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4300179 No.4300179 [Reply] [Original]

>Be in high school english
>mother of god the hate
>Be in AP English
> Let's make posters describing ourselves
> Let's dress up as characters from the Great Gatsby for a Gatsby-themed tea party
>why does America let English masquerade as a subject equal to sciences/math

>> No.4300194

>implying computers won't be able to do the engineering for us in a decade or so.

>> No.4300204

> Implying computers won't be able to do the bookwriting for us in a decade or so.

>> No.4300205
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Same reason the Free Masons pretend to know all that secret shit. If you pretend to be important long enough, people will believe you. And since academically honed English is utterly useless in normal society, they had to invent their own niche communities called Liberal Arts Departments to actually have an economy for their skills.

>> No.4300208

OP is an aspie that can't into social.

>> No.4300209

>implying you don't need to understand what you are asking the computer to compute and the process being done to compute it

>> No.4300212

i'm in college and wonder the same question.
i'm biochem and have been putting off my last required english class as a blow-off from my final semester.

good god i want to fucking kill myself, it's like they male it into a life skills class. by the time you get to college you should know that shit, if you dont time to re-evaluate life plans

i also FUCKING HATE heating english majors bitch about how hard their classes are...

>> No.4300222

no, I'm a smart motherfucker who hates being graded on personality instead of ability. I got an 800 on the critical reading section on the SAT, I CAN FUCKING READ HOLY SHIT

>> No.4300236

you had dumbass teachers. i had to write a 25 page essay on ancient literature and poetry. stop crying you autistic piece of shit.

>> No.4300241

assuming you're not lying, there is a lot more to the english language than passing tests. this is learning about a culture and an old language. i actually tutor writing myself and have my fair share of hard science students come in who ,despite being very smart, can't communicate ideas for shit. i would assume you fall into that category.

also all knowledge is precious, etc, etc.

>> No.4300245

And I have to dress up (well, I'm supposed to. Not going to.) as a fucking Great Gatsby character FOR A TEA PARTY.

Anger at this is not autism. It is heterosexuality.

>> No.4300257

high school level English isn't representative of the subject

we did the same sorts of stupid shit in high school science classes

>> No.4300262

What school did you go to OP?

Because what you just described is fucked.

>> No.4300264


besides who the fuck cares? does acting bother you or something? i had to act out in a thousand in one nights when i was doing it and i had fun. considering you're in high school and will soon be going to college, you should cherish this opportunity. acting and dialogue reading is also an effective way to appreciate the nuances of the text itself and see how fittzgerald uses these characters to drive his point across.

>> No.4300281

I am not a fun person. I don't purport to be. The extent of my interest in human beings is vaginas. I've been a crotchety man since I was 3, I refused to do Ring Around the Rosie or sing alongs. Got kicked out of Sunday School as a 4 year old for not participating. I like doing math and science in school subjects and that is it.

I also don't give a fuck about nuances of literature; fiction has literally no pull on me. The fact that you defend this makes me think that you are a flamer.

>> No.4300287

>acting and drinking tea
>implying it's not better than writing a paper

>> No.4300293

>Implying introverts like playing dress up with 30 semi-random people

>> No.4300297

Every since "Bootylicious" became an official REAL word in the english dictionary, i've been ashamed to speak the language

>> No.4300304

being an introvert is not inherently better than being an extrovert. certainly society has an extrovert bias but thats doesn't mean being an introvert is superior. if you're not an antisocial grumpy piece of shit, acting can be a lot of fun.

ugh, you clearly just want to rant and rave here so i'm not going to bother you engaging you.

>> No.4300311

You are a fucking idiot and underage b&.

Go and kill yourself OP. And I'm a math major.

>> No.4300315


I don't think you're ready for this jelly
I don't think you're ready for this jelly
I don't think you're ready for this
Cause my body's too bootylicious for ya babe

>> No.4300324

Nowhere did I say introversion is better than extroversion. Extroversion is cool if that's what you're into, people skills can be as useful/more useful than hard skills depending on your goals.

But trying to shoehorn introverts into extrovert-oriented classes like English where you act for fun is like forcing retarded cheerleaders/nigger athletes to do AP Chem in high school, yet only the intros are forced to be miserable, not the extros.

>> No.4300328


Are you saying that extroverts are somehow worse at "hard skills" than introverts?

God damnit, you are a retard.

>> No.4300330
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>800 on SAT
>unable to type coherently

>> No.4300333


AP Chem is optional in my school but English is mandatory. Feel your pain but i would still rather act then spend the hour writing/working with the book

>> No.4300339

Yes, strong extroverts tend to be less academically less able than introverts. Obviously it's not true in all cases,but think back to high school. How many bubbly cheerleaders scored 2250+ on the SAT?

No? Let me guess, it was mostly the relatively quiet types who got the ultra high SAT scores. Just like everywhere else.

And assuming you're in college, how many engineer/science/math majors can you say are even mildly extroverted?

>> No.4300344

i strongly disagree with this. by your logic we would never make anyone ever do somthing out of their comfort zone . loads of men of science have been accomplished public speakers, musicians, actors, dancers and athletes. the same way many of those people are also very intelligent. dolph lundgren is a chemical engeneer from MIT. rather than crying like a bitch, op should try to get out of his bubble a little, stop acting so high and mighty, and learn to have fun. or he could just talk to his teacher. of course either option would require him to have testicles which he clearly does not. you can make yourself into anything you want to if your work hard enough.

>> No.4300346

I also got a 780 on the Writing section.

Your jelly sustains me.

>> No.4300356

I can have fun. I actually am the life of the party around my friends, leading discussions/debates, cracking jokes, taking myself lightly, etc.

But doing acting in a goddamn ADVANCED PLACEMENT class is so retarded i just can't contain my disdain for high school anymore. There's a difference between 'not being able to have fun' and hating the idea of being forced to have fun doing cutesy, gay bullshit.

>> No.4300359

[citation needed]

not really at my school. all the popular kids were also overachievers and had great grades in addition to being good athletes. here in uni, i've met loads of engeneers who are in bands, who act, and who like doing extroverted stuff. stop limiting yourself by saying you're this group or that one. plenty of people fall into both categories. to say that someone is 1005 intro or extrovert is a gross misunderstanding of the concept. not to mention, i believe the idea itself comes from psychology which i thought you all hated.

>> No.4300361

than talk to the teacher and explain your concers with her. end of story. stop whining like a bitch.

>> No.4300372

Nope, it's a guy. Which makes it all 10000x gayer. Guy is a total creeper too, always looking down girls' shirts and everything.

>> No.4300377
File: 2.78 MB, 1867x4048, American_lit_003b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

English is basically a class that teaches: grammar, rhetoric, communication through language, interpretation of art, understanding subjectivity, and much more. Unless you're socially retarded enough that these skills are wasted on you, it's one of the most important subjects you'll take.

>> No.4300383

than just suck it up and do it than. more important than the shit play is doing well in your ap exams. which character are you playing?

>> No.4300392

honestly, back when i was a neckbeard teen, i learned more about grammar and spelling in MMOs than i did in school

>> No.4300395

this, runescape taught me motherfucking english

>> No.4300399

Owl Eyes. Wtf. At least no one (including me) knows anything about him, so no expectations. I'm going to try to work out a way to skip class that day, if not I'm going to look like such a retarded aspie in my hoodie + basketball shorts while not giving a shit. Oh well.

>> No.4300405

I agree. Also, English is one of the only subjects where you can get excellent grades with huge slacking just be being a smart and intelligent person.

>> No.4300409


If I remember right, Owl Eyes was basically a guy who directed Nick to Gatsby in some way and was a huge nerd, possibly for the books.

It's the perfect role for you, OP.

>> No.4300411

only if your teacher is a dumbass. who the fuck is teaching you morons english?

lol really? all you have to do it read books and than pretend you are drunk so you can say one line. its easy cake and will be an interesting experience. you have to realize op that this isnt a new idea. it was pretty common for kids to memorize poetry and act out books they read before the invention of the internet.( Dead poets society). rather than skipping class, you should embrace this chance.

>> No.4300416

Btw, I'm not actually acting anything out, like a script. I have to act *like* the character, which is infinitely lamer than just monotonely reading a couple lines. It's during a Tea Party. GOD.

And dressing up as a character is a grade. Fuck me, and fuck Lundy.

>> No.4300424


Not that guy, but just pretend you're a guy from the 20s who likes books and is fascinated by stuff. Just humor the idea, blow everyone else outta the water if you've got the chutzpah.

>> No.4300425

hahah dude, ok i'm starting to understand your anger a little but grades are still important. just wear a suit and some glasses than sit down and read some books. gatsby will come and call you "owl eyes" and than the whole tea party is over. easiest A you'll ever get. if you really really don't feel comfortable than call in sick. no big deal.

>> No.4300427

>high school english
>AP english

lets get this straight, because you high school students do not seem to understand it in the slightest.

1) "AP classes" are not associated with the AP test in any direct way.

2) there is no national "standard" on what an "AP class" should countain in terms of curriculum

3) all schools/school districts decide on the curriculum and TITLES of each class.

4) the only real implied purpose of an AP class is to prepare you for the AP test.

5) you do not have to take an AP class to take the AP test.

hell you don't even have to take a class in the subject at all.

you can take the AP physics tests without ever having taken an AP physics class

ultimately "AP english" is just a name. it means nothing. The class is taught by a teacher who teaches they way the are able. If they have administration breathing down their necks, they will teach according to prescribed curricula. If not, they will teach however the fuck they want.

you do not have to take the AP test.

The school/district also decides whom to let into the class, and how to grade it.

also a quick word of note: no one cares about 5.0 grade scales. High school students LOVE to say "Oh yeah, I have a 5.0 right now"

guess what? colleges dont care. employers don't care.

in fact, 99.99% of college applications say: "Actual GPA on a 4.0 scale"

even if they do not explicitly state this, it says it on your transcript.