No.4301792

If homeopathy is true, water is shit.


>> No.4301793

Take medical weed for example.

That just sounds like an excuse for people to get stoned, but if can actually be a decent pain killer.

While it should be clear homeopathy is full of shit you still have to give it a fair go

>> No.4301797


>have to give it a fair go

We did give it a fair go. It failed. Game over.

>> No.4301798

Looking for it at the moment. The person who wrote it was seriously pissed, because she was an actual scientist rather than a homoeopath

>> No.4301800

Apparantly a relief of glaucoma too, but is the risk in schizophrenic susceptible patients really worth it?

>> No.4301807

Just don't give it to schizophrenics
better yet, actually define schizophrenia as a condition rather than a vague bunch of symptoms

>> No.4301808
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It has been given a fair go, it has been tested multiple times and there were no beneficial effects (other than placebo).

Still they claim it'll cure cancer, or AIDS, or whatever, while it does nothing. I hope these people drown in their "medicine".

>> No.4301811


>implying we know enough about the brain to do that.

>> No.4301814

I would actually be ok with homeopathy if they just said it was magic water or called it a potion.

The pseudoscience is pretentious.

>> No.4301815

We know enough about symptoms to be able to give two conditions that don't share any different names

>> No.4301820

Lol, that's too funny. The way he refers to it over and over as his piss, he really is taking the piss.

>> No.4302178
File: 49 KB, 532x388, arnietoday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the mighty have fallen...

He looks like shit.

>> No.4302184

um that was meant for a different board and its too early to delete it, but I suppose it is still educational.

>> No.4302189

quantum healing is also pretty cool.

>> No.4302205

>yfw homeopathic "medicine" is reimbursed through social security in France

They also have a mandatory 20% organic food mark to achieve in every school cafeteria in the country.

>> No.4303174
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did someone say quantum mechanics?

>> No.4303304
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I think so.

>> No.4303313

Actually placebo has been proven real and effective.

It doesn't matter what you take, if you believe in it it will make you better. Or atleast feel better.

>> No.4303323


>Implying he didn't palm them

>> No.4303416

>scientologist in /sci/

we need to purge this place

>> No.4303544
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>Implying anyone who can recognise the fact that something non-falsifiable and subjective isn't a science is a scientologist